[slim] New set-up info required

2011-02-02 Thread wyzass9277

This has most likely been asked before but this forum is pretty big...

I have a 2TB Buffalo LinkStation Pro which i am transferring all my
music onto - this is connected directly to my router and wakes on LAN
should I switch on either of the pc's in the house.

What I want is a media streamer that will pull media files (iTunes and
MP3 formats are on the NAS box) direct from this NAS box (without a pc
running in the background) and play back through the hi-fi.

I'm obviously looking at the Squeezebox hardware (Touch or Duet) and
would like to know if what I want to do is achievable before I part
with the readies...

Thanks for any help you guys can give and apologies if this has been
asked elesewhere on the forum.



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Re: [slim] New set-up info required

2011-02-02 Thread wyzass9277

Cheers - I'll go and have or look - or most likely re-post if searching
doesn't flag anything.



wyzass9277's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=43722
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=85327

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