Re: [Distutils] PEP 517 again

2017-08-27 Thread Greg Ewing

Nathaniel Smith wrote:

- creating an sdist failed for unexpected reasons, that need a human
to sort out (due to a broken system, or bugs – hey, they happen – or

I think that should still be reported via an exception. Returning
None should only be for the specific case that the backend doesn't
support the requested operation.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] PEP 517 again

2017-08-25 Thread Greg Ewing

xoviat wrote:
I mean how is opening a file different than attempting to build an 

1. Opening a file is a very common operation.

2. Most file opens are expected to succeed, and if one doesn't,
the appropriate place to deal with that is almost never at the
site of the open call, but somewhere further up.

In contrast, there's probably only about one place in any
given frontend where the backend's build_sdist method gets
invoked, and it's unlikely the ability to let a not-implemented
exception bubble up from that point would be of great use.


Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] PEP 517 again

2017-08-25 Thread Greg Ewing

Nathaniel Smith wrote:

I now think it should only be a defined return value
for get_requires_for_build_sdist and build_sdist, and should have
special "sorry I can't do that Dave" semantics that are different from
e.g. a missing get_requires_for_build_sdist hook.

I don't think there's anything wrong with NotImplemented triggering
different actions in different circumstances. It already has very
context-dependent "fall back to something else" semantics for
binary operators.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] PEP 517 again

2017-08-25 Thread Greg Ewing

xoviat wrote:

I agree with Nick that exceptions are the way to do things in Python

I don't agree that exceptions are the way to do "things"
in general. They're the way to so *some* things. The question
is whether the thing we're talking about is one of those

The reasoning behind this 
is that Python has in general adopted this approach (Nick is right that 
they would have used NotImplementedError for binary operations except 
for performance issues)

But only because NotImplemented is an out-of-band condition
for operations in general. We're not talking about a general
operation here, but a very specific one that only has a couple
of possible results.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] PEP 517 again

2017-08-25 Thread Greg Ewing

Donald Stufft wrote:

The thing being bubbled up is a backend accidentally calling an API that has
yet to be implemented (an error that should be reported) being bubbled up and
erroneously handled as the backend reporting it doesn't support making a
sdist (not an error, son no traceback).

To my way of thinking, the only justification for using an exception
instead of a return value as part of a protocol between a caller and
a callee is if you need some kind of out-of-band return value.

For example, __next__ can't use a return value to signal end of
iteration, because any value could be a legitimate return value.

That doesn't apply here, so there's no reason to use an exception.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Fwd: Re: PEP 517 again

2017-08-24 Thread Greg Ewing

Paul Moore wrote:

4. The point of all this is that the definition of build_directory
says "If build_directory is None, the backend may do an 'in place'
build which modifies the source directory and may produce different
results from those that would be obtained by exporting an sdist

Is it really necessary for pip to specify exactly *where* to do
an out-of-place build? Why should it care, as long as the end
result is a clean wheel?

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] status check on PEP 517

2017-07-28 Thread Greg Ewing

Thomas Kluyver wrote:
I'd like us to circle back round and reconsider allowing projects to 
specify 'use tool X to make wheels, and tool Y to make sdists'.

Seems to me this wouldn't strictly need to be part of the
spec, as it could be provided by a multiplexing backend
that relays operations to other backends.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] A possible refactor/streamlining of PEP 517

2017-07-16 Thread Greg Ewing

Nathaniel Smith wrote:

I think at the moment it's basically only you and me
who actually have strong opinions, and everyone else is barely

I've been a somewhat confused bystander in this thread for a
while, and for what it's worth, I think Nathaniel is exactly
right on these points:

1. In-place vs. out-of place and sdist/wheel consistency are
orthogonal issues.

2. Sdist/wheel consistency should be an implied goal that
goes without saying in all cases. Even if a backend can't
always guarantee it, it should make a best effort.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Maintaining a curated set of Python packages

2016-12-16 Thread Greg Ewing

Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:

"New Project" could 
just create a requirements.txt and a for you, alongside a git 
repo and a virtualenv for that project.  Or, the UI could be geared 
towards setting up a tox.ini rather than a virtualenv, and run 
everything through tox so it's in an isolated environment with defined 

I'd be very interested in something like this. I'm not a
big fan of IDEs generally, but one feature I do appreciate
greatly is having a one-button "build" process that creates
a distributable app bundled with everything it needs, and
be assured it will work on someone else's machine.

That's currently rather difficult to do with Python in any but
the simplest cases, even for a single platform. Cross-platform
is even worse. +1 on providing some tools to make it easier.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] PEP 517: Build system API

2016-11-24 Thread Greg Ewing

Thomas Kluyver wrote:

- There's a feature called NTFS Junction Points, which is supposed to be
like symlinks, but only for directories.

Things might have changed, but last time I played with
junction points they seemed rather dangerous, because
if you deleted one using the GUI it deleted the contents
of the directory it was linked to. And it appeared
indistinguishible from a normal folder in the GUI, so
you got no warning that was about to happen.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] comparison of configuration languages

2016-05-10 Thread Greg Ewing

Having looked over the TOML spec, I like the simplicity
of it (and I cringe from the complexity of YAML).
The only thing I don't like about TOML is the way it
cops out on nesting.

The only reason it does that as far as I can see is
because of a dislike for significant indentation.
But that doesn't apply to us -- we're Python folks,
we're not afraid of indentation! On the contrary,
for us it's the One Obvious Way to do nesting.

So I'd like a format that is very similar to TOML
except that you're allowed to represent nesting using
indented blocks.


Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] moving things forward

2016-05-07 Thread Greg Ewing

Paul Moore wrote:

Do you expect that
projects ... should (somehow) contain simplified instructions on how to
build the various C/Fortran extensions supplied in the bundle as
source code?

Essentially, yes. I'm not sure how achievable it would
be, but ideally that's what I'd like.

would the user need to put all the various details of his system into
a configuration file somewhere (and update that file whenever he
installs a new library, updates his compiler, or whatever)?

On a unix system, most of the time they would all be in
well-known locations. If I install something in an unusual
place or in an unusual way, I'm going to have to tell
something about it anyway. I don't see how an executable
setup file provided by the package author is going to
magically figure out all the weird stuff I've done.

I don't know if there are conventions for such things on
Windows. I suspect not, in which case manual input is
going to be needed one way or another.

How would
this cope with (for example) projects on Windows that *have* to be
compiled with mingw, and not with MSVC?

An option to specify which compiler to use would be a fairly
obvious thing that the config format should provide. As
would a way to include different option settings for
different platforms. Combine them in the obvious way.

This sounds to me more like an attempt to replace the "build" part of
distutils/setuptools with a more declarative system.

Not all of it, only the parts that strictly have to be
performed as part of the build step of the install
process, to use your terminology. That's a fairly
restricted subset of the whole problem of compiling

(Ideally, I would make it *very* restricted, such as
only compiling C code (and possibly C++, not sure).
For anything else you would have to write a C wrapper
or use a tool that generates C. But that might be
a step too far.)

Could a purely declarative config file be flexible
enough to handle this? I don't know. The distutils
API is actually pretty declarative already if you
use it in a straightforward way.

The trouble is that there's nothing to prevent, or
even discourage, writing a that works in
non-straightforward ways. I've seen some pretty
convoluted code that worked great when
your system happened to match one of the possibilites
that the author had in mind, but was very difficult
to deal with otherwise. If I'd been able to just
set a few compile options and library paths directly,
it would have been a lot easier.

There's also nothing to prevent the from
doing things that don't strictly need to be done at
install time. Running Pyrex to generate .c files
from .pyx files is one that I've encountered.
(I encouraged that one myself by including a distutils
extension for it, which I later decided had been a

the proposals currently on the table
would allow you to ask pip to use that build system rather than


build_command=gregsbuild --make-wheel

That's nice, but it wouldn't help me when I encounter
a package that *hadn't* been set up to use gregsbuild. :-(

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] moving things forward

2016-05-06 Thread Greg Ewing

Chris Barker wrote:
But I think there is consensus here that build systems need to be 
customisable -- which means arbitrary code may have to be run.

I think different people are using the word "build" in
different ways here.

To my mind, "building" is what the developer of a package
does, and a "build system" is what he uses to do it. I
don't care how much arbitrary code gets run during that

But when I do "python install" or "pip install"
or whatever the recommended way is going to be, from my
point of view I'm not "building" the package, I'm
*installing* it.

Confusion arises because the process of installation may
require running a C compiler to generate extension modules.
But figuring out how to do that shouldn't require
running arbitrary code supplied by the developer. All the
tricky stuff should have been done before the package
was released.

If it's having trouble finding some library or header
file or whatever on my system, I'd much rather have a
nice, clear declarative config file that I can edit to
tell it where to find them, than some overly clever
piece of python code that's great when it works but
a pain to unravel when it doesn't.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] moving things forward

2016-05-05 Thread Greg Ewing

Chris Barker wrote:
This is python packaging, I'm still trying to see why you'd need to read 
the config without python available.

Even if python is available, you might not want to run
arbitrary code just to install a package.

If a config file can contain executable code, then it
can contain bugs. Debugging is something the developer of
a package should have to do, not the user. In my experience,
fixing someone else's buggy is about as much fun
as pulling one's own teeth out with a blunt screwdriver.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] moving things forward

2016-05-05 Thread Greg Ewing

Chris Barker wrote:

OK -- that's more or less my thought -- if it's  python that gets run, 
then you've got your config generator built in -- why not?

The difference is that the config generator only gets run
once, when the config info needs to get produced. If the
config file itself is executable, it needs to be run each
time the config info gets *used* -- which could be by a
tool for which running arbitrary python code is awkward or

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Parked Names in PyPI under user rodmena

2016-04-22 Thread Greg Ewing

Nick Coghlan wrote:
Naming projects in general is hard though, especially for relatively 
arcane tasks like typechecking annotated Python code.

Maybe obtaining a public name on PyPI should be a little
bit harder than just using the first name that comes into
one's head? Such as getting approval from a moderator,
or something.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] The mypy package

2016-04-15 Thread Greg Ewing

Why are you so determined to use the name "mypy" in the
first place? Seems to me it's a terrible name. It sounds
more like a working title for someone's personal
implementation of Python, and certainly gives no clue
that it has anything to do with type checking.

So instead of trying to steal the name "mypy", how about
coming up with a new, more appropriate name?

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] How to deprecate a python package

2016-04-05 Thread Greg Ewing

Geoffrey Spear wrote:
I don't have an answer to your actual question, but I'd not advocate 
people removing packages; we don't want a npm situation here. :(

Perhaps there should be a way of marking a package as
deprecated on PyPI, so that it shows a big red warning

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Fwd: setup('postinstall'='')

2016-02-03 Thread Greg Ewing

Leonardo Rochael Almeida wrote:

On the other hand, I don't think there's a post-install in the usual way 
of installing things on the Mac. It's just a folder that is dragged into 
another folder (not a Mac user myself, so I could be wrong, there could 
be some side effects on this action).

A lot of Mac software is distributed that way, but not all. There
is an installer mechanism, using .pkg files (the moral equivalent
of a .msi file) that can run whatever scripts it needs during

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Incorrect detection of 32/64-bit arch on Linux for old 32-bit VMs migrated to 64-bit kernels

2016-01-30 Thread Greg Ewing

Nathaniel Smith wrote:

The problem seems to be that distutils.util.get_platform() assumes
that the architecture is whatever uname's "machine" field says
(equivalent to uname -m). Unfortunately, this gives the architecture
of the kernel, not of the Python interpreter.

I think the fix is that we should add some check like

if osname == "linux" and machine == "x86_64" and sys.maxsize == 2147483647:
machine = "i686"

If you fix this, please do it for other platforms as well.
I encountered the same problem on MacOSX, where for historical
reasons I have installed Python and all my compiled-from-source
libraries as 32 bit. The result is that py2app includes the
wrong version of the stub executable in the apps it builds.

Conceivably a similar thing could happen on Windows, although
I haven't tested it.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Installing packages using pip

2015-12-08 Thread Greg Ewing

On Tue, 08 Dec 2015 08:56:49 +0200, wrote:

Not sure what exactly was going on but whenever I did that on linux I got
the most peculiar segfaults and failures. It is certainly not a safe thing
to do, even if linux lets you do it.

Are you sure you were actually unlinking the old file
and creating a new one, rather than overwriting the
existing file? The latter would certainly cause trouble
if you were able to do it.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Implementing large changes in small increments

2015-03-05 Thread Greg Ewing

On 03/06/2015 11:06 AM, Ben Finney wrote:

That's “small changes only, otherwise your change gets rejected”, of

Yes, otherwise submitting a patch that replaces the entire source
code of Python with Ruby would be a sure-fire way to get it
accepted. :-)


Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Call for information - What assumptions can I make about Unix users' access to Windows?

2014-11-09 Thread Greg Ewing

Donald Stufft wrote:

For RDP on OSX, Microsoft has a free RDP app:

And here's another one that I find to be slightly better:

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] depending on setuptools is discouraged?

2014-10-23 Thread Greg Ewing

Matthias Klose wrote:

Most packages need a dependency on pkg_resources only. So adding a pkg-resources
egg would be nice.

I thought that making pkg_resources a separate thing was one
of the goals of the new distutils regime. Has it not happened

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Round 6 - PEP 440 - Version Identification and Dependency Specification Version

2014-08-09 Thread Greg Ewing

Paul Moore wrote:

FWIW, it looks like file:myserver/share/WINDOWS/clock.avi is how
you'd refer to \\myserver\share\WINDOWS\clock.avi.

Where did you get that from? According to this it's wrong:

It should be


i.e. the hosthame part of the path goes into the hostname
part of the URI, which makes sense.

If the path uses a drive letter instead, there is no
hostname, so that part of the URI is empty, resulting in
three consecutive slashes:


Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Using Wheel with zipimport

2014-01-29 Thread Greg Ewing

Nick Coghlan wrote:

Otherwise we'd have to define a whole new format for something that
can be adequately handled by a wheel that meets certain restrictions,
and that would be pointless (we already have too many formats, and we
wanted the wheel format to offer a strict superset of the egg format's

Would it help if zipimportable wheels were given a
different extension? The format could be exactly the
same (except perhaps for a flag in the metadata) but
users would be able to immediately tell whether a
particular wheel was zipimportable without having to
run a tool.

We would need a suitably catchy name for them too.
Zippy wheels? Fast wheels? Hotwheels?

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Plans for binary wheels, and PyPi and OS-X

2013-11-01 Thread Greg Ewing

Chris Barker wrote:
anyone putting a [MacOSX] binary on PyPi has 
an obligation to built is so it will work with the python -- and it's not inherently any harder to do 
that than on Windows

Is there some way that a wheel could be checked to make
sure it doesn't depend on any libraries in non-standard
locations, etc?

If not, could enough information be added to the metadata
to make it possible?

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Plans for binary wheels, and PyPi and OS-X

2013-11-01 Thread Greg Ewing

Paul Moore wrote:

Python version - cpXY
Platform - distutils.util.get_platform(), which is darwin for OSX,
if I'm reading the code correctly.
ABI - essentially sysconfig.get_config_vars().get('SOABI') if that exists

Does the MAXOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET figure into this
anywhere? Just knowing that the platform is darwin
isn't really enough.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Plans for binary wheels, and PyPi and OS-X

2013-11-01 Thread Greg Ewing

Donald Stufft wrote:

python -c import distutils; print(distutils.util.get_platform().replace('.', 
'_').replace('-', '_'))

Hmm, this just appears to reflect the version of MacOSX
that the Python running distutils was built on, or is
running on (not sure which).

This is not quite the same thing as MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET,
which is the minimum version of MacOSX that is needed to
run a piece of code.

Distutils seems to assume they're the same, but if you're
building a binary wheel for distribution, it makes sense
to set MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET as low as possible.

Will there be a mechanism to get the actual MacOSX version
needed into the metadata, rather than the one you happen
to be building on?

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Multi-version import support for wheel files

2013-08-26 Thread Greg Ewing

Daniel Holth wrote:

I would like to see some consideration given to what Ruby and npm do,
which is to place what we are calling dists into a special directory
that only contains dists /somedir/distname-1.0/... rather than placing
them as specially named objects on the normal search path.

What advantage would there be in doing that?

I can think of one disadvantage -- we would then need
new rules to determine their priority in the search

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] How to handle launcher script importability?

2013-08-12 Thread Greg Ewing

PJ Eby wrote:

(Granted, I can see reasons for not wanting to use the same extension
for source and zipped versions, mostly in the area of tools other than
pylauncher, but if you do have different extensions then there have to
be *four*, due to console vs. windowed and source vs. zipped.)

Just a thought -- is there any need in this day and age
for extensions to be limited to 3 characters?

Going beyond that would give us more room to define a
consistent scheme for the various combinations.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Fwd: The state of PyPI

2011-09-27 Thread Greg Ewing

Jim Fulton wrote:

Life is short. We don't have to invent this ourselves.

Are there really no existing open-source mirroring
systems out there?

This seems like a common enough thing that it must
have been solved already.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] the usecase of continious integration based release-management (which could use more support on the ds2 side)

2011-03-23 Thread Greg Ewing

Mark Sienkiewicz wrote:

Maybe you should go the other way:  Put the version number in your 
source code.  Make a short script that picks out the version number and 
constructs a tag name for the vcs.

In my projects I tend to keep the definitive version number
in the Makefile, and have a make target that generates a file from it. This is convenient because the
Makefile often needs the version number for other things
like creating release tarballs. Tagging vcs commits would
be another use.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] New buildout options: checksums and allow-omitted-checksums

2011-03-21 Thread Greg Ewing

Thomas Lotze wrote:

After some further offline discussion, I'd like to suggest using MD5 as
the default algorithm, though.

Warnings against using md5 are mainly about cryptographic
security, aren't they? For just detecting accidental
corruption it should still be good enough.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an isolated python

2011-03-18 Thread Greg Ewing

Jim Fulton wrote:

None. Barry's been using Ubuntu too long and has forgotten that Mac OS
X is Unix. :)

Or possibly he's thinking of the .app extension that application
bundles have on MacOSX. But that's *not* the executable that
gets run -- the actual executable is buried inside the Contents/MacOS
directory of the bundle and usually has no extension.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an isolated python

2011-03-18 Thread Greg Ewing

Jim Fulton wrote:

On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 11:18 AM, Fred Drake wrote:

On a
case-senseless filesystem, distinguishing the python executable from
the Python directory in the sources requires that unfortunate

So sad.

We don't have to make it look so Windows-like, though. We could
use something more cheerful such as 'python.nothisisnotthedirectory'.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] reservations about pythonv

2011-03-18 Thread Greg Ewing

Mark Sienkiewicz wrote:

With distutils, you can't.  It goes to great lengths to ensure that you 
can only compile a C extension with cc ... -L/some/directory -lname -- 
I can't find any way to make it do cc ... /some/directory/

Are you sure you can't use extra_link_args for this?

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.

2011-03-08 Thread Greg Ewing

Jim Fulton wrote:

I question whether that distinction is important, but if and when it
is, then we could use an adjective to clarify.  Under the hood, the
object we call packages today are just modules.

I think the fact that we used the word package in the
first place testifies that it *is* important -- otherwise
we wouldn't have invented the term.

The word package covers much more than just the module
object that comes into being when you import it. It also
implies the associated directory structure, extra import
facilities and mechanisms, etc. It's not just a minor
variation on the concept of a module.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.

2011-03-07 Thread Greg Ewing

Lennart Regebro wrote:

If a decision comes to call
these projects, then I'm fine with that,

+1 on 'project' as the official term.

A bonus is that we could decide that PyPI stands for
Python Project Index if we wanted.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.

2011-03-07 Thread Greg Ewing

Jim Fulton wrote:

If what we now call packages were called modules, then we could
start using the term package the way everyone else does.

But then we would not have a term for a module that corresponds
to a directory rather than a single .py file.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Name the software! Package quality tester.

2011-03-06 Thread Greg Ewing

Lennart Regebro wrote:

But, before I move this to a public repository and upload it to PyPI,
there is one important thing to be determined: What should it be

Inspector Tiger?

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] ` register` can't create PyPI account.

2010-07-12 Thread Greg Ewing

Martin v. Löwis wrote:

 For backwards compatibility, I'm
willing to accept solutions as long as they don't allow users to bypass
that checkbox.

If the user is required to visit a web page to complete
the registration, could you put the check box on *that*
page instead?

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Packaging situation + mailing list rules

2010-07-03 Thread Greg Ewing

Éric Araujo wrote:

Distribute is a fork of Setupools, so it wants to be a drop-in
replacement, i.e. to be used instead of setuptools with very few code

But is there a technical reason why it *has* to be a
drop-in replacement, as opposed to a different package
with a different name?

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Packaging situation + mailing list rules

2010-07-02 Thread Greg Ewing

Tarek Ziadé wrote:

4. Distribute forks Setuptools for various reasons. If you disagree
with this choice, there's no need to send a mail here

David isn't disagreeing with that choice, as far as I can
see. The *only* thing he's saying is that the fork should
have a different name, because it's a different thing.

I think he has a valid point.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Design rationale for the egg format ?

2010-06-14 Thread Greg Ewing

Paul Moore wrote:

On 14 June 2010 07:59, David Cournapeau wrote:

- why does the filename encode some metadata (which python version if
the package contains extensions, platform specifier) ?

I believe that this
is so that the basic metadata can be obtained as part of an initial

It would also seem useful to be able to keep a collection
of versions of a package for different python configurations
in the same directory without their names clashing.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] install --dry-run broken?

2010-04-25 Thread Greg Ewing

P.J. Eby wrote:
The problem is that the build is also a dry run, 
so the files aren't there for the later bits to actually copy.

That's not a problem for me, because I'm not trying to
find out what will get copied. I only use --dry-run to
exercise my code to make sure it doesn't crash.

Please don't take this functionality away just because
of some other functionality that it doesn't provide.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] install --dry-run broken?

2010-04-22 Thread Greg Ewing

Jim Fulton wrote:

The documentation says that when --dry-run is used: don't actually do
anything.  This is not the actual behavior.  I'd be happy to see the
option go away.

I wouldn't! I find it useful for testing a that
I'm about to distribute, to make sure it isn't going to
fall over due to some stupid bug as soon as someone tries
to use it.

-1 on removing this feature, +1 on fixing it.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] install --dry-run broken?

2010-04-22 Thread Greg Ewing

On 23/04/10 15:11, Ben Finney wrote:

Are you saying that the feature does work as described?

All I can say is that I haven't noticed that it doesn't.
I've never actually bothered to check, because it never
occurred to me before that it might be broken. I'll
look into it and report back.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] FAQ (was: Re: Bootstrap script for package management tool in Python 2.7)

2010-03-29 Thread Greg Ewing

Tarek Ziadé wrote:

For me a FAQ is a list of questions. We add a new question everytime someone
ask it and it doesn't exists.

The point is that the FA in FAQ stand for *frequently

One can debate how frequent is necessary to be placed in
this category, but a question that has only been asked once
can hardly be called frequent by any measure.

(Yes, this is pedantic -- lists of answers to questions are
always useful regardless of frequency. But calling them
all FAQs is technically a misnomer.)

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Bootstrap script for package management tool in Python 2.7 (Was: Re: [Python-Dev] At least one package management tool for 2.7)

2010-03-29 Thread Greg Ewing

anatoly techtonik wrote:

Let's refer to original user story:
I execute `easy_install something` as said in installation manual,
but nothing/error happens.

Which installation manual did the user see that in? It can't
be anything that came with Python, because easy_install is
not a standard part of Python.

If a package is telling the user to install it with a
non-standard installation tool, without explaining this fact
and how to get the tool, then the package's documentation
is lacking.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Common version-comparison semantics for peace love and harmony

2009-11-28 Thread Greg Ewing

Laura Creighton wrote:

Now I want to say 'requires this bugfix'.  Right now I think that if
I say requires 1.0.2 or later, then people with 1.1 will expect that
they are ok, when they are not.  Or am I misunderstanding?

In cases like that, I don't think any scheme that relies on
comparing with a single version number will be sufficient.
You really need to specify a more complex requirement,
such as

  1.0.2 = x  1.1 or x = 1.1.2

Even if you have a notion of grouping releases into series,
it can still get complicated. E.g. suppose the bug was only
fixed in the 1.1.3 release of the 1.1 branch -- then you
need to compare with different micro release numbers in
each branch.


Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] People want CPAN

2009-11-15 Thread Greg Ewing

Tarek Ziadé wrote:

But the result is similar, and explicit imports should work too, so
maybe registeries
are just sugar on the top of something we first need to make work.

It's completely unnecessary sugar, if you ask me.
I don't see what's bad about importing functionality
you want to use.

Where and how do you intend the registration to happen,
anyway? Would it be done by the script? In
that case I don't see how it saves you anything, since
you would have to first import the thing you want to
register anyway.

Or are you envisaging that Pyrex or whatever tool is
involved would somehow patch itself into distutils
when you install it? I don't like that idea much,
since it smacks of the kind of monkeypatching that
setuptools is reviled for.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] People want CPAN

2009-11-14 Thread Greg Ewing

Tarek Ziadé wrote:

And have the community create new ExtensionBuilder subclasses that
could be registered like command.

I don't see a need for registering anything. You should
just be able to explicitly say what tool to use for each
stage of the process.

I envisage something like this:

  from distutils import Extension, CCompile
  from pyrex.distutils import PyrexCompile

  foo_ext = Extension(foo,

Here Extension, CCompile and PyrexCompile are constructors
for dependency graph nodes. Their responsibilities are:

  Extension -- takes compiled object files and libraries
and links them into a Python extension.

  CCompile -- takes C source files and turns them into
object files.

  PyrexCompile -- takes Pyrex source files and turns
them into C source files.

They would of course also take other relevant arguments
such as compiler flags, search paths, etc.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] People want CPAN :-)

2009-11-11 Thread Greg Ewing

Tarek Ziadé wrote:

If the answer to that solution is just: Distutils sucks anyways..,
it is not really helpfull imho..

I don't see the point to write Distutils from scratch, instead of
making it evolve.

If you can see a way to get from the current distutils
code to something with a well-designed and well-documented
API and a clean implementation, that would be fine by

When I say it's fundamentally broken, I'm really talking
about the API. My idea of what an API for a build system
should be like is more like make or scons, which slice
the functionality up in a completely orthogonal direction
to the way distutils does.

Maybe it would be possible to plug such a system in under
the existing build_ext class. I don't know. I think I
would like the same philosophy applied to other areas
of distutils, not just compiling extensions. Otherwise
it would feel like two incompatible systems bolted

What we need right now, I think, is some discussion
about a new API, unconstrained by any considerations of
backwards compatibility or reuse of existing distutils
code. Once we know where we're going, then we can think
about the best way to get there.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

[Distutils] Build_ext refactoring (was: People want CPAN)

2009-11-11 Thread Greg Ewing

David Lyon wrote:

The parts that shouldn't be rewritten (because the people
that wrote it were too clever - and the degree of difficulty
to high) is any C interface.

Not exactly sure what you mean by that. If you mean the
knowledge of how to call the C compiler to compile an
extension module on various platforms, I agree that this
is important knowledge that should be preserved.

But if the only way to preserve it is to keep the actual
existing distutils code that implements it, we have a
problem, because that IMO is the part of distutils that
*most* needs improvement. It needs to be broken out of
the monolithic build_ext class somehow so that the
build_ext process can be extended more selectively.

Evolution is better than revolution is better than nothing
happening at all.

I don't agree that evolution is better in and of itself
than revolution. They're both means to an end -- getting
something better than we have now. The problem with
distutils is that evolution doesn't seem to have worked.
It has just grown randomly with no clear design and ended
up painting itself into a corner.


Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] People want CPAN :-)

2009-11-11 Thread Greg Ewing

Robert Kern wrote:
With all respect to Greg Ward and the rest of the original distutils 
authors, it was a fantastic improvement over the state of affairs ten 
years ago, but we've learned a lot about application frameworks and 
about building software since then.

I think we knew more about it *before* then as
well. Make has been around for a lot longer, but
distutils ignores everything we've learned from

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] People want CPAN

2009-11-11 Thread Greg Ewing

Tarek Ziadé wrote:

On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 12:03 AM, David Cournapeau wrote:

You cannot obtain this with classes and objects (especially when you
start talking about performance: thousand of source files for one
extension is not a crazy usercase).

Sorry, I am getting confused here. This is getting all mixed up.
What OOP has to do with performance in the first place ?

As far as I can tell David seems to be saying that
instantiating a class for every file in the system
would be too much overhead.

I'm not convinced about that -- make builds a dependency
graph with a node for every target before it goes
to work, and I think scons does something similar
(although I might be wrong, I haven't looked at
scons very closely yet).


 You need to be able to control those variable content in a very fine
 grained manner: prepending and appending may lead to different
 compiler behavior

It's true that the current distutils compiler classes
are lacking in flexibility here -- there's an option for
extra flags, for example, but it sticks them all at
the end of the command. Sometimes that's wrong -- I've
had trouble trying to use it for MacOSX -F arguments,
for example.

But that's not to say that a class couldn't be devised
that allowed the required flexibility without degenerating
into just a string with textual substitutions.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] People want CPAN :-)

2009-11-10 Thread Greg Ewing

David Cournapeau wrote:

One of the
main argument to avoid rewrite is that you will end up doing the same
mistakes, and old code is more complicated because it has been tested.
But here, we know what a good design is like as other languages have
vastly superior solutions to this problem.

Also, it seems to me that in this case, the basic
architecture of distutils is already so full of
mistakes that there just isn't an incremental way
of getting to a better place, especially given the
requirement of not breaking any existing
scripts together with the fact that the API of distutils
effectively consists of its *entire implementation*.

So while complete rewrites are best avoided *if possible*,
I don't think we have a choice in this case.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] the virtualenv-distribute mess

2009-10-12 Thread Greg Ewing

Reinout van Rees wrote:

OTOH, grumbl ... horrible breakage ... essential piece of infrastructure ...
allowed to persist  I'm pretty grumpy right now.

I'd just like to point out that if anyone finds setuptools to
be essential to them, it's because they've chosen to make
themselves dependent on it. It's always been known that it's
a third-party package with no official support, and one that
does some pretty screwy things to boot. It's always been on
the cards that it would all fall down in a crashing heap one

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] setup.cfg new format proposal

2009-09-16 Thread Greg Ewing

Sridhar Ratnakumar wrote:


linux2? What are the possible values for `sys.platform`?

This is why I usually write Python code that checks sys.platform

  if sys.platform.startswith(linux):

So the condition language for the metadata needs a startswith
operator, I think.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] setup.cfg new format proposal

2009-09-16 Thread Greg Ewing

Tarek Ziadé wrote:

What about 'in' ?

Yes, I guess that's good enough.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] setup.cfg new format proposal

2009-09-15 Thread Greg Ewing

Tarek Ziadé wrote:

I find having a conditional section explicitely defined better that
doing a convention on names because if someone implements
a command that uses that name (it's likely to be improbable but...)
it will break his ability to use setup.cfg to give options to his commands

I don't follow that. If a conditions: line is being
used to express the condition, then you can't use the
name conditions for anything else anyway.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Static metadata using setup.cfg

2009-09-09 Thread Greg Ewing

Tarek Ziadé wrote:

long_description: {$ long_description('README.txt') $}

A couple of thoughts:

1. Is there anything about this function that would
restrict it's use to the long_description field, or
could it be called something more general like
from_file and used in other contexts?

2. I'm against any syntax in the setup.cfg file that
resembles line noise (as the {$ $} does to my eyes).

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Static metadata using setup.cfg

2009-09-09 Thread Greg Ewing

David Lyon wrote:

or just..

[requires linux2]

[requires win32]:

Perhaps, if the sets of tokens used in the various fields
one might be interested in are disjoint. It would require
more intelligence from tools processing the data, though,
and might be harder to extend to accommodate future
requirements. Explicit might be better than implicit here.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Configuration via imperative or declarative language (was: Static metadata using setup.cfg)

2009-09-08 Thread Greg Ewing

Ben Finney wrote:

The metadata being discussed is static. What's at issue is how that
metadata should be encoded: in an imperative language (like a Python
program file) or a declarative language (like a ConfigParser file).

I'm not sure that exactly expresses the distinction either.
Depending on exactly what you understand by declarative,
a program writtenin a functional language can be considered
purely declarative, yet it can be impossible to tell what it
will do without running it.

I think what people mean here by static is more like
can be elaborated without requiring non-trivial amounts of
computation. Not just to minimise the amount of work a
tool using the config file needs to do, but also to ease
the task of debugging it when things don't work properly.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Static metadata using setup.cfg

2009-09-08 Thread Greg Ewing

Tarek Ziadé wrote:

In that case, if we want to keep a configparser-compatible file, we
need to find another
way to express these if/else parts, which will probably lead to a
complex, non natural

Maybe the conditions could be expressed in the
section headers?

[requires platform=linux]

[requires platform=win32]:

Then it's not so much if-then-else logic as just
tagging parts of the file with conditions under
which they apply.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

[Distutils] Cache PYTHONPATH? (Re: make unzipped eggs be the default)

2009-07-28 Thread Greg Ewing

P.J. Eby wrote:

So the optimum performance tradeoff depends on how many imports you have 
*and* how many eggs you have on sys.path.  If you have lots of eggs and 
few imports, unzipped ones will probably be faster.  If you have lots of 
eggs and *lots* of imports, zipped ones will probably be faster.

I'm wondering whether something could be gained by
cacheing the results of sys.path lookups somehow
between interpreter invocations.

Most of the time the contents of the directories
on one's PYTHONPATH don't change, so doing all this
statting and directory reading every time an
interpreter starts up seems rather suboptimal.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Announcing the 'Distribute' project

2009-07-16 Thread Greg Ewing

Kent Tenney wrote:

I thought a good name was considered important.

Are there any Monty Python sketches that relate to
packaging or distribution? That's the only way to
find names for really *important* things in Python.:-)

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Adding entry points into Distutils ?

2009-05-07 Thread Greg Ewing

Paul Moore wrote:

That works but a lot of Unix users have in the past objected to having
'.py' in the name.

So install a symlink from hello -

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] The problem with Setuptools on Python 3.

2009-04-21 Thread Greg Ewing

Tarek Ziadé wrote:

Please Greg, add your use case here with David's one, at the end of the page,
since we are trying to work on a solution.

Is this really the best place for it? My use case
doesn't have anything to do with manifests.

We need a page like this concerning overall distutils

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] The problem with Setuptools on Python 3.

2009-04-20 Thread Greg Ewing

Lennart Regebro wrote:

We need a plan. Somebody please make a plan

Whatever plan you come up with, I'd like to see the
basic architecture built around a dependency graph,
at least for the parts concerned with building
extension modules from sources.

My use case for handling Pyrex sources. I'd like
to be able to plug in a module that knows how
to turn .pyx files into .c files, without requiring
arcane internal knowledge and without interfering
with any other extensions I might want to use at
the same time.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Distutils changes - end user requirements (Was: Deprecate

2009-04-09 Thread Greg Ewing

Paul Moore wrote:

If I have to guess at your reasons, my assumption would be:
- Consistent means of installing on all platforms
- ???

I can imagine that people for whom Windows is not their
primary platform might like to be able to install Python
packages the same way they do on other platforms. There's
less mental gear switching involved that way when moving
from one platform to another.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Distutils changes - end user requirements (Was: Deprecate

2009-04-09 Thread Greg Ewing

Paul Moore wrote:

Personally, I'd be happy if every package that currently distributes
any form of Windows binaries, distributed a Windows installer. ...

 I agree that

expecting *everything* to have a Windows installer is unreasonable.

Would it be feasible to have a generic installer for
.egg files that does whatever a real Windows installer
would have done? Distribute it with Python and make it
launch when you double-click a .egg file.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Symlinks vs API -- question for developers

2008-10-21 Thread Greg Ewing

Josselin Mouette:

Unless you want to be able to follow existing standards.

All you need for that is a category called icons. I don't
see anything there about putting different sizes of icon in
different places on different platforms.

Once you're in the icons location, the path from there to the
flavour of icon you want is fixed by that spec. So the way
you reference it is using something like., icon, %s/48x48/apps/foo.png % theme)


Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Symlinks vs API -- question for developers

2008-10-17 Thread Greg Ewing

Toshio Kuratomi wrote:

So once again, I think this boils down to these questions: if we have a
small library whose sole purpose is to abstract a data store so you can
find out where a particular non-code file lives on this system will you
use it?

As part of the stdlib? Yes, I'd use it.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] AMP, anyone? (Re: just use debian)

2008-10-03 Thread Greg Ewing

David Cournapeau wrote:

Do you have a link toward
this. I could not find much info with google on this Assembly Classes
for Eiffel.

It seems to be difficult to find any in-depth information about
it on the web. There's a summary of the syntax here:

although it doesn't give much idea of what it all means.
There's an example of one here:

There's some better info here on the GNU SmartEiffel site:

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

[Distutils] AMP, anyone? (Re: just use debian)

2008-10-02 Thread Greg Ewing

David Cournapeau wrote:

when you change the
soname of a library, it has 0 impact on the source code of the software
which links against it. That's not true in python.

In the Eiffel world, there's a thing called an ACE, which stands
for Assembly of Classes in Eiffel. It's a way of specifying
a mapping between class names used internally in the code
and where to get them from in the environment.

I think Python could do with something similar for managing
version issues. Perhaps we could study how ACEs work and see
if we can use any ideas from there.

We could call it an AMP -- Assembly of Modules in Python.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Python Package Management Sucks

2008-10-02 Thread Greg Ewing

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven wrote:

-On [20081002 13:29], Josselin Mouette ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

There’s definitely no problem with shipping them in an egg, as long as
it is possible to ship them at standard locations.

Standard according to whom though?

I think the idea is to *define* a standard location
within the egg. An install tool is then free to extract
them out of the egg and put them somewhere else if it

There should also be an API for finding them (rather
than assuming they're still inside the egg) so that
the code that uses them can still find them if they've
been moved somewhere platform-specific.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Python Package Management Sucks

2008-10-02 Thread Greg Ewing

Phillip J. Eby wrote:

Where data files are concerned, however, a developer should only need to 
distinguish between read-only, read-write, and samples, because any 
finer-grained distinction that relies on platform-specific concepts 
(like locale directories) is probably going to be error-prone.

However, if we don't allow for such distinctions, then people
who e.g. are passionate about their locale files ending up
in the right place on Linux aren't going to be happy.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Python Package Management Sucks

2008-10-02 Thread Greg Ewing

On Thu, Oct 02, 2008 at 01:20:45PM +0200, Josselin Mouette wrote:

Sorry, but things don’t work this way. Anything that is *not* a .py file
should not land in the python module directories.

So where *should* they go, on platforms where there is
no defined place for such things? And how can the code
that uses them find them without platform-specific


Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] PEP for distutils

2008-09-30 Thread Greg Ewing

Ian Bicking wrote:

FWIW, pyinstall can collect all the packages before installing any of 
them.  You do have to download all packages, though, as that's the only 
way to get the metadata.

This may be something to make sure is on the requirements
list for a metatdata standard: Make sure there is a defined
way of getting just the metadata from a repository without
having to download the whole package.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] [Fwd: Re: Annoucing distribute project]

2008-09-27 Thread Greg Ewing

Tres Seaver wrote:

I think a tool which was willing to fake being distutils enough to
extract information from existing 'setup()' calls would probably be
enough, myself, so that:

 $ python

would create the equivalent of PKG_INFO / EGG_INFO on disk, where it
could then be used to drive the new installer.

It should be possible to emulate the behaviour of distutils
to some extent using the new tool, so it can be invoked
by making a setup() call.

I don't think it could be done by statically introspecting
a file, since in many cases the only way to find
out what a does is to execute it.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] backwards compatibility for packaging tools

2008-09-27 Thread Greg Ewing

zooko wrote:

So we should focus on documenting and standardizing the metadata that  
allows code re-use -- the interface between the author of one package  
and the author of another package -- not the interface between the  
author of a package and the tool that he uses to build and distribute  
his own package.

That makes sense to me.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] [Fwd: Re: Annoucing distribute project]

2008-09-26 Thread Greg Ewing

Guido van Rossum wrote:

Yeah, but *is* dropping backward compatibility an option here?

I'm not sure the concept of backward compatibility
makes sense here. The only kind of distutils replacement
I would be interested in would have a completely different
API, completely different structure and completely
different implementation. Anything less would fail to
fix the problems we want to fix.

Given that, what would it even *mean* for the new tool
to be backward compatible with distutils?

The same might be happen to distutils 2 in a few years. You are going
to have to plan making it more maintainable.

A modular structure with an easy-to-follow implementation
would certainly be part of the plan, I hope.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] [issue24] Rename easy_install

2008-06-14 Thread Greg Ewing

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven wrote:

-On [20080614 03:18], zooko ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

I said it was too late, because there are already lots of people  
worldwide who know the name easy_install.

Nothing proper release notes and the likes cannot fix.

My objection to the name easy_install is that is sounds
like a piece of marketing propaganda. If something based
on it were to become part of the standard distribution,
I would hope that a more neutral name could be found.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] [issue6] all files installed +x

2008-05-08 Thread Greg Ewing

Peter Fein wrote:

Setuptools installs all files with mode +x (executable), overriding any 
permissions specified in the original archive.

ALL files? Literally?

If that's true, then on Unix this is astonishingly
wrong and definitely needs to be fixed.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] [Python-Dev] shal we redefine module and package?

2008-04-30 Thread Greg Ewing

Nick Coghlan wrote:

zooko wrote:

Q1.  You type import foo and it works.  What kind of thing is foo?

foo is a package or a module. Not enough information is provide here to 
say which.

Actually, it could be anything! But it's *probably* a module
(or package, but a package is also a module, if we're being
fussy about terminology).

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Simple idea to resolve versioning problems

2008-04-23 Thread Greg Ewing

Jeff Younker wrote:

Thats a great theory, but that's not how the real world works.  Python
packages are an ecology where there will be inconsistencies between
different minor versions of the same package.

I'm not sure what you're arguing here. If you're saying
that having a version management system won't make these
sorts of problems go away, then I fully agree.

But that's no reason not to have a verion management
system. If you have one, then at least it provides a
clear set of rules for people to try to adhere to, and
helps show up when they aren't being adhered to, so that
the problem can be fixed.

A legitimate bug fix
may break behavior that other packages depend upon while correcting
the behavior for others.

If it does that, then it will break other packages anyway,
whether a versioning system is being used or not. So I
would say it's introduced another bug which in turn needs
to be fixed.

The versioning system is not the cause of this and can't
be blamed for it.

What is needed is a Real Versioning System.  A system in which a library
or application consists of:

1) files
2) a dependency link map

That sound like a dependency management system to me, not
a version management system. They're different things,
although dependency management can benefit from having a
clear way of labelling versions.

When the system loads the package it links in the dependent modules.   Then
you can get a system where:

Application A imports B v 1.1 and C v 2.3


Application D imports B v 1.4 and C v 2.6.

Ummm... how is that any different from what I suggested?
If in the Python context loads means uses an import

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] [Python-3000] sizeof(size_t) sizeof(long)

2008-04-16 Thread Greg Ewing
David Cournapeau wrote:

 I ask for 256 Mo, Mo for Mega-octet: French (and most non English 
 languages I am aware of) does not have this ambiguity :)

But would you ask for it that way in an English-speaking
country? Would they have a clue what you were talking

Anyway, I don't think it really is an ambiguity in
practice -- only in the minds of those that have too
much time to read standards documents.

 And anyway, in 
 a computer store, you find memory for personal computers, where one byte 
 always has 8 bits.

Does it? Or...

 Going against the C standard seems pretty futile to me.

Hmmm. So as long as I program my computer in C, it has 8 bit
bytes... or at least a C implementation with 8-bit chars.
But if I use a special Unicode-C with 16-bit chars, I've
then got half as many bytes of memory as I had before...

So I have to tell the guy in the computer shop what
programming language and implementation I'm using, too! :-)

Seems to me that disregarding this particular quirk of the
C standard is a lesser evil than confusing everybody by
changing the meaning of byte all the time.

[In attempt to pull this very slightly closer to being
on-topic... what does this imply for the Python bytes
type? Are they always 8-bit bytes, or are they whatever
size your C compiler thinks bytes are? Do the Python
docs need to clarify this?]

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Simple idea to resolve versioning problems

2008-04-15 Thread Greg Ewing
David Cournapeau wrote:
 Library versioning without API 
 stability just does not make sense to me.

Yes, obviously if you have library versioning you need to
use it properly in order for it to be any use.

 How do you do if you have a package D 
 which depends on both C and B, and C needs one version of one package A, 
 and B another one?

If they really do need different versions, this is insoluble.

If they can actually use the same version because it's compatible
enough, it may be necessary to make Python smart enough to notice
that they're symlinks to the same file and only import it once.

Or maybe something does need to be added to the language that
understands version numbering, compatibility rules, etc. as I
suggested in another post.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] shebang line modified by setuptools

2008-04-14 Thread Greg Ewing
Gael Varoquaux wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 01:30:14PM +1200, Greg Ewing wrote:
  Maybe the system should come with two pythons installed,

 What you propose resembles very much to what MacOSX does... I see on the
 different scientific-Python-related mailing lists how users have
 difficulties with MacOSX

It differs from MacOSX, because MacOSX only comes with one
Python installed. A lot of the problems go away if you install
another one, but things aren't set up that way by default.

 I think this discussion is really going on because Python does not have
 good library-versioning support.

That's probably true. I was wondering recently whether there
should be some way to specify which version of a module you
want when you import it, e.g.

   import fooble[3]

which means you want a fooble with API version 3 or something
compatible with it.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

[Distutils] Simple idea to resolve versioning problems

2008-04-14 Thread Greg Ewing
David Cournapeau wrote:
 what is needed is a stable API for the used packages.

That's a nice ideal to aim for, but it's only achievable
for old and mature packages.

One could change the package name every time the API
changes, but then *any* change to the API would make the
package unusable by apps expecting an earlier version,
even if the new API is backwards compatible.

Having said that, I just realised you can address that
by putting in symlinks for the previous versions.

So, I hereby propose the following convention for naming
of Python packages:


where version is a number or other identifier that is
changed whenever the API changes in any way.

If we all follow this convention, we will be able to
install and use multiple versions of a package side-by-side
just as easily as we can Python versions, with no need
for setuptools or any other fancy technology -- just
plain standard Python the way it currently is!

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] shebang line modified by setuptools

2008-04-13 Thread Greg Ewing
Gael Varoquaux wrote:
 a second Python
 needs to be installed on top of the system Python to add modules to it.

Maybe the system should come with two pythons installed,
one for use by the system and the other for users to add
things to. Or at least be set up so that it appears that
way -- they might share files under the hood.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] how to easily consume just the parts of eggs that are good for you

2008-04-13 Thread Greg Ewing
John J Lee wrote:
 If you have a network connection, about the only reason for not wanting 
 an app to be installed is that it has changed the behaviour of your 
 system somehow, just by being in the installed state.

If you have a continuous high-speed network connection and
aren't concerned about cost or bandwidth use or disk space
taken up, it might make sense to have apps downloaded on demand,
cached, etc. But not everyone works that way. I don't, much of
the time. I prefer it when downloading an app and putting it
on my system is an explicit step.

I know you can use 0install that way, but I do it already on
my MacOSX system without needing any special tool. :-)

 Yes, ROX is very MacOSX-like, but I don't think it has
 anything to do with 0install.
 0install provides one way of implementing that kind of system.

But it doesn't, if by that kind of system you mean one where
an app or library is just an ordinary filesystem object. A
0install app appears to be very far from ordinary.

 If you 
 want to share data, it's a better way than unshared directories of 

There's nothing to stop a MacOSX user from putting an app in
a publically-readable place and letting other people use it.
I don't see what the big deal is there.

 If ROX apps included a checksum, and the system verified it
 before running the app, that would give you the same thing
 trust-wise, I think.
 That's an interesting idea, but how would the system find the app?

The system doesn't have to find the app -- the user finds the
app, using the same techniques he uses to find anything else in
the filesystem he's interested in.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] how to easily consume just the parts of eggs that are good for you

2008-04-12 Thread Greg Ewing
John J Lee wrote:

 It allows you to think about uninstallation as delete the app == 
 delete the file

But 0install doesn't do that, as far as I can tell -- it
still keeps the data in some mysterious form and location
known only to itself, and requires you to use special tools
to install/remove apps.

  with ROX, it seems very similar to how I imagine Mac OS
 applications look

Yes, ROX is very MacOSX-like, but I don't think it has
anything to do with 0install.

 But it also (plausibly) claims to allow sharing of the data that 
 comprises an application and its dependencies between users who don't 
 trust each other

If ROX apps included a checksum, and the system verified it
before running the app, that would give you the same thing
trust-wise, I think.

Dependency management is the part I agree is lacking in a
MacOSX-like approach. Some tool for helping with that would
be good to have. But I don't think it's necessary to make
the components whose dependencies are being managed into
anything complicated or mysterious in order to get that.
They should just be files or directories that I can put
into place myself, and look at to find out what I have.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] how to easily consume just the parts of eggs that are good for you

2008-04-11 Thread Greg Ewing
John J Lee wrote:
 I keep hoping that someday Linux will support something
 like MacOSX application bundles and frameworks,
 Not the same, but something like:

That looks interesting, but I'm not sure I'd quite
call it something like. It looks like another case
of adding more complexity to fight existing complexity,
rather than removing the original complexity.

In other words, it seems to be just another package
manager, albeit a particulary nice-sounding one.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] [Python-Dev] how to easily consume just the parts of eggs that are good for you

2008-04-09 Thread Greg Ewing
Paul Moore wrote:
 And I would say that Windows doesn't have a problem. Are any Windows
 users proposing building a package management system for Windows
 (Python-specific or otherwise)? It's a genuine question - is this
 something that Windows users are after, or is it just Linux users
 trying to show Windows users what they are missing?

I think the requirements for a package manager are different
on different platforms.

On Linux, you need to be able to cope with files scattered
all over the system, and complex webs of dependencies between

On Windows, you need to be able to cope with scattered files
and multiple applications sharing a file, but not usually
with dependencies, because each application typically comes
with all the files it needs (even if some of them might not
get installed because they're already there for another

On MacOSX, applications are usually completely self-contained,
include all their dependencies and are not spread around,
so there's really nothing for a package manager to do.

What all this means for Python package management, I really
don't know. Whatever is done, I'd like to see it kept as
dirt-simple as possible. Ideal would be the MacOSX situation
where the package is just a directory of files that you
put somewhere obvious, and you can tell what it is just
by looking at it, and get rid of it by dragging it to the
trash -- so you don't need a package manager.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] [Python-Dev] PEP 365 (Adding the pkg_resources module)

2008-03-20 Thread Greg Ewing
At 12:58 AM 3/20/2008 -0400, Tres Seaver wrote:

 A lot of setuptools warts are driven by related design problems in the
 distutils, such as the choice to use imperative / procedural code for

If a distutils replacement is ever written, I'd like to
see it structured as a dependency graph, like a makefile,
with each node in the graph knowing how to transform its
inputs into its outputs.

That would make it a lot easier to extend to accommodate
new things like Pyrex. You'd just have to write a new
node class that knows how to turn .pyx files into .c
files, and the existing machinery would take it from

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] [Python-Dev] The Breaking of distutils and PyPI for Python 3000?

2008-03-19 Thread Greg Ewing
Jeff Rush wrote:
 Perhaps it is time for a parallel rewrite, 
 so that those who import distutils get the old behavior, and those 
 who import distutils2 get the new,

That sounds good to me. If anyone wants to have a go
at this, I have some ideas on how to structure it
that I'd be happy to discuss.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -