I dont think this will work under BD and if the implementation ever changes, any hacks like the below wont work.

If all you need to

On 10/25/05, Douglas Knudsen <douglasknud...@gmail.com> wrote:
you can also get this programaticaly using the coldfusion.runtime objects. Here is some hack code for an example

  <!--- define the application --->
<cfapplication name="sessionLister" sessionmanagement="Yes" sessiontimeout="#createtimespan(0,0,2,0)#">

<!--- application tracker object --->
<cfset appObj = createObject ("java","coldfusion.runtime.ApplicationScopeTracker")>

<!--- get the enumeration of application keys --->
<cfset apps = appObj.getApplicationKeys ()>

<!--- session tracker object --->
<cfset tracker = createObject("java", "coldfusion.runtime.SessionTracker")>

<table border="1" width="100%">
        <th>SESSION DATA</th>
        <td valign="top">
        <!--- while there are more applications in the enumeration --->
        <cfloop condition="#apps.hasMoreElements()#">
            <!--- get the app name --->
            <cfset appname = apps.nextElement()>
<a href="?appname=<cfoutput>#appname#</ cfoutput>"><cfoutput>#appname#</cfoutput></a> <br> <cfdump var="#appObj.getApplicationScope(appname)#" label="Application struct for #appname#"><br>
            <!--- <!--- get the sessions for this app name --->
            <cfset sessions = tracker.getSessionCollection(appname)>
            <!--- dump the sessions out --->
            <cfdump var="#sessions#" label="#appname#">   --->
        <td valign="top" nowrap>
        <cfif IsDefined(" url.appname") AND Len(url.appname)>
<cfset dakeys = StructKeyList(tracker.getSessionCollection (url.appname))> <strong><cfoutput>#ListLen(dakeys)#</cfoutput> </ strong>SESSIONS FOR APPLICATION <strong><cfoutput>#url.appname#</ cfoutput></strong>:<br>
            <cfloop list="#dakeys#" index="i">
<a href="?appname=<cfoutput>#url.appname#&sid=#i#</ cfoutput>"><cfoutput>#i#</cfoutput></a> <br>
        <td valign="top">
<cfif IsDefined("url.appname") AND Len(url.appname) AND IsDefined(" url.sid") AND Len(url.sid)> THE SESSION DATA FOR SESSION: <strong><cfoutput>#url.sid#</cfoutput></strong>:<br>
                <cfdump var="#tracker.getSession( url.sid)#">

On 10/25/05, shawn.gorr...@atl.frb.org < shawn.gorr...@atl.frb.org > wrote:

I assume that you are using the application or server scope to maintain the session count variable?

I have an example usage of Application.cfc which could be easily modified to your purposes.


Tom Chambers <ac...@chamberssystems.com>
10/25/2005 11:26 AM

Please respond to


CFMX7 & session count

Hi all
I'm looking for a working example of how to show the current number of
sessions (users) on a website.  I'm utilizing the application.cfc
rather than the application.cfm .  I've found some suggested solutions
but none of them are working examples.
The site has an application scope and a session scope.  I have the
session count variable setup and its being incremented through the
onSessionStart method.  However, I am suspicious of the onSessionEnd
method not decrementing the session count variable.  Any help or
direction would be greatly appreciated

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Douglas Knudsen
this is my signature, like it?

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