Re: Problems when searching acute or tilde letters in a textfield under tiny_mce.js

2008-12-23 Thread Vizcayno

I want to share the solution to my problem. I appreciate the kindness
of Malcolm for the suggestions.
After some searching in tinyMCE site, I found a note that recommends
to explicitly leave
option "entities" to empty, I show you a sample:

   // General options
   mode : "textareas",
   theme : "advanced",
   entities : "",
 ... etc.

It was then necessary for me to recover and inmediately save all
previous records which TextFields were under influence of TinyMCE and
that contained acute or tilde
I feel happy.

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Problems when searching acute or tilde letters in a textfield under tiny_mce.js

2008-12-21 Thread Vizcayno

Using tiny_mce.js into django Admin (change_form.html) is nice, but
when you include into a textField letters such as á or ñ and try to
find them using the django search engine, no results are obtained
because internally the á is represented by  and ñ is
represented by  Is there a way to solve this?

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When to use Admin Forms and/or Generic Views and/or New Forms ?

2007-07-03 Thread Vizcayno

I know that Django provides 3 ways in using Web forms: Admin Forms,
Generic views and New Forms where Admin forms is the easiest one to
What I would like to know is:
1) Which determinant aspects should force me to use Generic Views
instead of Admin Forms? And
2) Which determinant aspects should force me to use new forms instead
of Generic Views?


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Re: Stephane += Aspen 0.7 (Python webserver)

2007-01-20 Thread Vizcayno


1) I did some tests with a django project and, my web pages look ugly
because the reference to .css files was lost, additionally I can not
retrieve the content of static files when a click on a certain link. It
seems that  Aspen needs a reference to these resources. I had a similar
problem using Apache but I solved with next instrucctions:
Alias /media c:\django\django\contrib\admin\media
Alias /attached c:\project\application\attached
How can I do something like that in Aspen? Django has some indications
about that in:
and there is a relationship with variables MEDIA_ROOT and MEDIA_URL
contained in, althought Apache does not need MEDIA_ROOT.

2) The .pdf manual has a little problem in the 5.2 section
(configuration file). Some words were clipped at end of the line.

Your work looks nice.

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Div 'Changelist-filter' overlaps the displaying of some columns in change-list template.

2006-11-19 Thread Vizcayno

I am using "list_filter" option in for 3 fields. The model
where the filter is, has many columns so, when showing its data in the
"change-list" admin template I frequently use the horizontal bar.
The problem I have is that  does not
locate/show its filter content at the end of the last column data, but
at the end of the right portion of the screen, overlapping many data
columns I have there (Hope you could understand my explanation).
This problem happens in both IE7 and FireFox 2.0.
May be it is a css problem or something I am doing wrong. ¿Did anybody
experienced this? 
Best regards.

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Re: A question about for loop in templates

2006-11-05 Thread Vizcayno

Many thanks for your attention and help. My intention in this occasion
was to gain speed at the moment to show data at the web page. I thought
to do something similar to what you kindly proposed, but the only idea
that this recommended solution represents a double processing
(accommodate the list) and double use of memory with 'table' restrained
me to continue and send this message, but as you say, it is better to
follow the good practices.
Very best regards.

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A question about for loop in templates

2006-11-04 Thread Vizcayno

I have the next big list:
row 1: ['col1','col2','col3', 'col4',..., 'col30']
row 2: ['col1','col2','col3', 'col4',..., 'col30']
row 3: ['col1','col2','col3', 'col4',..., 'col30']
row 4000: ['col1','col2','col3', 'col4',..., 'col30']

the variable name that contains this list is 'lst'
For each one of the 4000 rows, I want to display data in a web page in
the next column order:
  col3 col1 col2 col30 col19 
  col3 col1 col2 col30 col19 
  col3 col1 col2 col30 col19 

I made the next in
info_dict = { 'data': lst,
   'poscol': ( 2,0,11,29,18,..)
return render_to_response('pres_marcaciones.html', info_dict)

and in the template I wrote:
{% for m in data %}

{% for p in poscol %}
{{ m.p }}
{% endfor %}

{% endfor %}

I don get the result I want, I know m.p is not valid. If I do not use
the second for loop I should do:
{% for m in data %}

{{ m.2 }}
{{ m.0 }}
{{ m.11 }}
{{ m.29}}
{{ m.18}}

{% endfor %}

Which looks repetitive. Is this the only and recommended way to do this
under django or which trick could I use?

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Re: Checkboxes all come up checked (after I've initialized them unchecked)

2006-10-02 Thread Vizcayno

> INSERT INTO sched_day (name) VALUES ('Eight To Five');
> INSERT INTO sched_dayslot (slot, taken, day_id) VALUES ('08:00',
> 'True', '1');
> INSERT INTO sched_dayslot (slot, taken, day_id) VALUES ('09:30',
> 'True', '1');
> INSERT INTO sched_dayslot (slot, taken, day_id) VALUES ('11:00',
> 'False', '1');
> INSERT INTO sched_dayslot (slot, taken, day_id) VALUES ('12:30',
> 'False', '1');
> INSERT INTO sched_dayslot (slot, taken, day_id) VALUES ('02:00',
> 'False', '1');
> INSERT INTO sched_dayslot (slot, taken, day_id) VALUES ('03:30',
> 'False', '1');

Did you try putting 1 or 0 instead of 'True' or 'False' respectively?

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Re: Python 2.5 anyone

2006-09-22 Thread Vizcayno

I have problems to get mod-python for python 2.5 (win32). Does anybody
knows how to get this version.

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FileField in the list_display option

2006-09-22 Thread Vizcayno

Into the admin I am including a FileField in the "list_display"
Is there a way to indicate Django that when clicking this FileField,
the content of the file is shown instead of the "change" page?

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Re: Incorrect deletion of records in a relationship table

2006-09-15 Thread Vizcayno

The error happens using the Admin view.
I need to rectify one thing please, I beg your pardon, instead of
modifying Fredo to Frido please, modify for example Maria to Mario,
i.e. when I modify the data that has DATA3 as X and this data is
related to other record in the same table, the relation dissapears.
I send you all the files I used:
from django.db import models
class Tab1(models.Model):
data1 = models.CharField(maxlength=10)
data2 = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
data3 = models.BooleanField(default=False)
data4 = models.ManyToManyField('self', null=True, blank=True,
filter_interface=models.HORIZONTAL, related_name='docrel',
limit_choices_to={'data3__exact': True}) #, symmetrical=False

def __str__(self):
return (self.data2)

class Admin:
fields = (
   ('HEAD DATA', {'fields': ('data1', 'data2',)}),
   ('CONTROL', {'fields': ('data3',),}),
   ('RELATION', {'fields': ('data4', ),}),
from django.conf.urls.defaults import *

urlpatterns = patterns('',
 (r'^admin/', include('django.contrib.admin.urls')),

DATABASE_ENGINE = 'sqlite3'   # 'postgresql', 'mysql',
'sqlite3' or 'ado_mssql'.
DATABASE_NAME = 'c:/os/django/tst/tst.db' # Or path to
database file if using sqlite3.
TIME_ZONE = 'America/Chicago'
USE_I18N = True
# 'django.template.loaders.eggs.load_template_source',

ROOT_URLCONF = 'tst.urls'


Many, many thanks again!!

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Re: Incorrect deletion of records in a relationship table

2006-09-14 Thread Vizcayno

Thanks for your attention. I send you an example

Assuming the model:
class Tab1(models.Model):
data1 = models.CharField(maxlength=10)
data2 = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
data3 = models.BooleanField(default=False)
data4 = models.ManyToManyField('self', null=True, blank=True,
filter_interface=models.HORIZONTAL, related_name='docrel',
limit_choices_to={'data3__exact': True})

After filling data, I have next result:
Data1   Data2   Data3   Data4
BossMaria   X   Fredo, Pepe, Sue
BossJoseX   Anthony, Carla
BossDavid   X   Robert,Mike
EmployeeFredo   Maria
EmployeeCarla   Jose
EmployeeAnthony Jose
EmployeeSue Maria
EmployeeRobert  David

But some steps before, Assuming I created the first five records only,
screen for creation of Carla will show:
Data2 ->:   Carla
Data4 ->:Choice Maria, Jose or  David   (only 3 are shown in data4
because of the Data3 field condition where X is true)
After completion of data fill, If for example, instead of Fredo, I
change to Frido, the final result will be:
Data1   Data2   Data3   Data4
BossMaria   X   Pepe, Sue
BossJoseX   Anthony, Carla
BossDavid   X   Robert,Mike
EmployeeCarla   Jose
EmployeeAnthony Jose
EmployeeSue Maria
EmployeeRobert  David

The relation of Frido to Maria and Maria to Frido (symmetrical=True by
default) dissapeared!! It is important to say that Data2 is not primary

That is my problem.

Very, very best regards

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Incorrect deletion of records in a relationship table

2006-09-14 Thread Vizcayno

I have next model:
class Tab1(models.Model):
data1 = models.CharField(maxlength=1)
data2 = models.CharField(maxlength=5)
data3 = models.BooleanField(default=False)
data4 = models.ManyToManyField('self', null=True, blank=True,
filter_interface=models.HORIZONTAL, related_name='docrel',
limit_choices_to={'data3__exact': True})

I need to assume the symmetrical=True and at the same time keep the
condition limit_choices_to={'data3__exact': True}, however when, for
example, I modify data1 or data2 and the corresponding record has
data3=true and is related to another record in the same Tab1, after
saving the changes the relation disappears!!! (two records are deleted
in the relationship table because it is assumed symmetrical=true)

Only when I add "symmetrical=False" and/or I delete
limit_choices_to={'data3__exact': True} from data4, and I repeat the
previous modification action, relation keeps intact.

Why does this deletion problem occur? Is this a bug?
I tried to explain the best I could; hope it was understood.

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Re: Filtering data in a many-to-many relation of object to itself

2006-09-02 Thread Vizcayno

James Bennett wrote:
> On 9/2/06, Vizcayno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I need data4 to show me only those records whose data3 value is True.
> data4 = models.ManyToManyField('self', null=True, blank=True,
> filter_interface=models.HORIZONTAL, limit_choices_to={'data3__exact': True})
> --
> "May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house."
>   -- George Carlin

Many, many, many thanks!!!

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Filtering data in a many-to-many relation of object to itself

2006-09-02 Thread Vizcayno

I have next model:

from django.db import models
class Tab1(models.Model):
data1 = models.CharField(maxlength=1)
data2 = models.CharField(maxlength=5)
data3 = models.BooleanField(default=False)
data4 = models.ManyToManyField('self', null=True, blank=True,

def __str__(self):
return (self.data2)

class Admin:

I need data4 to show me only those records whose data3 value is True.
How Can I get it using Admin?
Thanks for your help.

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Looking into / previewing attached files

2006-09-01 Thread Vizcayno

I have defined a FileField attribute in the model.
Users can attach documents for every record they save.
However, many of them asked me for looking into the file before saving
attached one; the files have .doc, .pdf, .xls or .ppt formats. Is there
way to do this using Admin?
Thank you very much for your attention.

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Looking into / previewing attached files

2006-09-01 Thread Vizcayno

I have defined a FileField attribute in the model.
Users can attach documents for every record they save.
However, many of them asked me for looking into the file before saving
attached one; the files have .doc, .pdf, .xls or .ppt formats. Is there
way to do this using Admin?
Thank you very much for your attention.

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Can not attach a file dinamically in folders I define

2006-08-30 Thread Vizcayno


In I have:
MEDIA_ROOT = 'C:/attach/'


class MaeDoc(models.Model):
per_con = models.CharField('Contact person', maxlength=40)
doc_adj = models.FileField(upload_to='doc_adj', help_text='Main
   def save(self):
self.doc_adj = '\\1996\\' + self.doc_adj
super(MaeDoc, self).save()

Data saves as expected in the Database (i.e. '\1996\{file name}'),
however, the file was physically created in c:\attach\doc_adj\{file
name} and not in  c:\attach\1996\doc_adj\{file name} as I was
Is there anything I omitted.

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How to accep only uppercase characters without using manipulators/validators?

2006-08-28 Thread Vizcayno

I have a table with two columns, first column is declared as
code = description
FI = Finance
AC = Accounting office
HR = Human resorces

Under "admin" if user creates another record whose code is AC, an error
message appears because he is attempting to duplicate the record
(unique is True in code) and that is fine, but if user types Ac or aC
or ac, no error message occurs, however I need that django can issue
the same error referred to duplication.
I tried with this code:
def save(self):
   self.code = self.code.upper()
   super(MyModel, self).save()

but it seems the validation of duplication occurs before I save data
and I do get the results I want, the contrary, data is saved duplicated
in spite of the unique=True.
Is there a way to solve my need without using manipulators/validators?
Many Thanks!!

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Question and a problem about FileField

2006-08-14 Thread Vizcayno

After saving a record that includes a file attachment (in a FileField),
how can I open the the attached file directly from my django

Please, check next
from django.db import models
from django.db import models
class MaeDocs(models.Model):
cod_doc = models.CharField('Document code', maxlength=15)
nom_doc = models.TextField('Document name')
doc_adj =
def __str__(self):
return (self.cod_doc + "-" + self.nom_doc[:50])
class Admin:
class OthAttachs(models.Model):
cod_doc = models.ForeignKey(MaeDocs, edit_inline=models.STACKED,
fil_att = models.FileField(upload_to='oattach', core=True)
def __str__(self):
return self.fil_att
class Admin:

First table is for saving data about a document including its main
attachment. Second table is for attaching one or more additional
documents related to the first one.

When I save a first record including main and additional attachments
and then I verify the results of the saving, all goes well; if I change
the content of some data in the MaeDocs table (nom-doc for example) and
save the changes, when verifying the record again I can see that the
secondary attachment files disappeared. Checking the History of the
record, it indicates that the secondary attachments were effectively
replaced by ' '. How can I avoid this situation?


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Re: Max datetime

2006-08-12 Thread Vizcayno

It is about temporality of a record.
Suppose I have a price table for each material:

Material  Price  Valid to
material-1   $12.50   2006-01-01
material-1   $12:52   2006-05-03
material-1   $13:59   2999-12-31
material-2   $54.32   2999-12-31
For material-1 I know that the price $13.59 is valid from 2006-05-04 to
the infinite, until a new price is established for this material.

Thanks again!!

 If a record has the field date/time="2999-12-31 23:59:59" it means it
is in effect, but if it contains "2006-08-10 10.00:01", for example, it
is an expired record however I must keep it for historical reasons. For

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Re: Max datetime

2006-08-12 Thread Vizcayno

Thanks for your attention and answer.
You will agree however that "default=datetime.max" would have been a
clean solution (not hardcoding) to establish the maximum date/time into
the file, unless you kindly suggest me another.
Thanks again!!

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Max datetime

2006-08-12 Thread Vizcayno

I have next code:

from datetime import datetime
end_date = models.DateTimeField('End date'', default=datetime.max)

end_time value is = -12-31 23:59:59

However Django indicates it is not a valid date when I want to save a
What is wrong?

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Re: Search Engine for Python and Django

2006-07-26 Thread Vizcayno

Hello Kevin:
The environment used is Windows? If yes, how did you compiled to use
with python?

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Re: Search Engine for Python and Django

2006-07-24 Thread Vizcayno

But Xapwrap depends on pyLucene to work. I really would like an
integrated solution, such as Django is.
I continue with my pilgrimage.
Many thanks really.

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Re: Search Engine for Python and Django

2006-07-24 Thread Vizcayno

Hi Wade:
Thanks for the information. Do not have the sensation that nxlucene is
an isolated effort? isn't it better to join forces with pyLucene?
Do you think this solution would apply to Django?
Thanks again!!

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Re: Search Engine for Python and Django

2006-07-24 Thread Vizcayno

I am evaluating this option now. It seems to be the only one and good
alternative for pyhton.
Best regards.

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Re: Search Engine for Python and Django

2006-07-24 Thread Vizcayno

It was the third I explored also, I made a question in the mailing
list, it is pending of answer. I want to know if the tool can index and
search over .doc files and .pdf files. By now, seems it only works on
.txt, .html and other format that is characteristic of hyperestraier.
Thanks for your attention.
Best regards.

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Search Engine for Python and Django

2006-07-23 Thread Vizcayno

Do your have news about the promising MerQuery?
I was looking for some good open software Search Engine API (index and
search) for Python in Win32. I could see some promising ones but, as
always in the open soft. community,  many atomised and incomplete
efforts. The last I looked was Swish-e which does not have a .dll API,
its API only searches, the word documents can not be indexed with
catdoc.exe because the developer hates Windows and the Python API does
not seem to be active.

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Re: Problems in encryption when creating a new user with Admin

2006-07-11 Thread Vizcayno

Many thanks for your time and interest in answering and clarifying my
doubts. According to this, it is now a little detail comparing with the
general and nice architecture of Django.
Very best regards.

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Problems in encryption when creating a new user with Admin

2006-07-10 Thread Vizcayno

When I create a new user in the Admin with all privileges, Django asks
for new user and password; When I type the password I can see what I
write, I think this field should be protected from seeing password.
After saving the new user I logout Admin, then I try to login with the
new user, the application denies to log in because it is wrong, however
I typed correctly user and password. When I see the database (table
auth_user), the password saved for the new user is not encrypted such
as the initial administrator is.
What is wrong?

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