Re: Django on REDHAT ES

2007-01-04 Thread Adrian Holovaty


i have installed both the following:

libevent-1.2-1 and memcached-1.1.13

rebooted apache2 and still get the same error...

any further ideas?

Install the Python memcached bindings. See the Memcached section here:


Adrian Holovaty |

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Re: Django on REDHAT ES

2007-01-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i have installed both the following:

libevent-1.2-1 and memcached-1.1.13

rebooted apache2 and still get the same error... 

any further ideas?

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Re: Django on REDHAT ES

2007-01-04 Thread Adam Seering

On Jan 5, 2007, at 12:41 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

InvalidCacheBackendError: Memcached cache backend requires the
'memcache' library

It sounds like you're trying to use memcached for caching.

what i have installed:


However, it looks like you've installed neither memcached, nor the  
python-memcached library.  Both are available online; does installing  
them help?


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Django on REDHAT ES

2007-01-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yes, it seems like a dumb idea, but has anyone had any success getting
it to run?

~ do you have any pointers you can share?

i am getting the following error in my browser:


Mod_python error: "PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython"

Traceback (most recent call last):

 File "/usr/lib64/python2.3/site-packages/mod_python/", line
299, in HandlerDispatch
   result = object(req)

 File "/home/code/django/core/handlers/", line 190, in
   return ModPythonHandler()(req)

 File "/home/code/django/core/handlers/", line 160, in

 File "/home/code/django/core/handlers/", line 27, in
   mod = __import__(mw_module, '', '', [''])

 File "/home/code/django/middleware/", line 3, in ?
   from django.utils.cache import patch_vary_headers

 File "/home/code/django/utils/", line 22, in ?
   from django.core.cache import cache

 File "/home/code/django/core/cache/", line 54, in ?
   cache = get_cache(settings.CACHE_BACKEND)

 File "/home/code/django/core/cache/", line 51, in
   cache_class = getattr(__import__('django.core.cache.backends.%s' %
BACKENDS[scheme], '', '', ['']), 'CacheClass')

 File "/home/code/django/core/cache/backends/", line 8, in
   raise InvalidCacheBackendError, "Memcached cache backend requires
the 'memcache' library"

InvalidCacheBackendError: Memcached cache backend requires the
'memcache' library


what i have installed:


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Re: AttributeError: 'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'user'

2007-01-04 Thread Brian Beck

It would seem that something is happening between the authentication
middleware setting request.__class__.user and the context processor
reading it.

Couple things to try if you're in a debugging mood:

After line 11 in django/contrib/admin/
request.__class__.user = LazyUser()
+print 'Middleware:', request.user

Add that line to see if it's actually being set.

Now as the first line in whatever view this is happening in, do the
same thing:

def index_view(request):
+print 'View:', request.user

This should at least narrow down where in the code request.user is
being obliterated...

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Re: In Model or Manager? (Sorting, calculations, and non-savable fields)

2007-01-04 Thread Brian Beck

Brian Beck wrote:

class Payment(models.Model):
class Custom:
def sortable_fields = ['amount', 'received_date']

That last line should of course just be:
   sortable_fields = ['amount', 'received_date']

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Re: In Model or Manager? (Sorting, calculations, and non-savable fields)

2007-01-04 Thread Brian Beck

ringemup wrote:

Does that apply to the actual sorting of the data as well?  It seems to
me that it's something most efficiently accomplished at the database

If sorting will always be done by field in the model (and not some
complex combination, for example), and SQL orders it how you're
expecting, then I'd say sure, do the sorting with order_by in the model
manager or a custom manager method.

And then... what fields it's sortable on (e.g. you can sort by name,
but not by slug) seems to me to be a property of the model.  Not in
terms of which column headers are linked for sorting in the display
(which is very clearly view or template logic), but in terms of what
sorting keywords would be allowed/rejected in the view when processing
the URL -- should the view refer back to the model for that?
Especially since I'm going to require several views for each data type,
and it seems a shame to maintain the sortable-fields list separately
for each one.

On one hand, the fields it's sortable on really is a property of the
view you're looking to write.  But it is nice to keep it attached to
the model, much like the admin app views are customizable through your
model.  If you try to add, say, a sortable_fields attribute to Meta,
your models won't validate since it checks the Meta class.  If I were
doing this, I'd use one of these approaches:

class Payment(models.Model):
   class Custom:
   def sortable_fields = ['amount', 'received_date']

class Payment(models.Model):
   def get_sortable_fields(cls):
   return ['amount', 'received_date']

Now, why not in the manager?  Because as far as I can tell, every
method of the default manager performs a query.  Sure, you could add
these things there, but it breaks this convention.

So, here's my recommendation:
- Non-saveable fields: Use a custom class attribute or method (these
aren't instance-specific, right?).
- Calculations: Most likely this performs a query. Put it in the
- Sorting: Take the fields the view wants to sort by and check them
against the sortable fields attribute or method on your model, call
order_by or a custom manager method that does the sorting (since this
will perform a query).

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Re: AttributeError: 'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'user'

2007-01-04 Thread Jeremy Dunck

On 10/18/06, Tyson Tate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've got the following in



Thanks in advance for any ideas!

Sorry, I'm stumped.  :-/

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Re: Multiple models on one form

2007-01-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am trying to get your solution 1 to work for the case of multiple
instances of the same model. The forms looks good, but the problem is
that all fields have the same name (because the forms are generated
from the same model). Is there any way around that? Or do I have to
write a custom manipulator in this case? It seems as if I'm SOOO


On Dec 8 2006, 7:47 pm, "Russell Keith-Magee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On 12/9/06, Brian Morton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am trying to write a customformthat will handle updates for several
> models.  What is the best way to do this?  Do I have to write a custom
> manipulator to handle the data?  Or can I create a hybrid view of
> several different default manipulators?There are at least two approaches, 
which you have pretty much
suggested in your question.

1) Write your view and construct 2 manipulators, and 2 FormWrappers,
and pass them both into the template; on Post, validate and save both
manipulators. This is exactly the same as the normal 'edit' view
pattern, except that you double up on the use of forms and

2) Write a customized manipulator that covers both models, and create
a view that instantiates that manipulator.

1 will probably be easier to get going, but requires a sort of code
duplication. 2 is more complex, and is ultimately more flexible,
Either way, you will need to write your own view.

The other thing you might want to look at is the newforms library.
Adrian is in the process of developing a replacement for theForm/Manipulator 
approach. The biggest missing piece is the 'createformfrom Model' aspect, but 
you are looking to create a customized
hybridformanyway. No guarantees, but it might be worth a look.

Russ Magee %-)

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Re: problem with inclusion_tag

2007-01-04 Thread stoKes

On Jan 4, 6:42 pm, "Jorge Gajon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 1/4/07, stoKes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Jan 4, 12:10 pm, "Jorge Gajon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Adam,

> > On 1/3/07, stoKes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > > base.html
> > > {% showmenu %}
> > > {% for service in services %}
> > > {{
> > > }}
> > > {% endfor %}

> > > but receiving this error:

> > > Exception Type: TemplateSyntaxError
> > > Exception Value:Invalid block tag: 'showmenu'Try putting {% load 
showmenu %} before the call to the tag, for example:

> > {% load showmenu %}
> > {% showmenu %}
> > {% for service in services %}
> > {{ 
> > {% endfor %}

> > The {% load %} tag loads a .py file that contains your custom tags. In
> > this case it will try to load the file
> > /project/templatetags/

> > If the .py file with your custom tags had a different name, for
> > example "" then you would need to type a {% load mytags %} in
> > your template before using your custom tags.

> Hey Jorge,

> I had tried that, however, this is the error I got :

> Exception Type: TemplateSyntaxError
> Exception Value:'showmenu' is not a valid tag library: Could not load
> template library from django.templatetags.showmenu, No module named
> showmenu

> i've created other templatetags before that loaded perfectly if i did
> it for a certain app, for example,

> /project/myapp/templatetags/

> but this is more of a global template tag so im not sure if my
> procedure in doing this is correct or notOh I didn't noticed that little 
detail. But no, you can't have a
"global" templatetag, your custom tags must be inside the
'templatetags' folder inside your app. This is what the documentation
says about it:

  """The {% load %} tag looks at your INSTALLED_APPS setting and only
allows the loading of template libraries within installed Django apps.
This is a security feature: It allows you to host Python code for many
template libraries on a single computer without enabling access to all
of them for every Django installation.

If you write a template library that isn't tied to any particular
models/views, it's perfectly OK to have a Django app package that only
contains a templatetags package."""

Hope it helps


It does, thanks for clearing that up. What I think ill do is create a
seperate layout APP and only views for things I need displayed
"globally" and just have each other app extend its template off that.


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Re: Looking to move to Django, is it right for me?

2007-01-04 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves

On 05-Jan-07, at 8:42 AM, Brian Beck wrote:

* Database access. You can still use Python's much lower-level DB-API
to play with the database, and you can still make it look nice to use.
Check out the raw SQL query in this Custom Managers example:
Also, the project management commands like 'sqlreset' show you what  

abstracted model is doing under the covers.

and you can always directly access the database to add your own  
rules, triggers and whatnot. For example, check contraints are not  
implemented in django - easy to add your own. Only the readymade  
admin interface is not so easily customisable. But then it is easy to  
roll your own.



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Re: Looking to move to Django, is it right for me?

2007-01-04 Thread Brian Beck

A lot of time has been spent on making Django not-too-magical while
keeping the rapid development time.  I've found that it rarely does too
much automatic stuff behind my back.

Just a couple examples of high-level stuff that isn't

* Database access. You can still use Python's much lower-level DB-API
to play with the database, and you can still make it look nice to use.
Check out the raw SQL query in this Custom Managers example:
Also, the project management commands like 'sqlreset' show you what the
abstracted model is doing under the covers.
* Templating. Templates really are just text files, no structure is
forced upon you, nothing gets changed around or added behind the scenes.

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Re: Looking to move to Django, is it right for me?

2007-01-04 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves

On 05-Jan-07, at 8:17 AM, Mojave wrote:

The only thing I'm concerned with is that the tutorials I've read  

Django show it off as almost too easy and automatic. While I will
welcome the ability to quickly get a site up and running, I also like
to tinker. Is Django something that will give me the best of both
worlds: high level development, but also the ability to go low-level?

django specialises in this



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Re: django.core.handlers.modpython imported several times

2007-01-04 Thread Graham Dumpleton

Adrian Holovaty wrote:

On 1/4/07, Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> FWIW, it amazes me sometimes that although Django can be made to work
> on mod_python that very few if any Django developers I have seen
> exhibit any real knowledge about how Apache/mod_python works. As a
> consequence I keep seeing incorrect statements and advice being made
> about mod_python on lists and also in Django documentation. These
> problems extend to there also being some potentially questionable code
> in the mod_python adaptor for Django as well. Although I have pointed
> out at times that what is being said doesn't make sense or is wrong, no
> one seems to make an attempt to address it.

Hi Graham,

Could I trouble you to bring up those issues again? I did a quick
search and assume you're talking about this comment of yours:


The latter comments are relevant to actual Django source code as it
appears to rely internally on being able to pass information around in
os.environ. If such information is different for different requests,
this will be a problem in a multithreaded Apache MPM such as worker on
UNIX or winnt on Windows. The problems with worker MPM suggested by
first link above may well be accounted for by use of os.environ if
Django is relying on it in some way. But then, the problem should also
affect winnt MPM on Windows as well as it also is multithreaded, but
there has been no suggestion of problems on Windows, only worker MPM on
UNIX. This is why the inability of anyone to clarify why the worker MPM
shouldn't be used is a bit frustrating.

For the record, I should state I don't use Django myself, I only keep
an eye out for any connections between it and mod_python and try and
correct any wrong comments about mod_python I see.


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Looking to move to Django, is it right for me?

2007-01-04 Thread Mojave

I'm looking to move away from my Perl cgi background and into something
more powerful, cleaner and standard. Django and Ruby on Rails both look

The only thing I'm concerned with is that the tutorials I've read about
Django show it off as almost too easy and automatic. While I will
welcome the ability to quickly get a site up and running, I also like
to tinker. Is Django something that will give me the best of both
worlds: high level development, but also the ability to go low-level?


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Django Admin ForeignKey display

2007-01-04 Thread Carl Holm


When using the types ForeignKey or CharField (with the "choices" option) 
in a model, I am finding that the resultant
form elements are truncating the display of default values. Does anyone 
know of a simple way to avoid this?



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Re: django.core.handlers.modpython imported several times

2007-01-04 Thread Adrian Holovaty

On 1/4/07, Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

FWIW, it amazes me sometimes that although Django can be made to work
on mod_python that very few if any Django developers I have seen
exhibit any real knowledge about how Apache/mod_python works. As a
consequence I keep seeing incorrect statements and advice being made
about mod_python on lists and also in Django documentation. These
problems extend to there also being some potentially questionable code
in the mod_python adaptor for Django as well. Although I have pointed
out at times that what is being said doesn't make sense or is wrong, no
one seems to make an attempt to address it.

Hi Graham,

Could I trouble you to bring up those issues again? I did a quick
search and assume you're talking about this comment of yours:


Adrian Holovaty |

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Re: Why so slow?

2007-01-04 Thread Jeremy Dunck

On 1/4/07, David Abrahams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If I log into the server and run "top" while trying to access pages, I
don't see any alarming jumps in CPU load; the hungriest processes
typically stay in single-digit (or below) percentages of CPU usage, so
I doubt profiling is going to be much use.  I don't really know where
to start in debugging this.

Most likely, KeepAlive is holding processes unavailable while sitting idle.
Next most likely is # of child processes.  Try fiddling with Min and
Next most likely is that you're serving media and django on the save httpd.

More suggestions:

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Why so slow?

2007-01-04 Thread David Abrahams

I am developing a Django-based site, and it *really* seems to be
slow... sometimes.  It's running in an Apache virtual server on the
same machine as my static site.  When things are good, the
Django-based site approaches the static site in speed, but when things
are bad, there's just no comparison.  At those times, my development
server (local of course) is far, far faster.  The slowness typically
comes after not having accessed the site for a while.  I suspected
paging at first, but I don't think anything should be taking that much
memory and I noticed that it tends to stay slow through several
minutes of surfing, when everything should have long since been paged
back in.

I'm using the prefork MPM as recommended.  I'm using the locmem cache.
I'm not cacheing pages, but I am cacheing major HTML fragments -- the
templating system is still running for each page.  I was cacheing
whole pages for a while and it didn't seem to make a difference, so I
turned that off.

If I log into the server and run "top" while trying to access pages, I
don't see any alarming jumps in CPU load; the hungriest processes
typically stay in single-digit (or below) percentages of CPU usage, so
I doubt profiling is going to be much use.  I don't really know where
to start in debugging this.

Any insight you might have is appreciated.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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Re: django.core.handlers.modpython imported several times

2007-01-04 Thread Graham Dumpleton

Adrian Holovaty wrote:

> here what I've got from my Apache2 error log:
> [Thu Jan 04 16:07:57 2007] [notice] mod_python: (Re)importing module
> 'django.core.handlers.modpython'
> [Thu Jan 04 16:08:06 2007] [notice] mod_python: (Re)importing module
> 'django.core.handlers.modpython'
> [Thu Jan 04 16:34:15 2007] [notice] mod_python: (Re)importing module
> 'django.core.handlers.modpython'
> I was wondering what could be the reason of it ?


I've seen this Apache notice too, and I'm not sure what it is, but
it's never caused any problems for me. :)

With that said, I would be grateful if anybody could explain why that
happens, and if we need to change something on Django's end so that,
at the very least, people's logfiles won't get cluttered with this.

These messages are generally quite normal. You will see the message the
first time that Django module is imported for each Python interpreter
instance in which it is used. Since on UNIX there can be multiple
Apache child processes, you will see one for each child process
created. This will normally be seen at Apache startup, but it might
occur later as well as Apache decides to create additional child
processes. Even for the same child process, you might see the message
more than once if someone is running multiple Django instances within
distinct named Python interpreters.

You can eliminate the messages by ensuring you have:

 PythonDebug Off

in the Apache configuration file, something that is recommended for
production systems so that stack traces don't get displayed in web
pages if Python code raises an exception which isn't caught and dealt

BTW, in mod_python 3.3, it will show the process ID against these
messages and distinguish an initial import and a reload. Ultimately
though that will not matter for Django anyway, as in 3.3, mod_python
will not try and load standard packages/modules on sys.path itself and
will defer to standard Python module importer and so no message will be
displayed as mod_python isn't loading it.

FWIW, it amazes me sometimes that although Django can be made to work
on mod_python that very few if any Django developers I have seen
exhibit any real knowledge about how Apache/mod_python works. As a
consequence I keep seeing incorrect statements and advice being made
about mod_python on lists and also in Django documentation. These
problems extend to there also being some potentially questionable code
in the mod_python adaptor for Django as well. Although I have pointed
out at times that what is being said doesn't make sense or is wrong, no
one seems to make an attempt to address it.



Adrian Holovaty |

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Re: What's the proper use of LazyDate?

2007-01-04 Thread Russell Keith-Magee

On 1/5/07, John DeRosa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What's the proper/recommended/improper/not-recommended use of
models.LazyDate() in 0.95?

I'm working on a project that picked up its use in 0.91-based code.
There's a passing reference to it in the 0.90 docs, but nothing since
then. There are references to it all over the web...


class UserReadComment(models.Model):
   scoop = models.ForeignKey(Scoop,raw_id_admin=True)
   last_read = models.DateTimeField(default=models.LazyDate(),

The purpose of LazyDate is to be a proxy around a date object that
allows you to specify a date that won't be evaluated until it is used
in a model. In your example, will return the day
on which the instance was saved (similarly for other attributes of the
date object).

You can also provide arguments to the LazyDate that specify a
timeDelta to apply; for example:

limit_choices_to = {'date__gt' : models.LazyDate(days=-3)}

would be a filter that keeps only those objects from the last three days.

There is a tangential reference to LazyDate in the model API
documentation, but otherwise, this is an area where some documentation
could be useful. I've opened a ticket (#3231) for this issue.

Russ Magee %-)

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Re: Order SelectField items

2007-01-04 Thread bahund

I solved this by sorting the tuple of tuples outside of the add/create
custom manipulators, then using that sorted list instead of

   col_list = list(ColorAccount.COLORS)
   col_list.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1]))
   col_tuple = tuple(col_list)

And then:


I guess this was more of a python issue.

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Re: model referencing itself

2007-01-04 Thread Jorge Gajon

Hi Aljosa,

On 1/4/07, Aljosa Mohorovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

i'm trying to create a model which referencing itself and for this
code i get this error:
"name 'Chapter' is not defined"

how do i do this or something similar?

from django.db import models

class Chapter(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(maxlength=200)
content = models.TextField()
prev = models.OneToOneField(Chapter)
next = models.OneToOneField(Chapter)

Try with:
prev = models.OneToOneField('self')
next = models.OneToOneField('self')


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RE: model referencing itself

2007-01-04 Thread Chris Brand

i'm trying to create a model which referencing itself 

The documentation says :
To create a recursive relationship -- an object that has a many-to-one
relationship with itself -- use models.ForeignKey('self').


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Re: problem with inclusion_tag

2007-01-04 Thread Jorge Gajon

On 1/4/07, stoKes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Jan 4, 12:10 pm, "Jorge Gajon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Adam,
> On 1/3/07, stoKes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > base.html
> > {% showmenu %}
> > {% for service in services %}
> > {{
> > }}
> > {% endfor %}
> > but receiving this error:
> > Exception Type: TemplateSyntaxError
> > Exception Value:Invalid block tag: 'showmenu'Try putting {% load 
showmenu %} before the call to the tag, for example:
> {% load showmenu %}
> {% showmenu %}
> {% for service in services %}
> {{ }}
> {% endfor %}
> The {% load %} tag loads a .py file that contains your custom tags. In
> this case it will try to load the file
> /project/templatetags/
> If the .py file with your custom tags had a different name, for
> example "" then you would need to type a {% load mytags %} in
> your template before using your custom tags.

Hey Jorge,

I had tried that, however, this is the error I got :

Exception Type: TemplateSyntaxError
Exception Value:'showmenu' is not a valid tag library: Could not load
template library from django.templatetags.showmenu, No module named

i've created other templatetags before that loaded perfectly if i did
it for a certain app, for example,


but this is more of a global template tag so im not sure if my
procedure in doing this is correct or not

Oh I didn't noticed that little detail. But no, you can't have a
"global" templatetag, your custom tags must be inside the
'templatetags' folder inside your app. This is what the documentation
says about it:

 """The {% load %} tag looks at your INSTALLED_APPS setting and only
allows the loading of template libraries within installed Django apps.
This is a security feature: It allows you to host Python code for many
template libraries on a single computer without enabling access to all
of them for every Django installation.

If you write a template library that isn't tied to any particular
models/views, it's perfectly OK to have a Django app package that only
contains a templatetags package."""

Hope it helps


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Order SelectField items

2007-01-04 Thread bahund


This is a simplified example of what I'm trying to accomplish.  In my
model I have the following objects and fields:

class ColorAccount(models.Model):
   COLORS = (
   (0, 'Red'),
   (1, 'Orange'),
   (2, 'Yellow'),
   (3, 'Green'),
   fav_color = models.IntegerField(choices=COLORS)

I then have a custom manipulator, which has the following field:


My question is, is it possible to change the default order
(corresponding integer values) of the items in the generated HTML
 menu ... without reassigning the integer values in the model?
For instance, I would like the order to be alphabetical.  Would this be
something I could accomplish via the manipulator, or maybe back in the

Thanks in advance,

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Order SelectField items

2007-01-04 Thread bahund


This is a simplified example of what I'm trying to accomplish.  In my
model I have the following objects and fields:

class ColorAccount(models.Model):
   (0, 'Red'),
   (1, 'Orange'),
   (2, 'Yellow'),
   (3, 'Green'),
   fav_color = models.IntegerField(choices=COLORS)

I then have a custom manipulator, which has the following field:


My question is, is it possible to change the default order
(corresponding integer values) of the items in the generated HTML
 menu ... without reassigning the integer values in the model?
For instance, I would like the order to be alphabetical.  Would this be
something I could accomplish via the manipulator, or maybe back in the

Thanks in advance,

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model referencing itself

2007-01-04 Thread Aljosa Mohorovic

i'm trying to create a model which referencing itself and for this
code i get this error:
"name 'Chapter' is not defined"

how do i do this or something similar?


from django.db import models

class Chapter(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(maxlength=200)
content = models.TextField()
prev = models.OneToOneField(Chapter)
next = models.OneToOneField(Chapter)


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Re: CRUD design question

2007-01-04 Thread John Matthew

Now you're talking!!!  Thanks for that, it's exactly what I was thinking.

Basically I am trying to make a system where you show a list of records,
allow the user to view the record, edit the record or add a new one.
Similar to the admin interface, but with only a view option, so in case your
a 'public' user you only get view access to the data.

Thanks again for the help.


On 1/4/07, Tim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The HTML in the template is fairly easy to do:

{% if object %}
we have an object so we're updating
{% else %}
no object so we're inserting
{% endif %}

I'm not quite sure how you want to handle the viewing part though.

In the form HTML, just create your form as if you are doing an update:
{% if form.title.errors %}
{{|join:", "}}
{% endif %}
Event Description:
{{ form.title }}
Enter the name of the event.

* if the form title in my example contains no data, it will show up
empty. If it has data, it will be filled.

Pretty easy. The tougher part is in the views.


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Re: FormGen Script

2007-01-04 Thread Felix Ingram

On 04/01/07, Adrian Holovaty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 1/4/07, Felix Ingram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ScaffoldScript is dead; long live FormGen!
> Using this script:
> in this manner: python -a MyApp -m Category

Hey Felix,

Have you seen django.newforms.form_for_model and form_for_fields?
They're intended to do these things in a dynamic way. See the unit
tests in tests/modeltests/model_forms/ for examples.

Hi Adrian,

Thanks for the pointer. I haven't seen form_for_fields; I look forward
to the unittests. One 'problem' I've found with form_for_model (and
the auto manipulators back in the day) is that it's tricky to tweak a
single field if necessary.

My longstanding problem has been that I need to edit a many2many field
but the other table will contain over 100,000 rows. This takes a while
to load into the select field and isn't really that helpful. I've been
using a text field and chopping up the input to get the foreign
values. It's quite tricky to swap out the select field and add the
validators (especially in a maintainable way).

Therefore I whipped up the script to spew out the forms which I then
tweak as appropriate (I hope Fred doesn't look at it; he'll take my
license away for sure).

I'll be cheeky and ask my inheritance question again if that's okay:
is it possible for a Form to inherit from another. I'd like a form for
admin users which adds extra fields. Is something like this possible:

class JoeUserForm(forms.Form):
   name = forms.CharField()

class AdminForm(JoeUserForm):
   give_pay_rise = forms.BooleanField()

Thanks again for the reply,


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Re: multiple projects one server

2007-01-04 Thread David Zhou

On Jan 4, 2007, at 9:55 AM, Robin Becker wrote:

Is there a better way to handle this sort of thing using fastcgi or  
scgi?  Can we get all requests from a particular host to be handled  
in only one group of processes. Our back end process doesn't  
respond well to being threaded and it can take a long time to  
complete so we seem to need a worker pool for each virtual host.

I'm running nginx + fcgi for Django, so the below is in nginx's  
config format.  But I'm assuming that lighttpd should be able to do  
something similar.

Basically, in nginx, you can specify various upstream pools. For  

upstream blah {
server unix:/tmp/blah.com_1.sock;
server unix:/tmp/blah.com_2.sock;

upstream foo {
server unix:/tmp/foo.com_1.sock;
server unix:/tmp/foo.com_2.sock;

then in the site definitions:

server {
listen  80;

location / {
#insert FCGI params stuff here
fastcgi_pass blah;

server {
listen  80;

location / {
#insert FCGI params stuff here
fastcgi_pass foo;

The above would tell nginx that for, use the pool described  
in upstream blah, load balancing between the entries.  Same for

I'm using the the django+flup fcgi things described on the official  
site, but in theory, you could use apache as well, I suppose.

David Zhou

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Re: Workflow engine for python?

2007-01-04 Thread David Larlet

2007/1/4, mamcxyz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Any docs about how write a workflow engine then?

I'm really interested in this topic, I had to create a workflow too
and I haven't any experience about that. Here is what I need:

* a User can create Experiments
* a User can create Processes

Ok, simple. Now a User must be able to create a workflow of
Experiments throw a Process in order to process chained Experiments in
the right order. Each Process have his own order of Experiments. I
hope I'm clear, do not hesitate to ask me if it's not the case.

Any idea about this implementation will be really appreciated.


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Re: Running Multiple Sites/Apps with FastCGI... Where to start?

2007-01-04 Thread kwe


We run a number of sites using lighttpd and django off one code base.
Yes, each site needs an entry in lighttpd.conf and each site has it's
own settings file. Obviously you can set settings to allow each
instance to have different templates or different installed apps. and are examples. They
both share roughly the same core code, but use different templates and
some additional apps.


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Re: where does the old manipulator go?

2007-01-04 Thread Vadim Macagon

Honza Kr�l wrote:

Hi Ramdas,
the "Right Way (tm)" how to solve this using newforms is:

1) subclass Field to create a field representing (and validating) username:

class UserField( forms.Field ):
 def clean( self, value ):
   do what you must to verify username, throw validation error if you
are not satisfied with the data

I'd just like to point out that subclassing isn't the only way to add 
custom validation to a field, you can also implement the clean_FIELDNAME 
method on your form, or override the forms clean(), this is how I've 
done it:

class RegistrationForm(forms.Form):
  username = forms.RegexField(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{3,30}$',
  max_length = 30)
  <- rest of the fields here ->

  def clean_username(self):
<- additional validation code here ->
<- raise forms.ValidationError if data is invalid ->

-+ enlight +-

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Re: CRUD design question

2007-01-04 Thread Tim

The HTML in the template is fairly easy to do:

{% if object %}
we have an object so we're updating
{% else %}
no object so we're inserting
{% endif %}

I'm not quite sure how you want to handle the viewing part though.

In the form HTML, just create your form as if you are doing an update:
{% if form.title.errors %}
{{|join:", "}}
{% endif %}
Event Description:
{{ form.title }}
Enter the name of the event.

* if the form title in my example contains no data, it will show up
empty. If it has data, it will be filled.

Pretty easy. The tougher part is in the views.

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Re: close database connection ?

2007-01-04 Thread Jeremy Dunck


I created a app with a pgsql database, the problem is that i often get
the error to many clients connected to the database. I configured the
database that 20 simaltanious connections can be made, still this error
pops up once in a while even when i'm working alone on the app.

Are you explicitly opening the database connection?  This is an
unusual problem, as far as I know.

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close database connection ?

2007-01-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Django users,

I'm a newby in using django for developing applications and
experiencing some problems i hope some of you can assist me.

I created a app with a pgsql database, the problem is that i often get
the error to many clients connected to the database. I configured the
database that 20 simaltanious connections can be made, still this error
pops up once in a while even when i'm working alone on the app.

My guess is that tha application keeps the database connection open for
a amount of time and opens a new connection every time the database is

Is there a way to close the connection after every db call or is there
another solution besides upgrading the connections allowed on the db.

thanks in advance for your help, 

richard mendes

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Locking tables

2007-01-04 Thread mozz


I would like to know how I could lock a table or field ? My idea is to
lock a table/s while one user is modifyng data until he confirms or
cancel the operation. And if other user access to same data, he access
in read-only mode.

I wouldn't like to use transactions to do this operation, I would
prefer something like get_for_update (ticket 2705) but this one is not
still avaliable.


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What's the proper use of LazyDate?

2007-01-04 Thread John DeRosa

What's the proper/recommended/improper/not-recommended use of 
models.LazyDate() in 0.95?

I'm working on a project that picked up its use in 0.91-based code. 
There's a passing reference to it in the 0.90 docs, but nothing since 
then. There are references to it all over the web...


class UserReadComment(models.Model):
  scoop = models.ForeignKey(Scoop,raw_id_admin=True)
  last_read = models.DateTimeField(default=models.LazyDate(),



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Re: FormGen Script

2007-01-04 Thread Adrian Holovaty

On 1/4/07, Felix Ingram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

ScaffoldScript is dead; long live FormGen!

Using this script:

in this manner: python -a MyApp -m Category

Hey Felix,

Have you seen django.newforms.form_for_model and form_for_fields?
They're intended to do these things in a dynamic way. See the unit
tests in tests/modeltests/model_forms/ for examples.


Adrian Holovaty |

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FormGen Script

2007-01-04 Thread Felix Ingram

ScaffoldScript is dead; long live FormGen!

Using this script:

in this manner: python -a MyApp -m Category

will turn this model:

class Category(models.Model):
   category = models.CharField(maxlength=50, unique=True)
   createdOn = models.DateField(auto_now_add=True)
   modifiedOn = models.DateField(auto_now=True)
   test = models.ManyToManyField(auth.User, verbose_name='This is a
test field', related_name='test')
   test2 = models.OneToOneField(auth.User, verbose_name='test2',

Into this form:

class CategoryForm(forms.Form):
   category = forms.CharField()
   createdon = forms.DateField()
   modifiedon = forms.DateField()
   test2 = forms.ChoiceField()
   this_is_a_test_field = forms.MultipleChoiceField()

Not the greatest example but you get the idea. I've found it useful
for when I need to tweak a couple of fields (which isn't easy without
defining the whole form).



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Re: problem with inclusion_tag

2007-01-04 Thread stoKes

On Jan 4, 12:10 pm, "Jorge Gajon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Adam,

On 1/3/07, stoKes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> base.html
> {% showmenu %}
> {% for service in services %}
> {{
> }}
> {% endfor %}

> but receiving this error:

> Exception Type: TemplateSyntaxError
> Exception Value:Invalid block tag: 'showmenu'Try putting {% load 
showmenu %} before the call to the tag, for example:

{% load showmenu %}
{% showmenu %}
{% for service in services %}
{{ }}
{% endfor %}

The {% load %} tag loads a .py file that contains your custom tags. In
this case it will try to load the file

If the .py file with your custom tags had a different name, for
example "" then you would need to type a {% load mytags %} in
your template before using your custom tags.


Hey Jorge,

I had tried that, however, this is the error I got :

Exception Type: TemplateSyntaxError
Exception Value:'showmenu' is not a valid tag library: Could not load
template library from django.templatetags.showmenu, No module named

i've created other templatetags before that loaded perfectly if i did
it for a certain app, for example,


but this is more of a global template tag so im not sure if my
procedure in doing this is correct or not

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Re: where does the old manipulator go?

2007-01-04 Thread Nate Straz

On Thu, Jan 04, 2007 at 07:59:10PM +0530, Ramdas S wrote:

I am trying to move a user registration form code inspired heavily from
to newforms from oldforms.

Does the newforms replace django.core.manipulators, if so how can I use it?

Yes it does.  I just converted my comments app[1] from oldforms to
newforms.  You might find it useful to look at the diff.


[1] It's a direct copy of freecomments hacked to make my migration from
COREBlog easier.

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Re: where does the old manipulator go?

2007-01-04 Thread Honza Král

Hi Ramdas,
the "Right Way (tm)" how to solve this using newforms is:

1) subclass Field to create a field representing (and validating) username:

class UserField( forms.Field ):
 def clean( self, value ):
   do what you must to verify username, throw validation error if you
are not satisfied with the data

2) create the Form:

class RegistrationForm(forms.Form):
 username = UserField()
 passwd = forms.CharField( widget=forms.PasswordInput, max_length=121 )
 email = forms.EmailField(..

3) create the view (and entry for it):

def register( request ):
 form = RegistrationForm( request.POST )
 if form.is_valid():
   data = form.clean_data
   hoooray, we have valid entry, do what you must
   return httpResponseRedirect('/')
 return render_to_response( "register.html", { 'form' : form } )

4) create the template

{{ form }}

5) enjoy

hope this helps...
On 1/4/07, Ramdas S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am trying to move a user registration form code inspired heavily from
to newforms from oldforms.

Does the newforms replace django.core.manipulators, if so how can I use it?

To save data using a form, how else can I use the newforms without using

Advice appreciated



Honza Kr l
ICQ#:   107471613
Phone:  +420 606 678585

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Re: problem with inclusion_tag

2007-01-04 Thread Jorge Gajon

Hi Adam,

On 1/3/07, stoKes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

{% showmenu %}
{% for service in services %}
{{ }}
{% endfor %}

but receiving this error:

Exception Type: TemplateSyntaxError
Exception Value:Invalid block tag: 'showmenu'

Try putting {% load showmenu %} before the call to the tag, for example:

   {% load showmenu %}
   {% showmenu %}
   {% for service in services %}
   {{ }}
   {% endfor %}

The {% load %} tag loads a .py file that contains your custom tags. In
this case it will try to load the file

If the .py file with your custom tags had a different name, for
example "" then you would need to type a {% load mytags %} in
your template before using your custom tags.


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Re: HTTP_REFERER isn't set using Explorer

2007-01-04 Thread Benedict Verheyen

ringemup schreef:

Julio's hit it on the nose.  Not ot mention that Firefox actually has a
hidden setting for that too, and some proxies (including AOL's) also
block referrers.  You might be best off explicitly passing the URL of
the current page as a parameter.

I still find it strange that only Explorer is affected and that Firefox
handles everything ok.
Anyway, i'll try and implement it as a parameter.

Thanks for the info,

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Re: Workflow engine for python?

2007-01-04 Thread mamcxyz

Any docs about how write a workflow engine then?

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multiple projects one server

2007-01-04 Thread Robin Becker

I'm unsure if this is a simple to answer issue or not. We've been using django 
simply for a while and are now starting to use it in a more production like 
setting. Since apache is our preferred server we tried using a single apache 
server with mod_python in virtual hosts. Each virtual host had its own 
interpreter, but for various reasons we decided it was too hard to prevent 
intra-interpreter interactions. The main problem being our own C accelerators; 
we currently don't have time to rewrite these to allow easy use with multiple 

Currently I am trying a two level approach with proxying; it seems to work. The 
apache in the second level handles only one of the upper level virtual hosts and 
since they are in a different process no interactions can happen. Clearly we 
have more apache processes than before and the restarts are harder etc etc.

Is there a better way to handle this sort of thing using fastcgi or scgi?  Can 
we get all requests from a particular host to be handled in only one group of 
processes. Our back end process doesn't respond well to being threaded and it 
can take a long time to complete so we seem to need a worker pool for each 
virtual host.

Any ideas welcome.
Robin Becker

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where does the old manipulator go?

2007-01-04 Thread Ramdas S

I am trying to move a user registration form code inspired heavily from
to newforms from oldforms.

Does the newforms replace django.core.manipulators, if so how can I use it?

To save data using a form, how else can I use the newforms without using

Advice appreciated


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Re: Unpacking in template loops

2007-01-04 Thread Michel Thadeu Sabchuk


I'm just a beginner with django but I miss this functionality too.
I will be glad if django loops could unpack the values of the list.


Michel Thadeu Sabchuk

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Re: Unpacking in template loops

2007-01-04 Thread Michel Thadeu Sabchuk


I'm just a beginner with django but I miss this functionality too.
I will be glad if django loops could unpack the values of the list.


Michel Thadeu Sabchuk

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Re: HTTP_REFERER isn't set using Explorer

2007-01-04 Thread Julio Nobrega

On 1/4/07, Benedict Verheyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


This is what goes wrong in explorer: the HTTP_REFERER isn't set.
With Firefox, the HTTP_REFERER is set.

Any idea how i can solve this?

 I had this problem with a client that was running Norton and
somewhere in the program preferences there's an option to disable the
browser referer. This is not exactly the name of the option, you'll
have to search for it. Maybe there's some application blocking,
specially if there's one installed that has privacy settings.

Julio Nobrega -

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Newforms dynamic fields (good to know)

2007-01-04 Thread Håkan Johansson

While working on a complex form using 'newforms' I had some problem  
with 'initial' data.
I have multiple forms using the 'prefix' argument to get different  
keys for them.

As far as I know (*please* correct me if I am wrong) the only way to  
set initial data dynamically is to create the fields in __init__.

Form example ('obj' is object to get initial data from):
  >>> import django.newforms as forms
  >>> class DaForm(forms.Form):
  ... def __init__(self, obj, *args, **kw):
  ... super(DaForm, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
  ... self.fields['time'] = forms.TimeField(initial=obj.time)
  ... self.fields['name'] = forms.CharField(
  ... # etc.

  >>> # No form data as we are viewing the objects.
  >>> form1 = DaForm(obj1, prefix='obj1')
  >>> form2 = DaForm(obj2, prefix='obj2')

The problem with the example above is that the initial data for  
'form1' is overwritten by the initial data in 'form2' so both forms  
give the same output. This happens because 'self.fields' belongs to  
the class and not the object instance.

To solve this, you need to override the 'fields' attribute of the  

  >>> import django.newforms as forms
  >>> from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
  >>> class DaForm(forms.Form):
  ... def __init__(self, obj, *args, **kw):
  ... super(DaForm, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
  ... self.fields = SortedDict()
  ... self.fields['time'] = forms.TimeField(initial=obj.time)
  ... self.fields['name'] = forms.CharField(
  ... # etc.

If you have static fields combined with dynamic fields you will need  
to repopulate 'self.fields' from the class version. Using  
'self.fields = self.fields.copy()' does not work as it returns a  
normal 'dict' and not a 'SortedDict'.

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HTTP_REFERER isn't set using Explorer

2007-01-04 Thread Benedict Verheyen


I have a table where i want the users to be able to edit
cells by clicking on them. Then they get the usual edit view
and after the changes are saved, they are redirected back
to the table view.
I use this in my template:

It works for Firefox but unfortunately we use Explorer here
and Explorer doesn't work.
In the edit view i have a system where i keep track of the
referrer so i can redirect the user back to the correct page:
   page = request.META["HTTP_REFERER"]
   history[1] = history[0]
   history[0] = page

This is what goes wrong in explorer: the HTTP_REFERER isn't set.
With Firefox, the HTTP_REFERER is set.

I tried to solve it by using a javascript function in the template
that explicitly sets the document.referrer.
The td code then looks like this:

The javascript function:
   {% block extrahead %}
   // Only script specific to this form goes here.
   // General-purpose routines are in a separate file.
   function edit(id) {
   {% endblock %}

Unfortunately, this doesn't work for both Firefox and Explorer.
In Firefox the clicking doesn't work, in Explorer, the click doesn't work
and gives an error. (runtime error on the
document.referrer=window.location; line)

Any idea how i can solve this?


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Re: Sessions without cookies for mobile sites

2007-01-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Have you read ?

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Re: Sessions without cookies for mobile sites

2007-01-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Have you read ?

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