Bill Freeman wrote:
I'm of two minds as to what you are asking.

Thanks very much for the time writing back about my problem.

1.  For components that don't have a version specification, buildout
*normally) checks
to see if there is a newer version available, and, if there is
installs it in place of the
existing version (doesn't necessarily delete the files for the old
version, just removes
it from your python path).

2.  If you are editing the stuff that buildout downloaded, yes, that
can get trashed.

I'm not even able to recreate that problem I thought I had.
I have read and will reread what you wrote though, since
I will be using git VCS on my apps.  What I think is still wrong is
about buildout, mentioned in the post subject line
Re: django buildout trouble

I'd like to find ways to confirm what mr.developer and buildout are doing.
The docs are not complete enough to tell fully.

Should the output of bin/develop list show the django-mptt
that I asked buildout to get from svn just because it is a
checkout?  I'm not going to touch it.

bin/develop list only returns

Nothing about my django project, which I am going to touch...
Seems like mr.develop only helps keep track of changes to
published eggs.  I see no way yet to make an egg of the
non-boilerplate part of django apps, so mr.developer is
only used by me so far to get buildout to use the svn HEAD
of django-mptt.


John Griessen

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