Re: GNUstep theming (was Re: Objective-C 2.0 and other new features in Leopard)

2007-11-28 Thread Dr Tomaž Slivnik

On 28 Nov 2007, at 09:32, Markus Hitter wrote:

10.5.1 (Intel)

This is a brand new OS with a lot of design decisions not seen  
before, so some failures aren't _that_ surprising. As Apple prefers  
to collect 300 new features before offering them to non-paying  
developers, switching to a community driven OS would likely avoid  
such disasters.

I am very seriously considering switching to a Unix variant + GnuStep  
(be it Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, etc. - I do not know). The Unix layer  
of Apple is definitively unsatisfactory. As is their approach to  
releasing software - release lots of flashy gummy but pay no  
attention to whether staple features actually work.

But I believe that most likely switchers / potential valuable  
developer contributors to GnuStep are now on Mac OS X. You have to  
make it easy for such people to install GnuStep on their machines.

In my case, and I suspect in case of others, it's not going to be an  
overnight switch - we work in a production environment after all. We  
have to evaluate the viability, stability etc. of the new platform,  
and data conversion/migration in case of applications which do not  
have a direct equivalent is an issue. The devil you know always has  
the advantage that at least it sort of works even if it doesn't work  
very well.

How viable would it be to write a compatibility layer for OpenStep  
4.2 Intel architecture apps to run on Darwin Intel + GnuStep  
(possibly after being patched a little by an automatic patcher  
program)? I'm assuming Mach-O format is the same, and Darwin has most  
of the system calls of NeXT's BSD/Mach even if they are slightly re- 
arranged, so it sounds like in principle it might be possible to  
write appropriate compatibility .dylibs if a compatibility Display  
Postscript was feasible.

Has TexShop or NeXTTeX been ported to Gnustep? What about OmniGroup,  
could they be persuaded to port?


Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: GNUstep theming (was Re: Objective-C 2.0 and other new features in Leopard)

2007-11-28 Thread Riccardo

On 2007-11-28 10:46:39 +0100 Dr Tomaž Slivnik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am very seriously considering switching to a Unix variant + GnuStep  (be it 
 Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, etc. - I do not know). The Unix layer  of Apple is 
 definitively unsatisfactory. As is their approach to  releasing software - 
 release lots of flashy gummy but pay no  attention to whether staple features 
 actually work.
I appreciate Darwin, but I too share your view of too much gummy stuff as you 
call it. I dislike so many choices in MacOS.. but I soo much like other things 
it is very conflictuary. I still run 10.2.8. But switching to another unix with 
GNUstep is not viable yet: i have 3 computers, but stil hand back to mac.

 But I believe that most likely switchers / potential valuable  developer 
 contributors to GnuStep are now on Mac OS X. You have to  make it easy for 
 such people to install GnuStep on their machines.
But why GNUstep on MacOS? The ultimate goal of applications in GAP is to have 
them run on Mac too, but natively built.

 Has TexShop or NeXTTeX been ported to Gnustep? What about OmniGroup,  could 
 they be persuaded to port?

You raise an important point. As GAP co-admin I have tried several times to 
contact old OpenStep program authors to motivate them to release their source, 
possible under a suitable license. I always failed. Gregory, the project 
maintainer, failed too even with this title. Also with private people (Scott 
Hess comes to my mind). It is very sad because prorgams of high quality get 
The case of Omni was again and again of topic since the wide range of 
applications they worked on.
I contacted them for the OmniWeb stuff (the sources of the framework are 
available, but under a strange license) but they said it was too much work to 
put them in shape, even if I requested them in any state.
Omni worked also on the Lighthouse applications but those are from Sun now and 
they are probably lost forever.

If you find some stuff, possibly rereleased as GPL or BSD, don't hesistate to 
contact me. We can port it and distribute it. But first you need the source.

An exceedlingly nice application to port (and generally maintain for mac too) 
would be TIFFany but i never got a reply. That would be a top-quality 

The advantage of OpenStep over Mac stuff is as you state yourself not only the 
easier compatibility, but the better quality of many of those applications 
compared to many mac siblings which seem to be crammed together just for 
effects. Sure there is good stuff there too, no doubt.


Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: GNUstep theming (was Re: Objective-C 2.0 and other new features in Leopard)

2007-11-28 Thread Riccardo


Last time I'd heard, Sun was not interested in releasing the  
suite of sources - but hey it's worth trying every once in  a while, 
they may 
change their mind. Anyone know where got their code 
from, was it written from  scratch or licensed from Sun? Would they 
port to 

well, there are other ways. As Nikolaus pointed to me there is 
FlexiSheet available which can be made compile on mac 10.2.8 and thus 
porting to gnustep is easy. I wanted to evaluate it for an inclusion 
into GAP and further development, but I stuck after compilation since 
I am not able to launch it, not even on mac.

Instead of bla bla: code, porting help, source codes to work on. This 
is what is required. Once GNUstep will have more applications the ball 
will roll more.


Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: GNUstep theming (was Re: Objective-C 2.0 and other new features in Leopard)

2007-11-28 Thread Riccardo

Hi Dr. Toma,

I appreciate the enthusiasm you put in your emails. I must say i share 
many things you say, but not everything, especially not some of your 
conculsions. While I appreciate your OpenStep-purism to the most 
since I always fear too that gnustep looses itself and morphs into 
ither stuff I highly despise, my long stay with this project has led 
me to appreciate more point of views on the project compared to the 
Beginning, let me share some of them with you.

wrong etc. The question of gummy  never even arises.
a bit false. While there are foruntatley people who go beyond a bit of 
looks and are interested in substance, sometimes there is a little 
barrier to get their attention. It might be even as little as a color 
which gets disliked but can't be changed.

Here's a question for you - if you have the choice between GNUstep  
over the world but becoming MS Windows in the process, or,  staying a 
environment but only being used by a select and  organically growing 
core of 
tech. savvy users who appreciate it,  which would you rather have?
May I sound more idealistic? I want to take over the world or, at 
least, be recognized by it, without changing the soul of gnustep.
I perfectly get your point, but our niche may be bigger than what you 
think without betraying ourselves.

I have always kept an eye on it.  I've never been happy with Apple 
and I am 
growing more and more  unhappy with it. I would love to have an 
and am  seriously looking at migrating to a Unix variant + GnuStep. I 
it's very realistic that I do so. If I can do it, if it's viable for  
me to 
do it, I would love to do it and I will do it.
I perfectly share your ideas. I can understand them. I dislike more 
and more where Apple is going. But udnerstand: Apple doesn't make 
computers anymore. It changed even its name. It makes digital stuff. 
That is the business.
Even after the switch, even with its worse styling, macs are still 
great if compared to other though! Even Sony Vaios are not what they 
used to be and if you use Vista and Office XP you think the wold has 
gone totally crazy.
So maybe nice ideas would be to use NetBSD+GNUstep on an Apple 
hardware. Or even use GNUstep over plain Darwin on their own boxes.
I admit that for workstation and server use, a SPARC box running 
Solaris but with a complete GNUstep+WIndowmaker environment is 
GNUstep can be flexible! Buy the best workstation you want and use the 
nicest Laptop and use the OS that best suits it, GNUstep over it.

The main apps I can't do without are the development environment,  
Mathematica, Terminal, OmniGraffle, Mail, Address Book, web  browser, 
software to run a scanner. I believe GnuStep has a lot  of these and 
is a 
real possibility; I am interested in finding out  now just how good 
it has 
Everyone has a set of Application he wants most. We at GAP do the best 
to provide you them. But it is no easy task writing stuff from scratch 
or porting without sources! And developers are needed.

Nope. Just can't get it to install at all - I repeat, I've just tried 
everything I can to install GnuStep on a fresh, clean,  unmodified 
installation of Leopard, and I can't figure out how to do  it (other 
perhaps to spend the next 3 weeks manually compiling  GCC and every 
needed). I can't figure it out at all!

because you complicate things more than you need to.
On linux/x86 and linux/ppc it is a matter of configure + install
On NetBSD/x86, NetBSD/ppc too.
On NetBSD/sparc the only problem is that stupid ffcall, else it is the 

On Solaris/SPARC little more is requried. Maybe even the same.
Not to say that running on mac or darwin isn't nice and I hope we will 
do, but I prefer to invest my time elsewhere. I try to make my apps 
compile natively on mac.

So let me specify some points you have so much at heart.
You despise theming. Look it at another point of view. Done well, 
theming wont hurt us NeXT-lovers. I would prefer the default theme to 
stay NeXT. But why not attract more people?
Still the point is another one: GNUstep is a flexible framework and 
one of its strength is (and can be mroe in the future) portability. 
Like OpenStep and yellow Box, a lot of serious professionals (bankers, 
researchers...) would love their app on mac, unix, linux, bsd, and 
even windows. Since there not a full enviroment is seeked it is best 
that GNUstep merges smoothly in the surrounding environment.
So imagine a theme with windows 2000, one with XP and one with vista 
look. It would ease acceptance of that application. One application 
after the other you gain acceptance of the rest too.
Microsoft started with a crappy office suite which just got worse and 
worse and a couple of other crap... now it runs servers and datases of 
whole industries, even mission critical stuff.
Maybe some of that started because some bean counter which made 
decisions had windows and 

Re: GNUstep theming (was Re: Objective-C 2.0 and other new features in Leopard)

2007-11-27 Thread Dr Tomaž Slivnik
I suppose I should declare a vested interest - i.e. one of me having  
*some* nice platform to work with.

Windows never was that.
Apple could have been that when they bought NeXT, but Mac OS X is  
becoming increasingly more painful to work with.
Linux/Solaris/other Unix by itself (without GnuStep) is great but  
lacks that OpenStep functionality.

If GnuStep sells out, there will be *no* alternative with any  
potential left me for me to use *at*all*.

A problem for me - but a big opportunity for GnuStep. Because I don't  
think I'm the only one in this position.


Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: GNUstep theming (was Re: Objective-C 2.0 and other new features in Leopard)

2007-11-13 Thread markjoel60

I wanted to jump in on a couple of these points...

Here is a key question you need to be able to answer: why would  
anyone want develop on GnuStep, rather than Mac OS X? Where is your  
competitive advantage?

Not sure this is the right way to ask this, since GNUStep is not an OS. The
question really is why would someone use GNUStep instead of Cocoa... and the
answer is, if they're Mac programmers, they probably wouldn't. If they want
portability, then it is a different story...

Niches you could potentially appeal to:

1) former NeXT users
2) technical / mathematical users (as NeXTStep)
3) Apple is not terribly solid and reliable. If you can be more solid/ 

Wow... if that's the full list, then GNUStep is dead. #1 is no good because
most former NeXT users have moved on. Even if ALL of them wanted to come
back, there wasn't enough of them the first time around to guarantee

#2 is far too niche, and there are many other products in that space

#3 Hmmm... I know a lot of people who would challenge you on that, and
anyway the thought that an open source project with EXTREMELY limited
resources could out perform all of Apple is a stretch.

To my mind, there are two groups that could (together) propel GNUStep to the
next level: RAD programmers who want to build prototypes and proof of
concepts, and people who want to have a product for Windows, *Nix, and Mac
OS. But, for both of those groups, work needs to be done.

#1: you need a simple way of installing GnuStep. I've only ever used  
GnuStep off a live CD; 

I completely agree with this...

#2: (i) more development frameworks. (ii) Reliable/bullet-proof/ 
debugged frameworks. (iii) Faster/optimized frameworks.

Sure, but I wouldn't put it so high a priority... If I understand your
previous points, you want to see more converts? Well the new developer
doesn't understand the need for the frameworks already in place... why
impress them with even more? I think it is far more important to make the
current frameworks A) bulletproof and B) Demonstrate their capabilities in
demonstrations and documents. 

#3: applications. How about:


 - to appeal to mathematical/technical market:

But, I guess everyone has a favorite, right? The point is that the GNUStep
team really can't be, and shouldn't be, responsible for the apps. That's our
job as the community. The thing the Team who are working so hard on this
(usually in spare hours) should worry about is the base set of
functionality, usability of it, and documenting it so others can understand

Killer Apps should follow as matter of course.

#4: how about producing an install DVD which formats a PC's disk and  
automatically installs a GnuStep/Linux distribution?

Yikes! Whatever for? GNUStep does not replace an OS! What would you run if
windows was gone? As for manufacturing deals, Ubuntu recently got a deal
with Dell... GNUStep has a very long way to go to hit those kind of numbers.
And Dell has said it doubts it will ever sell an Ubuntu install as it is... 

View this message in context:
Sent from the GNUstep - General mailing list archive at

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

Re: GNUstep theming (was Re: Objective-C 2.0 and other new features in Leopard)

2007-11-12 Thread Dr Tomaž Slivnik
What is the perceived need GnuStep wants to satisfy? What is  
GnuStep's goal / target audience/market?

Other than saying as many users as possible I'm not sure what  
else to say.

No system/API/environment should ever specifically target a group  
of people. People should find us useful and decide to use our  
stuff, if they want to. But I will not say we're only for group X  
or group Y.

Let me say it as clearly as possible ... GNUstep's goal is to have  
as many users as we can. I suppose this means becoming mainstream  
but I also believe that updating GNUstep's look to be more modern  
can't be a bad thing.

Please do not take this note as criticism - I know I am in no  
position to criticize, since I have not contributed to GnuStep,  
although I wish I had the time to, both technically and financially,  
as I think it is a very worthwhile project. However, this is what I  

1) The strategy described above is too vague and do not think it will  
get you success:

   a) Having as many users as possible seems to be more of a wish  
than a strategy.

   b) Having *more* users is a good idea, but having as many as  
possible, I think, is not. Do you really want as many users as  
possible, even if it means lowering your standards? Does the world  
need another OS/GUI/development platform for the masses? Does it have  
room for one?

2) You can't be all things to all men.

Forget - to start with - *everyone* wanting to use GnuStep, if they  
want to. You need a niche that you cater for - to which you offer  
something nobody else can, or, at least, to offer it 10x better than  
anyone else.

Here is a key question you need to be able to answer: why would  
anyone want develop on GnuStep, rather than Mac OS X? Where is your  
competitive advantage?

When NeXT came out, it had a definite target niche: the education  
market. Then it refocussed itself to the mission critical market -  
financial institutions etc.

NeXT may not have been a commercial success overall, but I know for a  
fact it was a great success, if nowhere else, among maths academics.

NeXT and NeXTStep were way ahead of their time - their advantages  
were numerous; but here are just some of them:

- bullet-proof and extremely reliable - none, and I mean none, of the  
other mainstream alternatives came close in terms of reliability,  
consistency, simplicity of use and just working.

- a completely new development paradigm, resulting in faster  
development cycle, greater application reliability, code reuse etc.

- an unsurpassed platform for software development and technical  

You do not have the same advantages as NeXTStep had - if for no other  
reason, because there is Apple.

But GnuStep does have all advantages of Objective C / OpenStep; the  
only platform except Apple to offer these; but potentially offering  

   a) ability to run on non-Apple hardware;
   b) open source (could be important to users not wanting to be  
tied to a proprietary solution);
   c) not burdened with having to support legacy technologies  
(Carbon, HFS+, resource forks etc.);
   d) potentially cleaner design and less cluttered, nicer, more  
consistent NeXT-style GUI;
   e) potential to develop cleaner design of support for new  
   f) not constrained to include marketing hacks with no technical  
benefit (like integrated access to the Apple Store in iTunes etc.)

Niches you could potentially appeal to:

1) former NeXT users
2) technical / mathematical users (as NeXTStep)
3) Apple is not terribly solid and reliable. If you can be more solid/ 
reliable, you could potentially target users from the mission  
critical market - like financial institutions. Those guys have a lot  
of money and don't mind - often prefer - to develop their entire  
platform in-house. To them, quality is paramount and money is no  
object, so if you can convince them you're the best, you're in.

My guess would be that your core group of users are ex-NeXTStep/ 
OpenStep developers. What about Cocoa/Mac OS X developers? I'm not so  
sure you appeal to them as much - why would one of them want to  
switch to/develop for GnuStep? Outside of those two groups of  
developers, I believe you will find it hard to get any people to  
switch to GnuStep at all. Am I correct - is the current makeup of  
this mailing list consistent with this view?

I believe the substance of what you have to offer is much more  
important than having a good web site (which, however, is also  
important), or your slogan (of no consequence in my opinion), or your  
default theme (which I not only think is not important and will not  
win you new users; but potentially puts you at risk of losing appeal  
to your core NeXT group of supporters).

Here are some suggestions:

#1: you need a simple way of installing GnuStep. I've only ever used  
GnuStep off a live CD; not because I am not capable of compiling it  
from source, but because I have not 

Re: GNUstep theming (was Re: Objective-C 2.0 and other new features in Leopard)

2007-11-12 Thread Gregory John Casamento

I'm not taking it as a criticism at all.   But, as project maintainer, I'm sure 
you can appreciate my position.  I can't say unilaterally that I want to appeal 
to one group over the other.

GNUstep currently most appeals to former NeXT people who are into Mac OS X.   
However, a lot of these people also say that it's time for GNUstep to move 
forward with it's GUI look.  A friend of mine owns a software company that was 
once fairly well known in the NeXT world and he's said the same thing.

I don't believe that changing the look will affect the people who are currently 
interested in GNUstep, especially since many of them currently feel the same 
way I do: That GNUstep needs a facelift.

Later, GJC
Gregory Casamento -- OLC, Inc 
# GNUstep Chief Maintainer

- Original Message 
From: Dr Tomaž Slivnik [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gregory John Casamento [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2007 2:32:56 PM
Subject: Re: GNUstep theming (was Re: Objective-C 2.0 and other new features in 

 What is the perceived need GnuStep wants to satisfy? What is  
 GnuStep's goal / target audience/market?

 Other than saying as many users as possible I'm not sure what  
 else to say.

 No system/API/environment should ever specifically target a group  
 of people. People should find us useful and decide to use our  
 stuff, if they want to. But I will not say we're only for group X  
 or group Y.

 Let me say it as clearly as possible ... GNUstep's goal is to have  
 as many users as we can. I suppose this means becoming mainstream  
 but I also believe that updating GNUstep's look to be more modern  
 can't be a bad thing.

Please do not take this note as criticism - I know I am in no  
position to criticize, since I have not contributed to GnuStep,  
although I wish I had the time to, both technically and financially,  
as I think it is a very worthwhile project. However, this is what I  

1) The strategy described above is too vague and do not think it will  
get you success:

a) Having as many users as possible seems to be more of a wish  
than a strategy.

b) Having *more* users is a good idea, but having as many as  
possible, I think, is not. Do you really want as many users as  
possible, even if it means lowering your standards? Does the world  
need another OS/GUI/development platform for the masses? Does it have  
room for one?

2) You can't be all things to all men.

Forget - to start with - *everyone* wanting to use GnuStep, if they  
want to. You need a niche that you cater for - to which you offer  
something nobody else can, or, at least, to offer it 10x better than  
anyone else.

Here is a key question you need to be able to answer: why would  
anyone want develop on GnuStep, rather than Mac OS X? Where is your  
competitive advantage?

When NeXT came out, it had a definite target niche: the education  
market. Then it refocussed itself to the mission critical market -  
financial institutions etc.

NeXT may not have been a commercial success overall, but I know for a  
fact it was a great success, if nowhere else, among maths academics.

NeXT and NeXTStep were way ahead of their time - their advantages  
were numerous; but here are just some of them:

- bullet-proof and extremely reliable - none, and I mean none, of the  
other mainstream alternatives came close in terms of reliability,  
consistency, simplicity of use and just working.

- a completely new development paradigm, resulting in faster  
development cycle, greater application reliability, code reuse etc.

- an unsurpassed platform for software development and technical  

You do not have the same advantages as NeXTStep had - if for no other  
reason, because there is Apple.

But GnuStep does have all advantages of Objective C / OpenStep; the  
only platform except Apple to offer these; but potentially offering  

a) ability to run on non-Apple hardware;
b) open source (could be important to users not wanting to be  
tied to a proprietary solution);
c) not burdened with having to support legacy technologies  
(Carbon, HFS+, resource forks etc.);
d) potentially cleaner design and less cluttered, nicer, more  
consistent NeXT-style GUI;
e) potential to develop cleaner design of support for new  
f) not constrained to include marketing hacks with no technical  
benefit (like integrated access to the Apple Store in iTunes etc.)

Niches you could potentially appeal to:

1) former NeXT users
2) technical / mathematical users (as NeXTStep)
3) Apple is not terribly solid and reliable. If you can be more solid/ 
reliable, you could potentially target users from the mission  
critical market - like financial institutions. Those guys have a lot  
of money and don't mind - often prefer - to develop their entire  
platform in-house. To them, quality is paramount and money is no  
object, so if you can convince them you're the best, 

Re: GNUstep theming (was Re: Objective-C 2.0 and other new features in Leopard)

2007-11-12 Thread Renaud Molla

Dear All,

	To begin with, I'd like to say that this mail contains what some  
might consider being criticism. This is true.
	Criticism is not welcome but is necessary. This is the base of  
science, this is the base of marketing.

	But all I want is GNUstep (and actually OpenStep) to come back to the  
place it deserves: being #1.
	Because OpenStep clearly is what Java was made from, and when you see  
all the fuss about C#, what does C# offer that OpenStep didn't offer  
for a long time?
	So bear in mind that I'm not undermining the project, and I know that  
this a lot of work, GNUstep is great project, but could be made even  

It all reminds me of the scrollbar position topic of a year ago.
And we are exactly at the same point.
	When you say that people interested about GNUstep won't care about a  
new UI, this is definitely wrong.

	First of all myself. I'm a Cocoa developer and I've been interested  
in GNUstep even before I turned to Mac OS X. And I completely dropped  
GNUstep (really sad) because of the look and the feel that is

in many points different from today UI standards (eg: scroll position).
	I know that the UI can be customized with camaelon, still this is  
something that rather takes some time to do.

	Second, a friend of mine (who started the open source OpenFootball  
project), needed an interface to do motion capture. It turned to  
wxWidgets although I advocated GNUstep and
	even considered developping the UI. But why wasn't it retained?  
Because for him, GNUstep is too hard to install, as a feel he doesn't  
understand, and it looks terrible.

And this guy is no newbie.

And there are loads of them.

	So all I wish is that when developers consider a multiplatform  
environnment, that GNUstep is not phased out for its look  feel, and  
I wished it was retained.


On Nov 12, 2007, at 11:14 PM, Gregory John Casamento wrote:


I'm not taking it as a criticism at all.   But, as project  
maintainer, I'm sure you can appreciate my position.  I can't say  
unilaterally that I want to appeal to one group over the other.

GNUstep currently most appeals to former NeXT people who are into  
Mac OS X.   However, a lot of these people also say that it's time  
for GNUstep to move forward with it's GUI look.  A friend of mine  
owns a software company that was once fairly well known in the NeXT  
world and he's said the same thing.

I don't believe that changing the look will affect the people who  
are currently interested in GNUstep, especially since many of them  
currently feel the same way I do: That GNUstep needs a facelift.

Later, GJC
Gregory Casamento -- OLC, Inc
# GNUstep Chief Maintainer

- Original Message 
From: Dr Tomaž Slivnik [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gregory John Casamento [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2007 2:32:56 PM
Subject: Re: GNUstep theming (was Re: Objective-C 2.0 and other new  
features in Leopard)

What is the perceived need GnuStep wants to satisfy? What is
GnuStep's goal / target audience/market?

Other than saying as many users as possible I'm not sure what
else to say.

No system/API/environment should ever specifically target a group
of people. People should find us useful and decide to use our
stuff, if they want to. But I will not say we're only for group X
or group Y.

Let me say it as clearly as possible ... GNUstep's goal is to have
as many users as we can. I suppose this means becoming mainstream
but I also believe that updating GNUstep's look to be more modern
can't be a bad thing.

Please do not take this note as criticism - I know I am in no
position to criticize, since I have not contributed to GnuStep,
although I wish I had the time to, both technically and financially,
as I think it is a very worthwhile project. However, this is what I

1) The strategy described above is too vague and do not think it will
get you success:

   a) Having as many users as possible seems to be more of a wish
than a strategy.

   b) Having *more* users is a good idea, but having as many as
possible, I think, is not. Do you really want as many users as
possible, even if it means lowering your standards? Does the world
need another OS/GUI/development platform for the masses? Does it have
room for one?

2) You can't be all things to all men.

Forget - to start with - *everyone* wanting to use GnuStep, if they
want to. You need a niche that you cater for - to which you offer
something nobody else can, or, at least, to offer it 10x better than
anyone else.

Here is a key question you need to be able to answer: why would
anyone want develop on GnuStep, rather than Mac OS X? Where is your
competitive advantage?

When NeXT came out, it had a definite target niche: the education
market. Then it refocussed itself to the mission critical market -
financial institutions etc.

NeXT may not have been a commercial success overall, but I know for a

GNUstep theming (was Re: Objective-C 2.0 and other new features in Leopard)

2007-11-11 Thread Gregory John Casamento

 What is the perceived need GnuStep wants to satisfy? What is  
 GnuStep's goal / target audience/market?
Other than saying as many users as possible I'm not sure what else to say.

No system/API/environment should ever specifically target a group of people.   
People should find us useful and decide to use our stuff, if they want to.  But 
I will not say we're only for group X or group Y.

Let me say it as clearly as possible... GNUstep's goal is to have as many users 
as we can.  I suppose this means becoming mainstream but I also believe that 
updating GNUstep's look to be more modern can't be a bad thing.

Gregory Casamento -- OLC, Inc 
# GNUstep Chief Maintainer

- Original Message 
From: Dr Tomaž Slivnik [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gregory John Casamento [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2007 7:17:27 PM
Subject: Re: Objective-C 2.0 and other new features in Leopard

 if I want gummy and a Cocoa environment with the bestest and  
 latest bloatware included, I can, and always will, buy Apple.

 Would I be far wrong if I guessed that most people involved in  
 GnuStep are old-time NeXTies who want to be able to continue using  
 their favourite user environment in the 21st century, and continue  
 to develop it in the same careful, considered, and well-designed  
 way the original NextStep was developed?

 GnuStep may need to ask itself the question - is its goal to  
 pursue quality and satisfy this core group of users, and grow its  
 user base organically, OR, to try to appeal to the masses, aim to  
 become mainstream (an aim which, incidentally, I think is bound  
 not to be achieved), and consequently have to make some  
 compromises as a consequence (like Apple has done)?

 I think we need to do a little of both (growing organically and  
 appealing to the masses).

What is the perceived need GnuStep wants to satisfy? What is  
GnuStep's goal / target audience/market?

I think it is crucial to be crystal clear on this and to stay very  
focussed on that goal if you want to achieve it.

From where I stand, it doesn't look like GnuStep has a huge amount  
of market penetration, or even developer penetration. So GnuStep does  
not appear to have had much success with these objectives.

However, it has been wonderfully successful at achieving another  
equally, if not more, valid, objective, i.e. that of re-creating and  
evolving the great NeXT design. A design of virtually Platonic  
perfection at the time, but one which has since needed to evolve to  
support modern day technologies. This is a niche you appeal to and  
you can grow organically. I think Apple has rather let the NeXT  
legacy down, and that the job could have been done *much* better. So  
I've assumed doing this was GnuStep's objective. If not, what is it?

By trying to appeal to the masses, you will have to compromise (like  
Apple has done) and sacrifice goals you've already achieved - and you  
have much to be proud of. What will you gain in return? There are a  
lot of competitors (Microsoft, Apple, Gnome, KDE etc.) out there who  
very successfully cater for the needs of, and appeal to, the mass  
market. You will be hard pressed to compete with them.


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