Re: Stephane += Aspen 0.7 (Python webserver)

2007-01-17 Thread Chad Whitacre


> How about "changeme.settings"  ;-)

Good idea. :)

Latest version uses the following __/etc/aspen.conf file:

   settings_module = changeme.settings

So that will be the default config if DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 
isn't set. Since you probably need to maintain an aspen.conf file 
anyway, it seemed like a good idea to move the setting there.

Again, it's all here:


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Re: Stephane += Aspen 0.7 (Python webserver)

2007-01-17 Thread Chad Whitacre


>> However, it's super inelegant to require a Django project to be
>> called "stephane" in order to use it with Stephane. Surely you
>> could remove that requirement somehow?

> Do you have a suggestion for how to keep Stephane a black box, or do you 
> think this explanation is enough?

I've updated Stephane to:

   - use DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE directly, if set
   - fall back to 'stephane.settings'
   - encourage setting this directly in

And I've updated the wiki page with this info:

Does this address the issue?


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Re: Stephane += Aspen 0.7 (Python webserver)

2007-01-17 Thread Chad Whitacre


 > I've only read the introduction, but it looks promising.

Thanks for taking a look. :)

 > However, it's super inelegant to require a Django project to be
 > called "stephane" in order to use it with Stephane. Surely you
 > could remove that requirement somehow?

Yeah, that's a bit goofy, isn't it? I did that because it was the 
easiest way to make Stephane a black box. The alternative might 
be an environment variable or something. However, Stephane is 
really so thin that I didn't think it'd be worth it. It's only 8 
lines in two files:

You'll see the 'stephane' requirement at that first link, and how 
trivial it is to change.

I've updated the wiki page with this info:

Do you have a suggestion for how to keep Stephane a black box, or 
do you think this explanation is enough?


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Stephane += Aspen 0.7 (Python webserver)

2007-01-16 Thread Chad Whitacre

Hey All,

Aspen is a Python webserver:

Stephane is a shim for serving Django apps with Aspen. Yesterday
I released a new version of Aspen, and today I updated Stephane
to work with that version.

If you're interested in pure-HTTP Django deployment, I encourage
you to check out Stephane and Aspen. Screencast, downloads, doc:


Chad Whitacre

-  <= FOSS <= blog

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Re: Screencast: Django + Aspen = Stephane (was Re: pure-HTTP deployment?)

2006-12-22 Thread Chad Whitacre


A quick poke through mod_python.c shows mod_py tries to be resilient:

Yeah, cherrypy.wsgiserver provides this level of isolation. There 
are still cases where a rogue thread could take down the server, 
e.g., with an infinite loop, but I think that's to be expected at 
some level.


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Re: pure-HTTP deployment?

2006-12-22 Thread Chad Whitacre

Two that I were getting were "bad gateway" (actually an nginx
error message, caused through some sort of error in connecting to the

HTTP 502 from nginx probably just means that the backend server 
died rather than hung. In which case there would probably have 
been a Python core dump, or maybe something in your app's error log.

occasionally a CherryPy formatted error message saying
something along the lines of "CherryPy server is stopped".

I'm not sure you'd see anything CherryPy-formatted if you were 
only using the module.


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Re: Screencast: Django + Aspen = Stephane (was Re: pure-HTTP deployment?)

2006-12-22 Thread Chad Whitacre


I've posted documentation for Stephane using Google Code's new 
Wiki feature:


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Re: Screencast: Django + Aspen = Stephane (was Re: pure-HTTP deployment?)

2006-12-21 Thread Chad Whitacre


mod_python does a good job of isolating errors on one request from
another request.

Is that mod_python or is that the prefork MPM?

I think it's reasonable to expect that from any WSGI server, no?

Oh, probably. :)

Is it possible for a mis-behaving request handler to take down the
Aspen process?  :)

Oh, probably. :)

Good food for thought, thanks. As mentioned, Aspen wraps 
cherrypy.wsgiserver, which uses a pool of threads to handle 
requests. Exceptions will only affect a single request, but I 
haven't looked at other ways a thread could crash/hang.


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Re: pure-HTTP deployment?

2006-12-21 Thread Chad Whitacre

Simon and Jacob,

I'm interested in this for a couple of reasons. ...

These are among the reasons I started Aspen.

I think there are three layers to look at here:

  1. core HTTP library -- wsgiref, cherrypy.wsgiserver, etc.
  2. server -- UI for the library (cli, config files, etc.)
  3. web framework -- 'nuff said

Seems to me that the frameworks could/should cooperate at least 
on #1, and maybe on #2.

Aspen is really about #2. I tried to design Aspen to be usable 
for all kinds of Python web frameworks, whether Python-centric or 
filesystem-centric. I'd be willing to talk about implementing the 
filesystem-centric parts separately if that might mean a wider 
audience for Aspen. But it may also truly be the case that 
there's not enough value in cooperating on #2.


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Re: pure-HTTP deployment?

2006-12-21 Thread Chad Whitacre


> If Aspen was architected as a simple
> just-serves-up-WSGI-robustly server and an optional set of
> middleware for the five different patterns it would be a much
> more attractive option to me.

As mentioned those five patterns are illustrative, not 
definitive. Aspen really is just a WSGI server.

What do you envision such an architecture looking like? Are you 
thinking of just a library (that's what CherryPy gives us), or an 
actual server? If the latter, what would your site look like on 
the filesystem? Would this server be Django-specific, or would it 
be general to Python?


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Re: Screencast: Django + Aspen = Stephane (was Re: pure-HTTP deployment?)

2006-12-21 Thread Chad Whitacre


Thanks for the feedback.

Well, the url is in the screencast:

Generally, in my experience retrieving that information from a
screencast is a pain. 

Yes, sorry. Omitting the link was an oversight on my part.

If there isn't any supporting documentation, I
won't bother taking the time to extract it all from the screencast.

I threw Stephane together this morning. It's so tiny I didn't 
think to give it it's own project infrastructure (doc, tests, 
etc.), especially since I wanted to get it out to you all quick.

Aspen's documentation seems rather sparse.

Really? Have you seen this:

I guess I'd consider that pretty good documentation for a project 
that's only 1 month old. No?


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Re: pure-HTTP deployment?

2006-12-21 Thread Chad Whitacre


what's the pure-HTTP deployment mean???

Sorry, by pure-HTTP deployment I mean that the Django server 
process speaks HTTP instead of FastCGI or mod_pythonese.


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Re: pure-HTTP deployment?

2006-12-21 Thread Chad Whitacre


So why not Mongrel itself, if it's written in C?

Mongrel is for Ruby, although it could certainly be ported I 
suppose. Unfortunately that's too far over my head at the moment.

I must say I've been pretty well served by Apache, myself, so I'm not
sure I see a need.

Fair enough.

Also, didn't GvR mention in his Mondrian Google Tech Talk that he's
using the wsgiref library (which should have a lightweight WSGI web
serve if I'm not mistaken)?

Yeah, but see the Web-SIG for recent discussion on wsgiref's 
limited use in production: Guido needs HTTP/1.1, e.g.


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Re: pure-HTTP deployment?

2006-12-21 Thread Chad Whitacre


> Is there a reason that using Apache/mod_python as the app
> server and nginx/perlbal as a distributor is somehow less
> effective than a pure-Python solution?

Apache/mod_python is heavy. A more nimble server would simplify 
production deployment, especially in heterogeneous (multi-site) 
environments. A nimble server could also be used for dev, further 
simplifying things.

> My gut tells me that having Apache handle all the transport
> layer stuff in C is bound to be faster

Well, yeah. Mongrel is written in C though, so with a true Python 
equivalent speed wouldn't be an issue.


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Re: pure-HTTP deployment?

2006-12-20 Thread Chad Whitacre


Thanks for chiming in.

So... if anyone knows of (or wants to write) a robust pure-python WSGI
server that comes with tools for properly managing it as a daemon, I'm
all ears. Until then, I'll probably stick with mod_python/Apache.

Well, after that I have to tip my hand. :^)

I've started such a project, called Aspen:

I show in the screencast how one could use Aspen to serve a 
Django app. I'm asking on this list because I think Aspen could 
possibly be a good fit for Django HTTP deployments.

The catch is that it's got the CherryPy module at its core, so 
I'm interested to hear more about the problems you had with that. 
Did the process die? Did it spin? What exactly did your glue code 
look like?

I'm all ears, as I'm sure are the CherryPy folks. :^)


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pure-HTTP deployment?

2006-12-20 Thread Chad Whitacre


I'm interested in deploying Django as a pure-Python HTTP daemon, 
much like Zope and CherryPy are deployed. Is this done at all w/ 



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