Re: site styling works with development server but not apache

2011-02-17 Thread Ashish Agarwal
Progress!! I had to add

Alias /adminmedia "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/django/contrib/admin/media"

and set ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX to the same url /adminmedia/

I don't understand everything yet, and will probably have more problems
soon. But at least I got this far. Thanks for all the help!!

On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 1:10 PM, Mike Ramirez  wrote:

>  On Thursday, February 17, 2011 09:23:47 am you wrote:
> > I'm still having trouble. My directory structure is:
> >
> > /usr/local/www/static
> >
> > +- contrib/admin/media -- symlink to django/contrib/admin/media
> >
> > +- media/admin/base_site.html -- modified version of base_site.html
> >
> > I've tried every combination of the following, but nothing is working:
> >
> All you need here is the /usr/local/www/static any subdirectories here
> should be served as normal, like http://localhost/contrib/admin/media
> The admin template, You do not want it here. it should be in your template
> dir see the doc below this for that.
> > DocumentRoot /usr/local/www/static
> > - does this need to be set at all?
> >
> No.
>  > Alias /media/ /usr/loca/www/static/...
> > - not quite sure which directory this should point to
> > - I've tried all sensible options, but none work
> >
> Should be the absolute path to where you store your project media.
> > ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = '/media/'
> > - Does this simply have to be equal to whatever URL is used in the Alias
> > directive above?
> >
> It needs to be another alias to the absolute path of the adminmedia.
> > Thank you.
> >
>  Ok, this is a setup I have working (when the site/backend isn't broken
> ;)), This one is meant to work with nginx as a gateway serving my media and
> proxying back to my apache config, but it should work fine without nginx.
> This is also mod_wsgi specific, but you can add mod_python settings.
>  Please read the comments, domain is the domain of this box. $USER is the
> username on the system. (these removed for security reasons).
> # basics for named based virtual hosts
> ServerName
> ServerAlias
> ServerAdmin
>  # this is the root url path.
> # I believe this can be omitted.. graham can verify or deny
> # either way it works as expected with this set
> ServerPath /
>  # custom log paths.
> ErrorLog
> /home/$USER/Server_Files/httpd/domain_com/apache/
> CustomLog
> /home/$USER/Server_Files/httpd/domain_com/apache/
> combined
>  # mod wsgi settings.
> # adjust threads per system.
> # wrap with the IfModule so I can also add mod_python directives
> # and let apache decide what to used based on the module loaded/used.
> WSGIDaemonProcess blog user=$USER group=$USER threads=100
> WSGIDaemonProcess pastebin user=$USER group=$USER threads=100
>  # paster
> # this is a custom pastebin project that is served on a
> # subpath of the main url. this comes first before the main site
> # is served so that the main projects does not search
> # for this path
> # please note this is a completely different project served
> # as part of the main site.
> # (no control over subdomains on this box).
> #
>  WSGIScriptAlias /paster
> /home/srv/$USER/web/projects/pastebin/apache/paster.wsgi
> # to make sure this runs in it's own interpretter.
> WSGIApplicationGroup pastebin
> Order deny,allow
> Allow from all
>  # this is the main project/site served on the root of the urls path
> .
> WSGIScriptAlias / /home//srv/$USER/gufy/domain_com/apache/gm.wsgi
> WSGIApplicationGroup blog
> Order deny,allow
> Allow from all
>  ### these are the parts you want.
>  # /media serves all my main projects media.
> # these do not conflict with WSGIScriptAlias
> # Alias has a higher precedence than WSGIScriptAlias.
> # MEDIA_ROOT = /var/www/htm/media
> #
> Alias /media /var/www/html/media
> SetHandler None
> Order deny,allow
> Allow from all
>  # this is the admin media.
> # ADMIN_MEDIA_URL = "/adminmedia/"
> # serves admin media for both projects.
> # /var/www/html/adminmedia is a copy of the django admin media found in
> # django/contrib/admin/media ... I'm not a fan of symlinks here.
> # But you can. make sure to set the right option.
> #
> Alias /adminmedia /var/www/html/adminmedia
> SetHandler None
> Order deny,allow
> Allow from all
>   # this handles all my paster projects media files.
> # like /media for the main project.
> Alias /paster/media /var/www/html/pastebinmedia
> SetHandler None
> Order deny,allow
> Allow from all
>  HTH
> Mike
> --
> The closest to perfection a person ever comes is when he fills out a job
> application form.

Re: site styling works with development server but not apache

2011-02-17 Thread Mike Ramirez
On Thursday, February 17, 2011 09:23:47 am you wrote:
> I'm still having trouble. My directory structure is:
> /usr/local/www/static
> +- contrib/admin/media -- symlink to django/contrib/admin/media
> +- media/admin/base_site.html -- modified version of base_site.html
> I've tried every combination of the following, but nothing is working:

All you need here is the /usr/local/www/static  any subdirectories here should 
be served as normal, like http://localhost/contrib/admin/media

The admin template,  You do not want it here. it should be in your template 
dir see the doc below this for that.

> DocumentRoot /usr/local/www/static
> - does this need to be set at all?


> Alias /media/ /usr/loca/www/static/...
> - not quite sure which directory this should point to
> - I've tried all sensible options, but none work

Should be the absolute path to where you store your project media.

> ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = '/media/'
> - Does this simply have to be equal to whatever URL is used in the Alias
> directive above?
 It needs to be another alias to the absolute path of the adminmedia.
> Thank you.

Ok, this is a  setup I have working (when the site/backend isn't broken ;)), 
This one is meant to work with nginx as a gateway serving my media and 
proxying back to my apache config, but it should work fine without nginx. This 
is also mod_wsgi specific, but you can add mod_python settings.

  Please read the comments, domain is the domain of this box. $USER is the 
username on the system. (these removed for security reasons).

# basics for named based virtual hosts

 # this is the root url path.
 # I believe this can be omitted.. graham can verify or deny
# either way it works as expected with this set
ServerPath /

 # custom log paths.

# mod wsgi settings.
# adjust threads per system.
 # wrap with the IfModule so I can also add mod_python directives 
 # and let apache decide what to used based on the module loaded/used.

WSGIDaemonProcess blog user=$USER group=$USER threads=100
WSGIDaemonProcess pastebin user=$USER group=$USER threads=100

# paster
# this is a custom pastebin project that is served on a 
# subpath of the main url. this comes first before the 
main site
# is served so that the main projects does not 
# for this path
# please note this is a completely different project 
# as part of the main site.  
# (no control over subdomains on this box).

WSGIScriptAlias /paster 

 # to make sure this runs in it's own 
WSGIApplicationGroup pastebin
Order deny,allow
Allow from all

# this is the main project/site served on the root of 
the urls path
WSGIScriptAlias / /home//srv/$USER/gufy/domain_com/apache/gm.wsgi

WSGIApplicationGroup blog
Order deny,allow
Allow from all

### these are the parts you want.

 # /media serves all my main projects media.
 # these do not conflict with WSGIScriptAlias
 # Alias has a higher precedence than WSGIScriptAlias.
 # MEDIA_ROOT = /var/www/htm/media
Alias /media /var/www/html/media

SetHandler None
Order deny,allow
Allow from all

 # this is the admin media.  
 # ADMIN_MEDIA_URL = "/adminmedia/"
 # serves admin media for both projects.
 # /var/www/html/adminmedia is a copy of the django admin media found 
 # django/contrib/admin/media ... I'm not a fan of symlinks here. 
 # But you can.  make sure to set the right option.
Alias /adminmedia /var/www/html/adminmedia

SetHandler None
Order deny,allow
Allow from all

# this handles all my paster projects media files.
# like /media for the main project.
Alias /paster/media /var/www/html/pastebinmedia

SetHandler None
Order deny,allow
Allow from all


The closest to perfection a person ever comes is when he fills out a job
application form.
-- Stanley J. Randall


Re: site styling works with development server but not apache

2011-02-17 Thread Ashish Agarwal
I'm using WSGI and tried your suggestion, but something is still missing.
The generated HTML refers for example to a stylesheet
href="/media/css/base.css". But this is in the django install directory,
which is not being served. So I feel there has to be an Alias pointing
there. Even if I did that, I'm confused about how I can overlay the modified
base_site.html that the tutorial had us construct. My full VirtualHost
configuration is:

ServerAdmin user@foo

Alias /media "/usr/local/www/static/media/"

Order allow,deny
Allow from all

WSGIScriptAlias / /usr/local/www/scripts/sequme.wsgi

ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log

# Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,

# alert, emerg.

LogLevel warn

CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

Thanks for all the help!

On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 12:44 PM, Marcos Moyano wrote:

> This is the relevant VirtualHost configuration for admin media
> Alias /media "/usr/local/www/static/media/"
> Order allow,deny
> Allow from all
>SetHandler None
> If this doesn't work perhaps you shoud could paste your VirtualHost
> configuration.
> Rgds,
> Marcos
> On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 2:23 PM, Ashish Agarwal wrote:
>> I'm still having trouble. My directory structure is:
>> /usr/local/www/static
>> |
>> +- contrib/admin/media -- symlink to django/contrib/admin/media
>> |
>> +- media/admin/base_site.html -- modified version of base_site.html
>> I've tried every combination of the following, but nothing is working:
>> DocumentRoot /usr/local/www/static
>> - does this need to be set at all?
>>  Alias /media/ /usr/loca/www/static/...
>> - not quite sure which directory this should point to
>> - I've tried all sensible options, but none work
>> ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = '/media/'
>> - Does this simply have to be equal to whatever URL is used in the Alias
>> directive above?
>> Thank you.
>> On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 10:30 AM, Mike Ramirez wrote:
>>>  On Thursday, February 17, 2011 07:14:16 am ashish wrote:
>>> > Hi all. I followed the tutorial to setup a basic django site and run
>>> > it with the development server. Everything looks fine. Then, I
>>> > configured to use apache. Everything seems to work except the styling.
>>> > The login and admin pages have no formatting. On IRC I was told the
>>> > issue is that the development server automatically serves the
>>> > necessary media, but that you have to explicitly configure apache to
>>> > serve static media.
>>> >
>>> > Okay, but which media needs to be served for the styling to work? I
>>> > have not found the answer in the docs. Thank you for any help.
>>>  normally the path assigned to MEDIA_ROOT and ADMIN_MEDIA ... see below
>>> for the configuration settings (pick your production environment)
>>> Mike
>>> --
>>> If God had not given us sticky tape, it would have been necessary to
>>> invent it.
>>>  --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "Django users" group.
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> --
> Some people, when confronted with a problem, think “I know, I'll use
> regular expressions.” Now they have two problems.
> Jamie Zawinski, in comp.emacs.xemacs
>  --
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Re: site styling works with development server but not apache

2011-02-17 Thread Marcos Moyano
This is the relevant VirtualHost configuration for admin media

Alias /media "/usr/local/www/static/media/"

Order allow,deny
Allow from all

   SetHandler None

If this doesn't work perhaps you shoud could paste your VirtualHost


On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 2:23 PM, Ashish Agarwal wrote:

> I'm still having trouble. My directory structure is:
> /usr/local/www/static
> |
> +- contrib/admin/media -- symlink to django/contrib/admin/media
> |
> +- media/admin/base_site.html -- modified version of base_site.html
> I've tried every combination of the following, but nothing is working:
> DocumentRoot /usr/local/www/static
> - does this need to be set at all?
>  Alias /media/ /usr/loca/www/static/...
> - not quite sure which directory this should point to
> - I've tried all sensible options, but none work
> ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = '/media/'
> - Does this simply have to be equal to whatever URL is used in the Alias
> directive above?
> Thank you.
> On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 10:30 AM, Mike Ramirez  wrote:
>>  On Thursday, February 17, 2011 07:14:16 am ashish wrote:
>> > Hi all. I followed the tutorial to setup a basic django site and run
>> > it with the development server. Everything looks fine. Then, I
>> > configured to use apache. Everything seems to work except the styling.
>> > The login and admin pages have no formatting. On IRC I was told the
>> > issue is that the development server automatically serves the
>> > necessary media, but that you have to explicitly configure apache to
>> > serve static media.
>> >
>> > Okay, but which media needs to be served for the styling to work? I
>> > have not found the answer in the docs. Thank you for any help.
>>  normally the path assigned to MEDIA_ROOT and ADMIN_MEDIA ... see below
>> for the configuration settings (pick your production environment)
>> Mike
>> --
>> If God had not given us sticky tape, it would have been necessary to
>> invent it.
>>  --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "Django users" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
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>  --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Django users" group.
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Some people, when confronted with a problem, think “I know, I'll use regular
expressions.” Now they have two problems.

Jamie Zawinski, in comp.emacs.xemacs

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"Django users" group.
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For more options, visit this group at

Re: site styling works with development server but not apache

2011-02-17 Thread Ashish Agarwal
I'm still having trouble. My directory structure is:

+- contrib/admin/media -- symlink to django/contrib/admin/media
+- media/admin/base_site.html -- modified version of base_site.html

I've tried every combination of the following, but nothing is working:

DocumentRoot /usr/local/www/static
- does this need to be set at all?

Alias /media/ /usr/loca/www/static/...
- not quite sure which directory this should point to
- I've tried all sensible options, but none work

- Does this simply have to be equal to whatever URL is used in the Alias
directive above?

Thank you.

On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 10:30 AM, Mike Ramirez  wrote:

>  On Thursday, February 17, 2011 07:14:16 am ashish wrote:
> > Hi all. I followed the tutorial to setup a basic django site and run
> > it with the development server. Everything looks fine. Then, I
> > configured to use apache. Everything seems to work except the styling.
> > The login and admin pages have no formatting. On IRC I was told the
> > issue is that the development server automatically serves the
> > necessary media, but that you have to explicitly configure apache to
> > serve static media.
> >
> > Okay, but which media needs to be served for the styling to work? I
> > have not found the answer in the docs. Thank you for any help.
>  normally the path assigned to MEDIA_ROOT and ADMIN_MEDIA ... see below
> for the configuration settings (pick your production environment)
> Mike
> --
> If God had not given us sticky tape, it would have been necessary to invent
> it.
>  --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Django users" group.
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Re: site styling works with development server but not apache

2011-02-17 Thread Mike Ramirez
On Thursday, February 17, 2011 07:14:16 am ashish wrote:
> Hi all. I followed the tutorial to setup a basic django site and run
> it with the development server. Everything looks fine. Then, I
> configured to use apache. Everything seems to work except the styling.
> The login and admin pages have no formatting. On IRC I was told the
> issue is that the development server automatically serves the
> necessary media, but that you have to explicitly configure apache to
> serve static media.
> Okay, but which media needs to be served for the styling to work? I
> have not found the answer in the docs. Thank you for any help.

normally the path assigned to MEDIA_ROOT and ADMIN_MEDIA ... see below for the 
configuration settings (pick your production environment)

If God had not given us sticky tape, it would have been necessary to invent 

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Re: site styling works with development server but not apache

2011-02-17 Thread Tom Evans
On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 3:14 PM, ashish  wrote:
> Hi all. I followed the tutorial to setup a basic django site and run
> it with the development server. Everything looks fine. Then, I
> configured to use apache. Everything seems to work except the styling.
> The login and admin pages have no formatting. On IRC I was told the
> issue is that the development server automatically serves the
> necessary media, but that you have to explicitly configure apache to
> serve static media.
> Okay, but which media needs to be served for the styling to work? I
> have not found the answer in the docs. Thank you for any help.



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