RE: [ACFUG Discuss] using REPLACE within CFQUERY for ACCESS db

2006-12-03 Thread Dan
Yes Charlie, and thank you for refreshing this thread.

When the problem first occurred for me I did think it was a syntax problem
(of mine) and so that is where I looked for an answer. Ultimately I also
found an explanation similar to yours within a Microsoft blog from an Access
Dev. Engineer. He explained it somewhat like your explanation below that
this (the REPLACE) function is internal to Access only but didn't go into
the Security issue that you did. He basically just said "It cannot be used
outside of Access."

I did not bother to test if from within Access at the time since I didn't
need a solution there, I needed it on the outside, within the CF interface.
But ironically that's exactly where I did end up using the very same REPLACE
function. I took the advice of Rob Munn with the San Diego CFUG (SDCFUG)who
suggested I simply add an Ordering column to the db.

Overall this was so obvious and too simple. So what I ended up doing was

1. from within Access I did a search on the mTitle column for all records
with a leading The.  There were only a couple dozen. 

2. I created a new column oTitle and from WITHIN Access I used the REPLACE
function and copied all the records to the oTitle column stripping out the
instances of The.

3. I then modified the data entry form to include the oTitle field and using
a little JS magic I copy the mTitle entry to the oTitle field stripping off
any leading "The" So at the point of adding a new movie to the db there is
almost no cost in controlling how it is ordered.

Another advantage here is that the user can, of course, manually edit the
oTitle value to create "grouped" sets of movies. For example, my client
wanted to group all the James Bond movies together. Now all he has to do is
put 007 in front of the movie Title in the oTitle field: 007 Die Another
Day. The oTitle field is not displayed anywhere in the web interface.

4. And I of course modified the INSERT and UPDATE queries to include the new
oTitle field.

Thanks again to everyone for their input.  Sometimes [I] get so close to the
trees I fail to see the forest--or the big picture, and lose track of my
proper goal (by getting hung up on technique and detail).

Dan Kaufman

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charlie Arehart
Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2006 12:11 PM
Subject: RE: [ACFUG Discuss] using REPLACE within CFQUERY for ACCESS db

Dan? Any thoughts on this?


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charlie Arehart
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 10:39 AM
Subject: RE: [ACFUG Discuss] using REPLACE within CFQUERY for ACCESS db

Dan, the problem you've hit is not a syntax problem but rather a security
issue Access, it seems. For instance, if you tried that SQL statement WITHIN
Access, did it work? It did for me, yet trying to pass it in from outside
(from CF), it fails. And it's not a datasource setup problem. I tried both
the ODBC Socket and the "Microsoft Access" driver in CFMX. Both failed. 

Doing some digging, I've found that you've run into is something that many,
many (indeed, mostly outside of CF) have hit as well. Access has implemented
a security "sandbox" for certain functions to prevent their use from outside
of Access itself. 

There are several references that describe it. Do a search inside Access'
help for "sandbox" to see many. Still, I tried all the things that were
offered there and in other web sites to configure things to work, and none
would. I tried setting the security to "Low" as described in the help, but
no dice. I even tried a Registry fix discussed here:;en-us;294698&Product=acc

To no avail. I even tried converting an Access 2000 DB to Access 2003 and it
still would not work. And I'll add that I stopped and restarted both Access
and CF (and the CF datasource services) after the changes, and even reloaded
a test page in a new browser window (to avoid seeing a cached result). And
with none could I get it to work.

I found some references suggestion that you create a wrapper function or
module to get things working, but I'm not as familiar with creating those in
Access let alone calling them from CF, so I'll leave this info with you for
your consideration.

Teddy's idea may be the better solution, if indeed there's no reason for the
data to exist in its current state.

If it must, I'll point out one last "out of the box" solution: though it's
preferable to let the database do database work, in this case where you're
stumped, you could pull the data into a CF query (as is) and use CF
functions to manipulate it, then use a query of queries to do the sort that
you pre

RE: [ACFUG Discuss] using REPLACE within CFQUERY for ACCESS db

2006-12-03 Thread Charlie Arehart
Dan? Any thoughts on this?


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charlie Arehart
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 10:39 AM
Subject: RE: [ACFUG Discuss] using REPLACE within CFQUERY for ACCESS db

Dan, the problem you've hit is not a syntax problem but rather a security
issue Access, it seems. For instance, if you tried that SQL statement WITHIN
Access, did it work? It did for me, yet trying to pass it in from outside
(from CF), it fails. And it's not a datasource setup problem. I tried both
the ODBC Socket and the "Microsoft Access" driver in CFMX. Both failed. 

Doing some digging, I've found that you've run into is something that many,
many (indeed, mostly outside of CF) have hit as well. Access has implemented
a security "sandbox" for certain functions to prevent their use from outside
of Access itself. 

There are several references that describe it. Do a search inside Access'
help for "sandbox" to see many. Still, I tried all the things that were
offered there and in other web sites to configure things to work, and none
would. I tried setting the security to "Low" as described in the help, but
no dice. I even tried a Registry fix discussed here:;en-us;294698&Product=acc

To no avail. I even tried converting an Access 2000 DB to Access 2003 and it
still would not work. And I'll add that I stopped and restarted both Access
and CF (and the CF datasource services) after the changes, and even reloaded
a test page in a new browser window (to avoid seeing a cached result). And
with none could I get it to work.

I found some references suggestion that you create a wrapper function or
module to get things working, but I'm not as familiar with creating those in
Access let alone calling them from CF, so I'll leave this info with you for
your consideration.

Teddy's idea may be the better solution, if indeed there's no reason for the
data to exist in its current state.

If it must, I'll point out one last "out of the box" solution: though it's
preferable to let the database do database work, in this case where you're
stumped, you could pull the data into a CF query (as is) and use CF
functions to manipulate it, then use a query of queries to do the sort that
you prefer on the manipulated result. May not perform well, but sometimes
you need function over form. :-)


-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2006 8:01 PM
Subject: RE: [ACFUG Discuss] using REPLACE within CFQUERY for ACCESS db

Sorry, the double quotes in the query statements are simply a typo on my
part. I didn't copy and paste the actual query,  I simply retyped it as I
wrote the email and out of bad habit used " quotes.

The quotes ' or " is not the problem.  This query and/or using the REPLACE
function works perfectly well on all my SQL datasources.  This particular
site (still) has an Access db. And therein lies the rub.

Yes, I could, and probably should, "upsize" the Access mdb to SQL-2000, but
for right now that's more trouble than simply making the query behave.

So, any ideas on how to use the REPLACE function in a query on an Access db?
Or, baring that, how would you create a similar end result of ORDER BY the
mTitle column ignoring "the" if it is the first word in a movie title?



-Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Chambers
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2006 4:45 PM
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] using REPLACE within CFQUERY for ACCESS db

did you try single quotes?

> I have an Access datasource for movie listings. mTitle is the 
> column/field for the movie's Title. I need to output the records 
> ordered by mTitle, however I need to ignore "the" when it is the first 
> word.
> For example: The Big Lebowski should be ordered by B in Big, not T in The.
> My solution was to create an alias column in my query wherein I 
> REPLACEd "the" with "" and then ORDER BY the alias column.
>   mTitle,
>   REPLACE(mTitle, "the", "") AS titleOrder
>   movieTable
>   titleOrder
> However, when I run this I get an error that the function REPLACE is
> undefined:
> [Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver][ODBC Socket][Microsoft][ODBC 
> Microsoft Access Driver] Undefined function 'REP

RE: [ACFUG Discuss] using REPLACE within CFQUERY for ACCESS db

2006-11-27 Thread Charlie Arehart
Dan, the problem you've hit is not a syntax problem but rather a security
issue Access, it seems. For instance, if you tried that SQL statement WITHIN
Access, did it work? It did for me, yet trying to pass it in from outside
(from CF), it fails. And it's not a datasource setup problem. I tried both
the ODBC Socket and the "Microsoft Access" driver in CFMX. Both failed. 

Doing some digging, I've found that you've run into is something that many,
many (indeed, mostly outside of CF) have hit as well. Access has implemented
a security "sandbox" for certain functions to prevent their use from outside
of Access itself. 

There are several references that describe it. Do a search inside Access'
help for "sandbox" to see many. Still, I tried all the things that were
offered there and in other web sites to configure things to work, and none
would. I tried setting the security to "Low" as described in the help, but
no dice. I even tried a Registry fix discussed here:;en-us;294698&Product=acc

To no avail. I even tried converting an Access 2000 DB to Access 2003 and it
still would not work. And I'll add that I stopped and restarted both Access
and CF (and the CF datasource services) after the changes, and even reloaded
a test page in a new browser window (to avoid seeing a cached result). And
with none could I get it to work.

I found some references suggestion that you create a wrapper function or
module to get things working, but I'm not as familiar with creating those in
Access let alone calling them from CF, so I'll leave this info with you for
your consideration.

Teddy's idea may be the better solution, if indeed there's no reason for the
data to exist in its current state.

If it must, I'll point out one last "out of the box" solution: though it's
preferable to let the database do database work, in this case where you're
stumped, you could pull the data into a CF query (as is) and use CF
functions to manipulate it, then use a query of queries to do the sort that
you prefer on the manipulated result. May not perform well, but sometimes
you need function over form. :-)


-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2006 8:01 PM
Subject: RE: [ACFUG Discuss] using REPLACE within CFQUERY for ACCESS db

Sorry, the double quotes in the query statements are simply a typo on my
part. I didn't copy and paste the actual query,  I simply retyped it as I
wrote the email and out of bad habit used " quotes.

The quotes ' or " is not the problem.  This query and/or using the REPLACE
function works perfectly well on all my SQL datasources.  This particular
site (still) has an Access db. And therein lies the rub.

Yes, I could, and probably should, "upsize" the Access mdb to SQL-2000, but
for right now that's more trouble than simply making the query behave.

So, any ideas on how to use the REPLACE function in a query on an Access db?
Or, baring that, how would you create a similar end result of ORDER BY the
mTitle column ignoring "the" if it is the first word in a movie title?



-Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Chambers
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2006 4:45 PM
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] using REPLACE within CFQUERY for ACCESS db

did you try single quotes?

> I have an Access datasource for movie listings. mTitle is the 
> column/field for the movie's Title. I need to output the records 
> ordered by mTitle, however I need to ignore "the" when it is the first 
> word.
> For example: The Big Lebowski should be ordered by B in Big, not T in The.
> My solution was to create an alias column in my query wherein I 
> REPLACEd "the" with "" and then ORDER BY the alias column.
>   mTitle,
>   REPLACE(mTitle, "the", "") AS titleOrder
>   movieTable
>   titleOrder
> However, when I run this I get an error that the function REPLACE is
> undefined:
> [Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver][ODBC Socket][Microsoft][ODBC 
> Microsoft Access Driver] Undefined function 'REPLACE' in expression.
> I have "Googled" for an answer to my problem (till I'm blue in the
> face) but can't find anything HELPFUL.
> Can anyone help OR suggest a different solution?

Re: [ACFUG Discuss] using REPLACE within CFQUERY for ACCESS db

2006-11-27 Thread Teddy Payne

Instead of beating your head against the screen, why not write a quick CF
template that will query for every title that has the word "the" in the
beginning and run a batch update against it.

In essence, you would just change "The Big Lobowski" to "Big Lobowski,
The."  The template would probably not take too long depending on your
record set size and you would not have to worry about badly formed titles.

Since that site uses movie listings for certain things, IMDB has a Pro
service: which they offer the
ability to use their database.


On 11/26/06, Tom Chambers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've run into many issues using CF-built queries on an Access db over
the years.  I recall one that had about a dozen doublequotes in
it.  Freaky!

Have you tried including the [] around the field name just for fun?


> Sorry, the double quotes in the query statements are simply a typo on my
> part. I didn't copy and paste the actual query,  I simply retyped it as
> wrote the email and out of bad habit used " quotes.
> The quotes ' or " is not the problem.  This query and/or using the
> function works perfectly well on all my SQL datasources.  This
> site (still) has an Access db. And therein lies the rub.
> Yes, I could, and probably should, "upsize" the Access mdb to SQL-2000,
> for right now that's more trouble than simply making the query behave.
> So, any ideas on how to use the REPLACE function in a query on an Access
> Or, baring that, how would you create a similar end result of ORDER BY
> mTitle column ignoring "the" if it is the first word in a movie title?
> Thanks,
> Dan
> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Chambers
> Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2006 4:45 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] using REPLACE within CFQUERY for ACCESS db
> did you try single quotes?
>> I have an Access datasource for movie listings. mTitle is the
>> column/field for the movie's Title. I need to output the records
>> ordered by mTitle, however I need to ignore "the" when it is the first
>> word.
>> For example: The Big Lebowski should be ordered by B in Big, not T in
>> My solution was to create an alias column in my query wherein I
>> REPLACEd "the" with "" and then ORDER BY the alias column.
>>   mTitle,
>>   REPLACE(mTitle, "the", "") AS titleOrder
>>   movieTable
>>   titleOrder
>> However, when I run this I get an error that the function REPLACE is
>> undefined:
>> [Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver][ODBC Socket][Microsoft][ODBC
>> Microsoft Access Driver] Undefined function 'REPLACE' in expression.
>> I have "Googled" for an answer to my problem (till I'm blue in the
>> face) but can't find anything HELPFUL.
>> Can anyone help OR suggest a different solution?
>> Thanks,
>> Dan Kaufman
>> -
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> -
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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] using REPLACE within CFQUERY for ACCESS db

2006-11-26 Thread Tom Chambers
I've run into many issues using CF-built queries on an Access db over 
the years.  I recall one that had about a dozen doublequotes in it.  Freaky!

Have you tried including the [] around the field name just for fun?



Sorry, the double quotes in the query statements are simply a typo on my
part. I didn't copy and paste the actual query,  I simply retyped it as I
wrote the email and out of bad habit used " quotes.

The quotes ' or " is not the problem.  This query and/or using the REPLACE
function works perfectly well on all my SQL datasources.  This particular
site (still) has an Access db. And therein lies the rub.

Yes, I could, and probably should, "upsize" the Access mdb to SQL-2000, but
for right now that's more trouble than simply making the query behave.

So, any ideas on how to use the REPLACE function in a query on an Access db?
Or, baring that, how would you create a similar end result of ORDER BY the
mTitle column ignoring "the" if it is the first word in a movie title?



-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Chambers
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2006 4:45 PM
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] using REPLACE within CFQUERY for ACCESS db

did you try single quotes?

I have an Access datasource for movie listings. mTitle is the 
column/field for the movie's Title. I need to output the records 
ordered by mTitle, however I need to ignore "the" when it is the first 


For example: The Big Lebowski should be ordered by B in Big, not T in The.


My solution was to create an alias column in my query wherein I 
REPLACEd "the" with "" and then ORDER BY the alias column.




  REPLACE(mTitle, "the", "") AS titleOrder






However, when I run this I get an error that the function REPLACE is 


[Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver][ODBC Socket][Microsoft][ODBC 
Microsoft Access Driver] Undefined function 'REPLACE' in expression.


I have "Googled" for an answer to my problem (till I'm blue in the 
face) but can't find anything HELPFUL.


Can anyone help OR suggest a different solution?





Dan Kaufman


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RE: [ACFUG Discuss] using REPLACE within CFQUERY for ACCESS db

2006-11-26 Thread Dan
Sorry, the double quotes in the query statements are simply a typo on my
part. I didn't copy and paste the actual query,  I simply retyped it as I
wrote the email and out of bad habit used " quotes.

The quotes ' or " is not the problem.  This query and/or using the REPLACE
function works perfectly well on all my SQL datasources.  This particular
site (still) has an Access db. And therein lies the rub.

Yes, I could, and probably should, "upsize" the Access mdb to SQL-2000, but
for right now that's more trouble than simply making the query behave.

So, any ideas on how to use the REPLACE function in a query on an Access db?
Or, baring that, how would you create a similar end result of ORDER BY the
mTitle column ignoring "the" if it is the first word in a movie title?



-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Chambers
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2006 4:45 PM
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] using REPLACE within CFQUERY for ACCESS db

did you try single quotes?

> I have an Access datasource for movie listings. mTitle is the 
> column/field for the movie's Title. I need to output the records 
> ordered by mTitle, however I need to ignore "the" when it is the first 
> word.
> For example: The Big Lebowski should be ordered by B in Big, not T in The.
> My solution was to create an alias column in my query wherein I 
> REPLACEd "the" with "" and then ORDER BY the alias column.
>   mTitle,
>   REPLACE(mTitle, "the", "") AS titleOrder
>   movieTable
>   titleOrder
> However, when I run this I get an error that the function REPLACE is 
> undefined:
> [Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver][ODBC Socket][Microsoft][ODBC 
> Microsoft Access Driver] Undefined function 'REPLACE' in expression.
> I have "Googled" for an answer to my problem (till I'm blue in the 
> face) but can't find anything HELPFUL.
> Can anyone help OR suggest a different solution?
> Thanks,
> Dan Kaufman
> -
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> For more info, see
> Archive @
> List hosted by FusionLink <>
> - 

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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] using REPLACE within CFQUERY for ACCESS db

2006-11-26 Thread Tom Chambers

i have found numerous examples that show single quotes being used:

SELECT Replace([ItemDesired],'e','i') AS Expr1
FROM Orders


I have an Access datasource for movie listings. mTitle is the 
column/field for the movie's Title. I need to output the records 
ordered by mTitle, however I need to ignore "the" when it is the first 


For example: The Big Lebowski should be ordered by B in Big, not T in The.


My solution was to create an alias column in my query wherein I 
REPLACEd "the" with "" and then ORDER BY the alias column.




  REPLACE(mTitle, "the", "") AS titleOrder






However, when I run this I get an error that the function REPLACE is 


[Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver][ODBC Socket][Microsoft][ODBC 
Microsoft Access Driver] Undefined function 'REPLACE' in expression.


I have "Googled" for an answer to my problem (till I'm blue in the 
face) but can't find anything HELPFUL.


Can anyone help OR suggest a different solution?





Dan Kaufman


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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] using REPLACE within CFQUERY for ACCESS db

2006-11-26 Thread Tom Chambers

did you try single quotes?


I have an Access datasource for movie listings. mTitle is the 
column/field for the movie's Title. I need to output the records 
ordered by mTitle, however I need to ignore "the" when it is the first 


For example: The Big Lebowski should be ordered by B in Big, not T in The.


My solution was to create an alias column in my query wherein I 
REPLACEd "the" with "" and then ORDER BY the alias column.




  REPLACE(mTitle, "the", "") AS titleOrder






However, when I run this I get an error that the function REPLACE is 


[Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver][ODBC Socket][Microsoft][ODBC 
Microsoft Access Driver] Undefined function 'REPLACE' in expression.


I have "Googled" for an answer to my problem (till I'm blue in the 
face) but can't find anything HELPFUL.


Can anyone help OR suggest a different solution?





Dan Kaufman


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List hosted by FusionLink 

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[ACFUG Discuss] using REPLACE within CFQUERY for ACCESS db

2006-11-26 Thread Dan
I have an Access datasource for movie listings. mTitle is the column/field
for the movie's Title. I need to output the records ordered by mTitle,
however I need to ignore "the" when it is the first word.


For example: The Big Lebowski should be ordered by B in Big, not T in The.


My solution was to create an alias column in my query wherein I REPLACEd
"the" with "" and then ORDER BY the alias column.




  REPLACE(mTitle, "the", "") AS titleOrder






However, when I run this I get an error that the function REPLACE is


[Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver][ODBC Socket][Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft
Access Driver] Undefined function 'REPLACE' in expression.


I have "Googled" for an answer to my problem (till I'm blue in the face) but
can't find anything HELPFUL.


Can anyone help OR suggest a different solution?





Dan Kaufman



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