Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-04-03 Thread Vinay Sajip
Carl Meyer carl at writes:

 Looks great! I can confirm it works when installed. I'll look into the
 source-build issues.

I've also updated at

to be closer to what we want for in the stdlib, so that you can do

python3.3 -m virtualize /tmp/testenv

and have it work:

vinay@eta-natty:~/projects/scratch$ python3.3 -m virtualize -h
usage: [-h] [--no-distribute] [--no-site-packages] [--clear]
positional arguments:
ENV_DIR A directory to create the environment in.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--no-distribute Don't install Distribute in the virtual environment.
--no-site-packages Don't give access to the global site-packages dir to the
virtual environment.
--clear Delete the environment directory if it already exists.
If not specified and the directory exists, an error is
vinay@eta-natty:~/projects/scratch$ python3.3 -m virtualize /tmp/testenv
Installing distribute

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-04-02 Thread Vinay Sajip
Carl Meyer carl at writes:


 People tend to create a lot of virtualenvs. I don't think copying the
 entire Python installation is viable (it is slow, and it also would mean
 that security updates to the base standard library would not be
 reflected in the virtualenv).

You're probably right - I haven't actually tried it.

 But, as I mentioned, the fact that easy_install itself relies on finding
 site-packages relative to sys.prefix forces the issue - easy_install
 (including existing versions of it) needs to just work.

Presumably this means that we can't use site_prefix in the short term, and just
have it there to allow code to evolve compatibility to it. So everything else
just uses site.prefix and site.exec_prefix as it does currently, and we achieve
parity with virtualenv as far as compatibility is concerned. Internally, we use
sys.installed_prefix and sys.installed_exec_prefix when we need to. We still
benefit from the fact that no copying of the standard lib is needed, we're just
using the stock etc.

BTW you might find this script handy while testing:


Vinay Sajip

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-04-02 Thread P.J. Eby

At 02:14 PM 4/1/2011 -0400, Carl Meyer wrote:

But, as I mentioned, the fact that easy_install itself relies on finding
site-packages relative to sys.prefix forces the issue - easy_install
(including existing versions of it) needs to just work.

No, it doesn't, actually.

easy_install only uses sys.prefix to identify site directories 
without having to test them.  Its install paths actually come from 
the distutils -- so as long as the distutils install command has 
the right defaults, easy_install will work just fine.  (Assuming 
sys.executable is correct.)

What easy_install does if it's asked to install to a directory that:

1) doesn't look like a site directory (based on sys.prefix), and
2) isn't listed in --site-dirs on the command line or in the config files,

is that it runs a test (using sys.executable) to see if .pth files 
are actually supported in that directory.

So, if sys.prefix leads it to believe that the distutils-supplied 
target directory isn't really a site directory, it checks for 
itself whether it functions as a site directory.

In other words, easy_install will run a bit slower in such a scenario 
(due to the extra time taken to test), but still function 
correctly.  To stop it taking the extra time for the test, an 
additional command line option or configuration file option can be given.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-04-01 Thread Carl Meyer
On 03/31/2011 04:12 AM, Vinay Sajip wrote:
 Carl Meyer carl at writes:
 The logical conclusion of that approach, if you want
 full compatibility with third-party code, is to just copy the entire
 Python installation to the new location.
 We do want that compatibility, don't we? Using a virtual environment should 
 be a
 no-brainer, as virtualenv currently is (most of the time). Of course, the
 downside of the copying would be around 50MB per virtualenv on Windows, and 
 less where symlinking or hardlinking is available. Not ideal, of course, but
 disk space is cheap ;-)

People tend to create a lot of virtualenvs. I don't think copying the
entire Python installation is viable (it is slow, and it also would mean
that security updates to the base standard library would not be
reflected in the virtualenv). If copying the entire base Python install
were an adequate solution, this entire virtual-python proposal would be
moot - you can do that right now and it works fine.

 1) Add sys.virtual_prefix (or perhaps sys.site_prefix would be a better
 name), and require third-party code to use that (or sysconfig) to find
 site-packages, if it wants to be virtual-compatible.
 But the success of virtualenv is because you can install just about any 
 in an environment, and packages don't have to do anything to be virtual

Sure. virtual-compatible was a poor choice of terms - in the long run,
there should be no such concept. In the short run, we would be
clarifying the semantics of sys.prefix and introducing a new
sys.site_prefix. And in the short run, the effect of code that used
sys.prefix contrary to those semantics would be failure in a virtualenv.

But, as I mentioned, the fact that easy_install itself relies on finding
site-packages relative to sys.prefix forces the issue - easy_install
(including existing versions of it) needs to just work.

 2) Repoint sys.prefix, and require third-party code to understand some
 new sys.system_prefix or sys.installed_prefix or equivalent to find the
 rest of the base Python installation.
 I think that the answer is for third party code not to use any prefix 
 but rely on an API such as  sysconfig.get_path('purelib'). There's a distutils
 version of this - distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib() - but this is brittle 
 per issue #6087.

Yes, of course. If all code did this, we wouldn't have this problem; we
would just fix and and all would be well.

 3) Attempt the virtualenv approach of trying to fool third-party code
 into thinking the virtualenv IS a full Python installation, even though
 it's not.
 I think #1 is far preferable to #2, and in the long run preferable to #3
 even if it involves some short-term pain. But maybe I'm being too
 idealistic, and #3 is the pragmatic choice even though it's wrong.
 I'm afraid you may be right, at least until people stop using sys.prefix and
 sys.exec_prefix directly and call functions instead, which can operate
 differently in a virtual environment.


Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-04-01 Thread Carl Meyer

On 03/31/2011 09:21 AM, Vinay Sajip wrote:
 Vinay Sajip vinay_sajip at writes:
 I think the problem is occurring because there's incomplete support for 
 from a source build.
 To confirm this, I installed pythonv - and then running produces the
 expected result - an env with a copied Python which allows you to install 
 into the env. I packaged the pythonv I used as a .deb using checkinstall, so
 that it's uninstallable:
 and having installed it, I re-ran pmv and did some smoke testing, output is at
 I know we're not done yet, but at least this shows that the getpath.c code 
 to be working (because sys.path seems correct when running the env's copy of
 Python) and installs without errors, followed by
 easy_installing sample packages setuptools-git, ply, Pygments, Jinja2,
 SQLAlchemy and coverage ... all seemingly without problems.
 Of course, this is still using sys.prefix/sys.exec_prefix.

Looks great! I can confirm it works when installed. I'll look into the
source-build issues.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-03-31 Thread Vinay Sajip
Carl Meyer carl at writes:

 The logical conclusion of that approach, if you want
 full compatibility with third-party code, is to just copy the entire
 Python installation to the new location.

We do want that compatibility, don't we? Using a virtual environment should be a
no-brainer, as virtualenv currently is (most of the time). Of course, the
downside of the copying would be around 50MB per virtualenv on Windows, and much
less where symlinking or hardlinking is available. Not ideal, of course, but
disk space is cheap ;-)

 So three options as I see it:
 1) Add sys.virtual_prefix (or perhaps sys.site_prefix would be a better
 name), and require third-party code to use that (or sysconfig) to find
 site-packages, if it wants to be virtual-compatible.

But the success of virtualenv is because you can install just about any package
in an environment, and packages don't have to do anything to be virtual

 2) Repoint sys.prefix, and require third-party code to understand some
 new sys.system_prefix or sys.installed_prefix or equivalent to find the
 rest of the base Python installation.

I think that the answer is for third party code not to use any prefix directly,
but rely on an API such as  sysconfig.get_path('purelib'). There's a distutils
version of this - distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib() - but this is brittle as
per issue #6087.

 3) Attempt the virtualenv approach of trying to fool third-party code
 into thinking the virtualenv IS a full Python installation, even though
 it's not.

 I think #1 is far preferable to #2, and in the long run preferable to #3
 even if it involves some short-term pain. But maybe I'm being too
 idealistic, and #3 is the pragmatic choice even though it's wrong.

I'm afraid you may be right, at least until people stop using sys.prefix and
sys.exec_prefix directly and call functions instead, which can operate
differently in a virtual environment.

Vinay Sajip

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-03-31 Thread Vinay Sajip
Carl Meyer carl at writes:

 Hmm, it doesn't seem to be working for me. sys.prefix and
 sys.exec_prefix are still /usr/local using the python binary in my
 pmv, and sys.virtual_prefix is not set at all, despite env.cfg being
 present and looking as it should.
 Oddly when I run the compiled python binary directly from the checkout,
 it does set sys.virtual_prefix to point one level above the checkout,
 despite there being no env.cfg in the vicinity at all.
 You can see both of these things (in reverse order) here:

After testing on a machine with no Python 3.3 installed, I get a similar failure
to yours (invalid Python installation due to missing Makefile). However, rhe
getpath.c code seems to be working as expected: see for example. The path has been set to
reflect the source build where the python was copied from. Of course at this
point virtualize() hasn't been called, so virtual_prefix etc. haven't been set,
and prefixes are pointing to /usr/local.

I think the problem is occurring because there's incomplete support for running
from a source build. I'm not sure what to do about this; I think proper support
will need changes in multiple other places, which I haven't bottomed out yet but
which includes distutils.sysconfig (see issue #6087). Since running from a
source build does not set sys.prefix and sys.exec_prefix, either this needs to
change, or there needs to be some additional concept like sys.python_home
which is available to scripts, or perhaps something else. Of course fixing the
source build issue is of use only for core developers, so I'm not sure what
appetite there'd be for regularising things for this case.


Vinay Sajip

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-03-31 Thread Vinay Sajip
Vinay Sajip vinay_sajip at writes:

 I think the problem is occurring because there's incomplete support for 
 from a source build.

To confirm this, I installed pythonv - and then running produces the
expected result - an env with a copied Python which allows you to install stuff
into the env. I packaged the pythonv I used as a .deb using checkinstall, so
that it's uninstallable:

and having installed it, I re-ran pmv and did some smoke testing, output is at

I know we're not done yet, but at least this shows that the getpath.c code seems
to be working (because sys.path seems correct when running the env's copy of
Python) and installs without errors, followed by
easy_installing sample packages setuptools-git, ply, Pygments, Jinja2,
SQLAlchemy and coverage ... all seemingly without problems.

Of course, this is still using sys.prefix/sys.exec_prefix.



Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-03-30 Thread Carl Meyer
Hi Vinay,

On 03/29/2011 07:00 PM, Vinay Sajip wrote:
 If we switch to sys.virtual_prefix and leave sys.prefix alone, the
 danger would be that some installer that's using sys.prefix directly,
 and ignoring, would try to install stuff to the global
 Python installation. But I'm not aware of any such installer, and I
 think we could safely call any installer of Python code that ignores the
 layout schemes in sysconfig thoroughly broken anyway.

 Your thoughts? (Or anyone else?)
 What about the possibility of third-party code which uses
 sys.prefix/sys.exec_prefix, though? (I mean apart from the installer code.)

Right. The question is, for third-party code using
sys.prefix/sys.exec_prefix, which value would be the right one, the
installation prefix or the virtual prefix? It depends on what they're
using it for. I did a quick Google Code Search for sys.prefix, and
unfortunately right on the front page I can find examples where either
approach we take would be wrong.

The majority of uses I found are people copying code from which
is intended to exclude the standard library and system-wide packages
from coverage tracing. In this case, leaving sys.prefix pointing to the
installation prefix would give the desired result. Also, for instance,
here where matplotlib's setup looks for DLLs on Windows, the system
prefix would be correct:

On the other hand, here scons uses sys.prefix to try to find
site-packages:  If we leave sys.prefix pointing to
the installation directory, this would leave scons unable to find its
config file in the virtualenv's site-packages directory. Unless they fix
their code to use the get_python_lib() function in sysconfig, which is
what they ought to be doing instead of duplicating all that logic.

So... it seems to me that we're likely to break _some_ third-party code
using sys.prefix regardless of what we do here. My instinct says adding
sys.virtual_prefix and leaving sys.prefix alone is the better approach,
but I'm not very firmly entrenched in that position.

 On the question of a C-readable configuration file, I've started work on this
 on the assumption that it's a UTF8-encoded file which contains lines of the
 form key = value. Having thought about it, since this file is only for
 bootstrapping the virtualenv anyway, there's no strong case for it to be

Agreed. I only used ConfigParser initially because that was easiest from
Python code :-)

 I've modified calculate_path in getpath.c to look for the file adjacent to the
 executable or one level up. If found, we look for a line home =
 /path/to/source/of/copied/python and, if found, replace argv0_path with the
 value, then let the existing code take its course. I've modified your
 virtualize() in to cater for the new config file format: we default 
 prefix to the parent of the directory containing the executable (hence, the
 virtualenv root), then set sys.virtual_prefix to this prefix, and optionally
 disallow the system site-packages from the system path. For now (since
 [distutils.]sysconfig is not sys.virtual_prefix aware) I continue to set
 sys.prefix and sys.exec_prefix to sys.virtual_prefix.

This sounds good.

 So as not to cause confusion with existing config files you might have, I
 changed the config file name to 'env.cfg'. This can be changed to the
 appropriate bikeshed colour in two places - and getpath.c.
 Progress seems good. To test:
 1. Clone the repo at
 2. In that repo, run ./configure and make
 3. Download the script at
 4. Run with the python you just built - see the header comment in that
 Note that the (Poor Man's script deliberately runs with 
 copied rather than a symlinked Python.

Hmm, it doesn't seem to be working for me. sys.prefix and
sys.exec_prefix are still /usr/local using the python binary in my
pmv, and sys.virtual_prefix is not set at all, despite env.cfg being
present and looking as it should.

Oddly when I run the compiled python binary directly from the checkout,
it does set sys.virtual_prefix to point one level above the checkout,
despite there being no env.cfg in the vicinity at all.

You can see both of these things (in reverse order) here:

I'll dig in a bit more and see if I can figure out what's happening.

Is there a reason you didn't base your changesets on mine (in the
cpythonv repo), and instead apparently copied over a bunch of the
changes manually as a diff? I can transplant or copy your work back, or
try to do a full merge, but in the long run if we'll both be working on
this it seems best if we are easily able to merge our work back and forth.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-03-30 Thread Vinay Sajip
Carl Meyer carl at writes:

 So... it seems to me that we're likely to break _some_ third-party code
 using sys.prefix regardless of what we do here. My instinct says adding
 sys.virtual_prefix and leaving sys.prefix alone is the better approach,
 but I'm not very firmly entrenched in that position.

That's problematic, of course (third-party breakage, I mean). It may be that
despite using virtual_prefix being a cleaner approach, it may be necessary
to alter sys.prefix to ensure compatibility, a la virtualenv.

 Hmm, it doesn't seem to be working for me. sys.prefix and
 sys.exec_prefix are still /usr/local using the python binary in my
 pmv, and sys.virtual_prefix is not set at all, despite env.cfg being
 present and looking as it should.
 Oddly when I run the compiled python binary directly from the checkout,
 it does set sys.virtual_prefix to point one level above the checkout,
 despite there being no env.cfg in the vicinity at all.
 You can see both of these things (in reverse order) here:
 I'll dig in a bit more and see if I can figure out what's happening.

It may be that the thing isn't working properly, but it's masked on my
system because I have an installed 3.3 in /usr/local (from when I was doing
my pip/virtualenv tests). This means that there is a Makefile in a location
which would not be there if I'd never installed 3.3 using sudo make install.

However, the getpath.c stuff should work - to test this, insert an
import pdb; pdb.set_trace() in site.main, and check sys.path. This should
contain entries from the virtualenv. The problems are more likely to be in
the Python code: the C code always sets sys.prefix and sys.exec_prefix to
/usr/local (or whatever configure was invoked with) and the sys.prefix /
sys.exec_prefix stuff is done in site.virtualize, as before.

I'll try to test this on a machine which never had 3.3 installed - it seems
you can't uninstall Python using sudo make uninstall :-(

 Is there a reason you didn't base your changesets on mine (in the
 cpythonv repo), and instead apparently copied over a bunch of the
 changes manually as a diff? I can transplant or copy your work back, or
 try to do a full merge, but in the long run if we'll both be working on
 this it seems best if we are easily able to merge our work back and forth.

Sorry - I got in a muddle because I've got too many clones around and ran
into free disk space issues, and goofed somewhere. Don't bother to do a full
merge for now, as I'm not sure if my code's working yet. Since I don't expect
to change more than 4 files (getpath.c,, distutils/ and I don't think we'll have too much trouble merging in due
course, and if/when we can agree that my experiment in pythonv is worth
taking further, I'll do the work of merging into cpythonv. For now, though,
my changes might be treading on your toes, making merging needlessly

I'll try to test on a Python-clean machine in a day or two, will report back



Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-03-30 Thread P.J. Eby

At 01:35 PM 3/30/2011 -0400, Carl Meyer wrote:

So... it seems to me that we're likely to break _some_ third-party code
using sys.prefix regardless of what we do here. My instinct says adding
sys.virtual_prefix and leaving sys.prefix alone is the better approach,
but I'm not very firmly entrenched in that position.

Looking at it from a software distribution POV, I would say that the 
virtual prefix is what it should point to, since that means things 
won't get installed to the wrong place.

(Of course, a configuration option could be used to override it, if 
really necessary.) 

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-03-30 Thread Carl Meyer
On 03/30/2011 07:18 PM, Vinay Sajip wrote:
 So... it seems to me that we're likely to break _some_ third-party code
 using sys.prefix regardless of what we do here. My instinct says adding
 sys.virtual_prefix and leaving sys.prefix alone is the better approach,
 but I'm not very firmly entrenched in that position.
 That's problematic, of course (third-party breakage, I mean). It may be that
 despite using virtual_prefix being a cleaner approach, it may be necessary
 to alter sys.prefix to ensure compatibility, a la virtualenv.

Well, as I said, I think there will be compatibility problems either
way. We are splitting site-packages from the base Python installation,
and when third-party code assumes that site-packages and the rest of the
base Python installation are both found relative to sys.prefix, neither
choice we make can possibly be right.

Virtualenv tries to avoid this problem by copying or symlinking in
enough stuff from the base Python install in order to convince third
parties using sys.prefix that they really are looking at a full Python
installation. But that approach is hacky and far from problem-free, and
requires keeping up with various things that third-party code might try
to look for under sys.prefix (there is at least one current open bug on
virtualenv, Tkinter failing in a Windows virtualenv, that is the result
of this problem). The logical conclusion of that approach, if you want
full compatibility with third-party code, is to just copy the entire
Python installation to the new location.

So three options as I see it:

1) Add sys.virtual_prefix (or perhaps sys.site_prefix would be a better
name), and require third-party code to use that (or sysconfig) to find
site-packages, if it wants to be virtual-compatible.

2) Repoint sys.prefix, and require third-party code to understand some
new sys.system_prefix or sys.installed_prefix or equivalent to find the
rest of the base Python installation.

3) Attempt the virtualenv approach of trying to fool third-party code
into thinking the virtualenv IS a full Python installation, even though
it's not.

I think #1 is far preferable to #2, and in the long run preferable to #3
even if it involves some short-term pain. But maybe I'm being too
idealistic, and #3 is the pragmatic choice even though it's wrong.

 It may be that the thing isn't working properly, but it's masked on my
 system because I have an installed 3.3 in /usr/local (from when I was doing
 my pip/virtualenv tests). This means that there is a Makefile in a location
 which would not be there if I'd never installed 3.3 using sudo make install.
 However, the getpath.c stuff should work - to test this, insert an
 import pdb; pdb.set_trace() in site.main, and check sys.path. This should
 contain entries from the virtualenv. The problems are more likely to be in
 the Python code: the C code always sets sys.prefix and sys.exec_prefix to
 /usr/local (or whatever configure was invoked with) and the sys.prefix /
 sys.exec_prefix stuff is done in site.virtualize, as before.

No, if I break early in (or run python -S), sys.path doesn't
contain any virtualenv paths.

 Sorry - I got in a muddle because I've got too many clones around and ran
 into free disk space issues, and goofed somewhere. Don't bother to do a full
 merge for now, as I'm not sure if my code's working yet. Since I don't expect
 to change more than 4 files (getpath.c,, distutils/ and I don't think we'll have too much trouble merging in due
 course, and if/when we can agree that my experiment in pythonv is worth
 taking further, I'll do the work of merging into cpythonv. For now, though,
 my changes might be treading on your toes, making merging needlessly
 I'll try to test on a Python-clean machine in a day or two, will report back

Ok, thanks!

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-03-30 Thread Carl Meyer

On 03/30/2011 11:23 PM, P.J. Eby wrote:
 At 01:35 PM 3/30/2011 -0400, Carl Meyer wrote:
 So... it seems to me that we're likely to break _some_ third-party code
 using sys.prefix regardless of what we do here. My instinct says adding
 sys.virtual_prefix and leaving sys.prefix alone is the better approach,
 but I'm not very firmly entrenched in that position.
 Looking at it from a software distribution POV, I would say that the
 virtual prefix is what it should point to, since that means things won't
 get installed to the wrong place.

Indeed. The issue is that from every point of view other than software
distribution (code trying to find anything other than site-directories),
sys.prefix pointing to the virtualenv is wrong. Unless, like virtualenv,
we try to make it just right enough by copying/symlinking things into
the virtualenv that otherwise wouldn't need to be there.

But this may be moot; I didn't realize until I checked just now that
setuptools (well, easy_install) builds its own list of site-dirs based
on sys.prefix. It doesn't look like that's used for installation, but it
is used for pre-flight checking pth-capability and finding pth files. So
if easy_install directly relies on site-directories always being
sys.prefix-based, that probably forces the issue.

 (Of course, a configuration option could be used to override it, if
 really necessary.)

This seems like the worst option of all - then third-party code really
would have no idea at all what sys.prefix is supposed to mean, or what
can be reliably found there.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-03-29 Thread Vinay Sajip
Carl Meyer carl at writes:

 Thanks for the additional digging in here. I think your analysis is
 right - it actually occurred to me yesterday that this could be the
 problem, and I filed a bug to track it here:

 3. The fully-reliable fix would be to somehow give the copied binary a
 hint where to find the right standard library, and this would involve
 adding something to the algorithm in getpath.c. The hint could take the
 form of a key in the config file, but I'd really like to avoid fully
 parsing the config-file in C and then again in Python later on. The hint
 could also be some kind of specially-formatted comment line at the top
 of the config file, which would require less C code to find and parse?
 Any thoughts on this (or alternative solutions I haven't thought of) are
 most welcome.

Hi Carl,

I've been thinking about the C-level configuration some more (cpythonv issue
#6). Suppose we have a virtual env at absolute path testenv, and in
testenv/bin we have a copied, non-installed Python, obtained from absolute
path pythonsrc. Say we provide the location of the source in the
configuration, and that this is read in getpath.c. Logically, it should just
replace the argv0_path value, and if the subsequent logic is unchanged, at the
point that's main() runs,  you would have (on Linux i686):

sys.prefix, sys.exec_prefix would have values set from the configure script
('/usr/local' by default).
sys.path would be ['/usr/local/lib/', 'pythonsrc/Lib',
'pythonsrc/Lib/plat-linux2', 'pythonsrc/build/lib.linux-i686-3.3']

which seems OK.

If a virtual environment is in absolute path testenv, then after the call to
virtualize() in, we would have sys.prefix and sys.exec_prefix both set
to testenv. Since sys.executable still points to testenv/bin, the code in appears not to be doing the right thing, e.g.
sysconfig._PROJECT_BASE would be testenv/bin, which seems wrong.

So it seems as if and/or might need further changes, as
well as changes to getpath.c. What do you think?


Vinay Sajip

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-03-29 Thread Carl Meyer
Hi Vinay,

On 03/29/2011 09:45 AM, Vinay Sajip wrote:
 I've been thinking about the C-level configuration some more (cpythonv issue
 #6). Suppose we have a virtual env at absolute path testenv, and in
 testenv/bin we have a copied, non-installed Python, obtained from absolute
 path pythonsrc. Say we provide the location of the source in the
 configuration, and that this is read in getpath.c. Logically, it should just
 replace the argv0_path value, and if the subsequent logic is unchanged, at the
 point that's main() runs,  you would have (on Linux i686):
 sys.prefix, sys.exec_prefix would have values set from the configure script
 ('/usr/local' by default).
 sys.path would be ['/usr/local/lib/', 'pythonsrc/Lib',
 'pythonsrc/Lib/plat-linux2', 'pythonsrc/build/lib.linux-i686-3.3']
 which seems OK.
 If a virtual environment is in absolute path testenv, then after the call to
 virtualize() in, we would have sys.prefix and sys.exec_prefix both set
 to testenv. Since sys.executable still points to testenv/bin, the code in appears not to be doing the right thing, e.g.
 sysconfig._PROJECT_BASE would be testenv/bin, which seems wrong.
 So it seems as if and/or might need further changes, as
 well as changes to getpath.c. What do you think?

In general, I think the copied binary case should be as similar as
possible to the symlinked binary case. Python doesn't dereference
symlinks in setting sys.executable, so in either case sys.executable
will point to the virtual environment's binary, which I think is clearly
what we want (think code using sys.executable to decide how to re-exec

The changes I made to sysconfig thus far were the minimum necessary to
be able to successfully install stuff in a pythonv virtualenv. On a
brief glance, it looks to me like you are right; we'll need to modify
the setting of _PROJECT_BASE in to be virtual-aware (this
is part -- maybe all -- of what's needed to fix issue #1).

Also, see issue #10 - I'm wavering on whether changing sys.prefix and
sys.exec_prefix to point to the virtualenv is actually the right
approach. We're already forced to modify to be
virtual-aware in order to avoid having to hackily copy/symlink bits of
the stdlib and include directories and the Makefile and config.h and
whatnot into the virtualenv. Once we've taken the step of making
sysconfig virtual-aware, it seems to me that perhaps sys.prefix is
better left pointing to the actual Python installation, and we add a
sys.virtual_prefix or some such to tell and where
virtualized stuff belongs.

There are a variety of possible meanings of sys.prefix, and the only one
we really want to modify is where should I install third-party
packages? Looking at sys.prefix references in the stdlib, I see them in
trace, tkinter, and idlelib. It appears to me that in all of those
cases, having sys.prefix pointing to the virtualenv would be wrong.

If we switch to sys.virtual_prefix and leave sys.prefix alone, the
danger would be that some installer that's using sys.prefix directly,
and ignoring, would try to install stuff to the global
Python installation. But I'm not aware of any such installer, and I
think we could safely call any installer of Python code that ignores the
layout schemes in sysconfig thoroughly broken anyway.

Your thoughts? (Or anyone else?)


P.S. The elephant in the room here is the fact that if we want pythonv
to be backwards-compatible with distutils/distribute, which we do, we
can't get away with just modifying, we also have to modify
the old distutils/ In general distutils is frozen; I'm
hoping that Tarek will let me get away with a few changes for pythonv if
they aren't changing APIs at all, just modifying some install-scheme
paths to be virtual-aware.
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-03-29 Thread Vinay Sajip
Carl Meyer carl at writes:

 In general, I think the copied binary case should be as similar as
 possible to the symlinked binary case. Python doesn't dereference
 symlinks in setting sys.executable, so in either case sys.executable
 will point to the virtual environment's binary, which I think is clearly
 what we want (think code using sys.executable to decide how to re-exec

I agree.

 The changes I made to sysconfig thus far were the minimum necessary to
 be able to successfully install stuff in a pythonv virtualenv. On a
 brief glance, it looks to me like you are right; we'll need to modify
 the setting of _PROJECT_BASE in to be virtual-aware (this
 is part -- maybe all -- of what's needed to fix issue #1).
 Also, see issue #10 - I'm wavering on whether changing sys.prefix and
 sys.exec_prefix to point to the virtualenv is actually the right
 approach. We're already forced to modify to be
 virtual-aware in order to avoid having to hackily copy/symlink bits of
 the stdlib and include directories and the Makefile and config.h and
 whatnot into the virtualenv. Once we've taken the step of making
 sysconfig virtual-aware, it seems to me that perhaps sys.prefix is
 better left pointing to the actual Python installation, and we add a
 sys.virtual_prefix or some such to tell and where
 virtualized stuff belongs.

This sounds better, too.

 If we switch to sys.virtual_prefix and leave sys.prefix alone, the
 danger would be that some installer that's using sys.prefix directly,
 and ignoring, would try to install stuff to the global
 Python installation. But I'm not aware of any such installer, and I
 think we could safely call any installer of Python code that ignores the
 layout schemes in sysconfig thoroughly broken anyway.
 Your thoughts? (Or anyone else?)

What about the possibility of third-party code which uses
sys.prefix/sys.exec_prefix, though? (I mean apart from the installer code.)

 P.S. The elephant in the room here is the fact that if we want pythonv
 to be backwards-compatible with distutils/distribute, which we do, we
 can't get away with just modifying, we also have to modify
 the old distutils/ In general distutils is frozen; I'm
 hoping that Tarek will let me get away with a few changes for pythonv if
 they aren't changing APIs at all, just modifying some install-scheme
 paths to be virtual-aware.

Here's hoping :-)

On the question of a C-readable configuration file, I've started work on this
on the assumption that it's a UTF8-encoded file which contains lines of the
form key = value. Having thought about it, since this file is only for
bootstrapping the virtualenv anyway, there's no strong case for it to be

I've modified calculate_path in getpath.c to look for the file adjacent to the
executable or one level up. If found, we look for a line home =
/path/to/source/of/copied/python and, if found, replace argv0_path with the
value, then let the existing code take its course. I've modified your
virtualize() in to cater for the new config file format: we default the
prefix to the parent of the directory containing the executable (hence, the
virtualenv root), then set sys.virtual_prefix to this prefix, and optionally
disallow the system site-packages from the system path. For now (since
[distutils.]sysconfig is not sys.virtual_prefix aware) I continue to set
sys.prefix and sys.exec_prefix to sys.virtual_prefix.

So as not to cause confusion with existing config files you might have, I
changed the config file name to 'env.cfg'. This can be changed to the
appropriate bikeshed colour in two places - and getpath.c.

Progress seems good. To test:

1. Clone the repo at
2. In that repo, run ./configure and make
3. Download the script at
4. Run with the python you just built - see the header comment in that

Note that the (Poor Man's script deliberately runs with a
copied rather than a symlinked Python.


Vinay Sajip

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-03-19 Thread Jim Fulton
On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 6:35 PM, Carl Meyer wrote:
 On 03/18/2011 05:24 PM, Tres Seaver wrote:
 Could the config file contain an optional hint for finding the right
 stdlib in cases where the binary copy had been made?  I realize that
 parsing a config file *without* the stdlib is painful:  perhaps looking
 for a line starting with 'stdlib =' would be enough?

 Yes, this was one possible solution I was considering. Two things bother
 me about it:

 1. It seems... tempting but ill-advised to make it a fake ConfigParser
 option if in the place where I use it, I'm not actually parsing the file
 with full ConfigParser semantics. It might work, but then someone tries
 to get clever with a [DEFAULT] section, or interpolation, or who knows
 what else, and it breaks mysteriously. That's why I was leaning towards
 a specially-tagged comment at the top of the file. Ugly, but at least
 not pretending to be something it isn't.

Don't call it ConfigParser format. Call it ini format, or whatever.


Jim Fulton
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-03-18 Thread Carl Meyer
Hi Vinay,

Thanks for the additional digging in here. I think your analysis is
right - it actually occurred to me yesterday that this could be the
problem, and I filed a bug to track it here:

The issue is finding the initial sys.prefix and thus the standard
library, which happens in the search_for_prefix function
Modules/getpath.c. The algorithm used is this (presuming no PYTHONHOME):

1. Step up the tree from the (symlinks-dereferenced) binary location
looking for anything that appears to be the standard library.

2. Fall back to the location hardcoded in the binary from the --prefix
option to ./configure.

With a symlink it's fully reliable, because the symlink is dereferenced
so the stdlib is found just as it normally would be.

With a copy of the binary, there are two situations where it can break:

A. The Python installation we are copying from has an incorrect
hardcoded prefix in the binary, and is relying on the tree-stepping to
find its standard library. In this case, the hardcoded prefix will be
used because the tree-stepping won't find anything. I think this is the
situation you are seeing: I think your binary is compiling with a prefix
of /usr/local, and so it falls back on that prefix when it can't find
anything by tree-stepping up through /home. If you didn't actually have
a Python 3.3 installation in /usr/local, it would break more loudly due
to not finding any stdlib at all. I think you'll find that it works for
you if you compile with an explicit --prefix and then actually install
to that prefix, then copy that binary and make an env with it.

B. There is _another_ Python standard library (from the same version of
Python, on *nix - the Windows stdlib isn't in a version-specific
directory) up the hierarchy from the location of our virtualenv. In this
case, tree-stepping might find the wrong standard library and use it. I
think this case should be quite rare. It's most problematic on Windows,
but that's also where it shouldn't really happen, since Python is
installed self-contained and I can't imagine why you'd make a virtualenv
for one Python version _inside_ the installation directory of another
Python version. In Linux I guess somebody might try to make a
virtualenv, with a copied binary, somewhere in /usr/local, using some
Python _other_ than the one installed in /usr, but with the same
major/minor version. A very edge case, but possible.

So, possibilities I see for addressing this:

1. Decide that in real cases of real Python installations, it's so
unlikely to happen that we won't worry about it. I think it's possible
that this is acceptable; the biggest practical problem is likely to be
people trying to test this out during PEP review from a not-installed
checkout, just like you did. We'd have to be careful to instruct people
that it doesn't work that way, and might also want to add a check in the
env-creation script to verify that the created env works properly, and
if it doesn't give them some clue why not.

2. Decide that we just don't support copied binaries, only symlinked
ones. Apparently (I am Windows-ignorant) recent Windows versions do
support symlinks? So this might only involve dropping support for old
Windows'? How important is it for a new feature like this to fully
support all operating systems that Python supports? We could also not
expose the copy-binary option to the user, but fall back to it if we
have no symlinks; which ends up being option (1) but trying to narrow
even more the potential breakage cases.

3. The fully-reliable fix would be to somehow give the copied binary a
hint where to find the right standard library, and this would involve
adding something to the algorithm in getpath.c. The hint could take the
form of a key in the config file, but I'd really like to avoid fully
parsing the config-file in C and then again in Python later on. The hint
could also be some kind of specially-formatted comment line at the top
of the config file, which would require less C code to find and parse?

Any thoughts on this (or alternative solutions I haven't thought of) are
most welcome.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-03-18 Thread P.J. Eby

At 02:44 PM 3/18/2011 -0400, Carl Meyer wrote:

Apparently (I am Windows-ignorant) recent Windows versions do
support symlinks?

Technically, some Windows filesystems can support this.  In practice, 
no user-visible tools actually support making or using them sanely, AFAIK.

So, I suggest promoting symlinks as the standard way, with 
binary-copying being a Windows-only workaround. 

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-03-18 Thread Tres Seaver
Hash: SHA1

On 03/18/2011 03:20 PM, P.J. Eby wrote:
 At 02:44 PM 3/18/2011 -0400, Carl Meyer wrote:
 Apparently (I am Windows-ignorant) recent Windows versions do
 support symlinks?
 Technically, some Windows filesystems can support this.  In practice, 
 no user-visible tools actually support making or using them sanely, AFAIK.
 So, I suggest promoting symlinks as the standard way, with 
 binary-copying being a Windows-only workaround. 

Could the config file contain an optional hint for finding the right
stdlib in cases where the binary copy had been made?  I realize that
parsing a config file *without* the stdlib is painful:  perhaps looking
for a line starting with 'stdlib =' would be enough?

- -- 
Tres Seaver  +1 540-429-0999
Palladion Software   Excellence by Design
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-03-18 Thread Carl Meyer
On 03/18/2011 05:24 PM, Tres Seaver wrote:
 Could the config file contain an optional hint for finding the right
 stdlib in cases where the binary copy had been made?  I realize that
 parsing a config file *without* the stdlib is painful:  perhaps looking
 for a line starting with 'stdlib =' would be enough?

Yes, this was one possible solution I was considering. Two things bother
me about it:

1. It seems... tempting but ill-advised to make it a fake ConfigParser
option if in the place where I use it, I'm not actually parsing the file
with full ConfigParser semantics. It might work, but then someone tries
to get clever with a [DEFAULT] section, or interpolation, or who knows
what else, and it breaks mysteriously. That's why I was leaning towards
a specially-tagged comment at the top of the file. Ugly, but at least
not pretending to be something it isn't.

2. I still have to duplicate in C and Python code the logic for finding
the config file in the first place. Or I guess just move it to C and
stash the location in sys or somewhere the Python code can get to it
later. I'd been hoping to avoid this, but oh well...

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-03-18 Thread Éric Araujo
 1. It seems... tempting but ill-advised to make it a fake ConfigParser
 option if in the place where I use it, I'm not actually parsing the file
 with full ConfigParser semantics. It might work, but then someone tries
 to get clever with a [DEFAULT] section, or interpolation, or who knows
 what else, and it breaks mysteriously.

It’s still time to define the file format as RawConfigParser-style,
without interpolation.

 2. I still have to duplicate in C and Python code the logic for finding
 the config file in the first place. Or I guess just move it to C and
 stash the location in sys or somewhere the Python code can get to it
 later. I'd been hoping to avoid this, but oh well...

*hands a courage cookie* I have to say the proof of concept in pure
Python was impressive.  Too bad it’s not enough :)

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-03-18 Thread Carl Meyer

On 03/18/2011 07:22 PM, Éric Araujo wrote:
 1. It seems... tempting but ill-advised to make it a fake ConfigParser
 option if in the place where I use it, I'm not actually parsing the file
 with full ConfigParser semantics. It might work, but then someone tries
 to get clever with a [DEFAULT] section, or interpolation, or who knows
 what else, and it breaks mysteriously.
 It’s still time to define the file format as RawConfigParser-style,
 without interpolation.

Indeed. And I guess there's little to no reason why someone would try to
define a default section, or use multiline syntax, or anything else like
that. Perhaps this would be robust enough.

 2. I still have to duplicate in C and Python code the logic for finding
 the config file in the first place. Or I guess just move it to C and
 stash the location in sys or somewhere the Python code can get to it
 later. I'd been hoping to avoid this, but oh well...
 *hands a courage cookie* I have to say the proof of concept in pure
 Python was impressive.  Too bad it’s not enough :)

Courage cookie accepted ;)

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-03-18 Thread Vinay Sajip
Hi Carl,

 So, possibilities I see for addressing this:
 1. Decide that in real cases of real Python installations, it's so
 unlikely to happen that we won't worry about it. I think it's possible
 that this is acceptable; the biggest practical problem is likely to be
 people trying to test this out during PEP review from a not-installed
 checkout, just like you did. We'd have to be careful to instruct people
 that it doesn't work that way, and might also want to add a check in the
 env-creation script to verify that the created env works properly, and
 if it doesn't give them some clue why not.

Yes, I think this is important to do, or at least to have -v output show which
stdlib is being used.

 2. Decide that we just don't support copied binaries, only symlinked
 ones. Apparently (I am Windows-ignorant) recent Windows versions do
 support symlinks? So this might only involve dropping support for old
 Windows'? How important is it for a new feature like this to fully
 support all operating systems that Python supports? We could also not
 expose the copy-binary option to the user, but fall back to it if we
 have no symlinks; which ends up being option (1) but trying to narrow
 even more the potential breakage cases.

Well, Windows XP is still pretty common and likely to remain so for some time.
On Windows XP, symlinks don't work, but confusingly os.symlink exists on recent
Pythons (certainly 3.2). I had to make a patch in my virtualenv fork to handle
this in copyfile: on XP, os.symlink raises NotImplementedError because the
underlying Windows API function is missing.

So, even if it's just for Windows, I think copying will need to be supported,
but perhaps only from Pythons whose sys.prefix is correctly set.

 3. The fully-reliable fix would be to somehow give the copied binary a
 hint where to find the right standard library, and this would involve
 adding something to the algorithm in getpath.c. The hint could take the
 form of a key in the config file, but I'd really like to avoid fully
 parsing the config-file in C and then again in Python later on. The hint
 could also be some kind of specially-formatted comment line at the top
 of the config file, which would require less C code to find and parse?
 Any thoughts on this (or alternative solutions I haven't thought of) are
 most welcome.

I know that ConfigParser format files are the first thing one thinks of, but
perhaps a simpler C-parseable format deserves further consideration.


Vinay Sajip

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-03-18 Thread Tres Seaver
Hash: SHA1

On 03/18/2011 08:01 PM, Vinay Sajip wrote:
 Hi Carl,
 So, possibilities I see for addressing this:

 1. Decide that in real cases of real Python installations, it's so
 unlikely to happen that we won't worry about it. I think it's possible
 that this is acceptable; the biggest practical problem is likely to be
 people trying to test this out during PEP review from a not-installed
 checkout, just like you did. We'd have to be careful to instruct people
 that it doesn't work that way, and might also want to add a check in the
 env-creation script to verify that the created env works properly, and
 if it doesn't give them some clue why not.
 Yes, I think this is important to do, or at least to have -v output show which
 stdlib is being used.
 2. Decide that we just don't support copied binaries, only symlinked
 ones. Apparently (I am Windows-ignorant) recent Windows versions do
 support symlinks? So this might only involve dropping support for old
 Windows'? How important is it for a new feature like this to fully
 support all operating systems that Python supports? We could also not
 expose the copy-binary option to the user, but fall back to it if we
 have no symlinks; which ends up being option (1) but trying to narrow
 even more the potential breakage cases.
 Well, Windows XP is still pretty common and likely to remain so for some time.
 On Windows XP, symlinks don't work, but confusingly os.symlink exists on 
 Pythons (certainly 3.2). I had to make a patch in my virtualenv fork to handle
 this in copyfile: on XP, os.symlink raises NotImplementedError because the
 underlying Windows API function is missing.
 So, even if it's just for Windows, I think copying will need to be supported,
 but perhaps only from Pythons whose sys.prefix is correctly set.
 3. The fully-reliable fix would be to somehow give the copied binary a
 hint where to find the right standard library, and this would involve
 adding something to the algorithm in getpath.c. The hint could take the
 form of a key in the config file, but I'd really like to avoid fully
 parsing the config-file in C and then again in Python later on. The hint
 could also be some kind of specially-formatted comment line at the top
 of the config file, which would require less C code to find and parse?

 Any thoughts on this (or alternative solutions I haven't thought of) are
 most welcome.
 I know that ConfigParser format files are the first thing one thinks of, but
 perhaps a simpler C-parseable format deserves further consideration.

One possibility is to make the config file format just a sequence of
long-form command-line options, one per line, with the leading '--'
stripped.  This option would involve inventing a '--use-prefix' option
(bikeshedders, start your sprayguns ;), but would make parsing it a
mostly trivial exercise.

- -- 
Tres Seaver  +1 540-429-0999
Palladion Software   Excellence by Design
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-03-17 Thread Vinay Sajip
Carl Meyer carl at writes:

 work well. Please try it and tell me what I missed!
 To try it out, create a directory somewhere with a bin/ subdirectory,
 symlink or copy (it works either way) the python3 binary from an install
 of the pythonv2 branch into bin/, and create lib/python3.3/site-packages

It seems to work with a symlink but not with a copy. With an empty pythonv.conf
file in ~/projects/vptest:

vinay@eta-natty:~/projects/vptest/bin$ ln -s ~/tools/cpythonv/python
vinay@eta-natty:~/projects/vptest/bin$ ./python
Python 3.3a0 (pythonv2:e56f05883ceb, Mar 17 2011, 09:07:29) 
[GCC 4.5.2] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import sys
['', '/usr/local/lib/', '/home/vinay/tools/cpythonv/Lib',
vinay@eta-natty:~/projects/vptest/bin$ rm python
vinay@eta-natty:~/projects/vptest/bin$ cp ~/tools/cpythonv/python .
vinay@eta-natty:~/projects/vptest/bin$ ./python
Python 3.3a0 (pythonv2:e56f05883ceb, Mar 17 2011, 09:07:29) 
[GCC 4.5.2] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import sys
['', '/usr/local/lib/', '/usr/local/lib/python3.3',
'/usr/local/lib/python3.3/plat-linux2', '/usr/local/lib/python3.3/lib-dynload',

Still, very promising! Nice work.


Vinay Sajip

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-03-17 Thread Carl Meyer
Hi Vinay,

On 03/17/2011 06:25 AM, Vinay Sajip wrote:
 It seems to work with a symlink but not with a copy. With an empty 
 file in ~/projects/vptest:
 vinay@eta-natty:~/projects/vptest/bin$ ln -s ~/tools/cpythonv/python
 vinay@eta-natty:~/projects/vptest/bin$ ./python
 Python 3.3a0 (pythonv2:e56f05883ceb, Mar 17 2011, 09:07:29) 
 [GCC 4.5.2] on linux2
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import sys
 ['', '/usr/local/lib/', '/home/vinay/tools/cpythonv/Lib',

 vinay@eta-natty:~/projects/vptest/bin$ rm python
 vinay@eta-natty:~/projects/vptest/bin$ cp ~/tools/cpythonv/python .
 vinay@eta-natty:~/projects/vptest/bin$ ./python
 Python 3.3a0 (pythonv2:e56f05883ceb, Mar 17 2011, 09:07:29) 
 [GCC 4.5.2] on linux2
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import sys
 ['', '/usr/local/lib/', '/usr/local/lib/python3.3',

This is odd, as the same setup works fine for me with a copied binary
(I'm on Ubuntu 10.10). If you're willing to do any more debugging on
this, here's what would be helpful:

1. Check the values of sys.executable, sys.prefix, and sys.exec_prefix.
2. Stick a pdb.set_trace() into near the top of the virtualize()
method and step through it, observing where something goes awry. In
particular: does it find pythonv.conf? Does it modify PREFIXES?

Thanks for testing it out!

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-03-17 Thread Carl Meyer
On 03/16/2011 11:04 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
 +1.  Time for a PEP?

Working on a draft PEP. I'll push it to bitbucket to make collaboration
easier - then the next step would be to present the draft on
python-ideas, if I'm reading PEP 2 correctly?

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-03-17 Thread Tres Seaver
Hash: SHA1

On 03/17/2011 02:50 PM, Carl Meyer wrote:
 On 03/16/2011 11:04 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
 +1.  Time for a PEP?
 Working on a draft PEP. I'll push it to bitbucket to make collaboration
 easier - then the next step would be to present the draft on
 python-ideas, if I'm reading PEP 2 correctly?


- -- 
Tres Seaver  +1 540-429-0999
Palladion Software   Excellence by Design
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-03-17 Thread Barry Warsaw
On Mar 17, 2011, at 02:50 PM, Carl Meyer wrote:

On 03/16/2011 11:04 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
 +1.  Time for a PEP?

Working on a draft PEP. I'll push it to bitbucket to make collaboration
easier - then the next step would be to present the draft on
python-ideas, if I'm reading PEP 2 correctly?

I dunno.  I tend to think python-ideas are where ideas go to die. ;)  I think
we have general consensus that this is a good idea, and we just need to hash
out the details.  So I personally think python-dev is fine at this point.

(Has nothing to do with me not actually being subscribed to python-ideas.
Nope, not at all. :)


Description: PGP signature
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-03-17 Thread Vinay Sajip
Carl Meyer carl at writes:

 This is odd, as the same setup works fine for me with a copied binary
 (I'm on Ubuntu 10.10). If you're willing to do any more debugging on
 this, here's what would be helpful:

I think I know what the problem is: the python executable checks to see where it
was run from. If it looks as if it was run from a source build, it looks for in the Lib folder relative to the executable; otherwise it looks for in sys.prefix/lib/pythonX.Y. I've copied ~/tools/cpythonv/python to
~/projects/vptest/bin, and here's what happens:

vinay@eta-natty:~/projects/vptest/bin$ ~/tools/cpythonv/python
Python 3.3a0 (pythonv2:e56f05883ceb, Mar 17 2011, 09:07:29) 
[GCC 4.5.2] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import sys; sys.prefix
['', '/usr/local/lib/', '/home/vinay/tools/cpythonv/Lib',
vinay@eta-natty:~/projects/vptest/bin$ ./python
Python 3.3a0 (pythonv2:e56f05883ceb, Mar 17 2011, 09:07:29) 
[GCC 4.5.2] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import sys; sys.prefix
['', '/usr/local/lib/', '/usr/local/lib/python3.3',
'/usr/local/lib/python3.3/plat-linux2', '/usr/local/lib/python3.3/lib-dynload',

Notice how the sys.prefix is the same in both cases, but the path is different.
Your is never run with the copy, because it gets the from

vinay@eta-natty:~/projects/vptest/bin$ ~/tools/cpythonv/python
Python 3.3a0 (pythonv2:e56f05883ceb, Mar 17 2011, 09:07:29) 
[GCC 4.5.2] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import site; site.__file__
vinay@eta-natty:~/projects/vptest/bin$ ./python
Python 3.3a0 (pythonv2:e56f05883ceb, Mar 17 2011, 09:07:29) 
[GCC 4.5.2] on linux2
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 import site; site.__file__

I suppose this won't be a problem when the actual Python 3.3 is installed - the
virtualizing will be in /usr/lib/python3.3 or /usr/local/lib/python3.3.
On this system I have a local build of Python made from the official default
branch, which is installed to /usr/local/lib since the system Python is 3.2
(Ubuntu 11.04 - Natty).


Vinay Sajip

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-03-17 Thread Vinay Sajip
Vinay Sajip vinay_sajip at writes:

 On this system I have a local build of Python made from the official default
 branch, which is installed to /usr/local/lib since the system Python is 3.2
 (Ubuntu 11.04 - Natty).

Sorry, I meant to say that the system Python is 2.7 (in /usr). I also have an
official Ubuntu build of 3.2 in /usr, but the source build installs by default
to /usr/local.


Vinay Sajip

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] pythonv, take two

2011-03-16 Thread Barry Warsaw
On Mar 16, 2011, at 10:33 PM, Carl Meyer wrote:

I've pushed this symlink/copy binary approach to the pythonv2 branch
at I was a bit shocked at how easy
it turned out to be: just a few lines in and the same changes to as previously. No changes in C code needed at all. It was
so easy I'm wondering what I must have missed, but everything seems to
work well. Please try it and tell me what I missed!

Seems to work for me (on Linux at least :)!  Really brilliant work, Carl.

To try it out, create a directory somewhere with a bin/ subdirectory,
symlink or copy (it works either way) the python3 binary from an install
of the pythonv2 branch into bin/, and create lib/python3.3/site-packages
in the virtualenv. Create pythonv.conf in the root of the virtualenv -
it can be empty if you want full isolation; if you want the system
site-packages too you can add a [pythonv] section with
include-system-site=True (it's a ConfigParser-style file). Start up
your binary and check sys.path. You can download distribute and python install that into your virtualenv and then easy_install more
stuff into your env.

At this point, unless the lack of LD_LIBRARY_PATH is actually a blocker,
I can't see any reason not to go with this approach instead.

+1.  Time for a PEP?


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Distutils-SIG maillist  -