Hi all,

Just spent about an hour figuring out what the hell was going on with
dateutil comparisons, and thought I'd share with the group.

Essentially, when trying to compare relativedelta to each other, we were
getting very strange results.

In the end, it was due to the fact 'calendar' needed to be imported -
without this, it seems to do strange things.

Hope this is useful to something else in the future - as we use dateutil
heavily in all our webapps, and this is the first time I'd ever come across



Proof of concept:

>>> from dateutil.relativedelta import *
>>> relativedelta(years=+2) > relativedelta(days=+7)
>>> import datetime
>>> relativedelta(years=+2) > relativedelta(days=+7)
>>> import calendar
>>> relativedelta(years=+2) > relativedelta(days=+7)

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