Re: Initial value in inline form depending on foreign key value

2012-03-15 Thread FraMazz
Well, I got it. In a very UGLY way, but it does its job.
I modified the inline class so that it gets access to the request object by 
overriding the get_formset function

class CheckupInLineAdmin(admin.StackedInline):
model = Checkup
   * form =CheckupAdminForm*
extra = 1

*def get_formset(self, request, obj=None, **kwargs):
return super(CheckupInLineAdmin, self).get_formset(request, obj, 

Then I defined a form for this class overriding the __init__ function to 
give proper initial values:

class CheckupAdminForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Checkup

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(CheckupAdminForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# if it is not an instance (an already saved object)
if not kwargs.has_key('instance'):
# get patient id from request path
# UGLY but I did not find a better way...
# the request path is something like
# /admin/myapp/patient/1/
# where 1 is the patient id
splitted = self.request.META['PATH_INFO'].split('/')
# check the last bit is a int
# this is useful when creating a new patient. In this case
# the request path is
# /admin/myapp/patient/add/ and the last bit is not the 
patient id
id_pat = int(splitted[len(splitted)-2])
pat = Patient.objects.get(id=id_pat)
checkups = pat.checkups.all()
how_many = len(checkups)
# take the last checkup
if how_many > 0:
checkup = checkups[how_many - 1]
# initialize fields depending on the last chechup 
self.initial['alcol'] = checkup.alcol

If someone knows a better way, any hint is appreciated.

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Initial value in inline form depending on foreign key value

2012-03-12 Thread FraMazz
Hi all! I' m quite new to django. I googled a bit around but was not able 
to find an anser to my problem.

I have two models:
class Patient(models.Model):
   ... many fields ...

class Checkup(models.Model):
  ... many fields ...
  patient = models.ForeignKey(Patient, related_name='checkups')
  alcool = models.IntegerField(default=1)
  date = models.DateField()

I define an admin model for Checkup because I want it inlined in Patient

class CheckupInLineAdmin(admin.StackedInline):
  model = Checkup
  extra = 1

class PatientAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
 ... other fields...
inlines = [

When I modify a Patient, I get the inline showing his/her checkups.
Is there a way to pre-populate a field (alcool) when inserting a new inline 
Checkup, based on the value of the last inserted one?
Let's suppose I have Patient John Doe. He did two checkups
Checkup #1: 
date: 2012/01/01
alcool: 3

Checkup #2:
date: 2012/02/02

I would like, when I modify John Doe through the admin interface, that the 
new empty inline Checkup shows a pre-populated value of 2 for the alcool 
field (the last inserted one for that patient)
Currently I get 1, because i defined 1 as the default value

How can I get this?

Thanks, FraMazz

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