Re: South - when to start?

2011-02-18 Thread ShawnMilo
Just to add my tiny bit to this:

I say start with South right away. But when you're ready to deploy for the 
first time, wipe it all and to another --initial. 

The reason is that South is awesome for letting you upgrade a production app 
that isn't allowed to stop working. So at first deployment, it's nice to 
start clean so you don't have all those extra migrations for each run of 
your unittests, etc.


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Re: Displaying (only) custom form fields in a template.

2010-10-27 Thread ShawnMilo
I found a solution, but it's kind of ugly. In the form I added this:

self.fields[field_name].is_custom = True

And in the model:

{% for field in form %}
{% if field.field.is_custom %}
{{ field.label }} {{ field }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Is there a clean way to do this?


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Re: OS Error, Permission Denined

2010-10-07 Thread ShawnMilo
The problem here is most likely due to the forward-slash in front of
your path name. Django's trying to actually write to a non-existant
folder at a level you don't have access to in any case on shared
hosting. Try taking it out and see if that fixes it.


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Re: A better way of checking if a record exists

2010-10-02 Thread ShawnMilo

Great point. I've simplified my old code quite a bit with this

After creating a dictionary with 12 items in it, I use it for the
default in get_or_create, then:

[setattr(product, field, value) for field, value in


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Re: how to retreive the body text alone of a webpage

2010-10-02 Thread ShawnMilo
Also, just to save you additional pain, do NOT install anything from
the 3.1 series. It's deprecated and had problems. You want 3.0.8.x.
According to the maintainer's site they're going to update the 3.0.8.x
series to the 3.2.x series to avoid confusion in the future.

If you do a pip install it'll automatically download 3.1.

However, once you get 3.0.8.x going you may become addicted


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2010-07-04 Thread ShawnMilo
I have DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE set in my environment to an alternative
settings file. The alternate file imports the original settings file
and overrides some values for my development environment.

Whenever I try to run ./ runserver, it insists on using the on the same path as, despite the fact that
running an interactive Python interpreter or a stand-alone script
which imports settings from django.conf will import the proper
settings file (from DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE).

Also, this works:
./ runserver --settings=$DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE

I can see in that it assumes there's a in its
own directory, but that's evidently overridden by the --settings flag.
Why doesn't a correctly-set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE result in the same
behavior? I'm using Django 1.1.1.


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Re: *Immediate* session expiration problem/bug in IE

2010-07-04 Thread ShawnMilo
I have an update. It turns out that setting the timeout in set_expiry
to a much larger value prevents the immediate timeout. Of course, this
means that people in well-behaved browsers won't time out when they
should. This is despite the fact that I've tried sending both an
integer (for seconds) and a timedelta object to set_expiry, as
described in the docs.

My next step is to have a look at HTTP_USER_AGENT in request.META and
see if I can find a correlation between its value and the timeout

Has anyone had experience with this, especially regarding whether
HTTP_USER_AGENT is reliably present and accurate?


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Re: Formatting datetimes - simple question

2010-04-06 Thread ShawnMilo
In your forms and modelforms, you can specify both the allowed input date 
formats and the display format. (see the 
input_format option) (see the 'format' 

As for collecting and storing your users' preferences, I leave that up to you.


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Re: Catching User's First Log in

2010-04-05 Thread ShawnMilo
How about the last_login and date_joined fields in the User model? They're both 
set to the current date/time when the user is created.

So, if the user's "first login" is when the account is created, you could check 
to see if they're less than a second apart. If the user is created 
automatically, then you can do the same check, and if they're still that close 
together then you know they've never logged in. 

I don't think there could really be any problem with race conditions, because 
both dates are initialized at the same time, when the user is created, so a 
delta of, say, two seconds should be more than enough. However, it does feel a 
little bit dirty to me. Not as dirty as having a boolean in a join table that 
has to be checked on every log in for the rest of the life of the application 
just for a single use, though.


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