In Django template, there is a very nice feature, we can use unicode
character variable in template, for example:

{% for article in 文章列表 %}
<li><a href="/articles/{{ }}">{{ article.title }} </a></li>
{% endfor %}

In this way, if you didn't define 文章列表 in context, it'll raise an
exception: Caught an exception while rendering: 'ascii' codec can't
encode characters in position 0-3: ordinal not in range(128). but if
we use an ascii based variable without pre-define, there isn't an

So I just add two lines to resolve this question, in django/template/", line 734-735, I used django 1.0

730                except Exception, e:
731                    if getattr(e, 'silent_variable_failure',
732                        current =
733                    # Add by Timesong 2009/08/12
734                   elif not isinstance(bit, str):
735                        current =
736                    # End add
737                    else:
738                        raise

Hope this is useful.

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