Re: board election

2006-01-15 חוט Gilad Ben-Yossef

E L wrote:


A while ago there were talks about making the election soon,
even a call for candidates has been made. I don't know for what reason 
the board decided not to have the elections in the end.

לא החלטנו שלא לקיים את הבחירות. עם זאת, מאחר שקיום של בחירות 4 חודשים 
לפני המועד המיועד ועל רקע מצב העמותה הנוכחי הוא אקט מאוד בעייתי ומצביע 
על בעיות קשות בעמותה שבכלל לא בטוח שועד חדש לא יתקל בהן ולאור פניות של 
מספר גורמים לנסות למצוא פתרון חלופי אנחנו מנסים להשליט קצת סדר בבלגן 
לפני שנחליט לוותר לחלוטין ולהכריז בצורה רשמית על בחירות מוקדמות

באם  תוצאת ההליכים הללו יביאו להחלטה שלא לקיים בחירות מוקדמות אנו נודיע זאת.

But I'm not willing to sit and wait, there are other projects I 
prosponded until I know if I were elected or not and I wish to continue 
with them.

Therefore I remove my candidatship for the comming elections.



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Re: board election

2006-01-13 חוט E L

Everything shortens the life of the amuta.
What I said was pretty simple, there was a request for candidates
more than a month ago, I thought it was a good idea to contribute so I offered myself.
Since then there weren't any news about the date, and new projects that I prosponded for the last
month while I was waiting to see if I get elected or not are advancing. I decided I prefer to continue
with them instead.

My only comment about the board action was it's that it would be more polite if they would updated
people about what's going on after they were talking about elections a month ago, so people would be able
to plan thing better and not just stop what they are doing waiting for the elections.

Now please stop being over dramatic over every little thing, please stop not being able to handle a very
polite remark about something which wasn't done perfectly. Stop making every little issue as the last nail in hamakor's
coffin and stop taking every thing as a personal insult. That would make the discussion on this list a lot more flowing
and fun for people to participate.


On 1/13/06, Zvi Devir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Ely,Shouldn't have it been a bit nicer if you would have asked the currentboard about the election before sending this mail?Even if you decided to withdraw your cadidatship and searched for "agood opportunity" to announce that, I think it would have been better if
you had searched for the facts before.I'm writing you with those comments since I believe that email likeyours, shortens the life of the Amuta, and in this specific case for nota real reason.   Zvi
E L wrote:> Hey,>> A while ago there were talks about making the election soon,> even a call for candidates has been made. I don't know for what reason> the board decided not to have the elections in the end.
> But I'm not willing to sit and wait, there are other projects I> prosponded until I know if I were elected or not and I wish to continue> with them.> Therefore I remove my candidatship for the comming elections.
>> Ely>> The one thing that did disturb me is that it was done without any> official respond or comment from the board as for the fate of the elections.> And I do wonder as a member what is going on?

Re: board election

2006-01-12 חוט Alon Altman

On Thu, 12 Jan 2006, E L wrote:


A while ago there were talks about making the election soon,
even a call for candidates has been made. I don't know for what reason the
board decided not to have the elections in the end.
But I'm not willing to sit and wait, there are other projects I prosponded
until I know if I were elected or not and I wish to continue with them.
Therefore I remove my candidatship for the comming elections.

The one thing that did disturb me is that it was done without any official
respond or comment from the board as for the fate of the elections.
And I do wonder as a member what is going on?

The elections are not cancelled. The elections will most likely be held
during OSDC. The exact time and location will very soon be settled with
Gabor Szabo and then the official announcement will be sent.


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board election

2006-01-12 חוט E L
Hey,A while ago there were talks about making the election soon,even a call for candidates has been made. I don't know for what reason the board decided not to have the elections in the end.But I'm not willing to sit and wait, there are other projects I prosponded until I know if I were elected or not and I wish to continue with them.
Therefore I remove my candidatship for the comming elections.ElyThe one thing that did disturb me is that it was done without any
official respond or comment from the board as for the fate of the
And I do wonder as a member what is going on?