Re: New to Django-Installation problem

2011-04-13 Thread werefr0g

Are you using python 3?

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Re: how to Generate a 5 character unique alpha-numeric string

2011-04-11 Thread werefr0g
Well, I don't think it is safe but you can first retrive Max('pk') then, 
you can increment its base 36 related number then use the result's 
string equivalent.

Le 11/04/2011 08:48, GKR a écrit :

I meant to say not random. serial  eg:



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Re: Uso de subconsultas

2011-04-10 Thread werefr0g


Maybe you mean:

>>> result = 

>>> result['max_num_b']

In that case, you take each A value, count for each its related B 
occurences, then retain the highest count.


Le 06/04/2011 16:25, bernatbonet a écrit :

Tengo el siguiente modelo de datos:

class A(models.model):
desc: model.CharField()

class B(models.model):
a: model.ForeignKey('A')
desc: models.CharField()

Tengo una vista que quiere sacar la siguiente select:
select max(num_a) as max_num_a from (select a, count(desc) as num_a
from B group by a) as x;

He intentado hacer lo siguiente:
result =

Esto me da el siguiente error:
1064, "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
near 'FROM (SELECT `B`.a` AS `a`, COUNT(`a' at line 1")

Si en lugar de obtener el máximo nos quedamos en la agrupación
result = B.objects.values('a').annotate(num_a=Count('a'))
y nos devuelve: {'a': 1L, 'num_a': 9}{'a': 2L, 'num_a': 6}{'a': 3L,
'num_a': 4}

No se que estoy haciendo mal, ni si hay otra forma de resolver este
Si alguien se ha encontrado con el mismo problema y lo ha resuelto, le
agradecería mucho que me diera unas pistas para solventarlo.

Muchas gracias por todo.

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Re: Auto import files into database

2011-03-20 Thread werefr0g
IMHO, while dealing with database data modifications from a csv file, 
you should not let default commit on each save(). This will help you 
preserve data from accidents (if something is wrong inside the serie, 
maybe the serie shouldn't be processed) and you'll have better speed 
processing these modifcations.

Le 20/03/2011 10:08, Daniel Roseman a écrit :

On Sunday, March 20, 2011 1:04:46 AM UTC, Corey Farwell wrote:

So would it look something along these lines:

from app.models import NewModel
# parse csv data here
meow = NewModel(whatever = parsedData)

Where should this script live? Is there a general place django
developers keep these scripts? If I want this script to run every x
minutes, would a cron job be the best approach?

You probably want a custom script:

This can be run from the command line or as a cron job.
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Re: Posted Screen Text Field Manipulation

2011-03-18 Thread werefr0g


Would you mind posting the link on the list? I may be wrong, but I 
believe that sending a message directly to someone is not in the 
"etiquette". You'll also help keeping this list stalker friendly.


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Re: Defining global names

2011-03-18 Thread werefr0g


After seeing this [1], I use a "conf" package inside all my apps, with a 
'' file.

Done properly, this enables you to provide defaults with your apps while 
allowing to define custom settings at project level if iinside you 
apps.conf.settings you check first if this value is set at project level.

By the way, I'd prefer to do:

from myapp.conf.settings import CONST.

Hope this helps.



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Re: Django templates: accessing list element attributes throws error

2011-03-17 Thread werefr0g


you can try {{ list.0.title }}


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Re: Model with several ManyToManyFields - related_name problem

2011-03-17 Thread werefr0g


I believe you need related_name, for disambiguation at least. Maybe by 
setting a db_table you can bypass the related_name but I'm not convinced.

Actually, I'm "parasiting" your post to ask when "[we]'d prefer Django 
didn't create a backwards relation"?


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Re: /admin weirdness

2011-03-17 Thread werefr0g

Hi Bobby,

Maybe some mistake on your, for example if you have an app named 
"app" and a model named "model", you'll try to get this url to add a new 


Usually, you'll write your like this:

(r'^app/', include('app.urls')),
(r'^admin/', include(,

If you forget the "^" before app/, the url for adding a new model will 
match the regex 'app/', and the admin will be shorcut, Just a guess 
against the material you brought ;)


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Re: How to format the "value" attribute of an option in a Select List using the template language for loop

2011-03-16 Thread werefr0g

Well... here is the lin (right into the relevant section) :

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Re: How to format the "value" attribute of an option in a Select List using the template language for loop

2011-03-16 Thread werefr0g

Sorry again,

Actually, the doc tell us the way [1]. Simply use {{ forloop.counter }} 
or {{ forloop.counter0 }}.


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Re: How to format the "value" attribute of an option in a Select List using the template language for loop

2011-03-16 Thread werefr0g


You'll probably need to prepare the "options" in your view; with 
enumerate(), for example (paginator may be a little too much, sorry).



Le 16/03/2011 04:18, Juan Gabriel Aldana Jaramillo a écrit :


Check this link.

I think this is an example about what you are looking for:

 _{% for lang in LANGUAGES %}
 {{ lang.1 }}
 {% endfor %}_

On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 3:04 PM, werefr0g < 
<>> wrote:


If you use a paginator [1], you'll prepare the "index number" in
the view but this will provide all the context you need in your



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Re: How to format the "value" attribute of an option in a Select List using the template language for loop

2011-03-15 Thread werefr0g


If you use a paginator [1], you'll prepare the "index number" in the 
view but this will provide all the context you need in your template.



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Re: Initial save()

2011-03-12 Thread werefr0g


I'd rather check for as you can use primary_key argument on a 
field whatever is its name.


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Re: How to limit a ManyToManyField to three choices?

2011-03-12 Thread werefr0g



def clean(self):
# three cuisines max. allowed
if is None:
# That's the case that raise the error
# you're inserting a new Restaurant
# Here, you're editing an existing Restaurant
# (including its relashionship with Cuisine)
if self.cuisines.count() > MAX_CUISINES:
raise ValidationError('I said, "Choose up to three" 

As we're aiming to prevent, at model's level, saving a new Restaurant 
when too many related Cuisine are provided, I'm afraid that doesn't fit 
the needs... unless saving restaurant's intance, run a validation then 
delete it if it fails the validation :) I'd like to place the validation 
at 'cusines' field level. I'm not confortable placing it at the "whole" 
model's level, despite my suggestion.

I failed for the moment to find a way and I'll resume tomorrow. Maybe 
the following unsuccessful tries can help you (with a mix of admin 
interface playing and shell, both on dev server):

  * use validator on models.ManyToManyField:

  I can't even trigger a simple print('test') TT

  * use a custom field by extending models.ManyToManyField, overriding 
its isValidIDList method

  Ok, it is a blind test: I was looking for a way to access values 
from cuisines for a non saved instance of Restaurant and maybe something 
is lurking there. I'm a beginner.

  * accessing self's attributes for a non saved or retrieved instance 
of Restaurant

  # desesperately random commands (I tried more :):

  u = Restaurant()
  r = Restaurant.objects.all()[0]

  # hey, a "cuisines" attribute, great!
  # TT, same error you encountered
  # fine

  # 'cusines' is not even mentionned in the error message
  # fine

  [f.verbose_name for f in r._meta.fields]
  # no cusines

  I believe that no control is enforced before saving, but if you 
try to create an new Restaurant and not provide a cuisine, the 
validation failed from the admin. How does it handle that? I'll try to 
find out. Is there a way to access data provided to 'cuisines' for an 
unsaved Restaurant?


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Re: test cannot find assertContains

2011-03-12 Thread werefr0g


As far I can tell from the documentation, to use Django's extended 
TestCase, you should use django.test.TestCase [1]. Using 
django.utils.unittest allows you to benefit from python 2.7 unittest2 
library, [2]




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Re: How to limit a ManyToManyField to three choices?

2011-03-11 Thread werefr0g


Can Model.clean() method help you? [1] You'll still have to pay 
attention to validation before trying to save your instances.[2]




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Re: Form/view for ManyToMany relationship

2011-03-05 Thread werefr0g

Le 05/03/2011 00:01, kgardenia42 a écrit :

Thanks.  This is pretty close to what I'm doing.  However, I'd like to
not have to write all the associated boiler-plate (i.e. I have to
figure out if any film/actor relationships have been deleted since the
last save and explicitly write code to remove those and so on).

Well, you can delete all related filmrole then save the new set, but I 
don't know if it's really an "efficient" way to handle that.

Out of topic: I have an obsession about providing "undo" ability as much 
as possible and showing changes before "committing" may help user too.

It seems that I would even have this problem if I added a simple "auto
now" date/time field to my relationship class, which seems a bit

Using a "timestamp" allows you to never edit / delete a entry: you just 
add new ones and work on last "timestamped" related entries for current 

I use this myself intensively because I _need_ to provide audit tables. 
I use in this case two apps: one "normal" (without timestamps) and an 
"audit" app that is dependant of the "normal" app. I use two distinct 
tables (databases, actually) and performances are ok in my context 
(including about 30,000 modifications by batch at once at least once a 

ModelForm already knows how to do all that (it can do so when the
relationship class is implicitly created) so what I imagined was
*somewhere* I could override a method and provide the defaults for the
missing fields and then it would all  just works magically.Does
this make sense?  Can anyone give me any pointers to how I might do
this (I'm keen to learn the "right way" to do things).

You can provide defaults in your Model. (I don't know if it's really 
required, but can use constants in these case: this allows to retrieve 
these entries without introducing more hardcoded values in your code)

I'm happy to hack this myself and contribute something if someone
could give me some pointers of where I should start or where something
like this ought to live.

I don't feel comfortable with your way to handle this relashionship, but 
it may be appropriate in a "wizard" approach. Maybe some form related 
project can appreciate your efforts.


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Re: Form/view for ManyToMany relationship

2011-03-04 Thread werefr0g

sorry, I failed to pass the request to the view's function,..

Le 04/03/2011 22:08, werefr0g a écrit :

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 11:50 AM, werefr0g <> wrote:


Sorry if I misunderstand, but what is wrong about using a ModelForm on your
Film bounded to the film instance?
My bad... how did I missed the intermediary model involved in the 
ManyToMany relashionship. Sorry.

When I tried that I kept running into this error:
   "Cannot set values on a ManyToManyField which specifies an
intermediary model.  Use foo.FilmRole's Manager instead.
As you are using an intermediary model, you must insert multiple 
FilmRole, one for each actor to this film, but you don't want using a 
formset, do you?.

Is the following going toward your goal?

class FilmActorsForm(forms.Form):
actors = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(queryset=Actors..., 

def assign_actors(film_id):
film = get_object_or_404(Film, id=film_id)
if request.method == 'POST':
form = FilmActorsForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
chosen_actors = form.cleaned_data['actors']
current_actors = film.actors.all()
# handle deletion / creation of filmroles
return HttpResponseRedirect(...)
form = FilmActorForm()


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Re: Form/view for ManyToMany relationship

2011-03-04 Thread werefr0g

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 11:50 AM, werefr0g <> wrote:


Sorry if I misunderstand, but what is wrong about using a ModelForm on your
Film bounded to the film instance?
My bad... how did I missed the intermediary model involved in the 
ManyToMany relashionship. Sorry.

When I tried that I kept running into this error:
   "Cannot set values on a ManyToManyField which specifies an
intermediary model.  Use foo.FilmRole's Manager instead.
As you are using an intermediary model, you must insert multiple 
FilmRole, one for each actor to this film, but you don't want using a 
formset, do you?.

Is the following going toward your goal?

class FilmActorsForm(forms.Form):
actors = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(queryset=Actors..., 

def assign_actors(film_id):
film = get_object_or_404(Film, id=film_id)
if request.method == 'POST':
form = FilmActorsForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
chosen_actors = form.cleaned_data['actors']
current_actors = film.actors.all()
# handle deletion / creation of filmroles
return HttpResponseRedirect(...)
form = FilmActorForm()


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Re: Creating one model row from another model save method

2011-03-03 Thread werefr0g


You should substitute 'subgallery_set' to 'subGallery_set' (different in 
case) or specify a related_name [1] .



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Re: Form/view for ManyToMany relationship

2011-03-03 Thread werefr0g


Sorry if I misunderstand, but what is wrong about using a ModelForm on 
your Film bounded to the film instance?


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Re: Form Functionality

2010-11-14 Thread werefr0g

Hi Matt,

I think your form should use GET method, not POST method: there is no 
modification implied when submitting it.

Now, I'm perfectly fine using parameters in the url as it is meaningful: 
your accessing the search ressource and passing it a parameter. It's 
different for a ressource that should be tight to some content, like a 
post on a blog where the url is set "dynamically": the ressource exists 
or not.

Another case where I asked me the question of "clean url" was 
pagination. Here again, I'm confortable with "unclean" url (you can pass 
a number of occurences per page and the page number you want to access). 
Well you must handle "unranged" pages...

About redirection, I'm not sure, but this can trouble navigator's 
previous page (why redirect after a successful POST if it doesn't :).

In real world, I you search for a keyword and you get only one match, 
then you can be redirect to the only result details page, so you're 
redirection cannot be blamed, but this is done more for user experience 
than purity concern.

OK, I'll understand if that don't help you but maybe some experienced 
people can react ^^


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Re: Forms: set required value at runtime

2010-10-23 Thread werefr0g


I think your problem is related to the second case described in 
documentation about validation fields that depend on each other [1].

Just an observation about your design, if I may: I believe you should 
explicitly set and store both addresses. You will ease user task by 
providing a widget that will set the second address according the first, 
activated or not by default (I prefer not as your helper offer a direct 
one click "auto-fill" as you can encounter in many date fields with 
"today" button).



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Re: The same table in 2 apps

2010-10-23 Thread werefr0g


You have defined "MyClass" for "foo" application in its, and 
you want to use that class in your application "bar"?

You'll find how to use models from another app in Django documentation 
[1]. A widly spread example is the import of User in your app from 
django.contrib.auth [2]. By searching the web for "from 
django.contrib.auth import User", I found a discussion about the best 
way to import [3].



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Re: Problems displaying image objects in a Django template using a custom template tag? (coding included)

2010-10-20 Thread werefr0g


I think you should use something like alt="{{ object.title }}" /> in your template: you want to output images' 
url in your template, not the "object" itself. You'll find explanations 
in [1] and [2].




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Re: UnicodeEncodeError

2010-09-30 Thread werefr0g
 Sorry, sorry I proposed Jean to send me the actual file to check 
its encoding. I asked for his OS too in order to see what editor are 
available and how it allows to "transcode" the text.

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Re: UnicodeEncodeError

2010-09-29 Thread werefr0g
 Tu peux m'envoyer ton fichier ? je vérifie son encodage. Sinon, quel 
OS utilises-tu ?

Le 29/09/2010 23:14, jean polo a écrit :

On Sep 29, 10:38 pm, werefr0g<>  wrote:


Sorry, the three points are:

  ># -*- coding: utf-8 -*- line
  >  checking the module's file is actually utf-8 encoded
  >  using codecs module for file like read/ write operations.

Well, not sure I have the skills to check these (except the first

As all this happens in the admin code, I have no clue about how (or
where) to look/change something.
Any file that contents any accent (yeah french customer: éèê or ç)
triggers the error.

Sorry but I'm still new to django/python.


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Re: UnicodeEncodeError

2010-09-29 Thread werefr0g


Sorry, the three points are:

>  # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- line
> checking the module's file is actually utf-8 encoded
> using codecs module for file like read/ write operations.

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Re: UnicodeEncodeError

2010-09-29 Thread werefr0g

 Isn't the filename a string?

It may not be the solution but I think you should try them at least 
since they are very quick to apply. As I saw something implying os 
module I thought that before Django handles the string, it must encode 
by os module.

I found that using previously written steps and explicitly set encoding 
with "codecs" module while working with text files got rid of my 
problems encontered with unicode. The fact is that at different levels, 
there are assumptions on the encoding used while executing it and using 
utf-8 doesn't make you application work with unicode objects at all 
levels. When those problem arise, one of the three solutions always end 
it in my very short python existence.


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Re: UnicodeEncodeError

2010-09-29 Thread werefr0g


You should check that your file is actually utf-8 encoded and add the 
folliwing right after shebang:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Le 29/09/2010 18:59, jean polo a écrit :

I get an 'UnicodeEncodeError' if I upload a file (ImageField) with non-
ascii chars in my application (django-1.2.1).

I added:

export LANG='en_US.UTF-8'
export LC_ALL='en_US.UTF-8'

in my /etc/apache2/envvars as stated here:

but I still have the same error (after restarting apache).
Any hint much appreciated.



Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/languages/python/2.6/lib/python2.6/", line
18, in exists
 st = os.stat(path)

UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe7' in
position 53: ordinal not in range(128)

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Re: Where do you put your business logic in django? Organizing big projects in django.

2010-09-27 Thread werefr0g


The following is quite long but reflects a non developper point of view. 
I'll expose briefly that business analysis already splits logic and why 
I think you should follow previous recommandations. I'll finish "out of 
subject" commenting your documentation request.

> Split business logic

When you have to describe business logic to a dev, seperating business 
responsabilities is a good start. I think it's a thought orientation 
shared by "business analysts" (I'm not sure this is the right term in 
english) and developpers. The process often shows that a same object can 
be approached from different perspectives (for exemple, sales, 
comptability, logictic both work with orders but with different 
perspectives). You'd better keep this object as generic as possible and 
let each perspective set its own attributes at its very level. This 
mailing list shows multiple practical examples with the User notion.

In the process, you have to be consistent and a direct extra benefit is 
polishing each application interface. From a non developper point of 
view, I find far most easier to write applications when the semantic and 
the interfaces are clean. It helps your application's usability and it's 
documentation too.

As most developpers complain, business logic tends to change and it's 
implementation has to follow. Both at business and application levels, 
these changes should be kept at their perpective level (for example, a 
change in accounting should not compromise other fields and not be a 
revolution in actual business if possible).

My point is that it is a normal business analysis process to split 
responsabilities as far as possible and Django allows you to write 
multiple apps to implement that. Implementation problems are about the 
same that those brought while debatting applications reusability. If 
your project may have multiple dependencies, your app should keep them 
minimal at their level: this process is already part of business 
analysis when modeling "packages".

In business, a task can be reassigned: if you want something done, you 
must ask somewhere else. Putting that in Django, if you want to reach a 
ressource, you use an url and the url mapper will call the ressource for 
you. Django allows you to name your urls and you can implement 
get_absolute_url easily. I see the way Django handles urls as a great 
strength. I take the opportunity to state that url are part of a web 
application interface (browsers are only a part of available clients).

To rephrase all of that, splitting your project in multiple parts is 
already a business analysis requierement before reaching the 
developpement process.

> Documentation and guidelines

When speaking about Django's pro, the admin and the documentation come 
often. They reflect both a practical approach. Django's documentation 
show it's developpers philosophy and puts emphasis on good practices. 
Django's original design history and the framework's multiple actual 
fields of application tend to proove that team's member are not totally 
subject to delusion ;).

I found that adding guidelines on a subject to applications' 
documentation helps greatly: it summarise the concepts, reinforce 
consistency and puts the recent knowledge on another perspective, acting 
as a seal. It draws practical schemas and are good entry points to the 
"practical cases to concepts" learners and can bring "step by step" 
learners to a more self-implying approach. It reinforce pattern 
recognition during the analysis. They are often used for feedback. 
Writing them is time consumming, that's the bad part.

Ensuring that applications are designed to properly integrate into the 
framework helps to reinforce the framework. Extensions / plugins / 
adapters are considered when chosing a solution and for Django, they are 
the apps. Django is a practical solution by its extension ability. A pro 
often advanced in favor of frameworks usage is the standardisation of 
the developpement process.

Explicitly tell the direction is the most simple way to garanty that, as 
far I can tell.

While speaking of designing applications, I think that testing should be 
shown since the tutorial, at least in a minimal form. (by the way, 
testing advocates again a rationnal  spread of responsabilities into the 

> Thanks

Sorry, I lied in the begining. I was quite long so if you reach this 
point, you'll don't mind if I thank both Django's team to brought me 
into the enjoyment of developpement and the community for its 
participation and its enthousiasm.


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2010-09-25 Thread werefr0g


I searched the web for your error message and found that maybe you 
should see at INSTALLED_APPS level [1].



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Re: How do you set choices in your application?

2010-09-25 Thread werefr0g


I'm not legitimate to answer you but I'm adding other options that 
experienced people can comment.

I'd rather use a ForeignKey in that context but I don't have to think to 
much to performances in my apps. You can easily add status, handle i18n 
this way. I must confess that writing "data in hard" into the code 
itself makes me nervous too. This is a documented option so maybe some 
arguments we'll help to overcome this bias.

If performances are an issue, I think about caching and I'll go to your 
third solution with 
with maybe some "caching" issues to deal with.

By the way, I'll add to Russel's comments that even if someone tries to 
answer you, this can be time consuming because this answer will be send 
to the community and it better be as correct as possible (both in 
social, formal and  technical domains) and that implies reviewing your 
answer. You can take also in consideration than for some people, english 
is not really flowing when their main mentor is exception.Exception.


Le 25/09/2010 02:51, Yo-Yo Ma a écrit :

Let's say I have a model with a field called "status". I could set the
choices in three ways:

1)   status_choices = ((1, 'Completed'), (2, 'Unfinished'), (3,

2)  status_choices = (('COM', 'Completed'), ('UNF', 'Unfinished'),
('CAN', 'Cancelled'))

Or, 3 ):

db_choices = Choice.objects.all()
status_choices = [[, choice.description] for choice in

Is there any best practice? Note: Client's won't be able to define
these choices. They'll all be defined by me (or else DB would be the
answer of course).

My thoughts:

1) Risky (data is useless without python file), 2) Slower, and risky
because it might be difficult to change later, 3) a lot of work, and
slow (because of DB).

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Re: Universal form

2010-09-25 Thread werefr0g

 Le 25/09/2010 14:52, werefr0g a écrit :
You're assuming that form are called only from views. Some Form 
methods are mostly used inside templates like as_p for example.

Sorry for the double post but this statement is far from accurate (to be 
kind with myself). You can use form in a template without any kind of 
preparation in the views. This maybe pointless in most practical cases 
but developpers are inclined to behave weirdly (this is a lame 
explanation but this is at least accurate).

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Re: Universal form

2010-09-25 Thread werefr0g


You're assuming that form are called only from views. Some Form methods 
are mostly used inside templates like as_p for example. Another 
assumption you made is that all url point to html ressources. Images, 
javascripts can have their url. Generation of pdf, csv and AJAX 
mechanics are other examples.

As far as I understand, you want to display a login form in all your 
html pages. My first thought is to place it in a template extended by 
all html pages (I think about Django documentation 'base.html' 
template). You can't call the form's as_p (or whatever you want) as the 
form is missing from your context and built-in template tags and filters 
do not provide directly (AFAIK) what you need for that purpose but you 
can write your own [1][2].

Your context already provides request.user; you can use it to display 
login form or logout link according this context.

I don't know if this is a correct way to handle the case: maybe I'll do 
it another way with experience. The purpose is to point that you don't 
necessaraly need to work on "every function" from your views.



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Re: Relationship question: What do I do wrong?

2010-09-18 Thread werefr0g


I was quite laconic previously in order to spare you my "english". Sorry 
if you found this rude.

Well, you describe the relashionship from one model perspective (Meal) 
while setting your field (side1).By setting Field side1 in Meal as 
models.ForeignKey, you state that a Meal has a relationship to one Side 
as side1 but you also explicitly state that one Side can be related to 
many Meal through this relashionship.

If my_meal is your Meal instance, you'll use my_meal.side1 to reach 
related Side through side1 relashionship. With my_side as a Side 
instance, you'll use my_side.meal_set to reach all Meal related to 
my_side regarding the same relashionship.

Now, taking side2 Field in account, you can use my_meal.side2 but you 
can no longer use my_side.meal_set: you cannot distinguish which 
relashionship is implied this way. The related_name parameters allows 
you to make that distinction. Here you can place 'with main course' and 
'post main course' and, by the way, I think you should name fields 
with_main_course_side and post_main_course_side or alike.

You'll find at 
more details with an explanation of the nature of side1.meal_set object 
type's nature _ in better english ;)


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Re: Relationship question: What do I do wrong?

2010-09-18 Thread werefr0g


You should use "related_name" attribute in your models.ForeignKey fields.


Le 18/09/2010 08:26, Axel Bock a écrit :


I am currently experimenting with a little webapp, and I have the
following problem. I want to assign two properties of the same type to
a class. (Stupid) Example: I have a meal, and it comes with two sides.
The sides itself are another database key - they can change on a
whim :) . It looks something like this:

class Meal(models.Model):
 side1 = models.ForeignKey('SidesList')
 side2 = models.ForeignKey('SidesList')

class SidesList(models.Model):
 name = models.CharField(max_length=20)
 availability = models.BooleanField()

Now I get an error when compiling this. See, I need exactly two
properties of the same type (side1, side2) in two _different_ object
properties. The meal comes with exactly two sides, you see? :) And
they must be distinguishable (something like post-main-course side",
and "side with main course" out of the same pool).

The error is: "Accessor for field 'side1' clashes with related field
'SidesList.leg_set'." (the same error for side2).

Any help here? I'm quite new to dango, so a little hint would be
nice :)

thanks a lot in advance,

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Re: Mudar Senha de um usuário

2010-09-17 Thread werefr0g


I don't accuratly understand what your asking for, sorry. Have you seen 
what's in ? I think 
that views.password_change already manages what your describing. If not, 
could you express what doesn't fit your expectations, please?


Le 17/09/2010 04:25, Giovanna Ronzé a écrit :

Dado que um usuário está logado e quer mudar sua senha, como eu faço
para o django mudar a senha daquele user sem que seja preciso que ele
preencha esse campo (do nick)?

Bem, para resolver esse problema, primeiro eu fiz de uma forma que
necessitava do user dizer o nick.
Pesquisando, eu vi que tinha uma classe PasswordChangeForm e tentei
usar. Olha, se alguém me ensinar como se usa de fato (tanto no, no html e no se possível ^.^) tudo bem. Mas eu
realmente não consegui aplicar essa classe.

Diante disso, voltei para ideia inicial de construir minha própria
função. O problema voltou a ser o tal do campo user. Já que o usuário
está logado, como eu 'pego' seu campo de username pelo

Aí está a tentativa dessa função e os trechos de código relativos:


def mudar_senha (request):
return render_to_response('matematica/mudar_senha.html')

def mudar_senha_dados (request):
erro = False
nome = request.POST['username']
user = User.objects.get(username=nome)

if request.POST['password'] == '':
erro = True
return render_to_response('matematica/mudar_senha.html', 
return HttpResponseRedirect('/')


Nova senha

{{ form.new_password }}


(r'^mudar_senha/', 'projeto.matematica.views.mudar_senha'),

Bem. Desde já agradeço a atenção.

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Re: Django and third party python apps, best practices for path locations?

2010-09-16 Thread werefr0g


I think you should use virtualenv for lot of reasons:

* it is easy to use
* you can even change you python interpreter according context without 
mixing accidentally libs from previous version, for example
* you can test if upgrading a library, module, app doesn't break your 
project (you can try to upgrade Django for example) non-regression

* you'll know precisely requirements of each project
* you can reproduce live server environment (current and future)

Comparing using or not using virtualenv, you'll spend more energy to 
"manually" manage libraries than using virtualenv each time.


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