Re: [slim] File-Sharing Services May Be Sued

2005-06-27 Thread Steven Moore
Since the file sharing companies are being held responsible for what  
people do with their computers then
the gun companies will now be sued for all the woundings and killings  
by idiots with guns.

The car companies for people killed in accidents etc  or will they...

Steven Moore
On 27 Jun 2005, at 17:25, Johan Hübner wrote:

We hold that one who distributes a device with the object of  
promoting its use to infringe copyright, as shown by the clear  
expression or other affirmative steps taken to foster infringement,  
is liable for the resulting acts of infringement by third parties,  
Justice David H. Souter wrote for the court.

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Re: [slim] File-Sharing Services May Be Sued

2005-06-27 Thread Aaron Zinck
 Steven Moore  wrote in message
 Since the file sharing companies are being held responsible for what
 people do with their computers then
 the gun companies will now be sued for all the woundings and killings
 by idiots with guns.
 The car companies for people killed in accidents etc  or will they...

While I'm not sure where I stand on this and am certainly a big fan of
personal responsibility one must allow that there's a difference between the
situations you present and the Grokster case.  One can hardly argue that the
primary use of guns (in the US) is to illegally kill people, and neither is
the primary use of cars to kill people in accidents.  There are substantial
legal ways that both those items can be used...and indeed are primarily used
in legal ways.  I would be all over going after gun or car companies if they
ever advertised buy our guns...they're great for hold-ups or our cars are
excellent for going out and getting into wrecks and killing other people;
which is similar to what Grokster did: they marketed their software as being
good for breaking the law, and indeed their software was primarily used to
break the law.

Again, I'm not sure where I stand on this because it's a complicated
situation, but I just want to resist simplifying it too much as it's really
not like guns or cars--in fact, it seems unlike anything that has come
before it.

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Re: [slim] File-Sharing Services May Be Sued

2005-06-27 Thread Sean Adams

Still reading the decision. Initial reaction: this isn't a big deal -  
they cited common law and kicked it back down. It may actually be a  
positive thing for p2p - they have narrowed the liability question to  
simply how Grokster was marketed. MGM needs to show that they were  
promoting it for illegal purposes. If some other p2p network were  
more careful than Grokster was in that respect, they'd still be safe  
per Betamax. It's the same as:

OK to market bullets for killing, not murder
OK to market glass pipes for smoking, not smoking pot

Full decision is here BTW:
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