Re: Tag arguments rendering

2008-07-01 Thread Yosifov Pavel

On 2 июл, 10:54, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-07-01 at 20:44 -0700, Yosifov Pavel wrote:
> > I made own tags. Sometimes I want to "rendering" arguments (when
> > arguments of the tag are Django-template-expressions). So, I use
> > template.render() method. All is OK but it's look like this:
> > {% some_tag {{var}} %}
> You can put whatever you want into your own custom tags, but this won't
> work for normal Django tags.

So, I can not use common syntax for arguments of built-in tags?
Something like {{var|default:..}} ?
Django's templates doesnt support this? Yes?
But I can do it in own tags because of using rendering of {{var|
default:} as mini template. Right?
So, resume: tag arguments in built-in tags and own tags are not
symmetric: in own tags they are more flexible... Or I must refuse of
this method of argument's rendering...

> The {{...}} is only used to display the
> contents of a variable in a template.
> > but in built-in tags this is usually without {{..}}:
> > {% builtin_tag var %}
> This is the way variables are passed to tags.
> Malcolm
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Tag arguments rendering

2008-07-01 Thread Yosifov Pavel

I made own tags. Sometimes I want to "rendering" arguments (when
arguments of the tag are Django-template-expressions). So, I use
template.render() method. All is OK but it's look like this:

{% some_tag {{var}} %}

but in built-in tags this is usually without {{..}}:
{% builtin_tag var %}

What is right style? If I render arguments in another way, I thing it
will be less flexible: it will be impossible to create complex django-

What is the best practice?


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May be useful tags (flatindex, table with shape)?

2008-02-16 Thread Yosifov Pavel

May be this 2 tags (table generating with any "shape", flat index in
nested loops) are helpful for somebody?

Example of usage in django template:

{# List filials must exists in context! #}
{% load table %}

{% table filials "3x?" %}
{% for row in table_obj %}

{% for record in row %}
{% if record %}

{{ record }}

{% else %}


{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

{% endfor %}
{% endtable %}


Python code:

from django import template
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.template.loader import get_template

def reshape( lst, ncols, nrows, horiz=True ):
"""Change shape of list lst (like APL, J, K, NumPy).
Return list of lists: ncols x nrows. horiz - is the
table direction (horizontal or vertical if horiz is
False). Empty cells will be with ''
if not ncols and not nrows: return lst

w = ncols or len(lst)/nrows + (1 if len(lst)%nrows else 0)
h = nrows or len(lst)/ncols + (1 if len(lst)%ncols else 0)

if horiz:
flatten = lambda irow, icol: icol + irow*w
flatten = lambda irow, icol: irow + icol*h

rows = []
for irow in range( h ):
col = []
for icol in range( w ):
iflat = flatten( irow, icol )
el = '' if iflat >= len(lst) else lst[iflat]
col.append( el )
rows.append( col )

return rows

register = template.Library()

def table( parser, token ):
""" Push in context 'table_obj' object - list of lists, result
of reshape function (see it)"""
# lst - name of the list in the context, shape is string like
# 'H' - horiz direction, 'V' - vertical direction, '?' -
computable size, digit -
# fixed size (see reshape function!)
tag, lst, shape = token.split_contents()
except ValueError:
sx = 'tag %r requires two arguments'%token.contents[0]
raise template.TemplateSyntaxError( sx )
shape = shape[1:-1].upper() # cut .. from ".."
if shape.startswith( 'V:' ):
horiz = False
shape = shape[2:]
elif shape.startswith( 'H:' ):
horiz = True
shape = shape[2:]
horiz = True
w,h = shape.split( 'X' )
w = None if w == '?' else int(w)
h = None if h == '?' else int(h)
if not h and not w:
raise template.TemplateSyntaxError( 'only one axis may be
unknown (?)' )

nodes = parser.parse( ('endtable',) )
return TableNode( nodes, lst, w, h, horiz )

class TableNode( template.Node ):
def __init__( self, nodes, lst, w, h, horiz ):
self.nodes = nodes
self.lst = lst
self.w = w
self.h = h
self.horiz = horiz
def render( self, context ):
# get list from context by it's name
res = reshape( context[self.lst], self.w, self.h, self.horiz )
context[ 'table_obj' ] = res
txt = self.nodes.render( context )
return txt

def flatindex( forloop ):
"""Existed in the nested loops return flat index
(index of flat list). For example:
like in C N-th dimension array may look like
flat array with ONE, flat index. This tag generate
this flat index for nested loops in django template (see nested {%
loop = forloop
level = 0
ret = 0
nestedlen = 1
while True:
if level == 0:
ret += loop['counter0']
# length of current level * size of previous levels is
# "weight" of ranking level. Ranking level add
# nestedlen to flatindex if move by 1 (like hypercube).
nestedlen *= loop['counter0'] + loop['revcounter0'] + 1
ret += loop['counter0']*nestedlen

# go to next-up level
parentloop = loop.get('parentloop', None)
if parentloop:
loop = parentloop
level += 1
return ret

Best regards
  /Yosifov Pavel
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