Dynamic Nested Formsets?

2011-06-10 Thread Sontek
I have 3 Models:

class Workflow(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
company = models.ForeignKey(Company)
class Meta:
unique_together = ('name', 'company')

class Milestone(models.Model):
workflow = models.ForeignKey(Workflow)
tasks = models.ManyToManyField(Task)

class Task(models.Model):
task = models.CharField(max_length=255)

How could I create a form that allows me to add many milestones to a
workflow and many tasks to a milestone?

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Using class based views to autoassign certain values?

2011-01-17 Thread Sontek
When I try to add new Attendee with a class based view I get the error
matriculation_attendee.event_id may not be NULL with this code:

class Event(models.Model):
""" Model representing an event """
place = models.ForeignKey(Place, blank=True, null=True)
slug = AutoSlugField(populate_from=('company', 'name'))
name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
company = models.ForeignKey(Company)
description = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True)
start_date = models.DateField()
end_date = models.DateField()
status = models.CharField(max_length=200, null=False, blank=True)
currency = models.CharField(max_length=4,
payment_gateway = models.ForeignKey(PaymentGateway, blank=True,

def registered(self):
return self.attendee_set.count()

def active(self):
return self.attendee_set.filter(is_active=True).count()

def cancelled(self):
return self.attendee_set.filter(is_active=False).count()

def __unicode__(self):
return self.name

class Meta:
ordering = ['name']

def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.end_date < datetime.now().date():
self.status = 'Closed'
elif datetime.now().date() >= self.start_date:
self.status = 'Onsite'
self.status = 'Active'

super(Event, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

class Attendee(CommonDataInfo):
#TODO: Add prefix and suffix choices
event = models.ForeignKey(Event)
prefix = models.CharField(max_length=300, blank=True, null=True)
first_name = models.CharField(max_length=300)
last_name = models.CharField(max_length=300)
suffix = models.CharField(max_length=300, blank=True, null=True)
badge_name = models.CharField(max_length=300, blank=True,
birthdate = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)
reg_date = models.DateTimeField(default=datetime.now())
email = models.CharField(max_length=300, blank=True, null=True)
gender = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=gender_choices,
location = models.ForeignKey(Place, blank=True, null=True)

def __unicode__(self):
return "%s %s" % (self.first_name, self.last_name)

class Meta:
ordering = ['last_name', 'first_name', 'is_active']

class EventContextMixIn(object):
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
event = get_object_or_404(Event,
# Call the base implementation first to get a context
context = super(EventContextMixIn,
context['event'] = event
return context

def get_form_kwargs(self, **kwargs):
context = self.get_context_data()
kwargs = super(EventContextMixIn,
kwargs['initial']['event'] = context['event']
return kwargs

class EventCreateView(EventContextMixIn, CreateView):

class EventUpdateView(EventContextMixIn, UpdateView):

class EventListView(EventContextMixIn, ListView):
context_object_name = "model_list"

class EventDetailView(EventContextMixIn, DetailView):
context_object_name = 'model'


Am I using this wrong?  I'm basically trying to set this up so I the
url defines the event and then I can create models for the specific

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Re: Need a tip on how to architect this code to be more extensible

2010-12-04 Thread Sontek
I still haven't came up with a creative solution on this, is there
anyone that might be able to give me some ideas?

On Nov 29, 12:25 am, Sontek <son...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I wrote this open source project that allows you to use the django
> admin pop-ups in your own views but I want to give it the ability to
> have the view extended so they can pass excludes and instances to the
> form before its display... currently the code looks like this:
> from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
> from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
> from django.template import RequestContext
> from django.http import HttpResponse
> from django.utils.html import escape
> from tekextensions.forms import get_model_form, normalize_model_name
> def add_new_model(request, model_name, form=None):
>     normal_model_name = normalize_model_name(model_name)
>     if not form:
>         form = get_model_form(normal_model_name)
>     if request.method == 'POST':
>         form = form(request.POST)
>         if form.is_valid():
>             try:
>                 new_obj = form.save()
>             except forms.ValidationError, error:
>                 new_obj = None
>             if new_obj:
>                 return HttpResponse('

Need a tip on how to architect this code to be more extensible

2010-11-28 Thread Sontek
I wrote this open source project that allows you to use the django
admin pop-ups in your own views but I want to give it the ability to
have the view extended so they can pass excludes and instances to the
form before its display... currently the code looks like this:

from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.template import RequestContext
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.utils.html import escape
from tekextensions.forms import get_model_form, normalize_model_name

def add_new_model(request, model_name, form=None):
normal_model_name = normalize_model_name(model_name)

if not form:
form = get_model_form(normal_model_name)

if request.method == 'POST':
form = form(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
new_obj = form.save()
except forms.ValidationError, error:
new_obj = None

if new_obj:
return HttpResponse('opener.dismissAddAnotherPopup(window, "%s", "%s");' % \
(escape(new_obj._get_pk_val()), escape(new_obj)))

form = form()

page_context = {'form': form, 'field': normal_model_name}
return render_to_response('popup.html', page_context,

So I'd still like to allow them to get the automatic adding of the
javascript httpresponse and autocreation of the form using the
model_form_factory but would allow them to get the form and pass
instance=...  and exclude = ('whatever', )so that they can
customize/tweak the generated form

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Re: Model Form crashing on Foreign Key

2010-01-10 Thread Sontek

On Jan 10, 6:17 pm, Sontek <son...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jan 10, 12:23 pm, Sontek <son...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > So I'm trying to create a new feed within the Admin page and its
> > crashing with the error  IntegrityError: lifestream_feed.lifestream_id
> > may not be NULL, the call stack is... form['lifestream'] is set but
> > form.instance.lifestream is not.  Here is the code:

This is a bug in HEAD
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Re: Model Form crashing on Foreign Key

2010-01-10 Thread Sontek

On Jan 10, 12:23 pm, Sontek <son...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So I'm trying to create a new feed within the Admin page and its
> crashing with the error  IntegrityError: lifestream_feed.lifestream_id
> may not be NULL, the call stack is... form['lifestream'] is set but
> form.instance.lifestream is not.  Here is the code:

Its not returning the empty returns, its reaching the return

-> return self.cleaned_data
(Pdb) list
 85 self.cleaned_data['name'] = feed_info['title']
 86 self.instance.name = self.cleaned_data['name']
 87 self.cleaned_data['domain'] = get_url_domain(feed_url)
 88 self.instance.domain = self.cleaned_data['domain']
 90  -> return self.cleaned_data
 92 class FeedAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
 93 list_display= ('name', 'lifestream', 'domain',
 94 list_filter = ('domain', 'lifestream')
 95 actions = ['make_fetchable', 'make_unfetchable']
(Pdb) self.cleaned_data
{'url': u'http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/6166742.rss',
'domain': u'twitter.com', 'lifestream': , 'name':
u'Twitter / sontek', 'plugin_class_name':

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Model Form crashing on Foreign Key

2010-01-10 Thread Sontek
So I'm trying to create a new feed within the Admin page and its
crashing with the error  IntegrityError: lifestream_feed.lifestream_id
may not be NULL, the call stack is... form['lifestream'] is set but
form.instance.lifestream is not.  Here is the code:

class FeedCreationForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Feed
exclude = ['name', 'domain', 'fetchable']

def parse_feed(self, feed_url):
feed = feedparser.parse(feed_url)

# Does the feed have errors
if feed['bozo']:
if feed['feed'].has_key("links"):
for link in feed['feed']['links']:
if link["type"] == "application/rss+xml":
feed = self.parse_feed(link['href'])
if not feed['bozo']:
return feed
return feed

return None

def clean(self):
Checks to make sure a feed url is valid and gets the feed
and domain.
feed_url = self.cleaned_data.get('url')
if not feed_url:
# Feed url was not validated by the field validator
feed = self.parse_feed(feed_url)
if feed:
feed_url = feed['url']
self.cleaned_data['url'] = feed_url
# the feed was not parsed correctly.
import logging

self._errors['url'] = ErrorList(["This is not a valid
feed: %s" % feed['bozo_exception']])
# This field is no longer valid. Remove from cleaned_data
del self.cleaned_data['url']

# Check if the feed has a title field
feed_info = feed.get('feed')
if not feed_info.get('title'):
self._errors['url'] = ErrorList(["This is not a valid
feed: The feed is empty"])
# This field is no longer valid. Remove from cleaned_data
del self.cleaned_data['url']
self.cleaned_data['name'] = feed_info['title']
self.instance.name = self.cleaned_data['name']
self.cleaned_data['domain'] = get_url_domain(feed_url)
self.instance.domain = self.cleaned_data['domain']

return self.cleaned_data

class FeedAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display= ('name', 'lifestream', 'domain', 'fetchable')
list_filter = ('domain', 'lifestream')
actions = ['make_fetchable', 'make_unfetchable']

add_form = FeedCreationForm
model = Feed

def make_unfetchable(self, request, queryset):
make_unfetchable.short_description = _(u"Mark as unfetchable")

def make_fetchable(self, request, queryset):
make_fetchable.short_description = _(u"Mark as fetchable")

def add_view(self, request):
if not self.has_change_permission(request):
raise PermissionDenied
if request.method == 'POST':
form = self.add_form(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
new_feed = form.save()
msg = _('The %(name)s "%(obj)s" was added
successfully.') % {'name': 'user', 'obj': new_feed}
self.log_addition(request, new_feed)
if "_addanother" in request.POST:
return HttpResponseRedirect(request.path)
elif '_popup' in request.REQUEST:
return self.response_add(request, new_feed)
request.user.message_set.create(message=msg + ' '
+ ugettext("You may edit it again below."))
# TODO: use reversed url
return HttpResponseRedirect('../%s/' %
form = self.add_form()

return render_to_response('admin/lifestream/feed/
add_form.html', {
'title': _('Add feed'),
'form': form,
'is_popup': '_popup' in request.REQUEST,
'add': True,
'change': False,
'has_add_permission': True,
'has_delete_permission': False,
'has_change_permission': True,
'has_file_field': False,
'has_absolute_url': False,
'auto_populated_fields': (),
'opts': self.model._meta,
'save_as': False,
#'username_help_text': self.model._meta.get_field
'root_path': self.admin_site.root_path,
'app_label': self.model._meta.app_label,
}, context_instance=template.RequestContext(request))

def queryset(self, request):
return self.model.objects.feeds()

admin.site.register(Feed, FeedAdmin)

class Lifestream(models.Model):
A lifestream. Lifestreams can be created per user.
site = models.ForeignKey(Site,