Re: [slim] to wait for the touch or install a plug

2010-01-31 Thread sydsfloyd67

Yes, I'd agree the strength of the Squeezebox platform is/will be really
in the Internet Radio/Podcast area. Once one needs another CPU, there
are many other very capable ways to stream from that, and far less
likely to become obsolete as we are seeing with the ongoing BBC stream
format changes. (Probably always solvable from a PC-side, if that  leads
the way.) 

I'd think a lot could and should be done just by adding the ability to
save configurations (eg. Playlists, Plugins, etc) once obtained from
initial or infrequent connection (or even home server)
on any future Squeezebox hardware (Touch?). That the SqueeezeServer
seems to be remaining and even and becoming more 'centric seems to me
likely coming mainly from the ongoing failure to develop as a strong user/media portal, and what's being
described here as a severe existing hardware limitation in the early
boxes. (The 'S Radio' however may be able to turn things back in what I
think is probably the right direction.)



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Re: [slim] to wait for the touch or install a plug

2010-01-23 Thread toby10

SC/SBS7 advantages over for Internet Radio and Music Services
+ SC can use Music Information Screen (for legacy players like SB3 
Boom, newer LCD based players cannot use this)
+ SC offers immediate access to your local music library
+ SC includes Favorites folders and sub-folders for station favorites,
all editable and movable (MySB has no folders)
+ SC has much more player screen configuration customizing
+ SC has a larger and more configurable UI
+ SC has MUCH better Playlist configuration, control, editing, saving,
use multiple playlists (MySB Playlist control limited to SB player, no
UI interface for Playlist, only one Playlist instance, Playlist lost on
+ SC has a better menu layout for Internet Radio
+ SC has logging for stream error diagnosis (MySB has no logging)
+ SC has better player sync (MySB can have lag and drift, and has
limited sync options)
+ SC can sync most Music Services to multiple players (MySB can’t
use multiple players for some Music Services)
+ SC has Direct tune in URL via web UI (MySB requires this be
done by creating and saving as a Favorite before tuning)
+ SC allows for third party plugins (not available on MySB)
+ SC offers much simpler MySB player registration (simple connect
new player to SC and it is registered onto MySB) 
+ SC can do Proxy streaming (MySB cannot)
+ no FW update conflicts switching between SC and MySB

Obviously MySB’s big advantage over SC/SBS is not needing your computer
turned on (or even needing a computer at all).


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Re: [slim] to wait for the touch or install a plug

2010-01-23 Thread aubuti

mortslim;509444 Wrote: 
 But on another thread in the Touch forum, aubuti stated thusly: what do
 you see TinySBS doing that wouldn't be doing if there is no
 local library?
 So now I am confused.  Aren't these quotes inconsistent with each
 If so, why?
 If not, why not?
Okay, fair enough. My question -what do you see- in that other
thread was meant as a genuine question, not as a rhetorical -what could
TinySBS _possibly_ be doing- If the response was running the
iPlayer plugin so I can hear the BBC or running my favorite
weather/stock market/cricket scores plugin or sync'ing internet radio
streams reliably then, well, there's my answer. Different users have
different SB usage patterns, so I didn't want to assume how that poster
was using his SBs. 

I can see the reason for the confusion, but I don't see the two posts
as inconsistent, and I hope that explains why. If not, I can try again.


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Re: [slim] to wait for the touch or install a plug

2010-01-22 Thread keif

Thanks for the feedback on all of this.
I don't have a PC and if I did I really would not like to have one
running all the time.
The Sheevaplug looks like a great wee solution, and something I'd be
happy to have running next to my router.
I'd held off going down that route in the hope that the iPlayer would
work on the Touch. This looks like a possible, but given the lengthening
delivery schedule, I might not wait to find out.
I definitely like the ease of use for me and my family of 'rental'
music in the cloud via Napster (or other delivery system).
I don't really mind that it is not of the greatest quality as I still
buy physical music and listen to that on the stereo in the other room -
on those rare occasions that I have to time to lock myself away...


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Re: [slim] to wait for the touch or install a plug

2010-01-22 Thread keif

Sorry, meant to add that another reason for running a local server is
My understanding is that without a local server, if I am listening to
the same track in three rooms from mysqueezebox, then there will be
three separate streams coming into my house.
If I run a local server there will be one stream into the house from
the Internet, and then that will be served out across my local network
to the three clients.
Think that's right?
I'm definitely seeing synchronisation issues at times with two clients,
and see how this would help.


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Re: [slim] to wait for the touch or install a plug

2010-01-22 Thread Muele

keif;509187 Wrote: 
 I don't have a PC and if I did I really would not like to have one
 running all the time.

Without a pc I don't really think you have any chance of maintaining
the sheevaplug. I.E. update the SBS version etc.
On the other hand a small self-contained Linux-box as the sheevaplug
requires much less maintenance than any windows-box would.

Also note that once you do get a local server running, be it Touch or
something else, you will get a taste for locally served files in high
quality, so you might as well think it in from the beginning. For that a
touch in the listening room will be able to serve for both server and
player. IF the BBC-stuff works ofcourse.


BR Mogens

1 Radio, 2 Controllers, 2 Receivers, 1 Squeezeplay. Served by an old
800 mhz IBM T21 Thinkpad.

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Re: [slim] to wait for the touch or install a plug

2010-01-22 Thread aubuti

keif;509187 Wrote: 
 I don't have a PC and if I did I really would not like to have one
 running all the time.
 The Sheevaplug looks like a great wee solution, and something I'd be
 happy to have running next to my router.
This intrigues me. It is probably a sign that I have moved into old
fart age, but I don't think I know anyone who has a router and a
broadband internet connection (presumably along with monthly fees) but
doesn't have any pc. Are you using an iPhone or similar device for email
and web browsing, or do you use the internet exclusively for internet
radio and Napster? Just curious.


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Re: [slim] to wait for the touch or install a plug

2010-01-22 Thread andynormancx

aubuti;509264 Wrote: 
 Does the iPhone have an app for ssh?
There are several, though it is only really bearable for occasional


Yes, it will. Yes, all of them. Yes, SoftSqueeze as well. What ?

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Re: [slim] to wait for the touch or install a plug

2010-01-22 Thread keif

aubuti;509264 Wrote: 
 This intrigues me. It is probably a sign that I have moved into old
 fart age, but I don't think I know anyone who has a router and a
 broadband internet connection (presumably along with monthly fees) but
 doesn't have any pc. Are you using an iPhone or similar device for email
 and web browsing, or do you use the internet exclusively for internet
 radio and Napster? Just curious.

Sorry, I was obviously being too specific.

I have a couple of laptops, but nothing that stays in the house and
would be able to be on all the time to server the squeeze devices.
I was hoping not to have to invest in new hardware for this, but I'm
thinking the Sheevaplug looks like a nice alternative to a 'big'
And yes I do have/used ssh on my iPhone, but only in case of
emergencies - don't think I'd like to spend long using this method!


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Re: [slim] to wait for the touch or install a plug

2010-01-22 Thread aubuti

mortslim;509026 Wrote: 
 If so, could someone please describe the reasons why a local server may
 be advantageous even if the customer is not interested in serving local
 music files.  
 Also, this thread raises an issue by implication as to what I have seen
 the attitude of Logitech is towards those of use who don't use a local
 server.  My impression is that we are treated as second-class compared
 to those using a local server.  The development of software seems to be
 focused first and foremost on the local server and very very belatedly
 almost as an afterthought on the squeezenetwork (now 
 I am sure the statistics are that the vast majority of new users of
 squeezeboxes are only tied to the internet and not to a local server. 
 Yes, I understand that the origins of Slim Devices is local server based
 but new users don't have the technical skills to set this up or do have
 the skills but don't want to bother with the hassle.  
I'd say that stability and access to plugins are the main reason for
using a local server instead of to access internet content.
Synchronizing multiple players is another thing that works reliably with
a local server, but only works with some services via mysb, or the
number of players is limited (eg, I think Rhapsody is limited to 3
players at a time).

I'd disagree with the statement that mysb-only customers are being
treated as second class. Is it second class for them to be running your
server for you? Logitech has been directing a lot attention to mysb and
to establishing new partnerships with providers. Yes, they still have a
ways to go, especially with dependability of the European servers. But I
think they are moving in the direction of more support for non-local
music, not less, for the same reasons you mention about listener

That said, as for claims about the vast majority of new users or
most people I could claim the opposite and all we'd do is prove the
old saying that 78.7% of statistics are made up. Do you have any source
to back that up? I agree that the trend is toward music rental, but I
strongly suspect that we're still a long way from that being the vast
majority, even of new users.


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Re: [slim] to wait for the touch or install a plug

2010-01-22 Thread mortslim

mortslim;509026 Wrote: 
 we are treated as second-class compared to those using a local server.

I may have been misinterpreted in my choice of words.  I was only
comparing those of us using no local server to those using one, both
using Logitech squeezeboxes.  I was not comparing Logitech customers to
those using non-Logitech alternatives to access music.

I am a big Logitech fan (I have 6 devices - 3 squeezeboxes and 3
booms).  I agree that Logitech is great for the service it does provide.
I was only venting that I perceive that development priorities seems to
be focused on the server software first on the local level and then
second on the development.


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Re: [slim] to wait for the touch or install a plug

2010-01-22 Thread kesey

mortslim;509351 Wrote: 
 I was only venting that I perceive that development priorities seems to
 be focused on the server software first on the local level and then
 second on the development.

The local level is precisely where I like development to be focussed.
100% of the users in my home are Squeezeboxserver users for 94.5% of the
time. We often like to listen to Internet Radio, but for the very most
part choose the stations via SBS, and find it a most satisfying
experience. I use a Sheevaplug with USB hard-disk as server when at
home. and a laptop when away from home. Chacon à son goût


Squeezebox Classic:2;  Duet: 1;  Boom:1; Touch:on order
Server: SheevaPlug Debian Squeeze 4GB SDCard, Squeezeboxserver 7.4.2

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Re: [slim] to wait for the touch or install a plug

2010-01-22 Thread aubuti

mortslim;509351 Wrote: 
 I may have been misinterpreted in my choice of words.  I was only
 comparing those of us using no local server to those using one, both
 using Logitech squeezeboxes.  I was not comparing Logitech customers to
 those using non-Logitech alternatives to access music.
 I am a big Logitech fan (I have 6 devices - 3 squeezeboxes and 3
 booms).  I agree that Logitech is great for the service it does provide.
 I was only venting that I perceive that development priorities seems to
 be focused on the server software first on the local level and then
 second on the development.
I can't speak for others, but that's exactly how I interpreted your


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Re: [slim] to wait for the touch or install a plug

2010-01-22 Thread agillis

bluegaspode;509074 Wrote: 
 1) reliability
 If your alarm plays way too often the fallback alarm, a local server
 will help
 2) performance
 If your menu is too slow, a local server will help.
 3) feature set. 
 A local server will open the big world of third party applets and
 4) more control
 Run the version you like. Try out new ones, but revert if you don't
 like them or make problems
 Of course running your own 24/7 server needs more skill and time.

A full features NAS can do all the things above and more. We designed
VortexBox to do all of the above plus auto rip CDs. VortexBox also acts
as a hardware player.


rip, tag, get cover art… All you do is insert the CD!

Lead Developer VortexBox

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Re: [slim] to wait for the touch or install a plug

2010-01-22 Thread mortslim

aubuti;509281 Wrote: 
 I'd say that stability and access to plugins are the main reason for
 using a local server instead of to access internet content.
 Synchronizing multiple players is another thing that works reliably with
 a local server, but only works with some services via mysb, or the
 number of players is limited (eg, I think Rhapsody is limited to 3
 players at a time).

But on another thread in the Touch forum, aubuti stated thusly: what
do you see TinySBS doing that wouldn't be doing if there is no
local library?

So now I am confused.  Aren't these quotes inconsistent with each

If so, why?
If not, why not?


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Re: [slim] to wait for the touch or install a plug

2010-01-21 Thread DaveWr

As I understand it the BBC iPlayer Plugin will not work in the Touch
TinySC environment.  Maybe Triode is working on an Applet version.

Also I would check with the Third Party Forum, whether the Sheevaplug
will support BBC iPlayer Plugin.



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Re: [slim] to wait for the touch or install a plug

2010-01-21 Thread drbob49


No problem running BBC iPlayer and iPlayer extras on a
sheevaplug-installed SBS.



Sheevaplug running Debian Squeeze on 4GB SD card
Squeezebox Server 7.4.2
Squeezebox Radio / Squeezebox Receiver

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Re: [slim] to wait for the touch or install a plug

2010-01-21 Thread mortslim

This thread raises bigger issues.  I too only use my squeezeboxes to
access internet radio (rhapsody, etc.).  I also don't have a local
server.  However the implication of this thread is that there may be
reasons to have a local server other than just serving local music
files.  Is that correct?

If so, could someone please describe the reasons why a local server may
be advantageous even if the customer is not interested in serving local
music files.  

Also, this thread raises an issue by implication as to what I have seen
the attitude of Logitech is towards those of use who don't use a local
server.  My impression is that we are treated as second-class compared
to those using a local server.  The development of software seems to be
focused first and foremost on the local server and very very belatedly
almost as an afterthought on the squeezenetwork (now 

I am sure the statistics are that the vast majority of new users of
squeezeboxes are only tied to the internet and not to a local server. 
Yes, I understand that the origins of Slim Devices is local server based
but new users don't have the technical skills to set this up or do have
the skills but don't want to bother with the hassle.  It is the same
reason e.g. that Apple is now transitioning from the download music
business to the streaming business with its purchase of Lala.  Most
people realize that having say 100,000 tracks on your own computer is
not as good as having access to over 5 million tracks in the cloud (even
though it is not owned).  Most people look at music now as a rental
just like you rent tv through your cable company).

Anyway, back to my original question - is a local server a good idea to
enhance the listening experience even if I am not interested in serving
local content?


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Re: [slim] to wait for the touch or install a plug

2010-01-21 Thread DaveWr

I think you are a little unfair to Logitech.  They have done a lot more
than most to provide a central services delivery model, through SN
originally now  Mot of the competition is not yet close to
this capability.

The problem is when you need special facilities, like the BBC stuff. 
If you want the iPlayer stuff, the BBC has to by their terms of license,
restrict the geographical use.  That means you cannot easily have a
global centralised services approach.  This only applies in certain
limited cases.

However, many forum member old school, including myself, like local
high quality replacement, for our CD collections.  This is not a cloud
computing solution today - too much bandwidth required, don't want to
pay 000s for music I already own a copy of.  Now this generation of
early adopter, traditional music collection users is unlikely to be the
new user generation.  I expect we will see more advances in centralised
services from Logitech.



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Re: [slim] to wait for the touch or install a plug

2010-01-21 Thread bluegaspode

mortslim;509026 Wrote: 
 However the implication of this thread is that there may be reasons to
 have a local server other than just serving local music files.  Is that

1) reliability
If your alarm plays way too often the fallback alarm, a local server
will help

2) performance
If your menu is too slow, a local server will help.

3) feature set. 
A local server will open the big world of third party applets and

4) more control
Run the version you like. Try out new ones, but revert if you don't
like them or make problems

Of course running your own 24/7 server needs more skill and time.


1x SB-Controller+Receiver (Duet), 1xSB-Boom. 1xSB-Radio
Server (7.4.1) running on SheevaPlug (Ubuntu) with attached Western
Digital MyBook Essential.
Secondary 7.4 Server on Debianized Buffalo Linkstation LS-CHL.

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