Re: [Django] #7048: Support clearing FileFields with ModelForms

2009-10-30 Thread Django
#7048: Support clearing FileFields with ModelForms
  Reporter:  jarrow| Owner:  brosner
Status:  assigned  | Milestone:  1.2
 Component:  django.contrib.admin  |   Version:  SVN
Resolution:|  Keywords: 
 Stage:  Accepted  | Has_patch:  1  
Needs_docs:  0 |   Needs_tests:  1  
Needs_better_patch:  0 |  
Changes (by anonymous):

 * cc: (added)

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Re: [Django] #11936: Proxy models' names are too long for django.contrib.auth which causes weird test failures

2009-10-30 Thread Django
#11936: Proxy models' names are too long for django.contrib.auth which causes 
test failures
  Reporter:  ryszard   | Owner:  clamothe   

Status:  new   | Milestone: 

 Component:  Database layer (models, ORM)  |   Version:  1.1

Resolution:|  Keywords:  test, 
only, deferred fields
 Stage:  Unreviewed| Has_patch:  1  

Needs_docs:  0 |   Needs_tests:  0  

Needs_better_patch:  0 |  
Changes (by clamothe):

  * owner:  nobody => clamothe
  * has_patch:  0 => 1


 I've attached a patch that solves the problem for me.  The patch applies
 cleanly against r11689, includes a regression test, and does not break the
 existing test suite.  The included regression test fails if the patch to is not applied.

 With the patch, the django.db.models.loading.get_models method will no
 longer return any deferred models.

 The patch doesn't change get_model, so the deferred models can still be
 accessed via the app cache if they're individually looked up (as with

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Re: [Django] #12084: Document the return type of QuerySet.update()

2009-10-30 Thread Django
#12084: Document the return type of QuerySet.update()
  Reporter:  anonymous  | Owner:  nobody
Status:  new| Milestone:
 Component:  Documentation  |   Version:  1.1   
Resolution: |  Keywords:
 Stage:  Ready for checkin  | Has_patch:  1 
Needs_docs:  0  |   Needs_tests:  0 
Needs_better_patch:  0  |  
Changes (by timo):

  * needs_better_patch:  => 0
  * has_patch:  0 => 1
  * stage:  Unreviewed => Ready for checkin
  * needs_tests:  => 0
  * needs_docs:  => 0

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Re: [Django] #399: Bigint field object needed

2009-10-30 Thread Django
#399: Bigint field object needed
  Reporter:| Owner:  permon 
Status:  assigned  | Milestone:  1.2
 Component:  Database layer (models, ORM)  |   Version:  SVN
Resolution:|  Keywords:  
sprintsept14, bigint
 Stage:  Design decision needed| Has_patch:  1  
Needs_docs:  1 |   Needs_tests:  1  
Needs_better_patch:  1 |  
Changes (by mwdiers):

  * stage:  Ready for checkin => Design decision needed


 Replying to [comment:57 jhovanny]:
 > Patch is not in trunk. I checked all changesets from r11655, and it's
 not there. Updated from trunk, and it's not there. Anybody knows what

 Nothing here says that the patch is in trunk. Permon's comment means he
 updated the patch so that it works against the trunk. In fact, if you look
 at the comments, you will see that the patch needs tests and better
 documentation. Please let the triage team change the triage stage.

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Re: [Django] #399: Bigint field object needed

2009-10-30 Thread Django
#399: Bigint field object needed
  Reporter:| Owner:  permon 
Status:  assigned  | Milestone:  1.2
 Component:  Database layer (models, ORM)  |   Version:  SVN
Resolution:|  Keywords:  
sprintsept14, bigint
 Stage:  Ready for checkin | Has_patch:  1  
Needs_docs:  1 |   Needs_tests:  1  
Needs_better_patch:  1 |  
Changes (by jhovanny):

  * stage:  Design decision needed => Ready for checkin


 Patch is not in trunk. I checked all changesets from r11655, and it's not
 there. Updated from trunk, and it's not there. Anybody knows what

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[Django] #12120: documentation: get() does not work with values()

2009-10-30 Thread Django
#12120: documentation: get() does not work with values()
 Reporter:  adrian_nye |   Owner:  nobody
   Status:  new|   Milestone:
Component:  Documentation  | Version:  1.1   
 Keywords: |   Stage:  Unreviewed
Has_patch:  0  |  
 Under get() and values() in the queryset documentation, it does not
 mention that these two do not work together.   It would be good to mention
 this under values() along with the workaround using filter() instead of

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Re: [Django] #7479: Improve dictionary (dict()) support in QuerySets

2009-10-30 Thread Django
#7479: Improve dictionary (dict()) support in QuerySets
  Reporter:  | Owner:  nobody
Status:  closed | Milestone:
 Component:  Validators |   Version:  SVN   
Resolution:  duplicate  |  Keywords:
 Stage:  Accepted   | Has_patch:  0 
Needs_docs:  0  |   Needs_tests:  0 
Needs_better_patch:  0  |  
Comment (by adrian_nye):

 It would be nice to document under values() that it does not work with
 get(), and the workaround using filter().

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[Django] #12119: django.utils.text.smart_split() does not handle multiple quoted strings joined by non-whitespace characters properly

2009-10-30 Thread Django
#12119: django.utils.text.smart_split() does not handle multiple quoted strings
joined by non-whitespace characters properly
 Reporter:  emulbreh |   Owner:  nobody
   Status:  new  |   Milestone:
Component:  Template system  | Version:  1.1   
 Keywords:   |   Stage:  Unreviewed
Has_patch:  1|  
 >>> from django.utils.text import smart_split
 >>> list(smart_split("cut:','|cut:' '"))
 [u"cut:','|cut:'", u"'"]

 This is not a duplicate of #8902 or #10001 (as those have been fixed in
 It might be considered a duplicate of #6271, but the scope of that ticket
 is "fix all template tags" while this ticket should just be about a
 particular `smart_split()` bug.

 I'll attach a patch that only modifies the regexp.

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Re: [Django] #11765: models.DateField(null=True, blank=True) accepts None, but not the empty string ''

2009-10-30 Thread Django
#11765: models.DateField(null=True, blank=True)  accepts None, but not the empty
string ''
  Reporter:  shmengie  | Owner:  nobody
Status:  closed| Milestone:
 Component:  Database layer (models, ORM)  |   Version:  SVN   
Resolution:  invalid   |  Keywords:
 Stage:  Unreviewed| Has_patch:  0 
Needs_docs:  0 |   Needs_tests:  1 
Needs_better_patch:  0 |  
Comment (by tclancy):

 In case it helps anyone else tearing their hair out, here's one other
 thing to check (see [
 required-field-in-model-form/1650162#1650162 Stack Overflow ticket]): if
 you have any default or helper text in the field, that will blow up on
 validation before you get to the clean() method.

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Re: [Django] #12095: Login doesn`t work after django update to revision 11664

2009-10-30 Thread Django
#12095: Login doesn`t work after django update to revision 11664
  Reporter:  venia  | Owner:  nobody  
Status:  closed | Milestone:  
 Component:  Uncategorized  |   Version:  SVN 
Resolution:  fixed  |  Keywords:  csrf, auth, user
 Stage:  Unreviewed | Has_patch:  0   
Needs_docs:  0  |   Needs_tests:  0   
Needs_better_patch:  0  |  
Comment (by lukeplant):

 You don't need `CsrfViewMiddleware` for any views to work, so I'm troubled
 by that as an explanation.  But I don't know what you meant by "it's not
 working for my comments/form.html".  I'm guessing now that you meant that
 `{% csrf_token %}` was not producing any output in that page.  If you
 weren't either using `CsrfViewMiddleware` or the `csrf_protect` decorator,
 then your comments form.html doesn't need the `{% csrf_token %}` tag, and
 it won't produce output either.

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Re: [Django] #12118: in-memory test database does not work with threads

2009-10-30 Thread Django
#12118: in-memory test database does not work with threads
  Reporter:  bluebird75| Owner:  nobody 
Status:  closed| Milestone: 
 Component:  Database layer (models, ORM)  |   Version:  1.1
Resolution:  invalid   |  Keywords:  threads
 Stage:  Unreviewed| Has_patch:  0  
Needs_docs:  0 |   Needs_tests:  0  
Needs_better_patch:  0 |  
Changes (by kmtracey):

  * status:  new => closed
  * needs_better_patch:  => 0
  * resolution:  => invalid
  * needs_tests:  => 0
  * needs_docs:  => 0


 Near as I can tell this is an sqlite or pysqlite restriction, though I
 haven't been able to find a definitive statement in sqlite or pysqlite
 doc.  SQLAlchemy, however,  appears to have come to the conclusion that
 you simply cannot share :memory databases between threads, see:
 #threading-behavior. Thus I think there is no bug in Django here, the
 answer is don't do that and if you really want to do it you'll need to
 take it up with the maintainers of the lower level code.

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Re: [Django] #12095: Login doesn`t work after django update to revision 11664

2009-10-30 Thread Django
#12095: Login doesn`t work after django update to revision 11664
  Reporter:  venia  | Owner:  nobody  
Status:  closed | Milestone:  
 Component:  Uncategorized  |   Version:  SVN 
Resolution:  fixed  |  Keywords:  csrf, auth, user
 Stage:  Unreviewed | Has_patch:  0   
Needs_docs:  0  |   Needs_tests:  0   
Needs_better_patch:  0  |  
Comment (by thornomad):

 I figured it out: I didn't have
 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware' in my MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES ...
 am surprised that my accounts/login.html form worked using the tag without
 it this whole time ... that threw me off.  Anyway - crises averted.
 Thanks.  (I would delete my earlier comment if I could!)

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Re: [Django] #6054: PIL import error

2009-10-30 Thread Django
#6054: PIL import error
  Reporter:  nesh| Owner:  nobody
Status:  closed  | Milestone:
 Component:  Validators  |   Version:  SVN   
Resolution:  invalid |  Keywords:  PIL   
 Stage:  Design decision needed  | Has_patch:  0 
Needs_docs:  0   |   Needs_tests:  1 
Needs_better_patch:  0   |  
Comment (by junkafarian):

 In the mean time, a quick fix which saves you screwing around with
 multiple core django files and will allow both recognised PIL import

 >>> import Image
 >>> from PIL import Image

 is to write a file in the egg directory which imports the necessary
 PIL modules. For Django which requires "Image" and "!ImageFile" as pointed
 out by haloween the following command should suffice:

 junkafarian:~ junkafarian$ echo "import Image, ImageFile" >> /path/to/env

 The major problem with this hack is that you will need to include all the
 modules you require for the project in the import statement (which may be
 more than just "Image" and "!ImageFile")

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Re: [Django] #12095: Login doesn`t work after django update to revision 11664

2009-10-30 Thread Django
#12095: Login doesn`t work after django update to revision 11664
  Reporter:  venia  | Owner:  nobody  
Status:  closed | Milestone:  
 Component:  Uncategorized  |   Version:  SVN 
Resolution:  fixed  |  Keywords:  csrf, auth, user
 Stage:  Unreviewed | Has_patch:  0   
Needs_docs:  0  |   Needs_tests:  0   
Needs_better_patch:  0  |  
Comment (by thornomad):

 Replying to [comment:11 lukeplant]:
 > My initial testing shows that `{% render_comment_form %}` works fine
 with `{% csrf_token %}` (although I don't have any real harness to test
 with).  I'm guessing your problem is with django-threadedcomments, which
 we don't have control over.

 All right - thanks for your response.  I'll have to keep searching.  I had
 asked because django-threadedcomments's RenderCommentFormNode.render()
 looks exactly like the one in contrib.comments (see:

 I thought maybe it wasn't using RequestContext but I see no differences.
 I will try and see if the basic Comments app works as expected.  Thanks.

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Re: [Django] #12117: Silently ignoring of import errors in models module.

2009-10-30 Thread Django
#12117: Silently ignoring of import errors in models module.
  Reporter:  lorien| Owner:  nobody 
Status:  closed| Milestone: 
 Component:  Database layer (models, ORM)  |   Version:  1.1
Resolution:  duplicate |  Keywords:  
ImportError, exception, import, models
 Stage:  Unreviewed| Has_patch:  0  
Needs_docs:  0 |   Needs_tests:  0  
Needs_better_patch:  0 |  
Changes (by kmtracey):

  * status:  new => closed
  * needs_better_patch:  => 0
  * resolution:  => duplicate
  * needs_tests:  => 0
  * needs_docs:  => 0


 We already have #11696 tracking this.

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Re: [Django] #10863: Email full stack traces like in the debug error pages

2009-10-30 Thread Django
#10863: Email full stack traces like in the debug error pages
  Reporter:  boxed   | Owner:  nobody   
Status:  new | Milestone:   
 Component:  Core framework  |   Version:  SVN  
Resolution:  |  Keywords:  stack, errors, 
 Stage:  Design decision needed  | Has_patch:  1
Needs_docs:  0   |   Needs_tests:  0
Needs_better_patch:  0   |  
Changes (by david):

 * cc: david (added)

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Re: [Django] #11010: Add a foundation for rowlevel permissions in Django

2009-10-30 Thread Django
#11010: Add a foundation for rowlevel permissions in Django
  Reporter:  apollo13| Owner:  apollo13
Status:  new | Milestone:  1.2 
 Component:  Authentication  |   Version:  SVN 
Resolution:  |  Keywords:  
 Stage:  Accepted| Has_patch:  1   
Needs_docs:  1   |   Needs_tests:  1   
Needs_better_patch:  1   |  
Changes (by nabucosound):

 * cc: nabucosound (added)

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[Django] #12118: in-memory test database does not work with threads

2009-10-30 Thread Django
#12118: in-memory test database does not work with threads
 Reporter:  bluebird75|   Owner:  nobody
   Status:  new   |   Milestone:
Component:  Database layer (models, ORM)  | Version:  1.1   
 Keywords:  threads   |   Stage:  Unreviewed
Has_patch:  0 |  
 When using the test configuration of the DB with XXX and accessing the DB
 from another thread, it fails miserably.

 Using this example script on the Poll tutorial:

 import os
 os.environ[ 'DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE' ] = 'settings'
 import settings
 import datetime, threading

 #django  stuff
 from polls.models import *
 from django.core.mail import mail_admins
 from django.test.utils import *
 from django.db import connection

 def create_object():
 print 'Creating Poll'
 p = Poll()
 p.question = "What's up doc ?"
 p.pub_date =
 print 'Poll object saved. Id: %d' %


 if __name__ == '__main__':
 old_db_name = settings.DATABASE_NAME
 new_db_name = connection.creation.create_test_db(verbosity=1)
 print 'New DATABASE:', new_db_name

 t = threading.Thread( target=create_object )

 connection.creation.destroy_test_db( old_db_name )


 If I run it with WITH_THREADS set to False:

 phili...@pc-philippe /cygdrive/d/work/django/django-tuto/mysite $ python
 Creating test database...
 Creating table auth_permission
 Creating table auth_group
 Creating table auth_user
 Creating table auth_message
 Creating table django_admin_log
 Creating table django_content_type
 Creating table django_session
 Creating table django_site
 Creating table polls_poll
 Creating table polls_choice
 Installing index for auth.Permission model
 Installing index for auth.Message model
 Installing index for admin.LogEntry model
 Installing index for polls.Choice model
 New DATABASE: :memory:
 Creating Poll
 Poll object saved. Id: 1
 Destroying test database...


 If I run it with WITH_THREADS set to True:

 phili...@pc-philippe /cygdrive/d/work/django/django-tuto/mysite $ python
 Creating test database...
 Creating table auth_permission
 Creating table auth_group
 Creating table auth_user
 Creating table auth_message
 Creating table django_admin_log
 Creating table django_content_type
 Creating table django_session
 Creating table django_site
 Creating table polls_poll
 Creating table polls_choice
 Installing index for auth.Permission model
 Installing index for auth.Message model
 Installing index for admin.LogEntry model
 Installing index for polls.Choice model
 New DATABASE: :memory:
 Creating Poll
 Exception in thread Thread-1:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "c:\Python26\lib\", line 522, in __bootstrap_inner
   File "c:\Python26\lib\", line 477, in run
 self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
   File "", line 19, in create_object
   File "c:\Python26\lib\site-packages\django\db\models\", line 410,
 in save
 self.save_base(force_insert=force_insert, force_update=force_update)
   File "c:\Python26\lib\site-packages\django\db\models\", line 495,
 in save_base
 result = manager._insert(values, return_id=update_pk)
   File "c:\Python26\lib\site-packages\django\db\models\", line
 177, in _insert
 return insert_query(self.model, values, **kwargs)
   File "c:\Python26\lib\site-packages\django\db\models\", line
 1087, in
 return query.execute_sql(return_id)
   File "c:\Python26\lib\site-packages\django\db\models\sql\",
 320, in execute_sql
 cursor = super(InsertQuery, self).execute_sql(None)
   File "c:\Python26\lib\site-packages\django\db\models\sql\", line
 2369, in execute_sql
 cursor.execute(sql, params)
   File "c:\Python26\lib\site-packages\django\db\backends\", line
 19, in execute
 return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
   File "c:\Python26\lib\site-packages\django\db\backends\sqlite3\",
 193, in execute
 return Database.Cursor.execute(self, query, params)
 OperationalError: no such table: polls_poll

 Destroying test database...


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Re: [Django] #12105: Admin querystring __isnull=False filter doesn't work

2009-10-30 Thread Django
#12105: Admin querystring __isnull=False filter doesn't work
  Reporter:  marcob| Owner:  nobody   
Status:  new   | Milestone:  1.2  
 Component:  django.contrib.admin  |   Version:  1.1  
Resolution:|  Keywords:  isnull filter
 Stage:  Accepted  | Has_patch:  1
Needs_docs:  0 |   Needs_tests:  1
Needs_better_patch:  1 |  
Comment (by marcob):

 Better patch. It doesn't use inline and it keep working a previous
 workaround  ( __isnull= with a null value )

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[Django] #12117: Silently ignoring of import errors in models module.

2009-10-30 Thread Django
#12117: Silently ignoring of import errors in models module.
 Reporter:  lorien  |   Owner:  nobody
   Status:  new |   Milestone:
Component:  Database layer (models, ORM)| Version:  1.1   
 Keywords:  ImportError, exception, import, models  |   Stage:  Unreviewed
Has_patch:  0   |  
 If I have application which has like:

 from foo import Bar # Will raise ImportError

 and foo package does not exist then ` validate` will not report
 any error message but ` syncdb` will not create any table for my
 application because of import error in the begining of

 I think that proper behavior in such case is to report something :-)

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[Changeset] r11689 - in django/branches/releases/1.1.X: django/forms tests/regressiontests/model_formsets_regress

2009-10-30 Thread noreply

Author: brosner
Date: 2009-10-30 04:12:52 -0500 (Fri, 30 Oct 2009)
New Revision: 11689

[1.1.X] Fixed #11872 -- Instantiate the correct model in 
BaseInlineFormSet.__init__ when instance is None. Thanks tobias.

Backport of [11688] from trunk

Modified: django/branches/releases/1.1.X/django/forms/
--- django/branches/releases/1.1.X/django/forms/   2009-10-30 
09:11:56 UTC (rev 11688)
+++ django/branches/releases/1.1.X/django/forms/   2009-10-30 
09:12:52 UTC (rev 11689)
@@ -709,7 +709,7 @@
  save_as_new=False, prefix=None):
 from django.db.models.fields.related import RelatedObject
 if instance is None:
-self.instance = self.model()
+self.instance =
 self.instance = instance
 self.save_as_new = save_as_new

2009-10-30 09:11:56 UTC (rev 11688)
2009-10-30 09:12:52 UTC (rev 11689)
@@ -140,3 +140,13 @@
 self.assertEqual(manager[1]['name'], 'Terry Gilliam')
 else:'Errors found on formset:%s' % form_set.errors)
+def test_formset_with_none_instance(self):
+"A formset with instance=None can be created. Regression for #11872"
+Form = modelform_factory(User)
+FormSet = inlineformset_factory(User, UserSite)
+# Instantiate the Form and FormSet to prove
+# you can create a formset with an instance of None
+form = Form(instance=None)
+formset = FormSet(instance=None)

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[Changeset] r11688 - in django/trunk: django/forms tests/regressiontests/model_formsets_regress

2009-10-30 Thread noreply

Author: brosner
Date: 2009-10-30 04:11:56 -0500 (Fri, 30 Oct 2009)
New Revision: 11688

Fixed #11872 -- Instantiate the correct model in BaseInlineFormSet.__init__ 
when instance is None. Thanks tobias.

Modified: django/trunk/django/forms/
--- django/trunk/django/forms/ 2009-10-30 08:49:56 UTC (rev 11687)
+++ django/trunk/django/forms/ 2009-10-30 09:11:56 UTC (rev 11688)
@@ -705,7 +705,7 @@
  save_as_new=False, prefix=None):
 from django.db.models.fields.related import RelatedObject
 if instance is None:
-self.instance = self.model()
+self.instance =
 self.instance = instance
 self.save_as_new = save_as_new

Modified: django/trunk/tests/regressiontests/model_formsets_regress/
--- django/trunk/tests/regressiontests/model_formsets_regress/  
2009-10-30 08:49:56 UTC (rev 11687)
+++ django/trunk/tests/regressiontests/model_formsets_regress/  
2009-10-30 09:11:56 UTC (rev 11688)
@@ -140,3 +140,13 @@
 self.assertEqual(manager[1]['name'], 'Terry Gilliam')
 else:'Errors found on formset:%s' % form_set.errors)
+def test_formset_with_none_instance(self):
+"A formset with instance=None can be created. Regression for #11872"
+Form = modelform_factory(User)
+FormSet = inlineformset_factory(User, UserSite)
+# Instantiate the Form and FormSet to prove
+# you can create a formset with an instance of None
+form = Form(instance=None)
+formset = FormSet(instance=None)

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Re: [Django] #12115: Little error in documentation - ModelAdmin.get_urls(self)

2009-10-30 Thread Django
#12115: Little error in documentation - ModelAdmin.get_urls(self)
  Reporter:  encinas| Owner:  nobody
Status:  closed | Milestone:
 Component:  Documentation  |   Version:  1.1   
Resolution:  fixed  |  Keywords:
 Stage:  Unreviewed | Has_patch:  0 
Needs_docs:  0  |   Needs_tests:  0 
Needs_better_patch:  0  |  
Changes (by brosner):

  * status:  new => closed
  * needs_better_patch:  => 0
  * resolution:  => fixed
  * needs_tests:  => 0
  * needs_docs:  => 0


 Fixed in r11686

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The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
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[Changeset] r11687 - django/branches/releases/1.1.X/docs/ref/contrib/admin

2009-10-30 Thread noreply

Author: brosner
Date: 2009-10-30 03:49:56 -0500 (Fri, 30 Oct 2009)
New Revision: 11687

[1.1.X] Fixed #12115 -- Corrected typo in admin documentation. Thanks encinas.

Backport of [11686] from trunk

Modified: django/branches/releases/1.1.X/docs/ref/contrib/admin/index.txt
--- django/branches/releases/1.1.X/docs/ref/contrib/admin/index.txt 
2009-10-30 08:48:48 UTC (rev 11686)
+++ django/branches/releases/1.1.X/docs/ref/contrib/admin/index.txt 
2009-10-30 08:49:56 UTC (rev 11687)
@@ -770,7 +770,7 @@
 However, the ``self.my_view`` function registered above suffers from two
-  * It will *not* perform and permission checks, so it will be accessible to
+  * It will *not* perform any permission checks, so it will be accessible to
 the general public.
   * It will *not* provide any header details to prevent caching. This means if
 the page retrieves data from the database, and caching middleware is

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[Changeset] r11686 - django/trunk/docs/ref/contrib/admin

2009-10-30 Thread noreply

Author: brosner
Date: 2009-10-30 03:48:48 -0500 (Fri, 30 Oct 2009)
New Revision: 11686

Fixed #12115 -- Corrected typo in admin documentation. Thanks encinas.

Modified: django/trunk/docs/ref/contrib/admin/index.txt
--- django/trunk/docs/ref/contrib/admin/index.txt   2009-10-30 08:24:45 UTC 
(rev 11685)
+++ django/trunk/docs/ref/contrib/admin/index.txt   2009-10-30 08:48:48 UTC 
(rev 11686)
@@ -770,7 +770,7 @@
 However, the ``self.my_view`` function registered above suffers from two
-  * It will *not* perform and permission checks, so it will be accessible to
+  * It will *not* perform any permission checks, so it will be accessible to
 the general public.
   * It will *not* provide any header details to prevent caching. This means if
 the page retrieves data from the database, and caching middleware is

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Re: [Django] #10109: Move raw sql from models.fields.related to models.sql.query

2009-10-30 Thread Django
#10109: Move raw sql from models.fields.related to models.sql.query
  Reporter:  david | Owner:  Alex
Status:  new   | Milestone:  1.2 
 Component:  Database layer (models, ORM)  |   Version:  1.0 
Resolution:|  Keywords:  
 Stage:  Accepted  | Has_patch:  1   
Needs_docs:  0 |   Needs_tests:  0   
Needs_better_patch:  0 |  
Changes (by russellm):

  * needs_docs:  1 => 0
  * needs_tests:  1 => 0
  * milestone:  => 1.2

Ticket URL: 
The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
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Re: [Django] #10109: Move raw sql from models.fields.related to models.sql.query

2009-10-30 Thread Django
#10109: Move raw sql from models.fields.related to models.sql.query
  Reporter:  david | Owner:  Alex
Status:  new   | Milestone:  
 Component:  Database layer (models, ORM)  |   Version:  1.0 
Resolution:|  Keywords:  
 Stage:  Accepted  | Has_patch:  1   
Needs_docs:  1 |   Needs_tests:  1   
Needs_better_patch:  0 |  
Comment (by russellm):

 The patch I have just uploaded is ready for trunk. The code is also
 available on [ Alex
 Gaynor's github branch]

 My intention is to commit this mid next week. Feedback is welcome.

Ticket URL: 
The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
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[Changeset] r11685 - django/branches/releases/1.1.X

2009-10-30 Thread noreply

Author: brosner
Date: 2009-10-30 03:24:45 -0500 (Fri, 30 Oct 2009)
New Revision: 11685

[1.1.X] Updated INSTALL file does not require an Internet connection nor setuptools. That was
fixed in [3906].

Backport of [11684] from trunk

Modified: django/branches/releases/1.1.X/INSTALL
--- django/branches/releases/1.1.X/INSTALL  2009-10-30 08:24:05 UTC (rev 
+++ django/branches/releases/1.1.X/INSTALL  2009-10-30 08:24:45 UTC (rev 
@@ -5,9 +5,6 @@
 python install
-Note this requires a working Internet connection if you don't already have the
-Python utility "setuptools" installed.
 AS AN ALTERNATIVE, you can just copy the entire "django" directory to Python's
 site-packages directory, which is located wherever your Python installation
 lives. Some places you might check are:
@@ -16,7 +13,4 @@
 /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages (Unix, Python 2.3)
 C:\\PYTHON\site-packages (Windows)
-This second solution does not require a working Internet connection; it
-bypasses "setuptools" entirely.
 For more detailed instructions, see docs/intro/install.txt.

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[Changeset] r11684 - django/trunk

2009-10-30 Thread noreply

Author: brosner
Date: 2009-10-30 03:24:05 -0500 (Fri, 30 Oct 2009)
New Revision: 11684

Updated INSTALL file does not require an Internet connection nor setuptools. That was
fixed in [3906]. Updated the minimum Python version as well.

Modified: django/trunk/INSTALL
--- django/trunk/INSTALL2009-10-30 00:17:29 UTC (rev 11683)
+++ django/trunk/INSTALL2009-10-30 08:24:05 UTC (rev 11684)
@@ -1,22 +1,16 @@
 Thanks for downloading Django.
-To install it, make sure you have Python 2.3 or greater installed. Then run
+To install it, make sure you have Python 2.4 or greater installed. Then run
 this command from the command prompt:
 python install
-Note this requires a working Internet connection if you don't already have the
-Python utility "setuptools" installed.
 AS AN ALTERNATIVE, you can just copy the entire "django" directory to Python's
 site-packages directory, which is located wherever your Python installation
 lives. Some places you might check are:
+/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages (Unix, Python 2.5)
 /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages (Unix, Python 2.4)
-/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages (Unix, Python 2.3)
 C:\\PYTHON\site-packages (Windows)
-This second solution does not require a working Internet connection; it
-bypasses "setuptools" entirely.
 For more detailed instructions, see docs/intro/install.txt.

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Re: [Django] #17: Metasystem optimization: Share select_related in memory

2009-10-30 Thread Django
#17: Metasystem optimization: Share select_related in memory
  Reporter:  adrian| Owner:  PhiR   

Status:  assigned  | Milestone: 

 Component:  Database layer (models, ORM)  |   Version:  SVN

Resolution:|  Keywords:  feature 
 Stage:  Accepted  | Has_patch:  1  

Needs_docs:  1 |   Needs_tests:  0  

Needs_better_patch:  1 |  
Changes (by terrex):

 * cc: (added)

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The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
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Re: [Django] #11526: LDAP authentication backend

2009-10-30 Thread Django
#11526: LDAP authentication backend
  Reporter:  psagers | Owner:  dp_wiz
Status:  assigned| Milestone:
 Component:  Authentication  |   Version:  SVN   
Resolution:  |  Keywords:  ldap  
 Stage:  Design decision needed  | Has_patch:  1 
Needs_docs:  0   |   Needs_tests:  0 
Needs_better_patch:  0   |  
Changes (by dp_wiz):

  * owner:  nobody => dp_wiz
  * status:  new => assigned


 I configured django_auth_ldap for our ActiveDirectory server and it allows
 to log in using empty password.

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The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
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