Re: PPIG discuss: Programmer education ain't what it used to be

2008-01-15 Thread William Billingsley

On 15 Jan 2008, at 15:02, Lindsay Marshall wrote:

Based on the discussion I listened to, the statement that
applicants equate enrolling on this program = becoming great
at Java = well-paid employment is not true here, as Michael

No, there it is applicants equate enrolling on this program = get  
degree from cambridge, even a 3rd = well-paid employment

I'll provide a datapoint without the cachet of Cambridge, then --

In 1998, the University of Queensland chose Java as a teaching  
language. Although I wasn't directly involved in the decision, I did  
observe it taking place.  There had been a tension between the  
electrical engineering department's desire to teach C early in the  
course (because students were expected to use it in the  
microcontroller practicals) with the CS department's concerns that C  
promotes bad habits when taught as a first or second language because  
it makes it too easy to do unsafe pointer arithmetic (so instead the  
CS department had taught engineers Pascal and Modula2, which they  
could not use in practicals due to poor compiler and tool support on  
the relevant microcontrollers).  When the departments merged, Java  
was adopted because it was a strongly-typed language with a good OO  
model and C-like syntax -- this hit both bases of teaching good  
habits and reducing  the learning barrier to using C in embedded  

Again, there was no applicants equate enrolling on this program =  
becoming great at Java = well-paid employment process involved.

William Billingsley

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Re: PPIG discuss: Documentation for large systems

2007-11-07 Thread William Billingsley

So theoretically, 20% of the team have just gone through this  
learning process.  What did they misunderstand?  What questions were  
they asking their mentors and why.  Ask if you can read the notes  
they made, and interview them about those notes -- which bits  
actually turned out to be useful and which were blind alleys?   
Hopefully, that'll quite quickly tell you what level they are getting  
stuck at -- whether they have difficulty getting the big picture, or  
whether there are specific details that are missing -- whether it's a  
navigational problem or an understanding problem, etc.

(I'm hoping 20% of the team doesn't just mean 1 additional new  
grad, but that you might get a breadth of responses)


On 7 Nov 2007, at 14:23, Ruven E Brooks wrote:

Let me elaborate a bit on my original request.

1.  I'm assuming that most or all of the previous developers/ 
architects of the system
are unavailable.  All that's left are the artifacts, code plus  
whatever else.  There's no one

to talk to about where to start, etc. or about the overall structure.

2. Imagine that, instead of being a new chief architect, that the  
plan is to replace 20% of the
developers on the project every year but not to increase staffing  
levels by 20% (which is what
would be required with the current methods of getting people up to  

3. I didn't rule out active discovery of content.  In fact, that's  
what people do today in our organization;
they look at the code and analyze the code, using tools of varying  
degrees of sophistication.
The problem is, it's terribly time consuming, and the same  
discovery process has to be repeated by
each new team member; that's what takes the 6-12 months - active  
discovery of content.

I'd like to jump start or shortcut the process.

[I note that In educational theory, active learning doesn't mean  
that you put the students on a desert island and
expect them to actively discover particle physics; it means that  
you carefully set up situations in which
the students participate that enable them to learn.   I can think  
of equivalents for learning a large
piece of software, but developing them requires even more work than  
writing the 20 page document.]


Re: PPIG discuss: Documentation for large systems

2007-11-06 Thread William Billingsley


I'm a man with a hammer, so I'm interested in finding out whether  
your problem might be a nail...

From the issue you've described (it's difficult to know where to  
start and what to read), it sounds like the shortage is not in the  
detailed documentation per se, but in an introductory guide to the  
purpose and parts of the system -- a textbook for working with the  

The hammer that I have is a better system for authors and students to  
collaboratively write textbooks.  Someone who used to work with SAP  
recently suggested to me that because of the particular way it works,  
the textbook system could be very useful to programmers and  
configurers for large systems.  (Who often find the documentation  
written by the experts to be too detailed and low-level to navigate  

Anyway, I'm interested in finding out how well the technology fits  
into that of market (if at all), so I'd love to hear more about the  
issues you and your team are facing, if you're willing to chat more  
about it.

best regards,

Will Billingsley
Research Associate,
Centre for Applied Research in Educational Technology,
Cambridge University

On 6 Nov 2007, at 16:56, Ruven E Brooks wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 11/06/2007 10:21:14 AM:

 Who will be the reader of these documents?

 If the readers are going to be software developers working on
 the source do you think the exercise will be cost effective?
 After all, if there are only going to be a few readers and they
 are only going to read parts of the source (ie, on an as needed
 basis) then you documenting all of it may be more costly.

It takes a minimum of six months and, more typically, a year, before
developers joining this project have positive productivity, e.g. the
value of their efforts exceeds the cost in other people's time to  

them up to speed.  From informal discussions, this length of time is
typical, or, perhaps, on the speedy side for applications of this  

If you assume that four or five developers on the team are being  
replaced per year,
and that better information could cut the one year learning time  
down to six months, then
we have something like 2.5 person years, every year, to invest in  
getting and updating

the information.

The problems with just reading parts of the source, which is what  
happens now,
are that it's often difficult to know where to start and what to  
read.  A large part
of the 6-12 month learning period is spend building up enough of  
understand of the overall

structure so that know where to focus detailed understanding.


Re: PPIG discuss: Loop Bounds and Errors

2006-01-31 Thread William Billingsley

Frank Wales wrote:

On 01/31/2006 02:37 PM, Howie Goodell wrote:

The test ilimit fails where 16-bit math or huge loops hit the
signed-arithmetic threshold. Using unsigned arithmetic only buys you
another power of 2. The safe approach is to say, limit-i1.

Oh, sure.  I just didn't want to complexificate the example by
introducing issues of machine representation and wraparound,
let alone handling signalling NaNs or sign extension.

I couldn't resist mentioning this...

Curiously we have here an example of how it can sometimes be safer to 
use the common approach. 

In Howie's refining the ilimit test to come up with a safer 
alternative, he inadvertantly put limit-i1 which is mathematically 
not the same -- I assume he meant limit - i  0.  Frank's second pair 
of eyes didn't pick the error up and readily agreed with it.  So the new 
checked safer approach would not run at all if the limit was, say, 7 and 
would go whistling off to the signed-wraparound-point if limit was 0; 
while the common approach stands a reasonable chance of working most of 
the time.

Using the common approach might someimes be safer because perhaps your 
code-reviewers might be more likely to spot your mistakes if you aren't 
forever doing things in uncommon ways.

...ok, back to work.

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