
*First*, I would like to send datas from a synthesizer of datas to an usrp
e 110.

*Second*, I would like to send these datas received by the usrp e 100 to my

-To realize that, I 'm supposed to implement an application on usrp e 110.

-What kind of application I can implement on usrp e110( ie an application
that can obey to the performances of the usrp e110) ?

Can you suggest me a python file or grc file to implement it on usrp e 110.

In fact, I found in the FAQ an application called openBTS, I would like to
test it.

 But the link doesn't work. How can I get the grc or python file to
implement open BTS on usrp e 110.

-Moreover, I would like to test FM receiver but I 'm afraid to waste time
without achieving a result.

Because  according to the mailing list in this link "
http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/discuss-gnuradio/2014-04/msg00133.html ",
the usrp e110 isn't

performed to implement FM receiver.

Best regards,

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