RE: Re: can not return description in put

2011-06-16 Thread Bram van der Waaij

The put method is being called, so overriding is working i assume. Overriding 
the put (representation, variant) is not working, then the put call is not 
handled. Which i can understand because i do not use negotiation and therefore 
this version of the put method should not be called. 
I tried the apache http client library to call my server. That shows that het 
get acutually returns in the http statusline the reasonphrase i have set. By 
switching to the put, the reasonphrase replaces my msg with the default 
description of the status code. At least now i know for sure that it is the 
server which is not sending the correct reasonphrase. 

Still leaves the problem of how to pass my msg to the client from a put

I do not use the annotations, because i want to have more control over the 
processing flow. Mixing the two unfortunately does not work. It produces an 
internal server error ;-)

Any other ideas?



RE: Re: can not return description in put

2011-06-15 Thread Bram van der Waaij
Nop, unfortunately both options produce the same result. 
The clientresource.getStatus().getDescription() call on a Get returns my 
message from the setStatus at the server

The clientresource.getStatus().getDescription() call on a Put returns the 
description of the status error code (400 - Bad request) instead of my message.

Any further ideas how to fix this?


RE: Re: can not return description in put

2011-06-15 Thread gonzajg
Maybe restlet is using the other put method
protected Representation put(Representation representation, Variant
variant) throws ResourceException

try overriding that one.

I use anotations in resources like:

public Representation getResource(){

public void putResource(){


So I really don't know if overriding put methods work.

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can not return description in put

2011-06-14 Thread Bram van der Waaij
Hello list,

Can you explain to me how to return a description with a client_error status in 
a PUT handler? Things are working in the GET handler, but for some reason i can 
not get it working in the put.
In the client the error_code is available, but my description Payload is not 
in JSON format is not. The description from the GET is available.

public class MyServerResource extends ServerResource {

protected Representation get() {
Representation representation = null;
MediaType returnMediaType = getPreferredMediaType();
if (MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON.equals(returnMediaType)) {
representation = getCSV();
} else {
Can only support application/json);

return representation;

protected Representation put(Representation representation) {
// check if the requested mediatype is application/json
(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON.equals(representation.getMediaType())) {
JsonRepresentation jsonRepresentation = new 
if (jsonRepresentation == null) {
Payload is not in JSON format);
} else {
// other stuff
return null;

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Re: can not return description in put

2011-06-14 Thread gonzajg
Hi Bram,





hope it helps!

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