Daniele Guazzoni wrote:
I just upgraded from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 with pfSense-1.0.2-Full-Embedded-Update.tgz and although the firwall is functional I cannot access the webconfigurator.

Any idea how to fix it ?

There is no 1.0.2, so I'm not sure which version you're using, for embedded upgrades to work you can't use the 1.2 RC2 Full-Embedded image. Only the embedded image from here will work right (bug that's been fixed):

There's a decent chance if you tried upgrading to 1.2RC2 using the Full-Embedded image, it blew up your install (it was causing a kernel panic, and/or other issues). I'd start with reflashing to 1.2RC2, or a RELENG_1_2 snapshot.

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