In case there is anyone left using the nokia tablet as
a squeezebox controller:

I have a Nokia N800 and would like to use it as an artwork
display next to my SB3. The Nokia770 skin in the squeezeserver
7.4.2 works fine on my tablet, but if I leave it running
on the now playing display, the connection to the server seems
to get lost after a few minutes. The display freezes in the middle
of the track and does not update as other tracks are being played,
until I do a browser refresh and then it's fine again (though
it gives me a "connection lost" screen, and reconnects after
tapping on the try-again button). So the question is: is there anyway
to make sure that the N800 browser keeps refreshing periodically
so this doesn't happen?

BTW, I keep the tablet on the charger so the display always stays
lit (there is an option for this in the display settings), but the
above connection-dropping problem is independent of this setting
(I tested it). Also, the WiFi connection appears to be stable and
does not get dropped when the browser gets stuck (other network
functions such as email updating and the RSS feed scroll are

The solution could be as kludgy as a script refreshing the browser
every couple of minutes, I would be happy if there is anything like
I can install and keep running.

Thanks for any tips / help

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