Re: PDF creation!!!

2008-12-26 Thread Marek Kubica

On Fri, 19 Dec 2008 08:21:51 -0500, Abdel Bolanos Martinez wrote:

> Please can any one give me good references about tools for create PDF
> reports, graphs in Django besides RepoLab

I am using pdfLaTeX to generate the PDFs on the fly and serve them via 
Django after dumping ReportLab.


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Re: has been officially launched

2008-11-15 Thread Marek Kubica

On Tue, 28 Oct 2008 04:15:20 -0700, Dominik Szopa wrote:

> We also have there English sites, the one is, but recently
> heared that they are not powered by Django any more, anybody knows if
> thats true ?

Considering that the Curse guys hang around in #pocoo, that's well 


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Re: has been officially launched

2008-10-26 Thread Marek Kubica

On Sun, 26 Oct 2008 06:32:11 -0700, Dominik Szopa wrote:

> Django Polish community site - has been officially
> launched.

I just took a look - the design is definitely good. The examples of 
polish sites using Django are also a good idea.

> All of this will show what a great piece of technology is Django
> framework, it will also try to show polish hosting companies that
> Python should be in their offer.

Maintaining such a list is pretty important. We (the german Python 
community) try to maintain a list of Python hosters over here in Germany, 
but unfortunately there are not that many yet.


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Re: Admin Inline does not want to edit

2008-09-15 Thread Marek Kubica


On Sun, 14 Sep 2008 16:58:34 -0700, Aric Coady wrote:

> I think this is the same error I'm seeing in
> It involves getting duplicate
> pks from the form.

I just added the patch to my patch queue and it worked perfectly - thanks 
a lot! It would be great to get Django fixed.

Yesterday I was thinking it was my error, if I have some time I'll take a 
look into the functions you describe in the ticket.


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Admin Inline does not want to edit

2008-09-14 Thread Marek Kubica


I fought against this for the whole day already (with patching Django; 
creating Form and FormSet subclasses etc.) but nothing helped. I want to 
have a Message with multiple translations in my database and the admin 
should display the message and the translations inline.

Now the problem is, that the following works and sometimes saving in the 
admin fails with "Please correct the errors below." and no errors below 
that. When I patched the template to show {{ errors }} I also get this:

Translation with this None already exists.

When I take a look on the errors of the translation formset I get this:

[{'id': [u'Translation with this None already exists.']}, {}]

The only solution this far was creating a new message, copying stuff over 
and deleting the old one. 

I'm running the current Django trunk, but this has been broken for quite 
some time.

The relevant files look like this:

from sys import maxint
from django.contrib import admin
from pointtec.transdigest import models

class TranslationInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = models.Translation

class MessageAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
ordering = ('text',)
list_per_page = maxint
search_fields = ('text',)
inlines = [TranslationInline], MessageAdmin)

from django.db import models
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.translation import get_language, gettext_lazy as _

languages_available = settings.LANGUAGES

class Message(models.Model):
"""A message which is to translate"""
text = models.TextField(_('original message'), unique=True)

def __unicode__(self):
"""A nice representation for the user"""
return self.text

def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.text = self.text.strip()
super(Message, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

class Translation(models.Model):
message = models.ForeignKey(Message)
language = models.CharField(_('language'), max_length=5,
translation = models.TextField(_('translation'))

def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.translation = self.translation.strip()
super(Translation, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

def __unicode__(self):
return u"%s: %s" % (self.language, self.translation)

It would be really nice if someone could show me what I'm doing wrong.


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Sixth Python User Meeting in Munich

2007-12-03 Thread Marek Kubica


just a short notice to all who live in or around Munich and are interested
in a meeting: On Thursday, 13th of December 2007 starting at 18:30 will be
a meeting of Python users from around Munich.

Of course, it is free for anyone to discuss Django as well, some of the
people attending use Django themselves.

More information (and the other, complete announcements in german) can be
found on 

See you there,

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Fifth Python User Meeting in Munich

2007-11-19 Thread Marek Kubica


just a short notive to all who live around Munich and are interested in a
meeting: On Thursday, 22th of November 2007 starting at 18:30 will be a
meeting of Python users from around Munich.

Of course, it is free for anyone to discuss Django as well, some of the
people attending use Django themselves.

More information can be found on

It would be fine people who would like to come would send me a mail, as
the room is tricky to find. Of course you can just drop by if you feel
like coming :)

See you there,

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Python user group meeting in Munich

2007-08-14 Thread Marek Kubica

Hi again!

I'm announcing the forth Python user group meeting and I invite all Django
users from Munich to come.

The announce:


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Meeting of Python users in Munich

2007-07-16 Thread Marek Kubica

Hi Pythoneers in and around Munich!

On Wednesday the 18th of July there is going to be a Python user meeting
in Munich to which all Django users are invited as well. If you're
interested, here's the original announcement:

I hope to see some of you there :)


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Re: multilanguage site

2007-05-31 Thread Marek Kubica


On Thu, 31 May 2007 04:04:58 -0700, Grupo Django wrote:

> If someone tell me what documents should I look to modify the django
> code, I'll try to do it, and propose it.
> I built a complete multilingual system for a PHP framework in just a
> few hours.
Achtually, you do not need to modify *anything* inside of Django. You just
implement it separately and maybe it gets included in django.contrib. You
should take a look at


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Re: multilanguage site

2007-05-31 Thread Marek Kubica


On Thu, 31 May 2007 01:30:31 -0700, Grupo Django wrote:

> - Does anyone know a better solution for doing it?
Use django-multilingual or django-utils (nesh.translation). Yesterday I
started my own translation system which works like nesh.translation.

> - Could it be implemented in futures django releases?
I think something like this could go in django.contrib. But I'm not sure
how many people need this. Anyway, there already is some i18n system in
Django. Of course, it does not work well with content from the database.


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Re: Adding attibutes to models via mixins

2007-05-21 Thread Marek Kubica


On Mon, 21 May 2007 06:11:52 +1000, Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:

> You're probably going to have to look at the ModelBase.__new__ method
> and work in nicely with that as well. Django's model creation metaclass
> stuff is fairly key to how things work.
> You might want to read the DevModelCreation wiki page for more
> information.
Thanks, I think I've made it. Unfortunately, there are still some rough
spots which I I'd like to fix (my metaclass overwrites any existing fields
without any warnings, but at least it's documented so, it's not that bad).
But this is rather low-priority unless someone comes up with a nice

The snippet can be found at:

With 137 lines it's a rather huge snippet but it is used as module, so
including it into ones own code shouldn't be a problem.

In case anyone has any improvements: I'd be happy to hear about them!


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Adding attibutes to models via mixins

2007-05-20 Thread Marek Kubica

Hi all!

I've got a normal model and I would like to add additional functionality
via a mixin-class. This works quite well, until I tried to modify some of
the attributes of the model from my mixin.

I've got two fields which both fail to be set, but in different ways:
 - setting 'objects' to a custon manager from the mixin does not work at
   all: the class carries on having the dafault manager. I think this is
   because of some code in Django that adds a default manager without
   caring whether there was already one or not.
 - adding a database-field like position = models.Integerfield() seems to
   work (at least the attribute is in the right place) but unfortunately sql (and syncdb probably as well) does not find the
   mixin-injected field.

Have you any ideas on how to accomplish this?


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