Re: [GA] who is a member?

2018-02-06 Thread Werner Koch
On Tue,  6 Feb 2018 18:12, said:

> Thank you for your feedback!  Information like that is helpful in making

Right feedback seems to be welcome, but discussion is done behind closed
doors.  With today's words of a board member to the members only list:

  Regardless of what we individually think about our structure (and you
  know I have strong opinions on this too), let's keep that discussion
  *here*, between the members. No change will come from discussions
  about this elsewhere. Any change comes from us, here.

Which is of course aligned with our current structure but somewhat alien
to the general principles of the free software movement.  To me this
sounds like "Let's do it like the FSF" - and we once wanted to be more
participatory and open to the public than the FSF :-(.



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Re: Apply for membership and meet us at FOSDEM

2018-02-06 Thread Werner Koch
On Mon,  5 Feb 2018 14:58, said:

> - the German laws for non-profits (this was mentioned on another list)

There is no specific law in Germany for non-profits.  You have to
distinguish between all the possible legal forms for an association.
The FSFE is a German eingetragener Verein which has only very few legal
requirements so that the Verein can will define its rules in its

A charitable Verein is a bit more restricted as a general Verein.  For
example it is not allowed to issue a receipt for donations received for
an exchange.  Demanding a fixed purpose for a donation would may be such
an exchange.



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Re: who is a member?

2018-02-02 Thread Werner Koch
On Fri,  2 Feb 2018 17:12, said:

> There are practical problems with this.  The most obvious problem is
> that there is no board and the GA functions a little bit like a board
> and a board with 1,700 members would not be very functional.  To resolve

That is not correct.  Unless I missed some of the many constitutional
changes of the last years, the FSFE e.V., as German Verein, of course as
an elected board ("Vorstand", aka "EC") which consists of the
"president", the "vice-president", and the "treasurer".  (I used to be
the treasurer some years ago.)

However. having only a few members we had the *informal* rule to ask all
members (the so-called "GA") for their opinions on imporatnt decisions
of the board.



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Apply for membership and meet us at FOSDEM (was: Apply for membership - or meet us at FOSDEM :-)

2018-02-01 Thread Werner Koch
On Thu,  1 Feb 2018 00:25, said:

> Daniel has already supplied a pointer to the web page giving some
> background information about the GA, its role in FSFE, and the

To make thinks a bit more clear.  Many members of the FSFE e.V., which
happens to be plain standard German Eingetragener Verein (e.V.), use the
term GA to refer to the members of that Verein.  The term GA was used as
an abbreviation for General Assembly / General Meeting /
Mitgliederversammlung but it is nothing else than the members of the
Verein, that is the Verein itself.

This might have been introduced along with the fellowship to paper a bit
over the fact that the fellows had no legal rights within the Verein -
in contrast to the members, now called the GA.  Later the constitution
was changed to allow an external group (the fellowship) to elect up to
two temporary members of the Verein.  Due to various reasons candidates
for this "fellowship seats" were not in good supply and thus the idea is
now to drop this failed concept of improved participation.

Anyway, the Vorsitzende (uncommonly termed "president") of the FSFE
e.V. has had always the right to accept new membership applications
which will only need to be confirmed at the next general meeting (of the
members).  For the first 15 years this was handled very strict and
basically impossible for a wider audience to be accepted as a member.
This seemed to have changed over the last 2 or 3 years when employees
and very active people were granted membership quickly.  

I personally see a lot of problems that employees of the FSFE are also
members _and_ that they make up a large part of the membership.  Thus I
support the call for new members (as I always did in internal
discussions over the last 17 years) but for organization issues I would
also ask not to rush this.  Sending an applications to the president is
of course fine but please don't get upset if it takes some time to setup
the FSFE for a larger base of members.


   Werner (founding member, not paid, and mostly inactive these days)

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Re: 34C3

2018-01-12 Thread Werner Koch
On Thu, 11 Jan 2018 14:33, said:

> out is that according to majestyx an FSFE employee and staff member
> with a "boss" t-shirt wanted to deny access to the FSFE booth to
> majestyx.

majestyx wrote:

  Am dritten Tag folgte dann leider ein sehr einschneidendes
  Erlebnis. Der FSFE Mitarbeiter (mit Endgegner Shirt) wollte mir den
  Zugang zum FSFE Stand verwehren mit der Aussage ich würde quasi über
  den FSFE Tisch hinweg Negativ-Werbung machen. Ich fragte ihn nach dem
  Beweis, den blieb er schuldig und versteifte sich darauf bei seiner
  Behauptung zu bleiben, um mich dann des FSFE Standes zu verweisen.

Content: A FSFE staffer rejected him access to the FSFE booth where he
used to help out as a volunteer.  The given reason was that majestyx was
engaged in negative advertising on the FSFE from behind the booth.  He
asked for evidence but the FSFE staffer was not able to present it.

That FSFE staffer (Erik) explained on the members only list:

  one of our supporters was acting like a wolf in sheep's
  clothing. While he was on one hand behind the booth to sell
  merchandise, he on the other hand spread self-made print-outs about
  "#fuckgooglefsfe" to criticise that FSFE accepts donations by
  google. (the print-outs were fortunately so bad and cryptic I doubt
  someone could understand what they are saying)
  Despite him insisting on his freedom of opinion, I forbid that person
  to spread these print-outs around the booth.

The background seems to be a discussion on the German list (and maybe on
some Berlin meetings) on whether it is acceptable that the FSFE takes
donations from Google.  In the aftermath of this one Berlin based member
canceled their membership which triggered a discussion on the members
only list.

I have not seen these handouts but I assume the text was in line with
his arguments expressed over several weeks on the German lists.  Erik's
reaction to ban him from *behind* the booth is fully acceptable to me
and I would have done the same.  Diverting opinions are for sure welcome
but they should not be presented in a way which let bystanders assume
that this (self-)critique is an official position of the FSFE.



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Re: LWN article on Limux / WiMue and PMPC

2017-11-10 Thread Werner Koch

publishing a private subscriber only URL to a _public_ mailing list is
not for what LWN generate them as a favor to their subscribers.



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Re: Implementing a code of conduct?

2016-11-03 Thread Werner Koch
On Thu,  3 Nov 2016 16:00, said:

> Also, these days the lack of a CoC actively repels people. They wonder

I wonder why you are in favor of such a thing but do not comply yourself
to the common standard on how to work with mail (Netiquette, RFC-1855).



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October Newsletter /Summit

2016-10-07 Thread Werner Koch

reading the "FSFE Newsletter - October 2016" [1]

  We're still not over how cool it was to see so many from our community
  join the FSFE Summit in September. It was a good experience and we're
  keen to repeat it. [...]

I miss any mentioning of an (internal) discussion in the aftermath of a
very questionable talk[2] advertising proprietary software.  The speaker
of that talk is head of a company selling non-free software but trying
to get associated with Free Software.  In the F&Q after the talk the
speaker was asked about this (35'50'' into the video) and confirmed that
their software is and will not be published under a Free Software
license.  He also said that he did not think cloud services should at
all require Free Software, be it GPL or BSD.

I am quite surprised to see such a talk at an FSFE conference.  In
particular because the talk was not described as giving a counterpoint
to Free Software.  It was a straight ad talk and that should have been
known to the program committee: For example, the FSFE president was
recently guest at one of their dinner events and before that he had
asked me about my opinion on that company (I once gave a keynote at one
of their events).

A newsletter should not be silent about topics which can at least be
called controversial and have been called in as an agenda topic for
tomorrow's FSFE general assembly.




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