
I'm using django-guardian to implement in the admin panel
per object permissions. So far so good. Now I've stumbled
upon the following issue. If I create an instance of a Foo
model (a_foo from now on) and then assign to the user that created the
instance (a_user from now on) change_foo and delete_foo permisions,
then, the a_user will also be able to change it's own permissions
on a_foo through the 'object permissions' button (the one next
to the 'history' button).

Even though this is absolutely logical, I do not want that a_user
that belongs to a specific group being able to change his own
objects permissions. It would be somewhat of field permission
over object permissions.

Any way to accomplish this ?

Thanks in advance.

Nicolas Emiliani

Lo unico instantaneo en la vida es el cafe, y es bien feo.

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