Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Choosing a person with adequate CF skills

2013-03-12 Thread Jason Vanhoy
My first question would be are you hiring for an entry level, mid-level, or
senior position?

If you're hiring a senior position, none of the questions you outline is
going to be worth a hill of beans for choosing the right candidate in my

I come at this problem from the point of view of having been on many
hundreds of interviews, having interviewed people a significant number of
times as well, and making hiring decisions based on those interviews a
number of times both successfully and unsuccessfully.

In my humble opinion the technology world concentrates entirely too much on
technology in an interview for a developer (or, for that matter, for a
network engineer, DBA, etc., etc.)

A few basic questions to decide whether or not the candidate is simply
lying through their teeth on their resume are certainly in order. Maybe a
few things like, What's the difference between == and ===? or Explain to
me how a CFC differs from the Custom Tag of yore? or something that
roughly targets the functional awareness you're targeting. Also, maybe a
question or three about basic, non-language specific programming techniques
are helpful. Some examples might be Can you explain to me some design
patterns you've had experience with and why they were or were not the right
choice in those situations? or Can you tell me what the difference is
between a class and an object?

Beyond about 20 or 30 minutes worth of this type of discussion, however,
and all you're doing is showing off, or asking the candidate to show off,
arcane and trivial knowledge. Developing software (web-delivered or
otherwise) is not an eyes-closed operation, and any specific knowledge an
employee needs to complete a task is readily available online, or in a
book, or at a co-worker's desk, or in the company wiki, get my
point. So, knowing that a Java candidate, for example, knows off the top of
his or her head what the differences between final, finally, and finalize
is, is completely immaterial to whether or not he or she would be a good
fit for your team.

Here are what I consider the questions that one should have answers to at
the end of a job interview, from the point of view of the interviewing
agent (in order of increasing importance):

1) Is the candidate basically competent in the general skill set required?
That is, for a software developer, do they have experience developing
software in SOME language, do they understand BASIC concepts and can they
apply those concepts.

2) Can the candidate express themselves well, professionally and
competently? That is, do they speak clearly, do they explain things well
enough but not TOO well? Do they understand the differences between
site-specific knowledge and global knowledge? Do they grasp the language I
use and understand what I'm saying, or, barring that, eloquently ask for
clarifications that are logical and understandable?

3) Does the candidate's personality mesh well with the team they're going
to be working with and will they likely enjoy being on the team? Will the
team likely enjoy them being there?

The great truth, at least in my experience, is that any competent developer
can fairly quickly get up to speed on a new language or platform. However,
to quote a good friend of mine (pardon the language) you can't fix

I'll give you an example: It's been probably a decade since I did any
significant ColdFusion work. I would seriously have to have a syntax book
beside me for a week if I started writing it today. I've got a ton of Flex
experience, though, and very recent experience using it. Would I be a good
candidate for your position? Well, the answer is maybe.

If I came into the interview and you asked me some question like, Can you
tell me the difference between a class and an object? and I gave you the
following answer: Well, um, [drums fingers on table] a class is something IS, like, all of them are made
up and[drums fingers again] an object is like just one
of them, like...just a single one, you[taps knuckles on
chair arm] know what I'm saying? then the answer might change from
maybe to no.

However, if I said, Well, a class is the how an object-oriented design
defines a real-world concept in code, and then an object is a single
instance of that class that one can then do work on. the answer might
start looking closer to yes.

If you look at both answers closely it will become clear they ultimately
say the same, or a very similar, thing. However, one shows much better
communication and a much greater ability to express one's self than the

Additionally, if you and I are sitting in the conference room with several
senior members of your team, and someone cracks a joke. Let's say I
mentioned something about when I was first learning to code and how I
relied on a bunch of senior folks to help me along or something, and one of
your team says, Well, if you can run, you walk, and if 

Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Choosing a person with adequate CF skills

2013-03-12 Thread Jason Vanhoy
To answer the question directly, I would say that the most use from those
more nuts  bolts-oriented interviews is gained during interviews for
entry-level folks. Folks who are the most likely to be in denial about
their own abilities, and folks most likely to have serious deficiencies in
their skill set.

To answer it in a more lengthy fashion I'd say that your point that
[you] estimate
most companies do that(focus on language competence, algorithms,
data-structures, Computer Science concepts like concurrency etc) is
absoloutely true, and, in fact, the very thing I find problematic about
interviewing in general. I think focusing on that type of interview is
likely to get you an employee who is well-versed in interviewing, rather
than someone who's a good fit for your team and a skilled, problem-solving

You go on to state that if someone has worked in CF for 3-4 years, he/she
can get things done lot quickly in CF than someone who is a skilled
developer in C/C++, but new to CF is generally only true for the first 2-4
weeks. After that the developer who was skilled in another
language/platform is probably not even having to look at syntax
documentation any more. So, if we all agree that the first month to 90 days
of an employee's time on your team is the time period where they're
relatively unproductive and a cost rather than an asset then it becomes
an irrelevant distinction. Of course, if we don't agree on that timespan
between hiring and actual productivity, your mileage will vary.

I like Frank's point a lot about writing actual code versus looking at code
on a page. I've used that technique a number of times to weed out
candidates for entry-level or mid-level positions who were...let's call it
optimistic about their skill set.

Ultimately you've got to do whatever you feel is best for your team, and
what you can feel confident about within the parameters your superiors have
given you. For example, the CS degree requirement, which I didn't mention
earlier (I assumed it came from on high), but one I feel is egregiously
short-sighted as Dawn alluded to. My approach may not work well for you in
the structured, vetted, everything-provable-on-paper environment at a
University, but hopefully there was some insight there that helps in some

At the very least, what I'd most like to see you take away from the
discussion is that exposing a candidate to your whole team, or at least
senior members of it, and getting their gut-feeling reactions afterwards is
pretty important. The last thing you want to do is spend several thousand
dollars hiring someone, then spend several MORE thousand on their salary
and benefits and access cards and so forth, only to find out that that
person grates on the very last nerve of five other employees and, while
being able to quote the Gang of Four chapter and verse, lowers your overall
productivity by virtue of incompatibility.

At any rate, good luck to you!


On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 3:02 PM, Chris wrote:

 Thanks Jason.

 Position would be a bit mid-level since it expects 3-4 years in
 Flex/Coldfusion. Do you feel the questions are pointless now or are they
 too easy for mid-level position?

 1, 2, 3 you listed are something most applicants might have today since
 each opening in the technology field attracts lot of well qualified
 candidates in today's market.

 I went through the books by Careercup, programming interviews exposed to
 get a feel of how developer interviews are done today and I estimate most
 companies do that(focus on language competence, algorithms,
 data-structures, Computer Science concepts like concurrency etc).

 The idea of language competence comes from if someone has worked in CF for
 3-4 years, he/she can get things done lot quickly in CF than someone who is
 a skilled developer in C/C++, but new to CF. I imagine this is why lot of
 start-ups want people with N years of experience in the
 language/tool/database they are using.

 I appreciate your comments and suggestions.

 *From:* Jason Vanhoy
 *Sent:* Tuesday, March 12, 2013 2:11 PM

 *Subject:* Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Choosing a person with adequate CF skills

 My first question would be are you hiring for an entry level, mid-level,
 or senior position?

 If you're hiring a senior position, none of the questions you outline is
 going to be worth a hill of beans for choosing the right candidate in my

 I come at this problem from the point of view of having been on many
 hundreds of interviews, having interviewed people a significant number of
 times as well, and making hiring decisions based on those interviews a
 number of times both successfully and unsuccessfully.

 In my humble opinion the technology world concentrates entirely too much
 on technology in an interview for a developer (or, for that matter, for a
 network engineer, DBA, etc., etc.)

 A few basic

[ACFUG Discuss] Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Re: [ACFUG D iscuss] WT Heck is this character? �

2009-12-10 Thread Jason Vanhoy
It's this:

Hex value is FFFD

On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 10:25 PM, Derrick Peavy derr...@derrickpeavy.comwrote:

 Yes and yes.

 But let me refine the question - WHAT IS THE CHARACTER??? I cannot find a
 way to trap it and I don't know the ASCII or other chr()

 *Derrick Peavy*
 *“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” -Steve Jobs*

 On Dec 9, 2009, at 10:20 PM, Dean H. Saxe wrote:


 Do you mean prevent it from getting in your app?  Use a whitelist.


 Dean H. Saxe
 A true conservationist is a person who knows that the world is not given
 by his fathers, but borrowed from his children.  -- John James Audubon

 On Dec 9, 2009, at 7:09 PM, Derrick Peavy wrote:

 Can you see this character?

 It's a diamond with a question mark


 How in the hell does one trap that?
 *Derrick Peavy*
 *“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” -Steve Jobs*

[ACFUG Discuss] Re: [ACFUG Discuss] RE: [ACFUG Discuss] Re: [ACFUG D iscuss] Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Re: [ACFUG Discuss] WT Heck is t his character? �

2009-12-10 Thread Jason Vanhoy
It's the unicode character used to replace an incoming character that the
reading system has no idea how to handle.

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 9:17 AM, Troy Jones wrote:

  I see this character sneak into code when I open something in Eclipse
 that was originally edited using some other editor or the file was
 originally created on a Mac.

 [image: da_logo_70x263]*
 *Troy Jones*  |  Director of Technical Services  |  Dynapp Inc  |
 1-800-830-5192  ext. 603  |  |

 *From:* [] *On Behalf Of *Jason
 *Sent:* Thursday, December 10, 2009 7:52 AM
 *Subject:* [ACFUG Discuss] Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Re:
 [ACFUG Discuss] WT Heck is this character? �

 It's this:

 Hex value is FFFD

  On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 10:25 PM, Derrick Peavy

 Yes and yes.

 But let me refine the question - WHAT IS THE CHARACTER??? I cannot find a
 way to trap it and I don't know the ASCII or other chr()


 *Derrick Peavy*


 *“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” -Steve Jobs*


 On Dec 9, 2009, at 10:20 PM, Dean H. Saxe wrote:


 Do you mean prevent it from getting in your app?  Use a whitelist.



 Dean H. Saxe

 A true conservationist is a person who knows that the world is not given
 by his fathers, but borrowed from his children.  -- John James Audubon

 On Dec 9, 2009, at 7:09 PM, Derrick Peavy wrote:

  Can you see this character?

 It's a diamond with a question mark


 How in the hell does one trap that?


 *Derrick Peavy*


 *“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” -Steve Jobs*



Re: [ACFUG Discuss] SQL Injection

2009-11-20 Thread Jason Vanhoy
Another thing that one can potentially determine from examining the logs
after such attempts is whether or not there's someone specifically
interested in your data, or is it more likely they're looking for *any* data
that's easy to access, and you just happened to come up in the list.

On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 10:00 AM, Teddy R. Payne teddyrpa...@gmail.comwrote:

 What text was being used for the attack, when the attack occured, where did
 the attack come from, was the attack successful, is there another way they
 could exploit that part of the application, how localized or widespread is
 the attack, and what is the potential risk of all the above in the terms of
 revenue, developer time, private data, and public confidence.

 Teddy R. Payne, ACCFD
 Google Talk -

 On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 9:56 AM, Rudi Shumpert wrote:

 Doing most of that.

 Except for the analysis later part.   Anything specific you look for in
 doing the analysis?

 On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 9:50 AM, Teddy R. Payne teddyrpa...@gmail.comwrote:

 You start off by trapping the error. Prevent the transaction.  Record the
 error somewhere more persistent for review and analysis later.  Display an
 error to the user that matches your site with a meaningful message.

 Creating error trapping that can specifically identify these types of
 attempts could also reduce your noise to sound ratio as well.

 Teddy R. Payne, ACCFD
 Google Talk -

 On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 9:44 AM, Rudi Shumpert shump...@gmail.comwrote:

 the stuff I'm seeing is nothing really new, just was wondering if there
 are some best practices on what do to after to stop the attempt.


 On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 9:27 AM, Mischa Uppelschoten wrote:

  I probably missed something, but this article is almost a year and a
 half old... what specifically is attempted now?

 : Hey folks,

 : I saw Johns tweet earlier this week about a new wave of SQL Injection
 ( and

 :  link to a great article on it
 : st-sql-injection-and-xss), and sure enough Im seeing ahuge upswing in
 :  attempts.  Over 100 failed attempts last night alone.

 : We have taken the steps to prevent damage / harm, but I was wondering
 :  folks are doing after they stop the attempt.  What kind of message
 if any do
 :  you provide ?  Are people checking the logs, and blocking IPs of
 the worst
 :  offenders?  Or something else?
 : -Rudi

 Mischa Uppelschoten
 VP of Technology
 The Banker's Exchange, LLC.
 4200 Highlands Parkway SE
 Suite A
 Smyrna, GA 30082-5198

 Phone:(404) 605-0100 ext. 10
 Fax:(404) 355-7930
 Follow this link for Instant Web Chat:
  --- *Original Message* ---

 *From:* Rudi Shumpert
 *Date:* Fri, 20 Nov 2009 06:47:20 -0500
 *Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] SQL Injection*

 Hey folks,

 I saw John's tweet earlier this week about a new wave of SQL Injection
 ( and link to a great article on it,
 and sure enough I'm seeing a huge upswing in attempts.  Over 100 failed
 attempts last night alone.

 We have taken the steps to prevent damage / harm, but I was wondering
 what folks are doing after they stop the attempt.  What kind of message 
 any do you provide ?  Are people checking the logs, and blocking IP's of
 the worst offenders?  Or something else?

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