Re: [slim] producing the squeezebox hardware by another company

2012-12-31 Thread JJZolx

erland wrote: 
> I'm skeptical but there was a thread a month or two back when someone
> wanted to try to acquire the rights to do it, I haven't heard anything
> more about it after that.
> I personally think it's more likely we will see Squeezebox compatible
> solutions through iOS/Android apps and geek hardware like Raspberry
> Pi/SheevaPlug and Vortexbox Appliance based solution.
> Most of it is open source but parts of it is not redistributable without
> permission from Logitech, so some parts would either require a
> permission from Logitech or be rewritten.

Unless you wanted to churn out a nearly exact clone of the hardware,
what would you license? When you see how many hardware companies out
there today have networked audio players, you realize that the hardware
is nothing special (maybe 8 or 10 years ago it was unique). I would
think anyone producing a Squeezebox compatible player would want to
start over from scratch and then write the necessary firmware. Using
general purpose hardware can only produce a partial substitute, as
things like a display and a device interface, quality analog and S/PDIF
audio output, infrared remote control, are all either DIY addons or
simply unavailable in those approaches.

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Re: [slim] producing the squeezebox hardware by another company

2012-12-31 Thread garym wrote: 
> I would love to keep my system with  Touches,Dacs  and a Transporter in
> place. I would pay for plugins to keep my 
> current system as it is but that's probably wishful thinking .

I think we're probably good with current stuff for about two years
before we have to start worrying about replacements. And if
goes longer, then we're good for even longer. And at my age, anything
longer than two years is the LONG TERM.

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Re: [slim] producing the squeezebox hardware by another company

2012-12-31 Thread

aubuti wrote: 
> What about multiple sources for those amps?

Good point .i have bought a used Mac mini  on eBay 1gb snow leopard
server cheap(350) 
but your right I just can't use that for let's say three different amps
to play three different 
songs in different parts of the house but I do that rarely . 

Maybe I buy another cheap  used Mac mini or two to use as a server and
use vnc to control them all when the time
comes that mysqueezebox ends . They are super small . 

I would love to keep my system with  Touches,Dacs  and a Transporter in
place. I would pay for plugins to keep my 
current system as it is but that's probably wishful thinking .'s Profile:
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Re: [slim] producing the squeezebox hardware by another company

2012-12-31 Thread aubuti wrote: 
> I have multiple amps for that. 
> All in the same rack
What about multiple sources for those amps?

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Re: [slim] producing the squeezebox hardware by another company

2012-12-31 Thread garym wrote: 
> Man I wish we didn't have to ultimately go through this but I listen to
> my library 
> 50 percent , music services 50 percent (MOG) . 
> My wife is at about 90 percent music services and Internet radio .

Agree, as right now everything I do works perfectly with one integrated
system. I'm about 60-70% my own music and the rest internet radio or
MOG. My wife is 99.9% internet radio (news/talk NPR stuff) or services
(siriusXM news/npr stations)

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Re: [slim] producing the squeezebox hardware by another company

2012-12-31 Thread

garym wrote: 
> then you're all set i'd think. I have something similar. I have my main
> amp and next to it a small preamp/amp. The Transporter drives the main
> preamp/amp/speakers. A Touch drives the small amp. and this amp feeds
> NILES speaker selector box that feeds ceiling speakers in bathroom,
> kitchen, etc. Mostly used for interenet radio or siriusXM news, etc. in
> the morning and early evening. 
> I could survive too, but I might need two computer sources (as I'm not
> sure how I'd use the computer to play music to my main system and at the
> same time play something different (internet radio) to the small system.
> Might need something like a SONOS player for just internet radio,
> siriusXM to feed the small system for my wife. And I can use an old
> iphone for the remote for that system. I could continue using
> transporter and LMS for my main system for my own music.  This would
> allow me to not have a computer in the rack. Instead, I can still feed
> things to main system from the vortexbox server in the back room and the
> Sonos player would get its stuff simply via the internet (no local
> music).

Man I wish we didn't have to ultimately go through this but I listen to
my library 
50 percent , music services 50 percent (MOG) . 
My wife is at about 90 percent music services and Internet radio .'s Profile:
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Re: [slim] producing the squeezebox hardware by another company

2012-12-31 Thread garym wrote: 
> I have multiple amps for that. 
> All in the same rack

then you're all set i'd think. I have something similar. I have my main
amp and next to it a small preamp/amp. The Transporter drives the main
preamp/amp/speakers. A Touch drives the small amp. and this amp feeds
NILES speaker selector box that feeds ceiling speakers in bathroom,
kitchen, etc. Mostly used for interenet radio or siriusXM news, etc. in
the morning and early evening. 

I could survive too, but I might need two computer sources (as I'm not
sure how I'd use the computer to play music to my main system and at the
same time play something different (internet radio) to the small system.
Might need something like a SONOS player for just internet radio,
siriusXM to feed the small system for my wife. And I can use an old
iphone for the remote for that system. I could continue using
transporter and LMS for my main system for my own music.

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Re: [slim] producing the squeezebox hardware by another company

2012-12-31 Thread

garym wrote: 
> that helps for playing the same thing in different rooms. But what about
> when you want to play something different in the rooms?

I have multiple amps for that's Profile:
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Re: [slim] producing the squeezebox hardware by another company

2012-12-31 Thread garym wrote: 
> My system with speakers throughout the house and outside is all on one
> rack 
> The house was pre - wired with speaker 
> cables per my instructions so I have music synched and  playing in any
> room I wish .
> The macmini will be in a enclosed entertainment center so no fan noise .
> Using VNC , however is nothing like the ease and usability of ipeng so I
> will sorely miss that and will certainly be the 
> weakest part of the setup .

that helps for playing the same thing in different rooms. But what about
when you want to play something different in the rooms?

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Re: [slim] producing the squeezebox hardware by another company

2012-12-31 Thread

garym wrote: 
> That is essentially what I used before squeezeboxes (except S/PDIF coax
> connection between computer and DAC).  Didn't give me ability to synch
> with players in other rooms and kept the noise of the PC in the main
> listening room.  I was controlling foobar2000 with a hack to the iphone
> REMPOTE app. But there there was no common interface to allow me to
> switch between playing my own music, or pandora or siriusXM, etc. I
> could do all this by switching  sources on the computer itself but not
> from the remote.
> But for playing one's own music in one location only, there are lots of
> choices as any very quiet computer and DAC will work.

My system with speakers throughout the house and outside is all on one
The house was pre - wired with speaker 
cables per my instructions so I have music synched and  playing in any
room I wish .

The macmini will be in a enclosed entertainment center so no fan noise .

Using VNC , however is nothing like the ease and usability of ipeng so I
will sorely miss that and will certainly be the 
weakest part of the setup .'s Profile:
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Re: [slim] producing the squeezebox hardware by another company

2012-12-31 Thread garym wrote: 
> There isn't one at the moment ,I agree. 
> I really think I will eventually go to a direct USB   macmini computer
> connection to a high quality asynchronous USB DAC controlled by VNC from
> the phone .
> I can get everything I want to listen to 
> using this setup.

That is essentially what I used before squeezeboxes (except S/PDIF coax
connection between computer and DAC).  Didn't give me ability to synch
with players in other rooms and kept the noise of the PC in the main
listening room.  I was controlling foobar2000 with a hack to the iphone
REMPOTE app. But there there was no common interface to allow me to
switch between playing my own music, or pandora or siriusXM, etc. I
could do all this by switching  sources on the computer itself but not
from the remote.

But for playing one's own music in one location only, there are lots of
choices as any very quiet computer and DAC will work.

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Re: [slim] producing the squeezebox hardware by another company

2012-12-31 Thread

Julf wrote: 
> Only if a better one comes along.

There isn't one at the moment ,I agree. 

I really think I will eventually go to a direct USB   macmini computer
connection to a high quality asynchronous USB DAC controlled by VNC from
the phone .'s Profile:
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Re: [slim] producing the squeezebox hardware by another company

2012-12-31 Thread Julf wrote: 
> Another reason to ultimately move on to a new system .

Only if a better one comes along.

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Re: [slim] producing the squeezebox hardware by another company

2012-12-31 Thread toby10 wrote: 
> Another reason to ultimately move on to a new system .

Indeed.  Now to find this elusive "system" that has the SB features,
functions, form factor, audio quality and reasonable price point.
*If* one comes along in the next few years, and/or when MySB stops
functioning, I'll be all ears.  ;)

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Re: [slim] producing the squeezebox hardware by another company

2012-12-31 Thread

toby10 wrote: 
> That's a very big *if* for a discontinued product line.   ;)

Another reason to ultimately move on to a new system .'s Profile:
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Re: [slim] producing the squeezebox hardware by another company

2012-12-31 Thread toby10 wrote: 
> Well then if someone in the community created plugins like Tiode's
> Spotify plugin for MOG,Tunein Radio , etc .

That's a very big *if* for a discontinued product line.   ;)

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Re: [slim] producing the squeezebox hardware by another company

2012-12-30 Thread garym

Julf wrote: 
> I don't think it is a technical issue, but rather a business arrangement
> / licensing issue with MOG etc, to allow the server access to the API.

exactly. and same issue with siriusXM, pandora, etc.

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Re: [slim] producing the squeezebox hardware by another company

2012-12-30 Thread Julf wrote: 
> Well then if someone in the community created plugins like Tiode's
> Spotify plugin for MOG,Tunein Radio , etc . the squeezebox 
> product line would lose no functionality whatsoever when mysqueezebox is
> shuttered and knowing the community folks here would work alot better .

I don't think it is a technical issue, but rather a business arrangement
/ licensing issue with MOG etc, to allow the server access to the API.

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Re: [slim] producing the squeezebox hardware by another company

2012-12-30 Thread

aubuti wrote: 
> In a word, no. Try disconnecting your router from the internet and then
> playing your library. Works fine. A couple windstorms in 2012 that
> knocked out my ISP have confirmed that for me.

Well then if someone in the community created plugins like Tiode's
Spotify plugin for MOG,Tunein Radio , etc . the squeezebox 
product line would lose no functionality whatsoever when mysqueezebox is
shuttered and knowing the community folks here would work alot better .'s Profile:
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Re: [slim] producing the squeezebox hardware by another company

2012-12-29 Thread aubuti wrote: 
> Isn't there some link between LMS and 
> Mysqueezebox which would make playing even  your music library
> impossible ?
In a word, no. Try disconnecting your router from the internet and then
playing your library. Works fine. A couple windstorms in 2012 that
knocked out my ISP have confirmed that for me.

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Re: [slim] producing the squeezebox hardware by another company

2012-12-29 Thread garym wrote: 
> I know this has been asked in another thread but can your music library
> be played should mysqueezebox be shut down which it eventually will? I
> realize the music services will not work when this happens . 
> Isn't there some link between LMS and 
> Mysqueezebox which would make playing even  your music library
> impossible ?

If you install LMS on a local PC or NAS, you can play your own music,
listen to internet radio, etc.  even without You can't access
most services (as they require at least in the background). So
you'd lose Pandora, SirriusXM, MOG, etc.  Although it turns out that the
triode Spotify app would work on your local LMS without   But
yes, bottom line you can always play your own music.

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Re: [slim] producing the squeezebox hardware by another company

2012-12-29 Thread Triode wrote: 
> I know this has been asked in another thread but can your music library
> be played should mysqueezebox be shut down which it eventually will? I
> realize the music services will not work when this happens . 
> Isn't there some link between LMS and 
> Mysqueezebox which would make playing even  your music library
> impossible ?

As long as you have a local server you can play you local music library
with LMS without  It used to work before was created and will continue - the exception being
menus such as the My Apps menu which are created via

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Re: [slim] producing the squeezebox hardware by another company

2012-12-29 Thread

garym wrote: 
> and right now you can buy all the Squeezebox players one might want.
> Plenty of resellers selling new in box units or pick up a used unit
> (lots of folks buy these, never get it working right, assume it is junk
> then resell).

I know this has been asked in another thread but can your music library
be played should mysqueezebox be shut down which it eventually will? I
realize the music services will not work when this happens . 

Isn't there some link between LMS and 
Mysqueezebox which would make playing even  your music library
impossible ?'s Profile:
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Re: [slim] producing the squeezebox hardware by another company

2012-12-29 Thread garym

and right now you can buy all the Squeezebox players one might want.
Plenty of resellers selling new in box units or pick up a used unit
(lots of folks buy these, never get it working right, assume it is junk
then resell).

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Re: [slim] producing the squeezebox hardware by another company

2012-12-29 Thread toby10

seajazz wrote: 
> . It might be possible to produce the hardware by another company. /
> Or let is be produced.

The reasons why Logitech likely can't/won't do this are numerous.  The
most glaring of these issues is that any such third party hardware would
only further hamper sales of their own UE branded players.

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Re: [slim] producing the squeezebox hardware by another company

2012-12-28 Thread erland

seajazz wrote: 
> Does anyone have any idea if it is possible to ask logitech for the
> technical details about de productline. It might be possible to produce
> the hardware by another company. / Or let is be produced.
> Are there among us people who might be motivated to approuch logitech
> together and try to accomplish that for now the hardware is produced.
I'm skeptical but there was a thread a month or two back when someone
wanted to try to acquire the rights to do it, I haven't heard anything
more about it after that.

I personally think it's more likely we will see Squeezebox compatible
solutions through iOS/Android apps and geek hardware like Raspberry
Pi/SheevaPlug and Vortexbox Appliance based solution.

seajazz wrote: 
> As far as I know the software is open source and might be continued as a
> an open source project.
Most of it is open source but parts of it is not redistributable without
permission from Logitech, so some parts would either require a
permission from Logitech or be rewritten.

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