Re: Tomcat and Restlets

2008-05-12 Thread Thierry Boileau

Hello Thomas,

could you provide us your web.xml file also?
Can you have a look at this documentation page? =

best regards,
Thierry Boileau


I've got some problems concerning the integration of a simple Application into
the  Tomcat container. I followed the instructions on the FAQs,
however it doesn't work with my code, I get HTTP 500 internal errors. The
application works in the Noelios engine.

package com.interaktivestadt;


import org.restlet.Component;
import org.restlet.Context;
import org.restlet.Restlet;
import org.restlet.Route;
import org.restlet.Router;
import org.restlet.util.Variable;
import org.restlet.Directory;

import com.db4o.Db4o;
import com.db4o.ObjectContainer;
import com.db4o.config.Configuration;

 * The main Web application.
 * @author Thomas Fuhrmann
public class Application extends org.restlet.Application {

private ObjectContainer container;

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Create a component with an HTTP server connector
Component comp = new Component();
comp.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTP, 3000);

// Attach the application to the default host and start it
comp.getDefaultHost().attach(/, new Application(comp.getContext()));

public Application(Context context) {

// the db4o container is a simple database for storing objects
// setting the update depth to two, because the user object we store
contains a non primitive member
// system property user.home means the local user directory
this.container = Db4o.openFile(System.getProperty(user.home) +
File.separator + userdb.dbo);

public Restlet createRoot() {
// Router routes client requests to their according resources
// taken from the Restlet docs:
// The context property is typically provided by a parent 
Component as a way
to encapsulate access to shared features such as logging and client connectors.
Router router = new Router(getContext());

// Add a route for the homepage resource

// Add a route for the user input validation
router.attach(/users/participation, ParticipationResource.class);

// Add a route for the users resource
Route usersRoute = router.attach(/users/{username}, 
usersRoute.getTemplate().getVariables().put(username, new

return router;

 * Returns the database container.
 * @return the database container.
public ObjectContainer getContainer() {
return this.container;


Thanks, for your help!


Re: javax.servlet should be optional for ext.fileupload -- was Re: Latest Restlet snapshot is amazing! (re: OSGi)

2008-05-12 Thread Thierry Boileau

Hi Hendy,

thanks for your contribution, that I think I've integrated too 
quickly... Normally, as a contributor you must sign the Joint Copyright 
Do you mind to sign and send it? =

best regards,
Thierry Boileau
Confirmed. Hacking the ext.fileupload.jar to use the MANIFEST.MF below 
make it work. The changed line is the Import-Package one, where I 
specify dependency to javax.servlet.* as optional. I can still make 
FileUpload work using the built-in Restlet component HTTP Server.

Should I make a JIRA request for this? This is very trivial... ;)

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.6.5
Created-By: 1.5.0_14-b03 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: Restlet Extension - FileUpload
Bundle-SymbolicName: org.restlet.ext.fileupload
Bundle-Version: 1.1
Bundle-Vendor: Noelios Consulting
Export-Package: org.restlet.ext.fileupload;uses:=org.restlet.resource


Name: org.restlet.ext.fileupload
Implementation-Title: org.restlet.ext.fileupload_1.2
Implementation-Version: 1.1 Snapshot  (build 215)
Implementation-Vendor: Noelios Consulting

Hendy Irawan wrote:
After battling various strange things with latest Restlet milestone 
(without OSGi support incorporated), I tried Restlet snapshot and 
wow... I need no more Engine.setInstance() hack... and Component 
actually calls Application.createRoot(). (For some strange reason, it 
didn't, and left my Restlet server in a blank state. I have to 
update my restlet app bundle on every launch to make it work)

Latest snapshot is working fine.

(plus, thanks for mentioning me in the Changelog) ^)^

No workarounds needed now, except...

Why ext.fileupload requires 'javax.servlet' and 'javax.servlet.http' 
(in OSGi manifest)? There has to be a good reason for this, because 
in my experience it works fine without (i.e. just using the built-in 
Restlet HTTP server component)

If it's not always required then should be marked as 
resolution:=optional in MANIFEST.MF (or maybe other way). Thanks.

Re: Tomcat and Restlets

2008-05-12 Thread Thomas
 Hello Thomas,
 could you provide us your web.xml file also?
 Can you have a look at this documentation page? =
 best regards,
 Thierry Boileau

?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1?

!DOCTYPE web-app 
PUBLIC -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN;


display-nameInteraktive Stadt Web Application/display-name
  This is a Restful web map service, written in Java by
  Thomas Fuhrmann. For more information, please contact


!-- Restlet adapter --

!-- Catch all requests --

Yes I've already looked at this page, that's where I started from.


Re: no current ZIP entry..Any ideas

2008-05-12 Thread Thierry Boileau

Hi Surjendu,

my first quick answer is that you don't need to wrap your 
FileRepresentation with an EncodeRepresentation. there is no gain to zip 
a zip file.

File file = new File(c:\\;
rep = new FileRepresentation(file,MediaType.APPLICATION_ZIP);

However, this may be the sign of a bug, I have a look at this.
best regards,
Thierry Boileau

I am receiving the following exception when the entity is 
being set in the response. no current ZIP entry

My code:

File file = new File(c:\\;
rep = new FileRepresentation(file,MediaType.APPLICATION_ZIP);
Representation zippedRep = new EncodeRepresentation(Encoding.ZIP,rep);


Re: Tomcat and Restlets

2008-05-12 Thread Thierry Boileau

Hello Thomas,

that's great!

best regards,
Thierry Boileau

OK, I've just fixed the problem, I had to change the param name value in the
web.xml file.

Re: Tomcat and Restlets

2008-05-12 Thread Thomas
OK, I've just fixed the problem, I had to change the param name value in the
web.xml file.

Re: no current ZIP entry..Any ideas

2008-05-12 Thread Thierry Boileau

Hi Surjendu,

Thanks Surjendu for reporting this bug. I've entered a new issue. =

You can encode using the GZIP encoding which seems to work well.

Representation zippedRep = new EncodeRepresentation(Encoding.GZIP,rep);

best regards,
Thierry Boileau
I am receiving the following exception when the entity is 
being set in the response. no current ZIP entry

My code:

File file = new File(c:\\;
rep = new FileRepresentation(file,MediaType.APPLICATION_ZIP);
Representation zippedRep = new EncodeRepresentation(Encoding.ZIP,rep);


Re: and CDDL no more

2008-05-12 Thread Rob Heittman
Please scroll down to the AlphanumericComparator implementation and observe
that the source is credited to me and has nothing in common with Dave
Koelle's implementation.  Jerome, it might be good to alter the comment at
the top of the file to clarify that we use an independent implementation, to
avoid further confusion on this point.  I think the change log has the
correct language, crediting Dave for the advocacy but not the code.

Dave's Web site has been a popular destination advocating the usability
advantages of alphanumeric sorting.  When this Web site was brought to the
Restlet project's attention, I originally approached Dave Koelle in hopes of
using his existing implementation.  However, he was unwilling to release his
work under a Restlet-compatible license (either public domain or CDDL), and
so we could not use it.

Although Dave independently arrived at the idea of an alphanumeric
(natural) sort, he certainly isn't the first to have the idea; the concept
and various implementations appear in computing literature back to at least
the 1970s.

Researching the prior discussion and work on the point led me to choose a
simple character comparison approach with a 2-3x performance gain and memory
footprint advantages over the block comparison approach Dave uses.  Dave's
blockwise approach theoretically allows more complex properties to be
examined (for example, comparing hex strings or floats) but these advantages
are not currently exposed in his reference implementation, and necessarily
come with a performance tradeoff.

- Rob

On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 1:20 AM, Leshek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Am I looking at a wrong source?  Around line 56 of I see:

  * ... The default sorting uses the friendly a
  from David
  * Koelle/a.

Re: and CDDL no more

2008-05-12 Thread Leshek
Thank you Rob!  From my current experience with legal side, definitely would be 
good to make it crystal clear there is no LGPL related code in there.  It 
almost shut down all my efforts. 

Issues with Directory and Custom contexts

2008-05-12 Thread Alex Milowski
I'm loading applications directly from jar files and constructing
their context.  I ran into a problem where an application that
uses the Directory restlet would generate a null pointer exception.

That is, if I construct the context as:

 Context appContext = new Context(getLogger());

then I get this stack trace:

at org.restlet.Uniform.handle(
at org.restlet.Uniform.get(
at com.noelios.restlet.Engine.createDirectoryResource(
at org.restlet.Directory.findTarget(
at org.restlet.Finder.handle(
at org.restlet.Filter.doHandle(
at org.restlet.Filter.handle(
at org.restlet.Filter.doHandle(
at com.noelios.restlet.StatusFilter.doHandle(
at org.restlet.Filter.handle(
at org.restlet.Filter.doHandle(
at org.restlet.Filter.handle(
at com.noelios.restlet.ChainHelper.handle(
at org.restlet.Application.handle(

I can solve this by constructing the application context from the component as:

 Context appContext =

This seems rather non-obvious :(

--Alex Milowski