[slim] slimserver not responding on windows

2007-02-02 Thread egd

I'm running SlimServer Version: 6.5.2 - 11327 - Windows Server 2003 - EN
- cp1252, and earlier also tried the official 6.5.1 on one of my
machines and cannot get slimserver to repond.  It comes up OK, tells me
me lib size etc, but poops out as soon as I try to browse folders,
artists, albums etc.  I've tried uninstalling, removing the slimserver
folder, reinstalling etc. and it makes not damned difference.  Any
ideas what could be causing this?


Linux and loving IT!

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[slim] Slimserver not responding

2006-08-04 Thread monty77

I've had this a lot now and it's getting annoying :(

At least twice a day the SB3 cannot connect to my Slimserver hosted on
my Intel iMac .. if I stop/start the server it connects fine again. 
I'm running latest slimserver software.

Any ideas?



monty77's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6519
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26125

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