I'm having some trouble making my website compatible with accented 
characters (french website).

I have a form where some field values can be with accented chars: "Coupé" 
for instance.

My URL looks like this:


In my django view I do something like this:

def search(request):
  logger = logging.getLogger('custom')
  criteria_form = CriteriaForm(request.GET or None)

And what I get in my logs is:

<QueryDict: {u'marque': [u'Audi'], u'modeles': [u'A5 Coup\xc3\xa9']}>

If I query my database with this variable "modeles", I get an error:

>>> mo = u'A5 Coup\xc3\xa9'>>> Vehicule.objects.filter(valid=True, 
>>> modele=mo)[0].marque.nameTraceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/query.py", line 211, 
in __getitem__
    return list(qs)[0]IndexError: list index out of range

Things work if I query the database with the utf-8 version:

>>> mo = 'A5 Coup\xc3\xa9'>>> Vehicule.objects.filter(valid=True, 
>>> modele=mo)[0].marque.name

So I think (but I might be wrong) that my problem comes from the fact that 
my variable is utf8 and then encoded with unicode.

How comes this is encoded that way?

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