[slim] Help me find a replacement.

2014-03-25 Thread zoula


I'm now ready to move on to new hardware.  I'm changing almost all my
system and will be going full active.  I will use a Najda DSP board that
I want to feed with I2S signal.  as I see it there is only a RaspberryPi
that could do this.  There is a tone of better board on the market right
now but none of them have I2S out with well supported community.  

I would prefer to stay in the LMS system but if nothing is available
with I2S I may switch system.  I don't want to use a UBS converter, 
adding something else in the chain is pointless...  

For now it seems that nothing is available or did I miss something???
Wandboard, Beaglebone Black, Cubietruck, all don't have I2S out

I'm open for suggestions.

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Re: [slim] Question for the Wandboard user...

2014-02-09 Thread zoula


No the Najda don't allow for a USB connection.  The USB is only intended
for programming.  The inputs are SPDIF Toslink analog and I2S.   Using
the I2S inputs give me the advantage that I could place a Wandboard
centimeters from the input and reduce all conversion too the minimum.  

Is there a way to get the signal from the GPIOs with a different

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Re: [slim] Question for the Wandboard user...

2014-02-09 Thread zoula


Thank you,  This is exactly what I was thinking.  To bad it's not
available yet   The Wandboard as a clear advantage over everything
for a dedicated media server, but with no I2S support it's a no go for
me, and it don't look like a priority for the Wandboard team.  I gess
I'll have to go with a Raspberry PI.   

Thank you,

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[slim] Question for the Wandboard user...

2014-02-08 Thread zoula


My Duet is now officially dead :(   I now need a replacement.  I'm
looking for a Raspberry Pi or a Wandboard running piCorePlayer. or some
other soft.  I'm also changing my loudspeaker system for a 4 ways active
diople system, that will be control with a Najda DSP board.  

The good thing about this board is that it can use I2S inputs.  The
raspberry PI is plug and play with this board, but I would really like
to use a Wandboard for this.  It seems better in every ways.  Despite
all my research I don't seem to find a real answer about if the
wandboard could output I2S signal.  Is it possible with the Wandboard???

Thank you

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[slim] need help for linix transition

2013-08-15 Thread zoula

I looking to make a transition to a little linux base hardware, but I
can't find a good software to play my music.  I have a big classical
music library and I can not keep up a good way of tagging all my file. 
That is why I organize all my CD in a way that could find anything fast
and easy. 
Almost all music player program work with a library system base on tag. 
I use foobar2000 in windows and I browse in my music by file system. 
I use the same way in squeezebox. 

I can't believe that there is not a program in linux that could meet my

Thank you

zoula's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=20624
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Re: [slim] Ipeng Question...

2009-03-30 Thread zoula


Thanks for the reply, You're right.  A Proper tagging will probably let
me find 99% of what I search for but the thing is that all my music is

I don't see why SC don't have a search all field option and then
display everything in there proper field.  I don't know a plug-in that
work this way???

I began to slowly update my tag but with the time I have to spend on
this it will take me a year!!!

By the way I think the only complain I have with my Duet is the search
function.  Everything else is perfect...  or in the way to be



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[slim] Ipeng Question...

2009-03-29 Thread zoula


My question is about the search function.  I have a duet and I really
don't like the search function of the device.  I have a big collection
of classical music and when I rip all my music I didn't pay much
attention about tagging and consistency.  So on some album the
conductor is in the artist field  some are in the Comment There is
some CD that the composer is in the artist or in the title And the
worst of all are the interpret with are never in the same field.  

The thing is that to make a search with the remote you have to specify
a field first. So if the interpret you are looking for is in the wrong
field you will probably miss it.  When I really want to find something
particular I need to use Foobar.  

So,  My question is???  Do Ipeng search function could behave like
foobar and be able to get me every Boulez field that is in my




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[slim] Foobar trough SB

2009-01-29 Thread zoula


I would like to know if there is a way or a plugin that allows Foobar
to play trough a squeezebox.  

I really like foobar and it's search function.  



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[slim] scrolling text.

2008-11-20 Thread zoula


Is there a way to accelerate the speed of the text scrolling on the
Duet remote.  I sometime have long title to read.  I find the speed of
the scrolling to slow

Thank you


zoula's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=20624
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Re: [slim] seeking into a flac/cuesheet

2008-10-21 Thread zoula

meanwhile is there a quick fix to this problem???  

I don't whan't to wait for 1 or 2 or maybe 3 update untill this bug
will be fix...  I'm sure that developers have much more important
things to fix so



zoula's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=20624
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[slim] seeking into a flac/cuesheet

2008-10-20 Thread zoula


I have just finish to rip all my CD (around 350) to a single flac file
with an external cuesheet.  It work like a charm in foobar.  Now I
bought a nice Duet and seeking into a track in those file seem
imposible.  It work in single flac file but not when it is associated
with a cuesheet.  

Will it be possible with embedded cuesheet or is there some other work
around for this.  I would realy like to keep the cuesheet system.  

I try too find a software (window based) for embedded cuesheet with no



zoula's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=20624
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=54010

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