Date internationalizaation

2011-02-05 Thread Simon W
I have a datetime field in my models. When I format the date into letters it
appears in english and I'd like it in another langue. How to?

Thank you!
// Simon

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Get request object in class based generic view and form

2011-01-13 Thread Simon W
I'm trying to put up a modelform for users to edit their 'projects'.

But I can't figure out how I can retrieve the request object in the class
based generic view. I need it to verify the user.

Also, when the form is submitted, I want to re-verify the user once again to
make sure his authenticated.

Anyone have a clue?

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Django's documention is horrible

2011-01-10 Thread Simon W
For such a good web framework it's a shame that the documention is not
structured well .. at all. It consists of massive text put on a page with
some random examples. But examples is all there is. In other languages and
frameworks I'm used to have at least a well structed API documention listing
all methods and members of classes with some comment attached to them. They
also show the class heirachy, quick and simple. I spend more time searching
for minor stuff in the documention than writing code. The django project
should look into doxygen or some similar doc generator.

And this mailing list? It's so hard to find any existing answers quick,
google doesn't find none. I mean comon .. look at jQuery, you find what
you're looking in less than 2 sec using google. Why isn't there a proper

Am I the only one who frown upon this?


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Creating a image gallery form model

2011-01-08 Thread Simon W

I have a 'project' model. Each project can have a gallery (im using the
photologue-app as model).

Now, when I want to let my users edit his project I want to show him all the
photos in the gallery and for each photo he can tick a "Remove"-checkbox
and/or check a radio button that says "Use as image cover".

I guess I need to make a custom form/widget model but Im not quite sure how
to approach it (first time I user forms in Django) but I'd like it to
something like this in the html template:

{% for photofield in %}
   {{ photofield.radio_button }} Use as image cover
   {{ photofield.remove_checkbox }} Remove image
{% endfor %}

Could you tell me what's the best practice to achieve this?


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Custom queryset on a ModelForm field

2011-01-04 Thread Simon W

I have a 'project' model

class Project(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
links = models.ManyToManyField('Link', related_name='link')

and a 'link' model

class Link(models.Model):
label = models.CharField(max_length=50)
url = models.URLField(max_length=100)
project = models.ForeignKey(Project)

I want the user to edit his project properties. I'm using ModelForm class
and a UpdateView to put everything together. But I have a problems:

I want the form to only show those *link*s who are owned by the project in
the MultipleChoisesWidget, hence the ForeignKey in the Link model.

Any help on how to achieve this? Thanks!

P.S why isn't there a proper API documentation on django like doxygen? I
find the django documentation full of content but awful structure!

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