Re: Restlet JAX-RS question

2010-03-25 Thread Fabio Mancinelli
Hi again...

by the way the JAX-RS module has already a dependency on the servlet


On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 12:35 PM, Jerome Louvel wrote:
 Hi guys,

 Sorry for being late to the discussion.

 The dependency on the Servlet API is an issue indeed, but I think you should
 be able to achieve what you want by injecting the Restlet request/response
 and then from that retrieving the Servlet request/response.

 org.restlet.ext.servlet.internal.ServletCall class has this static method to
 getRequest(org.restlet.Request) : HttpServletRequest

 In order to make this more obvious, I've just added to SVN trunk a
 ServletUtils class to the Servlet extension with two static methods to
 easily retrieve the Servlet request/response.

 Best regards,
 Jerome Louvel
 Restlet ~ Founder and Technical Lead ~
 Noelios Technologies ~


Re: Restlet JAX-RS question

2010-03-25 Thread Fabio Mancinelli
On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 12:35 PM, Jerome Louvel wrote:
 Hi guys,

 Sorry for being late to the discussion.

 The dependency on the Servlet API is an issue indeed, but I think you should
 be able to achieve what you want by injecting the Restlet request/response
 and then from that retrieving the Servlet request/response.

 org.restlet.ext.servlet.internal.ServletCall class has this static method to
 getRequest(org.restlet.Request) : HttpServletRequest

 In order to make this more obvious, I've just added to SVN trunk a
 ServletUtils class to the Servlet extension with two static methods to
 easily retrieve the Servlet request/response.

 Best regards,
 Jerome Louvel


I don't know if you have seen it, but I contributed a patch...
Actually I inject directly the HttpServletRequest using something that
maybe is similar to what you describe there (hence, the ext.servlet

By injecting the Restlet Request we would remove the dependency and we
provide a way for retrieving the HttpServletRequest in the JAX-RS
resources. It is indeed a good idea! And is almost implemented in the
patch I sent (it's just a matter of removing some lines, providing
that the rest is good :))

Thanks for the feedback!


P.S.: Link to the patch :


Dynamic JAX-RS application

2010-03-09 Thread Fabio Mancinelli
Hi everybody,

I have the following use case: I would like to setup a dynamic JAX-RS
application where you can dynamically add and remove resources at

Now I have successfully managed to add/remove resources in the following way :

1) I create a new whose getClasses method
returns the new set of classes (at time T)
2) I detach the current org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.JaxRsApplication from
the component defaultHost.
3) I create a new org.restlet.ext.jaxrs.JaxRsApplication
4) I add to the JaxRsApplication created in 3) the configuration created in 1)
5) I attach the new application instance to the component.

Things seems to work without problems.

I posted the code on

The behavior is the correct one

1) /another doesn't exist
2) /hello is accessed
3) The /another resource starts to respond
4) The /hello resource is gone

So my question is : has this code something wrong (e.g., a possible
memory leak or whatever) ? Are there other more elegant ways to
realize my use case?




Re: When to use POST??

2009-12-22 Thread Fabio Mancinelli
On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 4:18 PM, Conor Moran wrote:
 I found an interview with Jerome on infoQ recently which states it is best to 
 use PUT for both Create  Update

 --- ---
 InfoQ: Can you elaborate a little on your criticism of Rails in this regard? 
 What's unnatural about its CRUD mapping in your opinion?

 JL: Beside the GET and DELETE HTTP methods that map nicely to SQL SELECT and 
 DELETE verbs, I find the usage by Rails of POST method for creation rather 
 unfortunate. The best method for creation in REST is PUT which is also used 
 for updates. The advantage of PUT over POST is that if the operation fails it 
 can be safely repeated which isn't the case for POST.

 Also, ...

 Should I ever use POST?
 If so, can you give an example of what to use this for?

Imho, you use PUT for creating resources when the client is able to
know and decide what URI the resource should have.
You use POST for creating resources when the URI is assigned by the
server (i.e., the client is unable to figure out what URI the newly
created resource should have).


POST : posting a comment in some kind of restful forum : POST
http://foo/post/1/comments will create a comment whose URI is
something like http://foo/post/1/comments/12345 (the client cannot
know what the ID of the comment will be, so it does a POST on the
parent resource)



Re: JAX-RS instantiation policies

2009-05-27 Thread Fabio Mancinelli
On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 11:18 PM, Stephan Koops wrote:

 That is the intended default lifecycle, but you could change it by
 returning providers from or
 resources from

Thanks Stephan for your hint.



Multiple applications

2009-04-08 Thread Fabio Mancinelli
Dear all,

is it possible to define multiple applications in a web.xml, each one attached 
to a servlet rooted at a different base URI?

Apparently it's not possible because the application class is defined as a 
context parameter not linked to a servlet, but maybe I am missing something.

Thank you for your help.


RE: Re: Multiple applications

2009-04-08 Thread Fabio Mancinelli
 You probably want to declare your application - url mapping in some
 configuration files outside of the code.
 If you're talking about web.xml file only, it seems you can't.
Actually I was talking about web.xml file only.
Thank you for your hints about solving the problem.



Media types specified as a query parameter

2009-04-07 Thread Fabio Mancinelli
Hi everybody,

I would like to use query parameters in order to specify the media type to be 
sent to the client. Tunneling and metadata services should do the trick.

However I cannot achieve this.

I called in createRoot() of the JaxRsApplication (I am the using JAX-RS 


and request some URI using:


but it doesn't seem to work.

Any hint?



RE: Re: Media types specified as a query parameter

2009-04-07 Thread Fabio Mancinelli
Hi Rhett,

thanks for the hint.
I activated the query service but still no luck.

I am starting to think that the ?media mechanism is not supported when using 
the JAX-RS extension.



RE: Re: Media types specified as a query parameter

2009-04-07 Thread Fabio Mancinelli
 I am starting to think that the ?media mechanism is not supported when using 
 the JAX-RS extension.
This is probably the reason...

Anyway I did this very simple application

Could somebody confirm the incompatibility, or hint a solution if I am doing 
something wrong? :)



Multipart parsing

2009-04-06 Thread Fabio Mancinelli
Dear all,

I am using JAX-RS for handing a Multipart form for file upload. I have a method:

public Attachment addAttachment(Multipart multipart) ...

Now the problem is that multipart contains information to be parsed
in order to be extracted (I am talking about form fields)
Something like:

Content-Disposition : form-data; name=field1
Content-Disposition : form-data; name=field2
Content-Disposition : form-data; name=file; filename=someuploadedcontent.png

Is there already, in Restlet, a convenient way for parsing this kind
of thing or should I write some pattern matching magic?



Re: Servlet container's filters, getParameters() and POSTing www-form-urlencoded data

2009-03-13 Thread Fabio Mancinelli
On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 1:17 PM, Jerome Louvel wrote:
 Hi Fabio,

 I don't have a clean solution for you in a Servlet+JAX-RS scenario. Using
 the Restlet API, you would have a workaround because we cache the result of
 Request#getEntityAsForm() so you can call it several times.

 Maybe you can write a Servlet filter that extract all that you will need
 downstream and stick it into Servlet Request's attributes?

Well that's not possible, but I put in place a workaround...
I wrote a Restlet filter and from there I retrieved the original
httprequest and stored it into Restlet's context attributes.

If an application/x-www-form-urlencoded entity is sent I try to use
getParameter*() to retrieve the information by retrieving the original
httprequest from the Restlet context.

Not the best wrt cleanliness but it worked :)



Servlet container's filters, getParameters() and POSTing www-form-urlencoded data

2009-03-06 Thread Fabio Mancinelli
Dear all,

this is a quite known issue[1][2] but I am wondering if you already
have a solution to the following problem:

Suppose you have a servlet filter that uses one of the getParameter*()
method in order to get some data from the request.
What happens is that if the request is a POST+www-form-urlencoded data
this method consumes the body and when the request reaches Restlet,
its body appears to be empty (i.e., subsequent calls to
getInputStream() return and empty stream).

Do you know a workaround to circumvent this behavior (except not using
getParameter*() in the filter)?
RequestWrappers don't work very well [1]

Thank you for your answer.




JAX-RS and media types

2009-02-13 Thread Fabio Mancinelli
Dear all,

I am playing with the Restlet JAX-RS extension and I have a question to ask 
about media types.

I defined two MessageBodyWriter for MyType, one annotated with 
@Produces(text/xml) and the other with @Produces(text/plain).

Now the problem is that when Safari asks for a resource that gives a 
representation of MyType using the following header:


The text/plain representation is returned.

Actually the returned representation varies randomly at each server restart. 
Sometimes the text/xml is returned. I suspect that this is due by the fact that 
providers are put in a Set returned by the getClasses() method, where the order 
is not taken into account.

Anyway I would have expected that with such an Accept header, the text/xml 
would have always been returned and I don't understand why, being a text/xml 
writer available, the text/plain is selected.

Any idea?

Thank you,

P.S.: If I use simpler Accept headers, everything works fine: Accept: 
text/plain - returns text/plain. Accept: text/xml - returns text/xml.


Retrieving the UriTemplate associated to a Resource class

2009-01-07 Thread Fabio Mancinelli
Dear all,

I have already implemented this by building additional infrastructure, but I 
was wondering if, from inside a Resource, there is a way for retrieving which 
UriTemplate is associated to a given Resource class.

To be more explicit:

In application:
router.attach(/myResource, MyResource.class)

In MyResource I would like to have something like:
getUriTemplateFor(MyResource.class) - /myResource

I digged a bit into the API but I haven't find anything like this.



Application and Resource lifecycle

2009-01-06 Thread fabio . mancinelli
Dear all,

I am using Restlet with an IoC container (i.e., Plexus) and I would like to ask 
some questions about the lifecycle of some Restlet objects in order to decide 
which policy I have to choose for their instantiation and how to handle them.

1) Is ServletServer.createApplication() called only once during application 

2) Is Application.createRoot() called only once during application lifetime? 
(Probably a positive answer to 1 will also answer this)

3) Are resource re-usable? I mean, if I have an instance of a Resource, may I 
call init() in order to make the same instance serve different requests?

Thanks for your help.



RE: Exception-resistant filters

2009-01-06 Thread Fabio Mancinelli
Did it with a custom StatusService.

I have some code duplication in the filter for successful requests and  in the 
StatusService for handling exceptional cases.

I don't think it's possible to do otherwise, but I am open to suggestions :)




RE: Metadata service

2008-12-25 Thread fabio . mancinelli
Yes I was able to solve the issue.

It was the getTunnelService().setExtensionsTunnel(true); that had to be called 
to enable conneg via extensions.

Thank you for your help and merry xmas! :)


Metadata service

2008-12-23 Thread fabio . mancinelli
Dear all,

maybe this is a trivial question but I cannot get the MetadataService to work 
as I expect.

I started from the HelloWorld example in

I added a new Variant to the HelloWorldResource (APPLICATION_ATOM_XML) and 
attached it to the /hello route.

When I GET /hello.atom the variant requested is always TEXT/PLAIN and not, 

I tried different things in FirstStepsApplication.createRoot() method:

- getMetadataService().addCommonExtensions()
- getMetadataService().setEnabled(true)
- getMetadataService().start()

But I always get the same behavior (i.e., the .atom extension does not trigger 
a request for the ATOM variant)

What is the correct way to setup this behavior?

