
I'm currently rewriting a website to take advantage of the new new
features of the trunk. I'm using named urls and the {% url .... %}
tag. But from time to time, I get the following errors :

ViewDoesNotExist at /
Tried process_register in module chibbi.club.views. Error was:
'module' object has no attribute 'process_register'

Request Method:         GET
Request URL:
Exception Type:         ViewDoesNotExist
Exception Value:        Tried process_register in module chibbi.club.views.
Error was: 'module' object has no attribute 'process_register'
Exception Location:
        C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\django\core\urlresolvers.py in
_get_callback, line 184
Python Executable:      C:\Python25\python.exe
Python Version:         2.5.0

The problem is raised when the template encounter the following tag :
{% url clubber-public-profil connected.user %}

I've the problem on :
* Django : trunk (I've make an svn up today) / Python : 2.5 / DB: Sqlite
* Django : trunk (from ~1 week) / Python : 2.4.4 / DB: Sqlite

Does someone know how to solve this issue ?



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