Re: PPIG discuss: Documentation for large systems

2007-11-07 Thread Andrew Walenstein

Ruven E Brooks wrote:
3. I didn't rule out active discovery of content.  In fact, that's what 
people do today in our organization;
they look at the code and analyze the code, using tools of varying 
degrees of sophistication.
The problem is, it's terribly time consuming, and the same discovery 
process has to be repeated by
each new team member; that's what takes the 6-12 months - active 
discovery of content.

I'd like to jump start or shortcut the process.

[I note that In educational theory, active learning doesn't mean that 
you put the students on a desert island and
expect them to actively discover particle physics; it means that you 
carefully set up situations in which
the students participate that enable them to learn.   I can think of 
equivalents for learning a large
piece of software, but developing them requires even more work than 
writing the 20 page document.]

Yes, its good to call out this point even though I was trying to make 
the contrast stark for clarity.  As in:  put the (constructivist?) 
particle physics professor on the desert island instead of plunking down 
an undergraduate college textbook.  An intermediate position might be to 
have a teacher PLUS a book.

Of course, you appear to be making a case for avoiding repeated work by 
creating a reusable knowledge resource, so my line of thought wasn't 
exactly on topic.  I guess a better line of questioning leans towards 
the classic build for reuse question:  will the knowledge stored in 
the document be reused enough (before it is outdated, say) to warrant 
its expense?  At least this question is constructive enough to produce a 
documentation rule you might be able to use:  hesitate including 
anything that is likely to change before you get a new Chief Architect ;)

(Although since you suggest that certain forms of learning materials are 
very costly I still wonder about the cost effectiveness of providing 
tutors to software immigrants in lieu of certain efforts to document. 
Since none of the original developers are around, however, this question 
may be somewhat moot in your case).


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Re: PPIG discuss: Documentation for large systems

2007-11-06 Thread Andrew Walenstein

Ruven E Brooks wrote:
Suppose that you were hired (at an outrageous salary, of course) to be 
the chief architect of this system.
If you could have a 20 page initial document on the internal structure 
of this system, what would that document contain?...

Other thoughts, suggestions are welcome.

If this email is supposed to be some kind of joke or rude satire, it's 
not remotely funny enough, Ruven.  Surely:

  (a) you know as well as anyone that this is a solved problem after so 
much careful research, and that you should be able to quickly find your 
answers (check the encyclopedia, perhaps),

  (b) industry already knows all they need about their problems and 
academics are apparently unconnected to reality, so why are you asking?,

  (c) 1.5 that it?,

  (d) programmers don't read documentation, and

  (e) code is self-documenting anyway.

OK, I reached way back almost to Perlis Aphorism territory for the last 
two but I think completeness is a virtue here.  I mean, is it April 1st 

If you believe architects are not programmers per se, then asking a 
superprogrammer what she thinks is arguably bad requirements gathering. 
 Perhaps it might be better to look at something along the lines of the 
following instead?:

 1. major forces/issues the architecture must continue to meet
 2. list of successes and warts of the current architecture
 3. rationales for #2 relating to #1

Good luck!

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Re: PPIG discuss: Documentation for large systems

2007-11-06 Thread Andrew Walenstein

Gaspar, Alessio (USF Lakeland) wrote:
I can understand the love'em / hate'm positions regarding wikis, however I couldn't help but notice that some of the arguments below are very close to what used to be said by corporations about open source projects and development methodologies 

All wikis don't have to be wikipedias; they can help build collaboratively information without anonymous contributions and with clearly defined participation roles from the team members. In such a context, it can still simplify collective review and speeds up the turn around time. 

We're probably dealing with the classical reaction / counter-reaction surrounding any new technology; 
step #1 it'll solve all our problems!

step #2 wait, it is now our main problem
step #3 we should use it only for what it's good for...

Hmm, step #3 is frequently different in my experience, as in:

 step #1 it'll solve all our problems!
 step #2 wait, it is now our main problem
 step #3 look, here's another shiny new paradigm!

For example,

  step #1:  Wiki will solve all our problems!
  step #2:  wait, now it is our main problem
  step #3:  you're not using Agile Wiki methods. [later] Correctly.

I find it a little amusing to note that Ruven asked for the *content* of 
a static document in a producer-consumer context and the discussion has 
turned to the merits of an active, collaborative documentation 

It makes me think about the classic arguments espousing active 
learning/discovering (as opposed to, say, transfer theories of 
learning).  Might be interesting to compare the ROI of (a) the manpower 
used to create a 20 page document against (b) providing that same 
manpower as research/development aids for the incoming Chief Architect 
during her acclimation period.


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Re: PPIG discuss: Hello / how we debug

2007-01-07 Thread Andrew Walenstein

First, hello to Dan Frost.

C.Douce wrote:

Whilst I do appreciate the simplicity (and elegance) of the

 'print I'm here' approach, when it comes to developing
 embedded systems nothing can beat a monitor program, a
 serial cable and the ability to plant break points in your
 code when you begin to step into trouble.

I cannot foresee a time in which everyone will agree about debugging. 
While the embedded systems argument has been made many times, I think 
there still will be a segment that resist it.

I am reminded of Linus Torvalds' long insistence of no official kernel 
debug interface 
(  Some 
interesting conjectures there about the impact of tools on how people 
think.  Torvald's comments also remind me of a previous PPIG discuss 
thread on the impact of compile time 

On a more personal note I have trouble separating debugging from other 
programming activities, and thus reserve first dibs on withdrawing from 
debugging debates by claiming them to be battles between straw men. ;)

Regarding the earlier question of standard diagnosis procedures, there 
may indeed be some fairly stable and general sets of patterns that 
debuggers try.  For example, IIRC Weisers's slicing work arose from 
observations of debuggers commonly performing backwards data flow 
tracing from the point at which actual program behaviour diverges from 

That said, I am still having a difficult time relating medical diagnosis 
procedures with programming simply because of the variety in programs. 
Perhaps experts on debugging distributed reactive systems are 
specialized in ways similar to dermatologists?  Still, I know studies 
have been done on medical problem analysis and I am intrigued as to 
whether anyone has specific ideas as to how they may be related.


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Re: PPIG discuss: Bracketing -- 4 other issues

2001-09-21 Thread Andrew Walenstein

 I think this is a simple readability and/or standards issue. For 
 example, the APA publication manual specifically separates the label 
 from the bracket in reporting statistics and degrees of freedom, for 
 example for an analysis of variance it is F (2, 24) not F(2, 24).

I'm not so sure.  At first glance, I say it might involve four
different psychological issues:  learning, perceptual distinction
issues, esthetic and bias issues, and and task-related scanning

Learning.  Spacing may affect learning by providing cues (CD: role
expressiveness) as to how to interpret the line.  As Derek M. Jones
says, if( may be confused with a function call, whereas if all
keywords are consistently separated by whitespace, then it may
prove less confusing.  Still, I think its a bit of a stretch.  A
second point related to learning is that standards should
make learning easier because of the consistency.

Perception distinction issues.  Wayne Gary cited Rayner's article and,
although I know little about this body of literature, I could offer
up the following quotation.  Don Norman, in chapter 3 of Things that
Make Us Smart, notes the following:

 A: Which number is larger?
284 912
  B: Which number is larger?
284 312
  Much to many people's surprise, experimental psychologists
  discovered that people can answer problem A faster than they can
  B. The time differences are small, small enough that you can't notice
  it yourself, but large enough to be easily measured through the
  appropriate experiments. Even though we experience both comparisons
  as immediate and effortless, B takes more time and effort than
  A. Why is this? So far, the only answer that accounts for all the
  findings is that the Arabic numbers are translated into a perceptual
  image---an additive representation---before the comparison is
  performed.  The greater the perceptual difference, the easier the

From this there's two things to note.  First, the difference may not be
noticeable even if small differences in perfromance are experimentally
measurable.  Who cares about such timing differences other than
notation designers with absolutely nothing else to worry about?  The
second is that even seemingly minor perceptual distinctions may be
important.  That could provide an armchair argument for adding a

Esthetic and bias issues.  Some people really hate different spacing.
That could affect the reader.  For instance, someone's promotion might
depend upon a manager perceiving that a developer's code is solid and
professional.  I know of absolutely no work on this sort of issue, and
since it is generally outside cognitive science's currently limited
scope, I suspect you'll only find related research in something like
JMIS (J. Manag Info Sys).

Task-related scanning issues.  A fourth psychological issue is how
tasks and goals affect the use of the notation.  If one is reading
the code carefully in a code inspection, my gut feeling is that
no spacing variations matter except that some forms will offend the
esthetic tastes of the reader.  What about someone searching for a
specific comparison in a body of code (such as in an
if-else-else---then chain)?  Then spacing may hinder effective
perceptual search.  In particular, is may be that

  if ( foo == bar )

is easier to scan for comparisons than

  if(foo == bar)


  if (foo == bar)

Unlike in #2 above, that task-related issue may be important since,
although speed might not be an important issue, accuracy might very well
be.  For example, missing a case during search could be disasterous.
You MAY be able to twist this sort of argument into a case for why
you should always add space after a keyword.

 However, although intuitively it seems that spaces increase 
 readability, I believe that the research on reading suggests that 
 eliminating spaces betweenwordsasinthisline does not significantly 
 decrease speed. I am not quite sure where I picked up this 
 counterintuitive factoid, but it might have been cited in:

Ewww, that IS surprising if true.  Does some other distinguishing
feature need to be there as in MixedCaseIdentifiersAreOK? but


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Re: PPIG discuss: What plan?

2001-05-03 Thread Andrew Walenstein

  An example of a simple plan is a simple find plan:
  iterate through the set
  test each set member to see if it is the target; if it is, end the 
 Most computer scientists would (hopefully) call this the linear search
 algorithm -- and therefore be very worried about using it
 because it is O(n), proper searching should be O(log(n))
 (binary chop and binary tree search) or O(1) (hash table).

Not worried, no.  Every practicing engineer knows its sometimes best to
use linear search because its simple to write, understand, debug, and
modify if necessary.  For short non-critical searches its great.  It
appears regularly in production code.

And note:  linear search is a shared abstraction with a common
vocabulary.  It clearly qualifies as a plan which, according to your
previous mailing, is not appropriate.  Thus I think it is quite wrong
to separate patterns and plans so dogmatically.  What would you call
a pattern that only you know?  Moreover I would hazard to guess that
when paired programmers get together and code, they use a lot of shared
plans otherwise it just wouldn't work.


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