
I need to give public SSH access to a box for a remote chap who does not have a 
static IP.  I may be able to give him a PPTP user 
account connecting to the specified boxes IP.  Boxes IP's are assigned using 
DHCP server.

I wish to maintain my security(!)  The box he is getting access to is a test 
nix box, so if it gets trashed we can live with that. 
LAN1 is for my critical boxes.  LAN2 is for printers, less critical PC's that 
could still harbour viruses and local guests.  LAN3 is 
newly created for the above SSH access as the only way I can see to ring fence 
that box.

LAN1 = 10.x.y.a /24
LAN2 = 10.x+1.y.b /24
LAN3 = 10.x+2.y.c /24

NAT access is provided to boxes on all LANx and that seems fine so not detailed 

1) All LANx should have Internet access:

Firewall: NAT: Outbound

Interface WAN
Source LANx  (Rule repeated for each x)
Source Port *
Destination, Destination Port, NAT Address, NAT Port *
Static Port No

2) LAN1 can access all of LAN2 (And can access LAN2 and LAN3 via any public NAT 
ports opened) including printers on LAN2.  Windows 
PC's are on LAN1 and LAN2.  It is preferable to have Win Net access from LAN1 
to 2 but not the reverse.  (Does not work)

Firewall: Rules  For LAN1:
Proto *
Source LAN net
Port *
Destination *
Port *
Gateway *
Schedule *
Description LAN to any

3) LAN2 cannot access any other LAN except the network printers on LAN1.  I 
understand the first rule is first processed, subsequent 
rules pick up the pieces that are left over and not already covered.

Firewall: Rules For LAN2:
Proto *
Source LAN2 net
Port *
Destination LAN1 address
Port *
Gateway *
Schedule *
Description Block All LAN2 to LAN1

Proto *
Source *
Port *
Destination *
Port *
Gateway *
Schedule *
Description LAN2 to Internet

4) LAN3 cannot access any other LAN

Firewall: Rules For LAN3:
Proto *
Source LAN3 net
Port *
Destination LAN1 address
Port *
Gateway *
Schedule *
Description Block All LAN3 to LAN1   (Could repeat for LAN2 also?)

Proto *
Source *
Port *
Destination *
Port *
Gateway *
Schedule *
Description LAN3 to Internet

I thought I'd configured the rules to allow this however from LAN3 I can view 
webpages on LAN1 and ping LAN1 addresses, which 
suggests to me my rules are not working and it would be premature to expose the 
box to the net!

Can anyone tell me where my logic is failing?

Kind regards

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