Setting Connection header in m7

2010-01-30 Thread Garry Turkington

I'm sure I'm just missing something obvious in the API but how do I set 
the Connection header on responses in M7 and the snapshot?

M6 seemed to set Connection to close which is what some of my clients 
need.  With the async model in M7 and beyond I'm assume I need explicitly 
set this but can't find out where.



Garry Turkington


Re: Comprehensive example of authentication in RESTLet 2.0?

2010-01-28 Thread Garry Turkington
Hi Drew,

I can't give a comprehensive example but I just built something along 
these lines recently and actually found the main building blocks to be 
quite straightforward.

I have a number of routes configured in my application, the first object 
in each is a custom class that extends

That class has an authenticate method that receives the request and 
response objects and returns a boolean result -- though you also need set 
the status code on the response if it's a non 200-code situation.

Within that method I check the custom values of the ChallengeResponse 
object that my AuthenticationHelper populates (see below) to make coarse 
authentication decisions.  The next objects in my routes are then 
different subclasses of that have an 
authorize method analogous to the authenticate method in the 
Authenticator.  By this mechanism I have logic that has parsed the header 
into the user credentials, made a decision if this is a valid user and 
decided if they can use the resource before the resource is ever touched.

Re the AuthenticationHelper, I was initially confused by this but for me 
it was easier than I expected.  I wrote a subclass of and overrode the 
parseResponse method.  This method receives the raw bytes from the 
Authorization header in the request and its in this method that I take 
this and use it to populate the ChallengeResponse object used by the 
authenticator.  So this is where you could do your database lookups to 
convert the raw auth data into fields on the ChallengeResponse object that 
the Authenticator will then use for its authentication decisions.

AuthenticationHelper has a bunch of other methods depending on whether or 
not you've got more elaborate auth schemes but for me all I needed do was 
implement the one method.

You do need register the helper and this is where I can't help you.  I was 
receiving requests using the Amazon S3 authentication scheme and that's 
specified as a type in org.restlet.ChallengeScheme.  I'm not sure how you 
register with a custom scheme.

The one thing I did find was that once I had my custom Authenticator, 
Authorizer and AuthenticationHelper classes it all just worked; the 
Restlet machinery calls the right methods at the right times and you get the 
outcomes you want.  It's pretty cool.

Hope that helps a little,

On Tue, 26 Jan 2010, Drew wrote:

 I'm trying to integrate authentication into my RESTLets however I'm having 
 trouble understanding the authentication scheme that Restlet implements.  It 
 seems that most of the examples use the Guard class... however this is now 
 deprecated... It seems that ChallengeAuthenticator should be used instead.  
 Also, most of the examples only show simple password validation.  How would 
 we extend this to using a database?  I understand there are 
 AuthenticationHelpers... how do these fit in?  It seems there are many 
 powerful features we can use but I'm having trouble understanding how to use 
 them all together.

 I guess I'm having trouble understanding how these big pieces fit together... 
 as most of the examples seem to be overly simplistic.  If you could point me 
 in the right direction on how to use the 2.0 authentication features I'd much 
 appreciate it.



Garry Turkington


Duplicate custom headers in snapshot

2010-01-26 Thread Garry Turkington

In my ServerResource subclasses I need set some custom response headers. 
I use code like the following:

Form f = (Form)getResponse().getAttributes().get(org.restlet.http.headers) ;

f.add( new Parameter( x-app-header, value)) ;

Which works fine in the 2.0M6 release but in the snapshot all the headers 
are duplicated.  If I set 3 headers then the response that is sent has 
them in order twice.

Is the mechanism to set custom headers different in the snapshot or is 
this a known issue?


Garry Turkington


Lifecycle of message attributes

2010-01-23 Thread Garry Turkington

In one route in my app I've got an Authenticator, two chained
Authorizers and then a ServerResource resource instance.

As part of the authentication and authorization processes -- not to
mention the actual servicing of the request -- I need pull some
objects from a backing store, currently a database.  Obviously I don't
want to be doing this 4 times each call and was trying to add the
object into the message attributes for reuse, e.g.:

request.getAttributes().put(myobj, obj) ;

The problem is that I can't reliably then pull this object back within
the next object in the route.  In some cases it's worked, in others it
hasn't.  For the sake of getting things working I've been taking the
hit of the 4 database calls but obviously that's not a long-term
solution.  I'll have an internal object cache which will cut out the
additional db round trips but that's not finished yet and I want to
understand what's going on.

So is there some aspect of the lifecycle of attributes added to a
message that I'm missing here?  Does it make any difference if
components in the route are added by setNext(instance) as opposed to
setNext(class literal)?



Re: Lifecycle of message attributes

2010-01-23 Thread Garry Turkington

Replying to my own post as it was a serious case of user error.

In particular, using a slightly inconsistent name for the objects put into 
and then pulled from the message attributes can cause very strange 

Feel free to laugh at my expense. :)


On Sat, 23 Jan 2010, Garry Turkington wrote:


 In one route in my app I've got an Authenticator, two chained
 Authorizers and then a ServerResource resource instance.

 As part of the authentication and authorization processes -- not to
 mention the actual servicing of the request -- I need pull some
 objects from a backing store, currently a database.  Obviously I don't
 want to be doing this 4 times each call and was trying to add the
 object into the message attributes for reuse, e.g.:

 request.getAttributes().put(myobj, obj) ;

 The problem is that I can't reliably then pull this object back within
 the next object in the route.  In some cases it's worked, in others it
 hasn't.  For the sake of getting things working I've been taking the
 hit of the 4 database calls but obviously that's not a long-term
 solution.  I'll have an internal object cache which will cut out the
 additional db round trips but that's not finished yet and I want to
 understand what's going on.

 So is there some aspect of the lifecycle of attributes added to a
 message that I'm missing here?  Does it make any difference if
 components in the route are added by setNext(instance) as opposed to
 setNext(class literal)?



Garry Turkington


Re: Advice re parsing custom Authorization values

2010-01-17 Thread Garry Turkington

Replying to my own post here as the answer was markedly more simple than I 

As a recap I needed a mechanism to populate the ChallengeResponse objects 
with values extracted from requests using the Amazon S3 authentication 

Since I don't need send any true challenge or response to the user beyond 
a 403 if access is forbidden the implementation was as simple as the 

package ;

import org.restlet.Request ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import org.restlet.util.Series ; 
import ;

* Parse the values received from an Amazon S3 client using the AWS
* scheme in the HTTP Authorization header.
class S3AuthenticatorHelper extends AuthenticatorHelper

* Constructor.  Registers this helper for client-side S3 authentication.
public S3AuthenticatorHelper()
super(ChallengeScheme.HTTP_AWS_S3, true, false) ;
} //ctor

* Parse the Authorization header into the user and hash
* The user is held in identifier, the hash in secret.
public void parseResponse( ChallengeResponse challenge, Request 
request, SeriesParameter httpHeaders)
// Get the raw string and break it on the : seperator
String raw = challenge.getRawValue() ;
challenge.setIdentifier(raw.substring(0, raw.indexOf(:))) ;
// This is read as a char[] on getSecret -- be careful!
raw.length())) ;
} //parseResponse
} //class

Then in the main class of my app, where I create/start Components and such 
I added:

new S3AuthenticatorHelper()) ;

Hope that helps someone else who is as confused as I was!

On Mon, 11 Jan 2010, Garry Turkington wrote:


 I've got an app that gets a custom value in the HTTP Authorization
 request header.  So far I've wrote an Authenticator that checks the
 validity of the provided values by parsing the Authorization header

 There are then 3 different types of authorization rules depending on
 the URI pattern so I've 3 Authorizer subclasses set as routes from the
 authenticator which themselves link back to the actual resource
 subclasses.  Logic in these authorizers again uses the contents of the
 Authorization header to look up the user in ACLs on the resources.

 Which is all well and good and pretty much works.  But I'm getting
 warnings logged as the Authorization header value is non-standard and
 no built-in mechanism knows how to parse the value.  I'm not using any
 of the ChallengeResponse or related classes currently but poking
 around in the code I see that the base Authenticator class tries to
 parse the Authorization header and in my case it fails.

 The values in my Authorization header don't really map into the
 standard attributes on the ChallengeResponse object, it's basically a
 user id and a hash.  But on a quick look it appears to be non-trivial
 to add the custom code to do the parsing to provide these as say
 ChallengeResponse#user and ChallengeResponse#secret.

 Being quite new to Restlet I'm perhaps getting confused between some
 1.0 and 2.0 classes as it appeared to me that I need subclass but that seemed
 contrary to the newer classes.

 Can anyone elaborate?



Garry Turkington


Re: Restlet client and setting the request header date

2010-01-14 Thread Garry Turkington
Hi again Thierry,

One other question re the removal of the onContinue callbacks.

In the snapshot code I was trying to use the interim response code to 
support an Expect/CONTINUE interaction.  I wasn't getting the behaviour I 
expected though on reflection I wasn't convinced the client I had was 
doing the right thing.

So if onContinue has gone away what is the client-side mechanism for 
receiving and responding to an interim response?

My use case is the client sending the headers of a PUT request and the 
server sending a CONTINUE only if the stated size of the entity is 


On Thu, 14 Jan 2010, Thierry Boileau wrote:

 Hi Garry,

 I'm afraid not. This value is set with a new Date() value just before
 the header is written...

 The onContinue was thought to be called before the entity is sent,
 after the headers were written. I say was, because it has been removed
 since no clear use case emerged.

 Best regards,
 Thierry Boileau


 I too hit this problem as I wanted to set a specific value for the Date 

 In absence of this ability -- I've seen issue 1001 -- can I get the value of 
 the header client side before the request is sent in any way?  I want to set 
 another header based on the date.

 I thought that setting a Uniform instance as the oncontinue handler of the 
 ClientResource would allow this but the handle() method in Uniform doesn't 
 seem to be called before the request is actually sent?




Garry Turkington


Re: Restlet client and setting the request header date

2010-01-14 Thread Garry Turkington
Hi Thierry,

Thanks for this response, even if it does make my life more complicated!

What I'm building is basically a clone of Amazon's S3.  On the server side 
this has been more or less fine using Restlet -- modulo the issues I've 
previously raised re the AuthenticationHelper and support for 
Expect/CONTINUE -- but it looks like I'll not be able to build a 
Restlet-based client.

Which makes me ask what the point is of the support for the S3 scheme in 
ChallengeResponse?  The values in that scheme are dependent on being able 
to read and sign actual header values such as Date.

I read the Javadoc for onContinue and when it said it was called before 
the entity was sent I wasn't sure just how literal that was.  Not sure 
about that use case but for my purposes a callback prior to the dispatch 
of the entire request that would allow examination and modification of the 
actual request (both headers and entity) to be sent would be really 


On Thu, 14 Jan 2010, Thierry Boileau wrote:

 Hi Garry,

 I'm afraid not. This value is set with a new Date() value just before
 the header is written...

 The onContinue was thought to be called before the entity is sent,
 after the headers were written. I say was, because it has been removed
 since no clear use case emerged.

 Best regards,
 Thierry Boileau


 I too hit this problem as I wanted to set a specific value for the Date 

 In absence of this ability -- I've seen issue 1001 -- can I get the value of 
 the header client side before the request is sent in any way?  I want to set 
 another header based on the date.

 I thought that setting a Uniform instance as the oncontinue handler of the 
 ClientResource would allow this but the handle() method in Uniform doesn't 
 seem to be called before the request is actually sent?




Garry Turkington


RE: Restlet client and setting the request header date

2010-01-13 Thread Garry Turkington

I too hit this problem as I wanted to set a specific value for the Date header.

In absence of this ability -- I've seen issue 1001 -- can I get the value of 
the header client side before the request is sent in any way?  I want to set 
another header based on the date.

I thought that setting a Uniform instance as the oncontinue handler of the 
ClientResource would allow this but the handle() method in Uniform doesn't seem 
to be called before the request is actually sent?

