Re: Inside look at Ellington?

2006-11-17 Thread Serg Kovrov

On Nov 17, 9:16 am, "James Bennett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Screenshots probably wouldn't be all that exciting, though, because
> they'd just look like the Django admin interface -- that's what they
> are, really (we eat our own dogfood).

Perhaps some screencasts or flash demos of Ellington in action (admin
app in particular) could be good PR for both, Django and Ellington.


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Re: So I made a forum with Django

2006-11-04 Thread Serg Kovrov

On Nov 4, 6:30 pm, "Rob Hudson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Or throw it up on Google Code and start accepting patches and things.
> One thing I'm wanting to add to the forums I'm going to create is a
> thumbs up/thumbs down thing similar to Digg so users can set the forum
> to not show them posts lower than a certain threshold.

I like the idea too. It also called signal-noise ratio (for example

But for bigger discussions (like this newsgroup) perhaps a little more
sophisticated rating system needed - to distinguish good article from
just good answer to a question, and over all thread worthiness.


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Re: So I made a forum with Django

2006-11-03 Thread Serg Kovrov

On Nov 3, 8:15 pm, "argh44z" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm thinking about cleaning up the code and open-sourcing it. Is anyone
> interested? I ask this because 3 weeks ago when I started working on
> it, I didn't really see much forum software written with Django that
> was in much actual usage. There were things like Zyons and Myghty, but
> I didn't see many sites using them.

Sure! The forum project is one I personally most interested.

BTW, it's a bit embarrassing that sites like actually
uses PHP forum engine =)


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Re: Need an advice: simple Online Store project (long)

2006-10-16 Thread Serg Kovrov

No, I wasn't. Thanks for pointing out. Although I didn't found (yet)
anything regarding attributes inheritance, project itself looks
interesting. And it have it's own news group! Perhaps worth to checkout

On Oct 16, 11:35 pm, Steven Armstrong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Are you aware of satchmo?

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Need an advice: simple Online Store project (long)

2006-10-16 Thread Serg Kovrov

Hello. I'd like to try to build a simple (I believe) project with
Django - an Online Store. That is, browseble and manageable catalog of
arbitrary goods.

Here is the draft data models for my project.

* Item. Representation of actual goods. Belong to one of the
  Categories. Category defines attributes, which may have values.
  As well inherit attributes from all parent categories.

* Category. Hierarchy tree consist of Category entities. Each of
  categories can have arbitrary set of Attributes.

* Attribute. Simple attribute of a Category. Defines name and type
  (text,  int, bool, etc.). Possibly, can be shared between categories.

* AttributeValue. Concrete value of Attribute. Each belong to
  individual item.


* Parent attributes should be inherited - that's the nature of
  real-world hierarchies.

* Same attributes may be used in different categories not through
  inheritance (that is, many to many relationship). For example car
  audio and computer parts usually does have a brand, but fruits
  usually doesn't.

Example (categories are in '', and attributes are in []):
'root' [name, price]
 |-'electronics' [brand]
 |  |-'car audio'
 |  |  |-'in-dash receivers' [has_removable_panel, plays_mp3]
 |  |  \-'speakers' [power, size]
 |  \-'portable players' [battery_capacity]
 |-'computers' [brand]
 |  |-'workstations' [cpu, ram, hdd]
 |  |-'laptops' [battery_capacity, cpu, ram, hdd]
 |  \-'parts'
 \-'books' [publisher, author, pages]
|-'science fiction'
\-'for kids'

E.g. every Item in 'laptops' Category can have unique AttributeValue
for [name, price, brand, battery_capacity, cpu, ram, hdd] Attribute.

My concerns are:
- how to implement attributes hierarchy (inheritance part) with Django
  models API?
- Is there a way to use built-in admin interface to manage this data?
- There are maybe flaws in assumptions and/or data models for given
  subject. For example I'm not sure if many-to-many relations are best
  for attributes - maybe duplicate attributes could be used instead. Or
  force user to refactor hierarchy to avoid attribute duplications...


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Re: mod_python

2006-10-13 Thread Serg Kovrov

Note, that you have to restart apache after you make changes in your
python source files.

On Oct 13, 4:04 am, "doug" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am setting up mod_python on test server and having some problems. I
> am getting 'it worked!' initially- I am able to access admin and set up
> flatpages. But I hit a wall when just trying to do 'polls' app ...
> getting 404s only . No problem when using development server.
> test server with settings is  here->
> Thanks-Doug

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What IDE do you use? (semi-OT)

2006-10-08 Thread Serg Kovrov

Hello everybody, sorry if it may sounds a bit of off-topic, but

I'd like to know what editor/IDE Django users (and developers) uses on
daily basis, to boost development process. And why exactly - what
features you find useful, how it helps you to save time (or just makes
coding enjoyable, which probably increase productivity as well). Kind
of best practices in terms of tools.

Personally, I use EditPlus (Windows). Not really IDE, but I like it's
minimalistic beauty. At least I see it so. But often I feel like I miss
project-level code navigation (like Class Explorer in VisualC++). Code
completion perhaps could be useful (not sure yet).

I have (periodically in fact) tried Komodo (3.5, 4.0) Eclipse (pydev,
trustudio), and recently WingIDE. But for different reasons I'm not
happy with them... 

-- serg.

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Re: Django's target applications?

2006-10-07 Thread Serg Kovrov

I'd like to add that I came to Python actually because of Django. I
have watched for long time different frameworks (of different
languages) and Django seems most like-minded to me.

And I was pleasantly surprised on how mod_python and Django actually
works. The fact that mod_python caching (compiled?) scripts in memory
is just great. That is what I always wanted! And its probably Django's
feature (I m not sure yet how it works) - some operations, like
evaluation of settings and url files done only once, at application
start up, not on every page hit. Even better than one could imagine!

That is pretty much issue for PHP. I was forced to actually cache stuff
that could be computed only once, by serializing this data. But still
there was some overhead (although unserialization is even cheaper than
evaluation of actual PHP code).

That alone just amazing and worth considering to use Django/mod_puthon
regardless of other framework features.

-- serg.

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Re: Django's target applications?

2006-10-07 Thread Serg Kovrov

Thanks for replays, everyone.

My fault - I didn't said I already went through official tutorial, some
of the documentation and faq. I have set up and studied django website
sources, and also red a few articles, including "How Django processes a
request" (both, James and Simon's). Presentations from google techtalks
and snakes-and-rubies thing were quite interesting - general overview
of framework with examples, etc. - You should do more of such things
probably. And Tom's screencast of course...

Still, I do not understand this "shared-nothing" thing. Sounds like
cool marketing slogan =)

Regarding performance. Throwing more ram, moving tasks to separated
rigs, and setting caching proxy rigs are indeed effective options. But
not in first place. In fact this should be more like last resort.
Framework-level caching on different stages are much better solution.

Even better is what is called "to do things faster is to do less". It
is one of my mantras (I share yours as well - DRY, Loose Coupling, and
Explicit is Better). Although often they might conflict with each other
- Explicit is Better vs Less Code, and Faster is Less vs DRY/Quick

To not violate the "Faster is Less" principle, one should know
framework pretty well, and framework itself should presuppose this on
design level. Thats what I was asking about - does Django scales good
in term of application growth (not just data growth, in fact usually it
is both).

Adding more and more features often lead to application doing
unnecessary stuff behind scenes. Things that could be avoided -
computations, database calls, etc. That is, just waste of resources. Or
else, it will lead to loosing abstraction level in favor of
performance. That is, maintenance hell. Its hard to me to explain my
concerns exactly, but hope you got the idea.

I looked though list of Django-powered sites, and surfed some of them.
But it can't tell me how they works. What set up the use, and how big
they are in terms of domain logic and how efficient resulted (framework
+ site) code is.

So I just asked here =)

Question should be more like "Do Django designed to helps big
sophisticated projects to stay maintainable and yet efficient in terms
of performance while growing further?"

I'm sure for good developers it is possible to achieve this with or
without any framework, but key is "Do Django *designed*" that way?


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Django's target applications?

2006-10-06 Thread Serg Kovrov

Hello, I'm new to Django (and Python) and have a few general questions.

Is Django meant to be used to create a sophisticated (as opposite to
rapid) web applications such as (for example) forums or e-shops? With
all bells and whistles, you know...

Does applications written on top of Django framework are scalable (for
example - newsgroup application like this one (Google groups) and
systems like eBay or Amazon)?

My questions are both in terms of performance and domain logic. E.g.
How easy/painful to maintain big Django-based project and how small/big
is performance overhead in such applications.

I'm asking because rapid web application development (RAD, RWAD?) is
indeed cool (and in real life deadlines are quite issues), but I'm more
interested in development of robust, maintainable, and scalable (mostly
big) applications.


-- serg.

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