Re: [offtopic] put a title

2012-12-22 Thread Ivan Ivanov
Just a little hint – it woud be good, when you put an informative title
of your emails, so the people can orient what the topic of the email is.

Best wishes!


На Sat, 22 Dec 2012 10:16:16 +0530
vinoth kumar renganathan  написа:

> i am new user to  django .and i don't know how to add .html
> files (template dirs ) to  the apps folders  .what are the things
> want to change in
> the error will be templatedoesnotexist
>   /
>   /
>  /
>  /
>   /
>   /
>   /template
> /index.html
> and this order will be correct or not
> for example this will be codings
>  {% if latest_poll_list %}
> {% for poll in latest_poll_list %}
>  href="/polls/{{ }}/">{{ poll.question }} {% endfor %}
> {% else %}
> No polls are available.
> {% endif %}
> is it necessary to add htmltag ,header tag and doctype before this
> html codings

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Re: Django Models: How to allow users to select an image from a choice of 3 pictures

2012-07-15 Thread Ivan Ivanov
На Sun, 15 Jul 2012 18:26:02 -0700 (PDT)
croberts  написа:

> I am familiar with the use of Field.choices for text.
> However, I'd like the same option for images.  Is this possible?  I
> want users to select one image from a list of 3 and be able to save
> this.  They can later come back in and change it if they wish.  I
> know that in order to save this, it must be in Models.
> The idea:
> Each day, the has the option of selecting an image: happy face, sad
> face, smiley face of how they are feeling.  Their selection is
> saved.  They can go in later to change it if they wish.
> ImageField doesn't seem to do this.  It seems to only allow for
> uploaded images as opposed to a choice.
Use Choice field with image in the option. You do not need FIleField,
couse you don't operate with files at all. You just want to put an
image in a select.

There are several ways to achieve this:
background image (pure html+css)

Jquery UI;
or something like this:

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Re: image in browser

2012-06-14 Thread Ivan Ivanov
На Thu, 14 Jun 2012 14:21:00 +0530
Satvir Toor  написа:

> > This is a strange thing to want to do. What are you doing with
> > `img` in the template?
> I am using image_data variable as a image source in the template(html
> file).
>  What should i ??? Image is not displaying.

Use static files for that:

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Re: image in browser

2012-06-14 Thread Ivan Ivanov
На Thu, 14 Jun 2012 11:45:19 +0530
Satvir Toor  написа:

> hello,
> i wish to display the image into the browser through a template . I
> used the following code to retrieve the image from Disk and send that
> data to Html file
> def my_image(request):
> image_data = open("/home/toor/Desktop/certificate/logo.png",
> "rb").read() return render_to_response('myapp/bio.html',
> {'img':image_data}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))

Why don't you use static files?

> Now, The image is not availble into the html file that is displaying
> in browser, Tell me where  I m wrong.

You better show us the template too.

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Re: Beginner a bit lost - need some pointers please

2011-10-05 Thread Ivan Ivanov
На Wed, 5 Oct 2011 15:02:13 -0500
Javier Guerra Giraldez  написа:

> about how to write, check the paragraph about the MTV architecture:

If you are familier with MVC (Model, View, Controller), MTV is the same
but with different component names.

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Re: howto disable label for field in admin app form?

2011-10-04 Thread Ivan Ivanov
If auto_id is False, then the form output will not include  tags
nor id attributes:
f = ContactForm(auto_id=False)

I think, this is exactly what you want.

На Tue, 4 Oct 2011 14:34:56 +0200
Aljoša Mohorović  написа:

> On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 2:22 PM, BILLION Sébastien
>  wrote:
> > It's a strange question...
> > You can replace an admin template with {% extends
> > "admin/change_form.html %} for example.
> i don't see why it's a strange question, i have a form field and i
> would like to disable rendering of label?
> i appreciate suggestions and did consider overriding admin templates
> but "admin/change_form.html" is messy and don't know if it's a smart
> thing to do in my case.
> i've expected some option where i can set label=None by overriding
> field/widget init and disable label.
> thanks for suggestions but i think i'll just use javascript to remove
> label.
> Aljosa

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Django-CMS and inherit plugin

2011-10-04 Thread Ivan Ivanov
Hi all!

It's a silly question, but I cannot get it.
What does this mean:
„The inherit plugin is currently the only core-plugin which can not be
used in non-cms placeholders.“
This is taken from the Django-CMS documentation:

The plugin is properly installed and I can add it from the admin, but
when I try to see the public page with my basic template, I've made
with the tutorial, I become the following error:

Caught AttributeError while rendering: 'NoneType' object has no
attribute 'render_plugin'

The problem is in the template on the following line:
{% placeholder "template_1_content" %} 

I know, that this has something to do with the sentence from the docs,
I cannot understand, but I am stuck...

Thanks for the help!


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Re: mysql installation error

2011-09-20 Thread Ivan Ivanov
First – It's not a Django question,

and second search, read, but try:

That was the second result I found :)

I hope, it is what you need, couse I don't use windows and cannot test
the problem and its solution.


На Tue, 20 Sep 2011 22:59:30 -0400
PremAnand Lakshmanan  написа:

> Hi,
> When I try to install mysql I get the following error,
> Pls provide your inputs.
> C:\MYSQL\MySQL-python-1.2.3\MySQL-python-1.2.3>python install
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 15, in 
> metadata, options = get_config()
>   File
> "C:\MYSQL\MySQL-python-1.2.3\MySQL-python-1.2.3\",
> line 7 , in get_config
> serverKey = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
> options['registry_ke
> y'])
> WindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified

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Extending admin's index view

2011-09-02 Thread Ivan Ivanov
Hallo everybody!

I've got problem exteding the admin's index view. I need to pass
extra_context to the index of the admin, after the administrator logged
in, that's why I'm trying to extend the view. So...

What I've got is:

In the root of the project I modified like following:
   (r'^admin/$', project.admin.admin_site.index),
   (r'^admin/', include(,

Again in the root of the project I've got with the following
snippet of code:

class AdminSiteRegistryFix( object ):
This fix links the '_registry' property to the orginal AdminSites
'_registry' property. This is necessary, because of the character of
the admins 'autodiscover' function. Otherwise the admin site will
say, that you havn't permission to edit anything.

def _registry_getter(self):
return default_site._registry

def _registry_setter(self,value):
default_site._registry = value

_registry = property(_registry_getter, _registry_setter)

class MyAdmin(sites.AdminSite, AdminSiteRegistryFix):
def index(self, request, extra_context={}):
last_report_date = models.Reports.objects.latest().entry_date
now = 
delta = now - last_report_date
extra_context['last_report_interval'] = delta.days

return super(MyAdmin, self).index(request, extra_context)

admin_site = MyAdmin()

And it works. I've got the last_report_interval in the index.html
template and I can write my lovely message to the admin. The problem
is, that the ^admin/$ address swiches between the login and index view,
despite of users authentication status. And this is nice, but not
working after my changes, written above. Now I see only the app list of
the index. When I'm not logged in, I just see an empty list, but I've
got no login form...

Can anyone help me, understanding why has my login form disappeared?

What I can see from the django.contrib.admin.sites is that the
admin_view function is the one, calling the login view. But I have
noting to do with it, I haven't modify it and I don't understand what
disturbs it's functionallity.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Ivan Ivanov

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