
I was wondering if I could get some advice for the following problem I
am trying to solve.  Is it possible to have a form field (or widget)
render different html elements depending on different situations?

To help illustrate my point, I have come up with the following fake
scenario which is similar to what I want to do.  Suppose you have a
database table with product information. Lets say you have different
types of Shoes, Nails, and Rulers. The Shoes can have multiple sizes
(9,10,12,etc.) , The Nails are ordered by the pound, and you can
select any size you want as long as it is between the range (25-300
pounds). The Rulers only come in one size.

If I wanted to use the same html form for all three products, I would
normally have to use the same html field for size for all three and
this doesn't quite work out. If I use a text field, It would work but
I would have to have complex validations to make sure they type in a
value that is correct, and that isn't ideal. I could use a pull down
box, but displaying every value between 25-300 in a pull down would be
pretty long, and having a pull down value for one element is also

Ideally I would like to use a different element for each situation, I
would like to use a hidden field for the ruler since they don't need
to pick the value, but we still need the size. For shoes I would like
to use a pull down, and for Nails, I would like to use a text field.

My first thought was to create a custom widget and I would pass in
some parameters and depending on those parameters it would display the
appropriate HTML form element. I started down this road, and the code
doesn't seem very clean, so either I am doing it wrong, or what I am
doing isn't supported.  The complex part that I am trying to figure
out is how do I pass the parameters that I need from the view to the
Custom Widget? I have this working, but it looks very ugly.

I also thought about doing this as a template tag, but I am not sure
if this is any better. The main downfall for this approach is that I
don't think that I can use any of the django form stuff when I do it
this way. Or could I?

Has anyone done something like this before? Does anyone have a better
way to do this?

Any advice that you could give, would be great.


Ken Cochrane

Note: In my real life example I get my Product Size from a REST web
service, but I figured the database table would make it easier to

(this is only pseudo code) excuse the formatting.


class ProductSize(models.Model):
        values = models.CharField(max_length=50)  # The values could be
"25" , or "25,50,100" , "25-300"
        type = models.CharField(max_length=50)  # types could be "fixed" ,
"multi" , "range"

class Product(models.Model):
        sizes = models.ForeignKey(ProductSize)
        name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
        description = models.CharField(max_length=50)

class Order(models.Model):
        size =  models.CharField(max_length=50) # I don't want the foreign
key, I just want the value.
        name = models.CharField(max_length=50) # name of product
        order_date = models.DateTimeField() # date of order


class ProductForm(ModelForm):
        size = CharField(widget=TextInput())
        name = CharField(widget=TextInput())
        description = CharField(widget=Textarea())

View :

def product_view(request):
        product_form = ProductForm()
        return render_to_response({'product_form': product_form})

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