Re: Formatting datetimes - simple question

2010-04-06 Thread Brian Neal
On Apr 6, 5:29 pm, Paweł Roman  wrote:
> Hi all,
> Django has this DATETIME_FORMAT setting, which allows to format all
> datetime values, whenever they are displayed. But the problem is this
> is a _global_ setting, so whoever uses the application would see all
> the datetimes formatted exactly the same way. I'd like to allow
> individual users to select their own favorite datetime format. What I
> don't know is which method I should override to be able to manually
> format a datetime field on a model when it is being rendered.

Off the top of my head:

I would probably store in the user profile model the user's preferred
format string. Then I'd create a template tag that would format a
given datetime with that setting, e.g.:

{% now_in_user_format user %}

Inside that tag you would get the user's profile (user.get_profile())
and then return a string that is now().strftime(users_format).

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Re: Formatting datetimes - simple question

2010-04-06 Thread ShawnMilo
In your forms and modelforms, you can specify both the allowed input date 
formats and the display format. (see the 
input_format option) (see the 'format' 

As for collecting and storing your users' preferences, I leave that up to you.


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