[slim] Digital Output

2005-03-03 Thread Mike Reeve
Regarding problems with lock on external DACS ...
About a year ago it was found that the Squeezebox digital output was
somewhat off 44.10KHz BUT ...
... Sean quickly [as usual!] fixed this in the firmware.
Fortunately I have always routed Squeezeboxes via a
device that buffers the input in a FIFO
and then clocks it out using its own high-precision, lower jitter clock,
so any such inacurracy has never been a problem for me.
However, out of curiousity I yesterday connected a Squeezebox
to an Apogee Big Ben and it registers the Squeezebox at 44.13KHz  :-O
[Another long-term issue has been the long settling time of the clock
when switching into 'PCM mode' so I left the Squeezebox on repeat
all night so that this was not an issue ...]
So, I'm wondering why the 44.13KHz:
(a) Has the firmware changed?; (b) Is this 'manufacturing variance'?  :-O;
(c) ...
Clearly 44.13KHz is way out of the range of some 'high-end' DACs
(e.g. AudioSynthesis DACs have a capture window of only +/- 100ppm
- approx. 4Hz),
so this could be the cause of some peoples' lock problems.
I know other people who read (or at least read) this list
(such as Michel, Harry  Victor from the TacTHackers group)
have both Squeezeboxes and Big Bens
- what do you guys (or anyone else having the two) see as frequency
these days ...?

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Re: [slim] Digital Output

2005-03-03 Thread Mike Reeve
Some interesting observations ...  [?  :-O]
Those who recall the history of the digital-out-channel-swap bug
will remember that about a year or so ago I spent several hours
doing (amongst other things) successive resets of a Squeezebox
to try to get a handle on the bug ...  :-O
[BTW for those who were not on the list at the time,
Sean's conclusion was that the channel-swap bug is unavoidable
(with the current DSP)
- even if, like me, you only play PCM files!
The DSP powers up in 'MP3 mode' so it will always have to
switch (if only once) from 'MP3 mode' to 'PCM mode',
and whether the channels swap or not on that switch
is complete chance (although things do, fortunately,
seem to be biased towards not swapping ...  :-)]
I just did the same thing (successive resets) again this evening
but focusing this time on the frequency of the digital out
(as measured, after a reasonable settling time, with an Apogee Big Ben):
most times the Squeezebox I was using would
settle at 44.13KHz but occasionally it would actually be at 44.10KHz.
So is the frequency, like the channel-swap bug, a matter of chance
(within certain limits) ...?
[As an aside I think I noticed, but I was not keeping detailed records of it,
that most times it settled at 44.10 the channels were swapped ...  :-O]
I guess all I have done is confirm what we all knew ...
... i.e. that the current DSP is not at its best in 'PCM mode'.

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Re: [slim] Digital Output

2005-03-04 Thread Mike Reeve
Neil Hastie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I tried Adrians patch a few months ago and couldn't get it to work.
 (In my defense it sounds like an Apogee Big Ben is a more useful
 piece of test equipment than an Audio Synthesis DAX).
If you have a moment, may be you could try it again
with the 'magic number' 20134.
BTW typically the clock rate settles in a few seconds.

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Re: [slim] Digital Output

2005-03-04 Thread Mike Reeve
Mike Reeve [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 = The BAD news: Entering 'variable pitch mode' appears to be setting
 = the Fs bits in the Channel Status Block to 48KHz  
BTW I am only assuming that this is the case from the behaviour of
the downstream box - I could be wrong ...
... if anyone has an SPDIF analyzer could they take a look.

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[slim] Use iTunes ...

2005-03-11 Thread Mike Reeve
Did I miss something or is it a bug that
Use iTunes has disappeared from Server Settings?
[SlimServer_v2005-03-11.dmg + OS X 10.3.8]

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Re: [slim] Use iTunes ...

2005-03-11 Thread Mike Reeve
kdf [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Is is not there, or was it that you hadn't yet noticed that it had been
 moved to the bottom of the page?
I just found that I had accidently de-selected iTunes under Plugins
(instead of the adjacent Visualizer Screensaver) ...  :-O

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Re: [slim] Rescan issue ...

2005-03-15 Thread Mike Reeve
Mike Reeve [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 SlimServer_v2005-03-11.dmg + OS X 10.3.8 + approx. 3000 songs:
  -  Rescan takes a couple of minutes
 SlimServer_v2005-03-15.dmg (and 03-14 also):
  -   Rescan never seems to end (waited approx. 4 hours) ...
As further background:
(1) I'm using iTunes
(2) Although the scanning doesn't seem to end,
 after a while browsing will show all the songs
Did something major get done to the rescan code 
between the 11th and 14th ...?

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Re: [slim] Rescan issue ...

2005-03-17 Thread Mike Reeve
Mike Reeve [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Whereas when version 03-15 gets to the same point it starts scanning again  
Dan,  Seems to be fixed in 03-17.  THANKS!  Mike

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[slim] Skin cosmetics (Default Fishbone)

2005-03-18 Thread Mike Reeve
SlimServer_v2005-03-17.dmg  +  OS X 10.3.8  +  Safari 1.2.4
A couple of (low priority) issues relating to skin cosmetics ...
(1) Default Skin
 When navigating down through music,
 say Browse Artists - 'An Artist' - 'An Album',
 the path (Home/Browse Artists/'An Artist'/'An Album') is displayed
 as buttons and one can back-track anywhere up the path
 using the appropriate button.
 When one reaches a particular song
 the path is shortened to Home/'A Song',
 and the only way back up the path is by using
 the browser's back button.
 This doesn't seem very consistent,
 I can see that one might not want to display the full path
 ((Home/Browse Artists/'An Artist'/'An Album'/'A Song')
 because of the limited width of the server panel
 - although would be the most consistent.
 If not the full path then perhaps a back button (like Fishbone)
 - or even Home/Back ...?
(2) Fishbone
 (a) If I go to Statistics from the player panel
  and then return to Playlist
  all I then see is literally the playlist
  - the palyer controls etc. are not displayed  :-O
 (b) A small comment/suggestion on/for the 'backlights' to
  the Play, Stop  Pause buttons:
  At the moment all the buttons light up red when that mode is selected.
  Perhaps they could be the more standard (?) green for Play,
  red for Stop  orange for Pause ...?

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[slim] Got the pony :-)

2005-03-29 Thread Mike Reeve
I just opened the box the UPS man delivered today
and found in it the 'pony' that I had ordered
- and I also found that
the pony seems to come with a free Squeezebox 2  :-)
Digital output is rock solid in every way!
MANY THANKS to all those at Slim Devices and to the other developers!



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Re: [slim] kinks in the SB2?

2005-03-30 Thread Mike Reeve
Julian Alden-Salter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 When I was setting up my squeezebox2 I had to remove my
 behringer ultramatch (mk1) from between the sb2 and my dac.
 With the ultramatch (a jitter buster amongst other things) in the loop
 I got no sound and the emphasis light
 on both the dac and the behringer flashed randomly.
I was surprised to read this as when I connected my new Squeebox 2 to
first an Apogee Big Ben and then a Genesis Digital Lens
both locked instantly (the Big Ben in narrow mode) and showed exactly 44.10.
As I happen to have a Behringer Ultramatch Pro
(i.e. the MK2 24/96 version of the Ultramatch) lying around
I just connected my Squeezebox 2 to it and it locks instantly/cleanly ...
If I recall correctly the Ultramatch MK1 used the old
CS8402 SPDIF receiver (whereas the MK2 uses the newer 8412/8414 series),
I wonder which receiver the Rotel  RSX1056 uses ...

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[slim] Fishbone skin ...

2005-03-30 Thread Mike Reeve
Just to re-raise a couple of points on the Fishbone operation/cosmetics:
 (a) If I go to Statistics from the player panel
  and then return via the Playlist button
  then all I see is the playlist
  - the palyer controls etc. are not displayed.
 Whilst I agree that this is a literal interpretation of
 a button labelled Playlist, it is 'frustrating' because
 to recover the player controls I have to refresh the whole screen,
 which frequently screws up what I was doing in the server panel  :-O
 Any chance of having the Playlist buton restore the player controls
 (in addition to the playlist) ...?
 [Or, if the above behaviour is really what is wanted,
 then could there be a second button (Player, may be)
 on the Statistics panel that
 retores the player controls and playlist ...?]

 (b) A small comment/suggestion on/for the 'backlights' to
  the Play, Stop  Pause buttons:
  At the moment all the buttons light up red when that mode is selected.
  Perhaps they could be the more standard (?) green for Play,
  red for Stop  orange for Pause ...?

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox 2 audio quality.

2005-03-30 Thread Mike Reeve
Natan  Nicki Tiefenbrun [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm hooking my SB up to a Linn
 DAC, and even with raw WAVs it doesn't sound half as good as the CD
 player with digital out, so I assume it's to do with the clocking.
Just in case you are running a wireless set up ...
... have you checked (and I apologise if you have already done so)
that you have set Player Settings  Bitrate Limiting to No Limit?
[Recall that it defaults to transcoding to 320Kbps MP3 ...
... I forgot this once after changing my set up
and had a moment of shock/panic until I remembered  :-O]

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[slim] FREE (almost) - Squeezebox 1

2005-06-01 Thread Mike Reeve
Having now bought a collection of Squeezebox 2s,
my original Squeezebox 1 (it's wireless and I upgraded its display)
is not being used and is looking for a new home ...
... send me a money order to cover the FedEx Ground costs
from Boston, MA 02210 to wherever you are (within the USA only)
and to make a donation to one of my favourite charities
(www.gbfb.org or www.servings.org) and my Squeezebox 1 is yours.
E-mail me off-list if you are interested.


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Re: [slim] FREE (almost) - Squeezebox 1 (UPDATE)

2005-06-01 Thread Mike Reeve
Mike Reeve [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 ... send me a money order to cover the FedEx Ground costs
 from Boston, MA 02210 to wherever you are (within the USA only)
 and to make a donation to one of my favourite charities
 (www.gbfb.org or www.servings.org) and my Squeezebox 1 is yours.
MANY THANKS to Ben Klaas for his generous donation to Community Servings
- My Squeezebox 1 is his!
[Which, to everyone else, indicates that it has gone
- APOLOGIES for not sending individual replies
but there was a large number of you ...]

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