Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-17 Thread Chuck Lever

> On Aug 13, 2020, at 11:10 AM, James Bottomley 
>  wrote:
> On Thu, 2020-08-13 at 10:42 -0400, Chuck Lever wrote:
>>> On Aug 12, 2020, at 11:51 AM, James Bottomley >>> wrote:
>>> On Wed, 2020-08-12 at 10:15 -0400, Chuck Lever wrote:
> On Aug 11, 2020, at 11:53 AM, James Bottomley
>  wrote:
> On Tue, 2020-08-11 at 10:48 -0400, Chuck Lever wrote:
> [...]
 The client would have to reconstruct that tree again if
 memory pressure caused some or all of the tree to be
 evicted, so perhaps an on-demand mechanism is preferable.
>>> Right, but I think that's implementation detail.  Probably
>>> what we need is a way to get the log(N) verification hashes
>>> from the server and it's up to the client whether it caches
>>> them or not.
>> Agreed, these are implementation details. But see above about
>> the trustworthiness of the intermediate hashes. If they are
>> conveyed on an untrusted network, then they can't be trusted
>> either.
> Yes, they can, provided enough of them are asked for to
> verify.  If you look at the simple example above, suppose I
> have cached H11 and H12, but I've lost the entire H2X layer.  I
> want to verify B3 so I also ask you for your copy of H24.  Then
> I generate H23 from B3 and Hash H23 and H24.  If this doesn't
> hash to H12 I know either you supplied me the wrong block or
> lied about H24.  However, if it all hashes correctly I know you
> supplied me with both the correct B3 and the correct H24.
 My point is there is a difference between a trusted cache and an
 untrusted cache. I argue there is not much value in a cache where
 the hashes have to be verified again.
>>> And my point isn't about caching, it's about where the tree comes
>>> from. I claim and you agree the client can get the tree from the
>>> server a piece at a time (because it can path verify it) and
>>> doesn't have to generate it itself.
>> OK, let's focus on where the tree comes from. It is certainly
>> possible to build protocol to exchange parts of a Merkle tree.
> Which is what I think we need to extend IMA to do.
>> The question is how it might be stored on the server.
> I think the only thing the server has to guarantee to store is the head
> hash, possibly signed.
>> There are some underlying assumptions about the metadata storage
>> mechanism that should be stated up front.
>> Current forms of IMA metadata are limited in size and stored in a
>> container that is read and written in a single operation. If we stick
>> with that container format, I don't see a way to store a Merkle tree
>> in there for all file sizes.
> Well, I don't think you need to.  The only thing that needs to be
> stored is the head hash.  Everything else can be reconstructed.  If you
> asked me to implement it locally, I'd probably put the head hash in an
> xattr but use a CAM based cache for the merkel trees and construct the
> tree on first access if it weren't already in the cache.

The contents of the security.ima xattr might be modeled after

- a format enumerator (used by all IMA metadata formats)
- the tree's unit size
- a fingerprint of the signer's certificate
  - digest algorithm name and full digest
- the root hash, always signed
  - signing algorithm name and signature

The rest of the hash tree is always stored somewhere else or
constructed on-demand.

My experience of security communities both within and outside the
IETF is that they would insist on always having a signature.

If one doesn't care about signing, a self-signed certificate can be
automatically provisioned when ima-evm-utils is installed that can
be used for those cases. That would make the signature process
invisible to any administrator who doesn't care about signed

Because storage in NFS would cross trust boundaries, it would have
to require the use of a signed root hash. I don't want to be in the
position where copying a file with an unsigned root hash into NFS
makes it unreadable because of a change in policy.

> However, the above isn't what fs-verity does: it stores the tree in a
> hidden section of the file.  That's why I don't think we'd mandate
> anything about tree storage.  Just describe the partial retrieval
> properties we'd like and leave the rest as an implementation detail.

I'm starting to consider how much compatibility with fs-verity is
required. There are several forms of hash-tree, and a specification
of the IMA metadata format would need to describe exactly how to
form the tree root. If we want compatibility with fs-verity, then
it is reasonable to assume that this IMA metadata format might be
required to use the same hash tree construction algorithm that
fs-verity uses.

The original Merkle tree concept was patented 40 years ago. I'm not
clear yet on whether the patent encumbers the use of Merkle trees
in any way, but 

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-14 Thread Chuck Lever

> On Aug 12, 2020, at 11:51 AM, James Bottomley 
>  wrote:
> On Wed, 2020-08-12 at 10:15 -0400, Chuck Lever wrote:
>>> On Aug 11, 2020, at 11:53 AM, James Bottomley
>>>  wrote:
>>> On Tue, 2020-08-11 at 10:48 -0400, Chuck Lever wrote:
> [...]
> and what is nice to have to speed up the verification
> process.  The choice for the latter is cache or reconstruct
> depending on the resources available.  If the tree gets cached
> on the server, that would be a server implementation detail
> invisible to the client.
 We assume that storage targets (for block or file) are not
 trusted. Therefore storage clients cannot rely on intermediate
 results (eg, middle nodes in a Merkle tree) unless those results
 are generated within the client's trust envelope.
>>> Yes, they can ... because supplied nodes can be verified.  That's
>>> the whole point of a merkle tree.  As long as I'm sure of the root
>>> hash I can verify all the rest even if supplied by an untrusted
>>> source.  If you consider a simple merkle tree covering 4 blocks:
>>>  R
>>>/   \
>>> H11 H12
>>> / \ / \
>>> H21 H22 H23 H24
   |   |   |
>>> B1   B2  B3  B4
>>> Assume I have the verified root hash R.  If you supply B3 you also
>>> supply H24 and H11 as proof.  I verify by hashing B3 to produce H23
>>> then hash H23 and H24 to produce H12 and if H12 and your supplied
>>> H11 hash to R the tree is correct and the B3 you supplied must
>>> likewise be correct.
>> I'm not sure what you are proving here. Obviously this has to work
>> in order for a client to reconstruct the file's Merkle tree given
>> only R and the file content.
> You implied the server can't be trusted to generate the merkel tree. 
> I'm showing above it can because of the tree path based verification.

What I was implying is that clients can't trust intermediate Merkle
tree content that is not also signed. So far we are talking about
signing only the tree root.

The storage server can store the tree durably, but if the intermediate
parts of the tree are not signed, the client has to verify them anyway,
and that reduces the value of storing potentially large data structures.

>> It's the construction of the tree and verification of the hashes that
>> are potentially expensive. The point of caching intermediate hashes
>> is so that the client verifies them as few times as possible.  I
>> don't see value in caching those hashes on an untrusted server --
>> the client will have to reverify them anyway, and there will be no
>> savings.
> I'm not making any claim about server caching, I'm just saying the
> client can request pieces of the tree from the server without having to
> reconstruct the whole thing itself because it can verify their
> correctness.

To be clear, my concern is about how much of the tree might be stored
in a Merkle-based metadata format. I just don't see that it has much
value to store more than the signed tree root, because the client will
have to reconstitute or verify some tree contents on most every read.

For sufficiently large files, the tree itself can be larger than what
can be stored in an xattr. This is the same problem that fs-verity
faces. And, as I stated earlier, xattr objects are read in their
entirety, they can't be seeked into or read piecemeal.

What it seemed to me that you were suggesting was an offloaded cache
of the Merkle tree. Either the whole tree is stored on the storage
server, or the storage server provides a service that reconstitutes
that tree on behalf of clients. (Please correct me if I misunderstood).
I just don't think that will be practicable or provide the kind of
benefit you might want.

>> Cache once, as close as you can to where the data will be used.
 So: if the storage target is considered inside the client's trust
 envelope, it can cache or store durably any intermediate parts of
 the verification process. If not, the network and file storage is
 considered untrusted, and the client has to rely on nothing but
 the signed digest of the tree root.
 We could build a scheme around, say, fscache, that might save the
 intermediate results durably and locally.
>>> I agree we want caching on the client, but we can always page in
>>> from the remote as long as we page enough to verify up to R, so
>>> we're always sure the remote supplied genuine information.
>> Agreed.
>> For this reason, the idea was to save only the signature of
>> the tree's root on durable storage. The client would retrieve
>> that signature possibly at open time, and reconstruct the
>> tree at that time.
> Right that's the integrity data you must have.
>> Or the tree could be partially constructed on-demand at the
>> time each unit is to be checked (say, as part of 2. above).
> Whether it's reconstructed or cached can be an implementation

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-14 Thread Chuck Lever

> On Aug 13, 2020, at 10:42 AM, James Bottomley 
>  wrote:
> On Thu, 2020-08-13 at 10:21 -0400, Chuck Lever wrote:
>>> On Aug 12, 2020, at 11:42 AM, James Bottomley >>> wrote:
> [...]
>>> For most people the security mechanism of local xattrs is
>>> sufficient.  If you're paranoid, you don't believe it is and you
>>> use EVM.
>> When IMA metadata happens to be stored in local filesystems in
>> a trusted xattr, it's going to enjoy the protection you describe
>> without needing the addition of a cryptographic signature.
>> However, that metadata doesn't live its whole life there. It
>> can reside in a tar file, it can cross a network, it can live
>> on a back-up tape. I think we agree that any time that metadata
>> is in transit or at rest outside of a Linux local filesystem, it
>> is exposed.
>> Thus I'm interested in a metadata protection mechanism that does
>> not rely on the security characteristics of a particular storage
>> container. For me, a cryptographic signature fits that bill
>> nicely.
> Sure, but one of the points about IMA is a separation of mechanism from
> policy.  Signed hashes (called appraisal in IMA terms) is just one
> policy you can decide to require or not or even make it conditional on
> other things.

AFAICT, the current EVM_IMA_DIGSIG and EVM_PORTABLE_DIGSIG formats are
always signed. The policy choice is whether or not to verify the
signature, not whether or not the metadata format is signed.

Chuck Lever

dm-devel mailing list

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-14 Thread Chuck Lever

> On Aug 11, 2020, at 11:32 AM, James Bottomley 
>  wrote:
> On Tue, 2020-08-11 at 10:48 -0400, Chuck Lever wrote:
>>> On Aug 11, 2020, at 1:43 AM, James Bottomley
>>>  wrote:
>>> On Mon, 2020-08-10 at 19:36 -0400, Chuck Lever wrote:
> [...]
 Thanks for the help! I just want to emphasize that documentation
 (eg, a specification) will be critical for remote filesystems.
 If any of this is to be supported by a remote filesystem, then we
 need an unencumbered description of the new metadata format
 rather than code. GPL-encumbered formats cannot be contributed to
 the NFS standard, and are probably difficult for other
 filesystems that are not Linux-native, like SMB, as well.
>>> I don't understand what you mean by GPL encumbered formats.  The
>>> GPL is a code licence not a data or document licence.
>> IETF contributions occur under a BSD-style license incompatible
>> with the GPL.
>> Non-Linux implementers (of OEM storage devices) rely on such
>> standards processes to indemnify them against licensing claims.
> Well, that simply means we won't be contributing the Linux
> implementation, right?

At the present time, there is nothing but the Linux implementation.
There's no English description, there's no specification of the
formats, the format is described only by source code.

The only way to contribute current IMA metadata formats to an open
standards body like the IETF is to look at encumbered code first.
We would effectively be contributing an implementation in this case.

(I'm not saying the current formats should or should not be
contributed; merely that there is a legal stumbling block to doing
so that can be avoided for newly defined formats).

> Well, let me put the counterpoint: I can write a book about how linux
> device drivers work (which includes describing the data formats)

Our position is that someone who reads that book and implements those
formats under a non-GPL-compatible license would be in breach of the

The point of the standards process is to indemnify implementing
and distributing under _any_ license what has been published by the
standards body. That legally enables everyone to use the published
protocol/format in their own code no matter how it happens to be

> Fine, good grief, people who take a sensible view of this can write the
> data format down and publish it under any licence you like then you can
> pick it up again safely.

That's what I proposed. Write it down under the IETF Trust legal
provisions license. And I volunteered to do that.

All I'm saying is that description needs to come before code.

Chuck Lever

dm-devel mailing list

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-14 Thread Chuck Lever

> On Aug 11, 2020, at 11:53 AM, James Bottomley 
>  wrote:
> On Tue, 2020-08-11 at 10:48 -0400, Chuck Lever wrote:
>>> On Aug 11, 2020, at 1:43 AM, James Bottomley >>> wrote:
>>> On Mon, 2020-08-10 at 19:36 -0400, Chuck Lever wrote:
> On Aug 10, 2020, at 11:35 AM, James Bottomley
>  wrote:
> [...]
> The first basic is that a merkle tree allows unit at a time
> verification. First of all we should agree on the unit.  Since
> we always fault a page at a time, I think our merkle tree unit
> should be a page not a block.
 Remote filesystems will need to agree that the size of that unit
 is the same everywhere, or the unit size could be stored in the
> Next, we should agree where the check gates for the per page
> accesses should be ... definitely somewhere in readpage, I
> suspect and finally we should agree how the merkle tree is
> presented at the gate.  I think there are three ways:
> 1. Ahead of time transfer:  The merkle tree is transferred and
> verified
>at some time before the accesses begin, so we already have
> a
>verified copy and can compare against the lower leaf.
> 2. Async transfer:  We provide an async mechanism to transfer
> the
>necessary components, so when presented with a unit, we
> check the
>log n components required to get to the root
> 3. The protocol actually provides the capability of 2 (like
> the SCSI
>DIF/DIX), so to IMA all the pieces get presented instead of
>having to manage the tree
 A Merkle tree is potentially large enough that it cannot be
 stored in an extended attribute. In addition, an extended
 attribute is not a byte stream that you can seek into or read
 small parts of, it is retrieved in a single shot.
>>> Well you wouldn't store the tree would you, just the head
>>> hash.  The rest of the tree can be derived from the data.  You need
>>> to distinguish between what you *must* have to verify integrity
>>> (the head hash, possibly signed)
>> We're dealing with an untrusted storage device, and for a remote
>> filesystem, an untrusted network.
>> Mimi's earlier point is that any IMA metadata format that involves
>> unsigned digests is exposed to an alteration attack at rest or in
>> transit, thus will not provide a robust end-to-end integrity
>> guarantee.
>> Therefore, tree root digests must be cryptographically signed to be
>> properly protected in these environments. Verifying that signature
>> should be done infrequently relative to reading a file's content.
> I'm not disagreeing there has to be a way for the relying party to
> trust the root hash.
>>> and what is nice to have to speed up the verification
>>> process.  The choice for the latter is cache or reconstruct
>>> depending on the resources available.  If the tree gets cached on
>>> the server, that would be a server implementation detail invisible
>>> to the client.
>> We assume that storage targets (for block or file) are not trusted.
>> Therefore storage clients cannot rely on intermediate results (eg,
>> middle nodes in a Merkle tree) unless those results are generated
>> within the client's trust envelope.
> Yes, they can ... because supplied nodes can be verified.  That's the
> whole point of a merkle tree.  As long as I'm sure of the root hash I
> can verify all the rest even if supplied by an untrusted source.  If
> you consider a simple merkle tree covering 4 blocks:
>   R
> /   \
>  H11 H12
>  / \ / \
> H21 H22 H23 H24
> ||   |   |
> B1   B2  B3  B4
> Assume I have the verified root hash R.  If you supply B3 you also
> supply H24 and H11 as proof.  I verify by hashing B3 to produce H23
> then hash H23 and H24 to produce H12 and if H12 and your supplied H11
> hash to R the tree is correct and the B3 you supplied must likewise be
> correct.

I'm not sure what you are proving here. Obviously this has to work
in order for a client to reconstruct the file's Merkle tree given
only R and the file content.

It's the construction of the tree and verification of the hashes that
are potentially expensive. The point of caching intermediate hashes
is so that the client verifies them as few times as possible.  I
don't see value in caching those hashes on an untrusted server --
the client will have to reverify them anyway, and there will be no

Cache once, as close as you can to where the data will be used.

>> So: if the storage target is considered inside the client's trust
>> envelope, it can cache or store durably any intermediate parts of
>> the verification process. If not, the network and file storage is
>> considered untrusted, and the client has to rely on nothing but the
>> signed digest of the tree root.
>> We could build a scheme around, say, fscache, that might save the
>> intermediate results 

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-14 Thread Chuck Lever

> On Aug 11, 2020, at 2:28 PM, James Bottomley 
>  wrote:
> On Tue, 2020-08-11 at 10:48 -0400, Chuck Lever wrote:
>> Mimi's earlier point is that any IMA metadata format that involves
>> unsigned digests is exposed to an alteration attack at rest or in
>> transit, thus will not provide a robust end-to-end integrity
>> guarantee.
> I don't believe that is Mimi's point, because it's mostly not correct:
> the xattr mechanism does provide this today.  The point is the
> mechanism we use for storing IMA hashes and signatures today is xattrs
> because they have robust security properties for local filesystems that
> the kernel enforces.  This use goes beyond IMA, selinux labels for
> instance use this property as well.

I don't buy this for a second. If storing a security label in a
local xattr is so secure, we wouldn't have any need for EVM.

> What I think you're saying is that NFS can't provide the robust
> security for xattrs we've been relying on, so you need some other
> mechanism for storing them.

For NFS, there's a network traversal which is an attack surface.

A local xattr can be attacked as well: a device or bus malfunction
can corrupt the content of an xattr, or a privileged user can modify

How does that metadata get from the software provider to the end
user? It's got to go over a network, stored in various ways, some
of which will not be trusted. To attain an unbroken chain of
provenance, that metadata has to be signed.

I don't think the question is the storage mechanism, but rather the
protection mechanism. Signing the metadata protects it in all of
these cases.

> I think Mimi's other point is actually that IMA uses a flat hash which
> we derive by reading the entire file and then watching for mutations. 
> Since you cannot guarantee we get notice of mutation with NFS, the
> entire IMA mechanism can't really be applied in its current form and we
> have to resort to chunk at a time verifications that a Merkel tree
> would provide.

I'm not sure what you mean by this. An NFS client relies on notification
of mutation to maintain the integrity of its cache of NFS file content,
and it's done that since the 1980s.

In addition to examining a file's mtime and ctime as maintained by
the NFS server, a client can rely on the file's NFSv4 change attribute
or an NFSv4 delegation.

> Doesn't this make moot any thinking about
> standardisation in NFS for the current IMA flat hash mechanism because
> we simply can't use it ... If I were to construct a prototype I'd have
> to work out and securely cache the hash of ever chunk when verifying
> the flat hash so I could recheck on every chunk read.  I think that's
> infeasible for large files.
> James

Chuck Lever

dm-devel mailing list

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-14 Thread Chuck Lever

> On Aug 11, 2020, at 5:03 PM, James Morris  wrote:
> On Sat, 8 Aug 2020, Chuck Lever wrote:
>> My interest is in code integrity enforcement for executables stored
>> in NFS files.
>> My struggle with IPE is that due to its dependence on dm-verity, it
>> does not seem to able to protect content that is stored separately
>> from its execution environment and accessed via a file access
>> protocol (FUSE, SMB, NFS, etc).
> It's not dependent on DM-Verity, that's just one possible integrity 
> verification mechanism, and one of two supported in this initial 
> version. The other is 'boot_verified' for a verified or otherwise trusted 
> rootfs. Future versions will support FS-Verity, at least.
> IPE was designed to be extensible in this way, with a strong separation of 
> mechanism and policy.

I got that, but it looked to me like the whole system relied on having
access to the block device under the filesystem. That's not possible
for a remote filesystem like Ceph or NFS.

I'm happy to take a closer look if someone can point me the right way.

Chuck Lever

dm-devel mailing list

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-14 Thread Chuck Lever

> On Aug 12, 2020, at 11:42 AM, James Bottomley 
>  wrote:
> On Wed, 2020-08-12 at 09:56 -0400, Chuck Lever wrote:
>>> On Aug 11, 2020, at 2:28 PM, James Bottomley >>> wrote:
>>> On Tue, 2020-08-11 at 10:48 -0400, Chuck Lever wrote:
 Mimi's earlier point is that any IMA metadata format that
 involves unsigned digests is exposed to an alteration attack at
 rest or in transit, thus will not provide a robust end-to-end
 integrity guarantee.
>>> I don't believe that is Mimi's point, because it's mostly not
>>> correct: the xattr mechanism does provide this today.  The point is
>>> the mechanism we use for storing IMA hashes and signatures today is
>>> xattrs because they have robust security properties for local
>>> filesystems that the kernel enforces.  This use goes beyond IMA,
>>> selinux labels for instance use this property as well.
>> I don't buy this for a second. If storing a security label in a
>> local xattr is so secure, we wouldn't have any need for EVM.
> What don't you buy?  Security xattrs can only be updated by local root.
> If you trust local root, the xattr mechanism is fine ... it's the only
> one a lot of LSMs use, for instance.  If you don't trust local root or
> worry about offline backups, you use EVM.  A thing isn't secure or
> insecure, it depends on the threat model.  However, if you don't trust
> the NFS server it doesn't matter whether you do or don't trust local
> root, you can't believe the contents of the xattr.
>>> What I think you're saying is that NFS can't provide the robust
>>> security for xattrs we've been relying on, so you need some other
>>> mechanism for storing them.
>> For NFS, there's a network traversal which is an attack surface.
>> A local xattr can be attacked as well: a device or bus malfunction
>> can corrupt the content of an xattr, or a privileged user can modify
>> it.
>> How does that metadata get from the software provider to the end
>> user? It's got to go over a network, stored in various ways, some
>> of which will not be trusted. To attain an unbroken chain of
>> provenance, that metadata has to be signed.
>> I don't think the question is the storage mechanism, but rather the
>> protection mechanism. Signing the metadata protects it in all of
>> these cases.
> I think we're saying about the same thing.


> For most people the
> security mechanism of local xattrs is sufficient.  If you're paranoid,
> you don't believe it is and you use EVM.

When IMA metadata happens to be stored in local filesystems in
a trusted xattr, it's going to enjoy the protection you describe
without needing the addition of a cryptographic signature.

However, that metadata doesn't live its whole life there. It
can reside in a tar file, it can cross a network, it can live
on a back-up tape. I think we agree that any time that metadata
is in transit or at rest outside of a Linux local filesystem, it
is exposed.

Thus I'm interested in a metadata protection mechanism that does
not rely on the security characteristics of a particular storage
container. For me, a cryptographic signature fits that bill

>>> I think Mimi's other point is actually that IMA uses a flat hash
>>> which we derive by reading the entire file and then watching for
>>> mutations. Since you cannot guarantee we get notice of mutation
>>> with NFS, the entire IMA mechanism can't really be applied in its
>>> current form and we have to resort to chunk at a time verifications
>>> that a Merkel tree would provide.
>> I'm not sure what you mean by this. An NFS client relies on
>> notification of mutation to maintain the integrity of its cache of
>> NFS file content, and it's done that since the 1980s.
> Mutation detection is part of the current IMA security model.  If IMA
> sees a file mutate it has to be rehashed the next time it passes the
> gate.  If we can't trust the NFS server, we can't trust the NFS
> mutation notification and we have to have a different mechanism to
> check the file.

When an NFS server lies about mtime and ctime, then NFS is completely
broken. Untrusted NFS server doesn't mean "broken behavior" -- I
would think that local filesystems will have the same problem if
they can't trust a local block device to store filesystem metadata
like indirect blocks and timestamps.

It's not clear to me that IMA as currently implemented can protect
against broken storage devices or incorrect filesystem behavior.

>> In addition to examining a file's mtime and ctime as maintained by
>> the NFS server, a client can rely on the file's NFSv4 change
>> attribute or an NFSv4 delegation.
> And that's secure in the face of a malicious or compromised server?
> The bottom line is still, I think we can't use linear hashes with an
> open/exec/mmap gate with NFS and we have to move to chunk at a time
> verification like that provided by a merkel tree.

That's fine until we claim that remote filesystems require 

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-12 Thread Deven Bowers

On 8/12/2020 7:18 AM, Chuck Lever wrote:

On Aug 11, 2020, at 5:03 PM, James Morris  wrote:

On Sat, 8 Aug 2020, Chuck Lever wrote:

My interest is in code integrity enforcement for executables stored
in NFS files.

My struggle with IPE is that due to its dependence on dm-verity, it
does not seem to able to protect content that is stored separately
from its execution environment and accessed via a file access
protocol (FUSE, SMB, NFS, etc).

It's not dependent on DM-Verity, that's just one possible integrity
verification mechanism, and one of two supported in this initial
version. The other is 'boot_verified' for a verified or otherwise trusted
rootfs. Future versions will support FS-Verity, at least.

IPE was designed to be extensible in this way, with a strong separation of
mechanism and policy.

I got that, but it looked to me like the whole system relied on having
access to the block device under the filesystem. That's not possible
for a remote filesystem like Ceph or NFS.

Block device structure no, (though that's what the currently used, to be
fair). It really has a hard dependency on the file structure,
specifically the ability to determine whether that file structure can be 
used to navigate back to the integrity claim provided by the mechanism.

In the current world of IPE, the integrity claim is the root-hash or 
root-hash-signature on the block device, provided by dm-verity's 
setsecurity hooks (also introduced in this series).

I'm happy to take a closer look if someone can point me the right way.

Sure, if you look at the 2nd patch, you want to look at the file 
"security/ipe/ipe-property.h", it defines what methods are required to

be implemented by a mechanism to work with IPE. It passes the engine
context which is defined as:

 struct ipe_engine_ctx {
enum ipe_op op;
enum ipe_hook hook;
const struct file *file;
const char *audit_pathname;
const struct ipe_bdev_blob *sec_bdev;

Now, if the security blob existed for the block_device, it would be
in sec_bdev, but that may be NULL, as well to be fair.

If you want a more worked example of how integration works, patches 8
and 10 introduce the dm-verity properties mentioned in this patch.

dm-devel mailing list

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-12 Thread James Bottomley
On Wed, 2020-08-12 at 10:15 -0400, Chuck Lever wrote:
> > On Aug 11, 2020, at 11:53 AM, James Bottomley
> >  wrote:
> > 
> > On Tue, 2020-08-11 at 10:48 -0400, Chuck Lever wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > and what is nice to have to speed up the verification
> > > > process.  The choice for the latter is cache or reconstruct
> > > > depending on the resources available.  If the tree gets cached
> > > > on the server, that would be a server implementation detail
> > > > invisible to the client.
> > > 
> > > We assume that storage targets (for block or file) are not
> > > trusted. Therefore storage clients cannot rely on intermediate
> > > results (eg, middle nodes in a Merkle tree) unless those results
> > > are generated within the client's trust envelope.
> > 
> > Yes, they can ... because supplied nodes can be verified.  That's
> > the whole point of a merkle tree.  As long as I'm sure of the root
> > hash I can verify all the rest even if supplied by an untrusted
> > source.  If you consider a simple merkle tree covering 4 blocks:
> > 
> >   R
> > /   \
> >  H11 H12
> >  / \ / \
> > H21 H22 H23 H24
> > >|   |   |
> > 
> > B1   B2  B3  B4
> > 
> > Assume I have the verified root hash R.  If you supply B3 you also
> > supply H24 and H11 as proof.  I verify by hashing B3 to produce H23
> > then hash H23 and H24 to produce H12 and if H12 and your supplied
> > H11 hash to R the tree is correct and the B3 you supplied must
> > likewise be correct.
> I'm not sure what you are proving here. Obviously this has to work
> in order for a client to reconstruct the file's Merkle tree given
> only R and the file content.

You implied the server can't be trusted to generate the merkel tree. 
I'm showing above it can because of the tree path based verification.

> It's the construction of the tree and verification of the hashes that
> are potentially expensive. The point of caching intermediate hashes
> is so that the client verifies them as few times as possible.  I
> don't see value in caching those hashes on an untrusted server --
> the client will have to reverify them anyway, and there will be no
> savings.

I'm not making any claim about server caching, I'm just saying the
client can request pieces of the tree from the server without having to
reconstruct the whole thing itself because it can verify their

> Cache once, as close as you can to where the data will be used.
> > > So: if the storage target is considered inside the client's trust
> > > envelope, it can cache or store durably any intermediate parts of
> > > the verification process. If not, the network and file storage is
> > > considered untrusted, and the client has to rely on nothing but
> > > the signed digest of the tree root.
> > > 
> > > We could build a scheme around, say, fscache, that might save the
> > > intermediate results durably and locally.
> > 
> > I agree we want caching on the client, but we can always page in
> > from the remote as long as we page enough to verify up to R, so
> > we're always sure the remote supplied genuine information.
> Agreed.
> > > > > For this reason, the idea was to save only the signature of
> > > > > the tree's root on durable storage. The client would retrieve
> > > > > that signature possibly at open time, and reconstruct the
> > > > > tree at that time.
> > > > 
> > > > Right that's the integrity data you must have.
> > > > 
> > > > > Or the tree could be partially constructed on-demand at the
> > > > > time each unit is to be checked (say, as part of 2. above).
> > > > 
> > > > Whether it's reconstructed or cached can be an implementation
> > > > detail. You clearly have to reconstruct once, but whether you
> > > > have to do it again depends on the memory available for caching
> > > > and all the other resource calls in the system.
> > > > 
> > > > > The client would have to reconstruct that tree again if
> > > > > memory pressure caused some or all of the tree to be evicted,
> > > > > so perhaps an on-demand mechanism is preferable.
> > > > 
> > > > Right, but I think that's implementation detail.  Probably what
> > > > we need is a way to get the log(N) verification hashes from the
> > > > server and it's up to the client whether it caches them or not.
> > > 
> > > Agreed, these are implementation details. But see above about the
> > > trustworthiness of the intermediate hashes. If they are conveyed
> > > on an untrusted network, then they can't be trusted either.
> > 
> > Yes, they can, provided enough of them are asked for to verify.  If
> > you look at the simple example above, suppose I have cached H11 and
> > H12, but I've lost the entire H2X layer.  I want to verify B3 so I
> > also ask you for your copy of H24.  Then I generate H23 from B3 and
> > Hash H23 and H24.  If this doesn't hash to H12 I know either you
> > supplied me the wrong block or lied about H24.  However, if it all
> > hashes correctly I know you supplied me with both the correct 

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-12 Thread James Bottomley
On Wed, 2020-08-12 at 09:56 -0400, Chuck Lever wrote:
> > On Aug 11, 2020, at 2:28 PM, James Bottomley  >> wrote:
> > 
> > On Tue, 2020-08-11 at 10:48 -0400, Chuck Lever wrote:
> > > Mimi's earlier point is that any IMA metadata format that
> > > involves unsigned digests is exposed to an alteration attack at
> > > rest or in transit, thus will not provide a robust end-to-end
> > > integrity guarantee.
> > 
> > I don't believe that is Mimi's point, because it's mostly not
> > correct: the xattr mechanism does provide this today.  The point is
> > the mechanism we use for storing IMA hashes and signatures today is
> > xattrs because they have robust security properties for local
> > filesystems that the kernel enforces.  This use goes beyond IMA,
> > selinux labels for instance use this property as well.
> I don't buy this for a second. If storing a security label in a
> local xattr is so secure, we wouldn't have any need for EVM.

What don't you buy?  Security xattrs can only be updated by local root.
 If you trust local root, the xattr mechanism is fine ... it's the only
one a lot of LSMs use, for instance.  If you don't trust local root or
worry about offline backups, you use EVM.  A thing isn't secure or
insecure, it depends on the threat model.  However, if you don't trust
the NFS server it doesn't matter whether you do or don't trust local
root, you can't believe the contents of the xattr.

> > What I think you're saying is that NFS can't provide the robust
> > security for xattrs we've been relying on, so you need some other
> > mechanism for storing them.
> For NFS, there's a network traversal which is an attack surface.
> A local xattr can be attacked as well: a device or bus malfunction
> can corrupt the content of an xattr, or a privileged user can modify
> it.
> How does that metadata get from the software provider to the end
> user? It's got to go over a network, stored in various ways, some
> of which will not be trusted. To attain an unbroken chain of
> provenance, that metadata has to be signed.
> I don't think the question is the storage mechanism, but rather the
> protection mechanism. Signing the metadata protects it in all of
> these cases.

I think we're saying about the same thing.  For most people the
security mechanism of local xattrs is sufficient.  If you're paranoid,
you don't believe it is and you use EVM.

> > I think Mimi's other point is actually that IMA uses a flat hash
> > which we derive by reading the entire file and then watching for
> > mutations. Since you cannot guarantee we get notice of mutation
> > with NFS, the entire IMA mechanism can't really be applied in its
> > current form and we have to resort to chunk at a time verifications
> > that a Merkel tree would provide.
> I'm not sure what you mean by this. An NFS client relies on
> notification of mutation to maintain the integrity of its cache of
> NFS file content, and it's done that since the 1980s.

Mutation detection is part of the current IMA security model.  If IMA
sees a file mutate it has to be rehashed the next time it passes the
gate.  If we can't trust the NFS server, we can't trust the NFS
mutation notification and we have to have a different mechanism to
check the file.

> In addition to examining a file's mtime and ctime as maintained by
> the NFS server, a client can rely on the file's NFSv4 change
> attribute or an NFSv4 delegation.

And that's secure in the face of a malicious or compromised server?

The bottom line is still, I think we can't use linear hashes with an
open/exec/mmap gate with NFS and we have to move to chunk at a time
verification like that provided by a merkel tree.


dm-devel mailing list

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-12 Thread Chuck Lever

> On Aug 11, 2020, at 1:43 AM, James Bottomley 
>  wrote:
> On Mon, 2020-08-10 at 19:36 -0400, Chuck Lever wrote:
>>> On Aug 10, 2020, at 11:35 AM, James Bottomley
>>>  wrote:
>>> On Sun, 2020-08-09 at 13:16 -0400, Mimi Zohar wrote:
 On Sat, 2020-08-08 at 13:47 -0400, Chuck Lever wrote:
> [...]
> The first priority (for me, anyway) therefore is getting the
> ability to move IMA metadata between NFS clients and servers
> shoveled into the NFS protocol, but that's been blocked for
> various legal reasons.
 Up to now, verifying remote filesystem file integrity has been
 out of scope for IMA.   With fs-verity file signatures I can at
 least grasp how remote file integrity could possibly work.  I
 don't understand how remote file integrity with existing IMA
 formats could be supported. You might want to consider writing a
 whitepaper, which could later be used as the basis for a patch
 set cover letter.
>>> I think, before this, we can help with the basics (and perhaps we
>>> should sort them out before we start documenting what we'll do).
>> Thanks for the help! I just want to emphasize that documentation
>> (eg, a specification) will be critical for remote filesystems.
>> If any of this is to be supported by a remote filesystem, then we
>> need an unencumbered description of the new metadata format rather
>> than code. GPL-encumbered formats cannot be contributed to the NFS
>> standard, and are probably difficult for other filesystems that are
>> not Linux-native, like SMB, as well.
> I don't understand what you mean by GPL encumbered formats.  The GPL is
> a code licence not a data or document licence.

IETF contributions occur under a BSD-style license incompatible
with the GPL.

Non-Linux implementers (of OEM storage devices) rely on such standards
processes to indemnify them against licensing claims.

Today, there is no specification for existing IMA metadata formats,
there is only code. My lawyer tells me that because the code that
implements these formats is under GPL, the formats themselves cannot
be contributed to, say, the IETF without express permission from the
authors of that code. There are a lot of authors of the Linux IMA
code, so this is proving to be an impediment to contribution. That
blocks the ability to provide a fully-specified NFS protocol
extension to support IMA metadata formats.

> The way the spec
> process works in Linux is that we implement or evolve a data format
> under a GPL implementaiton, but that implementation doesn't implicate
> the later standardisation of the data format and people are free to
> reimplement under any licence they choose.

That technology transfer can happen only if all the authors of that
prototype agree to contribute to a standard. That's much easier if
that agreement comes before an implementation is done. The current
IMA code base is more than a decade old, and there are more than a
hundred authors who have contributed to that base.

Thus IMO we want an unencumbered description of any IMA metadata
format that is to be contributed to an open standards body (as it
would have to be to extend, say, the NFS protocol).

I'm happy to write that specification, as long as any contributions
here are unencumbered and acknowledged. In fact, I have been working
on a (so far, flawed) NFS extension:

Now, for example, the components of a putative Merkle-based IMA
metadata format are all already open:

- The unit size is just an integer

- A certificate fingerprint is a de facto standard, and the
fingerprint digest algorithms are all standardized

- Merkle trees are public domain, I believe, and we're not adding
any special sauce here

- Digital signing algorithms are all standardized

Wondering if we want to hash and save the file's mtime and size too.

>>> The first basic is that a merkle tree allows unit at a time
>>> verification. First of all we should agree on the unit.  Since we
>>> always fault a page at a time, I think our merkle tree unit should
>>> be a page not a block.
>> Remote filesystems will need to agree that the size of that unit is
>> the same everywhere, or the unit size could be stored in the per-file
>> metadata.
>>> Next, we should agree where the check gates for the per page
>>> accesses should be ... definitely somewhere in readpage, I suspect
>>> and finally we should agree how the merkle tree is presented at the
>>> gate.  I think there are three ways:
>>>  1. Ahead of time transfer:  The merkle tree is transferred and
>>> verified
>>> at some time before the accesses begin, so we already have a
>>> verified copy and can compare against the lower leaf.
>>>  2. Async transfer:  We provide an async mechanism to transfer the
>>> necessary components, so when presented with a unit, we check
>>> the
>>> log n 

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-11 Thread James Morris
On Sat, 8 Aug 2020, Chuck Lever wrote:

> My interest is in code integrity enforcement for executables stored
> in NFS files.
> My struggle with IPE is that due to its dependence on dm-verity, it
> does not seem to able to protect content that is stored separately
> from its execution environment and accessed via a file access
> protocol (FUSE, SMB, NFS, etc).

It's not dependent on DM-Verity, that's just one possible integrity 
verification mechanism, and one of two supported in this initial 
version. The other is 'boot_verified' for a verified or otherwise trusted 
rootfs. Future versions will support FS-Verity, at least.

IPE was designed to be extensible in this way, with a strong separation of 
mechanism and policy.

Whatever is implemented for NFS should be able to plug in to IPE pretty 

James Morris

dm-devel mailing list

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-11 Thread Pavel Machek

> > > > (eg, a specification) will be critical for remote filesystems.
> > > > 
> > > > If any of this is to be supported by a remote filesystem, then we
> > > > need an unencumbered description of the new metadata format
> > > > rather than code. GPL-encumbered formats cannot be contributed to
> > > > the NFS standard, and are probably difficult for other
> > > > filesystems that are not Linux-native, like SMB, as well.
> > > 
> > > I don't understand what you mean by GPL encumbered formats.  The
> > > GPL is a code licence not a data or document licence.
> > 
> > IETF contributions occur under a BSD-style license incompatible
> > with the GPL.
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Non-Linux implementers (of OEM storage devices) rely on such
> > standards processes to indemnify them against licensing claims.
> Well, that simply means we won't be contributing the Linux
> implementation, right? However, IETF doesn't require BSD for all
> implementations, so that's OK.
> > Today, there is no specification for existing IMA metadata formats,
> > there is only code. My lawyer tells me that because the code that
> > implements these formats is under GPL, the formats themselves cannot
> > be contributed to, say, the IETF without express permission from the
> > authors of that code. There are a lot of authors of the Linux IMA
> > code, so this is proving to be an impediment to contribution. That
> > blocks the ability to provide a fully-specified NFS protocol
> > extension to support IMA metadata formats.
> Well, let me put the counterpoint: I can write a book about how
> linux

You should probably talk to your lawyer.

> device drivers work (which includes describing the data formats), for
> instance, without having to get permission from all the authors ... or
> is your lawyer taking the view we should be suing Jonathan Corbet,
> Alessandro Rubini, and Greg Kroah-Hartman for licence infringement?  In
> fact do they think we now have a huge class action possibility against
> O'Reilly  and a host of other publishers ...

Because yes, you can reverse engineer for compatibility reasons --
doing clean room re-implementation (BIOS binary -> BIOS documentation
-> BIOS sources under different license), but that was only tested in
the US, is expensive, and I understand people might be uncomfortable
doing that.

Best regards,

(cesky, pictures)

Description: PGP signature
dm-devel mailing list

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-11 Thread James Bottomley
On Tue, 2020-08-11 at 10:48 -0400, Chuck Lever wrote:
> Mimi's earlier point is that any IMA metadata format that involves
> unsigned digests is exposed to an alteration attack at rest or in
> transit, thus will not provide a robust end-to-end integrity
> guarantee.

I don't believe that is Mimi's point, because it's mostly not correct:
the xattr mechanism does provide this today.  The point is the
mechanism we use for storing IMA hashes and signatures today is xattrs
because they have robust security properties for local filesystems that
the kernel enforces.  This use goes beyond IMA, selinux labels for
instance use this property as well.

What I think you're saying is that NFS can't provide the robust
security for xattrs we've been relying on, so you need some other
mechanism for storing them.

I think Mimi's other point is actually that IMA uses a flat hash which
we derive by reading the entire file and then watching for mutations. 
Since you cannot guarantee we get notice of mutation with NFS, the
entire IMA mechanism can't really be applied in its current form and we
have to resort to chunk at a time verifications that a Merkel tree
would provide.  Doesn't this make moot any thinking about
standardisation in NFS for the current IMA flat hash mechanism because
we simply can't use it ... If I were to construct a prototype I'd have
to work out and securely cache the hash of ever chunk when verifying
the flat hash so I could recheck on every chunk read.  I think that's
infeasible for large files.


dm-devel mailing list

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-11 Thread James Bottomley
On Tue, 2020-08-11 at 10:48 -0400, Chuck Lever wrote:
> > On Aug 11, 2020, at 1:43 AM, James Bottomley  >> wrote:
> > 
> > On Mon, 2020-08-10 at 19:36 -0400, Chuck Lever wrote:
> > > > On Aug 10, 2020, at 11:35 AM, James Bottomley
> > > >  wrote:
> > > > The first basic is that a merkle tree allows unit at a time
> > > > verification. First of all we should agree on the unit.  Since
> > > > we always fault a page at a time, I think our merkle tree unit
> > > > should be a page not a block.
> > > 
> > > Remote filesystems will need to agree that the size of that unit
> > > is the same everywhere, or the unit size could be stored in the
> > > per-filemetadata.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > > Next, we should agree where the check gates for the per page
> > > > accesses should be ... definitely somewhere in readpage, I
> > > > suspect and finally we should agree how the merkle tree is
> > > > presented at the gate.  I think there are three ways:
> > > > 
> > > >  1. Ahead of time transfer:  The merkle tree is transferred and
> > > > verified
> > > > at some time before the accesses begin, so we already have
> > > > a
> > > > verified copy and can compare against the lower leaf.
> > > >  2. Async transfer:  We provide an async mechanism to transfer
> > > > the
> > > > necessary components, so when presented with a unit, we
> > > > check the
> > > > log n components required to get to the root
> > > >  3. The protocol actually provides the capability of 2 (like
> > > > the SCSI
> > > > DIF/DIX), so to IMA all the pieces get presented instead of
> > > > IMA
> > > > having to manage the tree
> > > 
> > > A Merkle tree is potentially large enough that it cannot be
> > > stored in an extended attribute. In addition, an extended
> > > attribute is not a byte stream that you can seek into or read
> > > small parts of, it is retrieved in a single shot.
> > 
> > Well you wouldn't store the tree would you, just the head
> > hash.  The rest of the tree can be derived from the data.  You need
> > to distinguish between what you *must* have to verify integrity
> > (the head hash, possibly signed)
> We're dealing with an untrusted storage device, and for a remote
> filesystem, an untrusted network.
> Mimi's earlier point is that any IMA metadata format that involves
> unsigned digests is exposed to an alteration attack at rest or in
> transit, thus will not provide a robust end-to-end integrity
> guarantee.
> Therefore, tree root digests must be cryptographically signed to be
> properly protected in these environments. Verifying that signature
> should be done infrequently relative to reading a file's content.

I'm not disagreeing there has to be a way for the relying party to
trust the root hash.

> > and what is nice to have to speed up the verification
> > process.  The choice for the latter is cache or reconstruct
> > depending on the resources available.  If the tree gets cached on
> > the server, that would be a server implementation detail invisible
> > to the client.
> We assume that storage targets (for block or file) are not trusted.
> Therefore storage clients cannot rely on intermediate results (eg,
> middle nodes in a Merkle tree) unless those results are generated
> within the client's trust envelope.

Yes, they can ... because supplied nodes can be verified.  That's the
whole point of a merkle tree.  As long as I'm sure of the root hash I
can verify all the rest even if supplied by an untrusted source.  If
you consider a simple merkle tree covering 4 blocks:

 /   \
  H11 H12
  / \ / \
H21 H22 H23 H24
 ||   |   |
B1   B2  B3  B4

Assume I have the verified root hash R.  If you supply B3 you also
supply H24 and H11 as proof.  I verify by hashing B3 to produce H23
then hash H23 and H24 to produce H12 and if H12 and your supplied H11
hash to R the tree is correct and the B3 you supplied must likewise be

> So: if the storage target is considered inside the client's trust
> envelope, it can cache or store durably any intermediate parts of
> the verification process. If not, the network and file storage is
> considered untrusted, and the client has to rely on nothing but the
> signed digest of the tree root.
> We could build a scheme around, say, fscache, that might save the
> intermediate results durably and locally.

I agree we want caching on the client, but we can always page in from
the remote as long as we page enough to verify up to R, so we're always
sure the remote supplied genuine information.

> > > For this reason, the idea was to save only the signature of the
> > > tree's root on durable storage. The client would retrieve that
> > > signature possibly at open time, and reconstruct the tree at that
> > > time.
> > 
> > Right that's the integrity data you must have.
> > 
> > > Or the tree could be partially constructed on-demand at the time
> > > each unit is to be checked (say, as part of 2. above).
> > 
> > Whether 

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-11 Thread James Bottomley
On Tue, 2020-08-11 at 10:48 -0400, Chuck Lever wrote:
> > On Aug 11, 2020, at 1:43 AM, James Bottomley
> >  wrote:
> > On Mon, 2020-08-10 at 19:36 -0400, Chuck Lever wrote:
> > > Thanks for the help! I just want to emphasize that documentation
> > > (eg, a specification) will be critical for remote filesystems.
> > > 
> > > If any of this is to be supported by a remote filesystem, then we
> > > need an unencumbered description of the new metadata format
> > > rather than code. GPL-encumbered formats cannot be contributed to
> > > the NFS standard, and are probably difficult for other
> > > filesystems that are not Linux-native, like SMB, as well.
> > 
> > I don't understand what you mean by GPL encumbered formats.  The
> > GPL is a code licence not a data or document licence.
> IETF contributions occur under a BSD-style license incompatible
> with the GPL.
> Non-Linux implementers (of OEM storage devices) rely on such
> standards processes to indemnify them against licensing claims.

Well, that simply means we won't be contributing the Linux
implementation, right? However, IETF doesn't require BSD for all
implementations, so that's OK.

> Today, there is no specification for existing IMA metadata formats,
> there is only code. My lawyer tells me that because the code that
> implements these formats is under GPL, the formats themselves cannot
> be contributed to, say, the IETF without express permission from the
> authors of that code. There are a lot of authors of the Linux IMA
> code, so this is proving to be an impediment to contribution. That
> blocks the ability to provide a fully-specified NFS protocol
> extension to support IMA metadata formats.

Well, let me put the counterpoint: I can write a book about how linux
device drivers work (which includes describing the data formats), for
instance, without having to get permission from all the authors ... or
is your lawyer taking the view we should be suing Jonathan Corbet,
Alessandro Rubini, and Greg Kroah-Hartman for licence infringement?  In
fact do they think we now have a huge class action possibility against
O'Reilly  and a host of other publishers ...

> > The way the spec process works in Linux is that we implement or
> > evolve a data format under a GPL implementaiton, but that
> > implementation doesn't implicate the later standardisation of the
> > data format and people are free to reimplement under any licence
> > they choose.
> That technology transfer can happen only if all the authors of that
> prototype agree to contribute to a standard. That's much easier if
> that agreement comes before an implementation is done. The current
> IMA code base is more than a decade old, and there are more than a
> hundred authors who have contributed to that base.
> Thus IMO we want an unencumbered description of any IMA metadata
> format that is to be contributed to an open standards body (as it
> would have to be to extend, say, the NFS protocol).

Fine, good grief, people who take a sensible view of this can write the
data format down and publish it under any licence you like then you can
pick it up again safely.  Would CC0 be OK? ... neither GPL nor BSD are
document licences and we shouldn't perpetuate bad practice by licensing
documentation under them.


dm-devel mailing list

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-11 Thread Chuck Lever

> On Aug 10, 2020, at 11:35 AM, James Bottomley 
>  wrote:
> On Sun, 2020-08-09 at 13:16 -0400, Mimi Zohar wrote:
>> On Sat, 2020-08-08 at 13:47 -0400, Chuck Lever wrote:
 On Aug 5, 2020, at 2:15 PM, Mimi Zohar 
 If block layer integrity was enough, there wouldn't have been a
 need for fs-verity.   Even fs-verity is limited to read only
 filesystems, which makes validating file integrity so much
 easier.  From the beginning, we've said that fs-verity signatures
 should be included in the measurement list.  (I thought someone
 signed on to add that support to IMA, but have not yet seen
>>> Mimi, when you and I discussed this during LSS NA 2019, I didn't
>>> fully understand that you expected me to implement signed Merkle
>>> trees for all filesystems. At the time, it sounded to me like you
>>> wanted signed Merkle trees only for NFS files. Is that still the
>>> case?
>> I definitely do not expect you to support signed Merkle trees for all
>> filesystems.  My interested is from an IMA perspective of measuring
>> and verifying the fs-verity Merkle tree root (and header info)
>> signature. This is independent of which filesystems support it.
>>> The first priority (for me, anyway) therefore is getting the
>>> ability to move IMA metadata between NFS clients and servers
>>> shoveled into the NFS protocol, but that's been blocked for various
>>> legal reasons.
>> Up to now, verifying remote filesystem file integrity has been out of
>> scope for IMA.   With fs-verity file signatures I can at least grasp
>> how remote file integrity could possibly work.  I don't understand
>> how remote file integrity with existing IMA formats could be
>> supported. You might want to consider writing a whitepaper, which
>> could later be used as the basis for a patch set cover letter.
> I think, before this, we can help with the basics (and perhaps we
> should sort them out before we start documenting what we'll do).

Thanks for the help! I just want to emphasize that documentation
(eg, a specification) will be critical for remote filesystems.

If any of this is to be supported by a remote filesystem, then we
need an unencumbered description of the new metadata format rather
than code. GPL-encumbered formats cannot be contributed to the NFS
standard, and are probably difficult for other filesystems that are
not Linux-native, like SMB, as well.

> The
> first basic is that a merkle tree allows unit at a time verification. 
> First of all we should agree on the unit.  Since we always fault a page
> at a time, I think our merkle tree unit should be a page not a block.

Remote filesystems will need to agree that the size of that unit is
the same everywhere, or the unit size could be stored in the per-file

> Next, we should agree where the check gates for the per page accesses
> should be ... definitely somewhere in readpage, I suspect and finally
> we should agree how the merkle tree is presented at the gate.  I think
> there are three ways:
>   1. Ahead of time transfer:  The merkle tree is transferred and verified
>  at some time before the accesses begin, so we already have a
>  verified copy and can compare against the lower leaf.
>   2. Async transfer:  We provide an async mechanism to transfer the
>  necessary components, so when presented with a unit, we check the
>  log n components required to get to the root
>   3. The protocol actually provides the capability of 2 (like the SCSI
>  DIF/DIX), so to IMA all the pieces get presented instead of IMA
>  having to manage the tree

A Merkle tree is potentially large enough that it cannot be stored in
an extended attribute. In addition, an extended attribute is not a
byte stream that you can seek into or read small parts of, it is
retrieved in a single shot.

For this reason, the idea was to save only the signature of the tree's
root on durable storage. The client would retrieve that signature
possibly at open time, and reconstruct the tree at that time.

Or the tree could be partially constructed on-demand at the time each
unit is to be checked (say, as part of 2. above).

The client would have to reconstruct that tree again if memory pressure
caused some or all of the tree to be evicted, so perhaps an on-demand
mechanism is preferable.

> There are also a load of minor things like how we get the head hash,
> which must be presented and verified ahead of time for each of the
> above 3.

Also, changes to a file's content and its tree signature are not
atomic. If a file is mutable, then there is the period between when
the file content has changed and when the signature is updated.
Some discussion of how a client is to behave in those situations will
be necessary.

Chuck Lever

dm-devel mailing list

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-11 Thread Mimi Zohar
On Mon, 2020-08-10 at 10:13 -0700, James Bottomley wrote:
> On Mon, 2020-08-10 at 12:35 -0400, Mimi Zohar wrote:
> > On Mon, 2020-08-10 at 08:35 -0700, James Bottomley wrote:
> [...]
> > > > Up to now, verifying remote filesystem file integrity has been
> > > > out of scope for IMA.   With fs-verity file signatures I can at
> > > > least grasp how remote file integrity could possibly work.  I
> > > > don't understand how remote file integrity with existing IMA
> > > > formats could be supported. You might want to consider writing a
> > > > whitepaper, which could later be used as the basis for a patch
> > > > set cover letter.
> > > 
> > > I think, before this, we can help with the basics (and perhaps we
> > > should sort them out before we start documenting what we'll do).
> > 
> > I'm not opposed to doing that, but you're taking this discussion in a
> > totally different direction.  The current discussion is about NFSv4
> > supporting the existing IMA signatures, not only fs-verity
> > signatures. I'd like to understand how that is possible and for the
> > community to weigh in on whether it makes sense.
> Well, I see the NFS problem as being chunk at a time, right, which is
> merkle tree, or is there a different chunk at a time mechanism we want
> to use?  IMA currently verifies signature on open/exec and then
> controls updates.  Since for NFS we only control the client, we can't
> do that on an NFS server, so we really do need verification at read
> time ... unless we're threading IMA back to the NFS server?

Yes.  I still don't see how we can support the existing IMA signatures,
which is based on the file data hash, unless the "chunk at a time
mechanism" is not a tree, but linear.


> > > The first basic is that a merkle tree allows unit at a time
> > > verification. First of all we should agree on the unit.  Since we
> > > always fault a page at a time, I think our merkle tree unit should
> > > be a page not a block. Next, we should agree where the check gates
> > > for the per page accesses should be ... definitely somewhere in
> > > readpage, I suspect and finally we should agree how the merkle tree
> > > is presented at the gate.  I think there are three ways:
> > > 
> > >1. Ahead of time transfer:  The merkle tree is transferred and
> > > verified
> > >   at some time before the accesses begin, so we already have a
> > >   verified copy and can compare against the lower leaf.
> > >2. Async transfer:  We provide an async mechanism to transfer
> > > the
> > >   necessary components, so when presented with a unit, we check
> > > the
> > >   log n components required to get to the root
> > >3. The protocol actually provides the capability of 2 (like the
> > > SCSI
> > >   DIF/DIX), so to IMA all the pieces get presented instead of
> > > IMA
> > >   having to manage the tree
> > > 
> > > There are also a load of minor things like how we get the head
> > > hash, which must be presented and verified ahead of time for each
> > > of the above 3.
> > 
> >  
> > I was under the impression that IMA support for fs-verity signatures
> > would be limited to including the fs-verity signature in the
> > measurement list and verifying the fs-verity signature.   As fs-
> > verity is limited to immutable files, this could be done on file
> > open.  fs-verity would be responsible for enforcing the block/page
> > data integrity.   From a local filesystem perspective, I think that
> > is all that is necessary.
> The fs-verity use case is a bit of a crippled one because it's
> immutable.  I think NFS represents more the general case where you
> can't rely on immutability and have to verify at chunk read time.  If
> we get chunk at a time working for NFS, it should work also for fs-
> verity and we wouldn't need to have two special paths.
> I think, even for NFS we would only really need to log the open, so
> same as you imagine for fs-verity.  As long as the chunk read hashes
> match, we can be silent because everything is going OK, so we only need
> to determine what to do and log on mismatch (which isn't expected to
> happen for fs-verity).
> > In terms of remote file systems,  the main issue is transporting and
> > storing the Merkle tree.  As fs-verity is limited to immutable files,
> > this could still be done on file open.
> Right, I mentioned that in my options ... we need some "supply
> integrity" hook ... or possibly multiple hooks for a variety of
> possible methods.

dm-devel mailing list

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-11 Thread Mimi Zohar
On Mon, 2020-08-10 at 08:35 -0700, James Bottomley wrote:
> On Sun, 2020-08-09 at 13:16 -0400, Mimi Zohar wrote:
> > On Sat, 2020-08-08 at 13:47 -0400, Chuck Lever wrote:
> > > > On Aug 5, 2020, at 2:15 PM, Mimi Zohar 
> > > > wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > > If block layer integrity was enough, there wouldn't have been a
> > > > need for fs-verity.   Even fs-verity is limited to read only
> > > > filesystems, which makes validating file integrity so much
> > > > easier.  From the beginning, we've said that fs-verity signatures
> > > > should be included in the measurement list.  (I thought someone
> > > > signed on to add that support to IMA, but have not yet seen
> > > > anything.)
> > > 
> > > Mimi, when you and I discussed this during LSS NA 2019, I didn't
> > > fully understand that you expected me to implement signed Merkle
> > > trees for all filesystems. At the time, it sounded to me like you
> > > wanted signed Merkle trees only for NFS files. Is that still the
> > > case?
> > 
> > I definitely do not expect you to support signed Merkle trees for all
> > filesystems.  My interested is from an IMA perspective of measuring
> > and verifying the fs-verity Merkle tree root (and header info)
> > signature. This is independent of which filesystems support it.
> > 
> > > The first priority (for me, anyway) therefore is getting the
> > > ability to move IMA metadata between NFS clients and servers
> > > shoveled into the NFS protocol, but that's been blocked for various
> > > legal reasons.
> > 
> > Up to now, verifying remote filesystem file integrity has been out of
> > scope for IMA.   With fs-verity file signatures I can at least grasp
> > how remote file integrity could possibly work.  I don't understand
> > how remote file integrity with existing IMA formats could be
> > supported. You might want to consider writing a whitepaper, which
> > could later be used as the basis for a patch set cover letter.
> I think, before this, we can help with the basics (and perhaps we
> should sort them out before we start documenting what we'll do).

I'm not opposed to doing that, but you're taking this discussion in a
totally different direction.  The current discussion is about NFSv4
supporting the existing IMA signatures, not only fs-verity signatures. 
I'd like to understand how that is possible and for the community to
weigh in on whether it makes sense.

> The
> first basic is that a merkle tree allows unit at a time verification.
> First of all we should agree on the unit.  Since we always fault a page
> at a time, I think our merkle tree unit should be a page not a block. 
> Next, we should agree where the check gates for the per page accesses
> should be ... definitely somewhere in readpage, I suspect and finally
> we should agree how the merkle tree is presented at the gate.  I think
> there are three ways:
>1. Ahead of time transfer:  The merkle tree is transferred and verified
>   at some time before the accesses begin, so we already have a
>   verified copy and can compare against the lower leaf.
>2. Async transfer:  We provide an async mechanism to transfer the
>   necessary components, so when presented with a unit, we check the
>   log n components required to get to the root
>3. The protocol actually provides the capability of 2 (like the SCSI
>   DIF/DIX), so to IMA all the pieces get presented instead of IMA
>   having to manage the tree
> There are also a load of minor things like how we get the head hash,
> which must be presented and verified ahead of time for each of the
> above 3.
I was under the impression that IMA support for fs-verity signatures
would be limited to including the fs-verity signature in the
measurement list and verifying the fs-verity signature.   As fs-verity
is limited to immutable files, this could be done on file open.  fs-
verity would be responsible for enforcing the block/page data
integrity.   From a local filesystem perspective, I think that is all
that is necessary.

In terms of remote file systems,  the main issue is transporting and
storing the Merkle tree.  As fs-verity is limited to immutable files,
this could still be done on file open.


dm-devel mailing list

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-10 Thread James Bottomley
On Mon, 2020-08-10 at 19:36 -0400, Chuck Lever wrote:
> > On Aug 10, 2020, at 11:35 AM, James Bottomley
> >  wrote:
> > On Sun, 2020-08-09 at 13:16 -0400, Mimi Zohar wrote:
> > > On Sat, 2020-08-08 at 13:47 -0400, Chuck Lever wrote:
> > > > The first priority (for me, anyway) therefore is getting the
> > > > ability to move IMA metadata between NFS clients and servers
> > > > shoveled into the NFS protocol, but that's been blocked for
> > > > various legal reasons.
> > > 
> > > Up to now, verifying remote filesystem file integrity has been
> > > out of scope for IMA.   With fs-verity file signatures I can at
> > > least grasp how remote file integrity could possibly work.  I
> > > don't understand how remote file integrity with existing IMA
> > > formats could be supported. You might want to consider writing a
> > > whitepaper, which could later be used as the basis for a patch
> > > set cover letter.
> > 
> > I think, before this, we can help with the basics (and perhaps we
> > should sort them out before we start documenting what we'll do).
> Thanks for the help! I just want to emphasize that documentation
> (eg, a specification) will be critical for remote filesystems.
> If any of this is to be supported by a remote filesystem, then we
> need an unencumbered description of the new metadata format rather
> than code. GPL-encumbered formats cannot be contributed to the NFS
> standard, and are probably difficult for other filesystems that are
> not Linux-native, like SMB, as well.

I don't understand what you mean by GPL encumbered formats.  The GPL is
a code licence not a data or document licence.  The way the spec
process works in Linux is that we implement or evolve a data format
under a GPL implementaiton, but that implementation doesn't implicate
the later standardisation of the data format and people are free to
reimplement under any licence they choose.

> > The first basic is that a merkle tree allows unit at a time
> > verification. First of all we should agree on the unit.  Since we
> > always fault a page at a time, I think our merkle tree unit should
> > be a page not a block.
> Remote filesystems will need to agree that the size of that unit is
> the same everywhere, or the unit size could be stored in the per-file
> metadata.
> > Next, we should agree where the check gates for the per page
> > accesses should be ... definitely somewhere in readpage, I suspect
> > and finally we should agree how the merkle tree is presented at the
> > gate.  I think there are three ways:
> > 
> >   1. Ahead of time transfer:  The merkle tree is transferred and
> > verified
> >  at some time before the accesses begin, so we already have a
> >  verified copy and can compare against the lower leaf.
> >   2. Async transfer:  We provide an async mechanism to transfer the
> >  necessary components, so when presented with a unit, we check
> > the
> >  log n components required to get to the root
> >   3. The protocol actually provides the capability of 2 (like the
> > SCSI
> >  DIF/DIX), so to IMA all the pieces get presented instead of
> > IMA
> >  having to manage the tree
> A Merkle tree is potentially large enough that it cannot be stored in
> an extended attribute. In addition, an extended attribute is not a
> byte stream that you can seek into or read small parts of, it is
> retrieved in a single shot.

Well you wouldn't store the tree would you, just the head hash.  The
rest of the tree can be derived from the data.  You need to distinguish
between what you *must* have to verify integrity (the head hash,
possibly signed) and what is nice to have to speed up the verification
process.  The choice for the latter is cache or reconstruct depending
on the resources available.  If the tree gets cached on the server,
that would be a server implementation detail invisible to the client.

> For this reason, the idea was to save only the signature of the
> tree's root on durable storage. The client would retrieve that
> signature possibly at open time, and reconstruct the tree at that
> time.

Right that's the integrity data you must have.

> Or the tree could be partially constructed on-demand at the time each
> unit is to be checked (say, as part of 2. above).

Whether it's reconstructed or cached can be an implementation detail. 
You clearly have to reconstruct once, but whether you have to do it
again depends on the memory available for caching and all the other
resource calls in the system.

> The client would have to reconstruct that tree again if memory
> pressure caused some or all of the tree to be evicted, so perhaps an
> on-demand mechanism is preferable.

Right, but I think that's implementation detail.  Probably what we need
is a way to get the log(N) verification hashes from the server and it's
up to the client whether it caches them or not.

> > There are also a load of minor things like how we get the head
> > hash, which must be presented and verified 

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-10 Thread James Morris
On Fri, 7 Aug 2020, Mimi Zohar wrote:

> > > Are you planning to attend Plumbers? Perhaps we could propose a BoF 
> > > session on this topic.
> > 
> > That sounds like a good idea.
> Other than it is already sold out.

Mimi advised me off-list that she is able to attend, so I've submitted a 
BoF proposal:

James Morris

dm-devel mailing list

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-10 Thread James Bottomley
On Mon, 2020-08-10 at 12:35 -0400, Mimi Zohar wrote:
> On Mon, 2020-08-10 at 08:35 -0700, James Bottomley wrote:
> > > Up to now, verifying remote filesystem file integrity has been
> > > out of scope for IMA.   With fs-verity file signatures I can at
> > > least grasp how remote file integrity could possibly work.  I
> > > don't understand how remote file integrity with existing IMA
> > > formats could be supported. You might want to consider writing a
> > > whitepaper, which could later be used as the basis for a patch
> > > set cover letter.
> > 
> > I think, before this, we can help with the basics (and perhaps we
> > should sort them out before we start documenting what we'll do).
> I'm not opposed to doing that, but you're taking this discussion in a
> totally different direction.  The current discussion is about NFSv4
> supporting the existing IMA signatures, not only fs-verity
> signatures. I'd like to understand how that is possible and for the
> community to weigh in on whether it makes sense.

Well, I see the NFS problem as being chunk at a time, right, which is
merkle tree, or is there a different chunk at a time mechanism we want
to use?  IMA currently verifies signature on open/exec and then
controls updates.  Since for NFS we only control the client, we can't
do that on an NFS server, so we really do need verification at read
time ... unless we're threading IMA back to the NFS server?

> > The first basic is that a merkle tree allows unit at a time
> > verification. First of all we should agree on the unit.  Since we
> > always fault a page at a time, I think our merkle tree unit should
> > be a page not a block. Next, we should agree where the check gates
> > for the per page accesses should be ... definitely somewhere in
> > readpage, I suspect and finally we should agree how the merkle tree
> > is presented at the gate.  I think there are three ways:
> > 
> >1. Ahead of time transfer:  The merkle tree is transferred and
> > verified
> >   at some time before the accesses begin, so we already have a
> >   verified copy and can compare against the lower leaf.
> >2. Async transfer:  We provide an async mechanism to transfer
> > the
> >   necessary components, so when presented with a unit, we check
> > the
> >   log n components required to get to the root
> >3. The protocol actually provides the capability of 2 (like the
> > SCSI
> >   DIF/DIX), so to IMA all the pieces get presented instead of
> > IMA
> >   having to manage the tree
> > 
> > There are also a load of minor things like how we get the head
> > hash, which must be presented and verified ahead of time for each
> > of the above 3.
> I was under the impression that IMA support for fs-verity signatures
> would be limited to including the fs-verity signature in the
> measurement list and verifying the fs-verity signature.   As fs-
> verity is limited to immutable files, this could be done on file
> open.  fs-verity would be responsible for enforcing the block/page
> data integrity.   From a local filesystem perspective, I think that
> is all that is necessary.

The fs-verity use case is a bit of a crippled one because it's
immutable.  I think NFS represents more the general case where you
can't rely on immutability and have to verify at chunk read time.  If
we get chunk at a time working for NFS, it should work also for fs-
verity and we wouldn't need to have two special paths.

I think, even for NFS we would only really need to log the open, so
same as you imagine for fs-verity.  As long as the chunk read hashes
match, we can be silent because everything is going OK, so we only need
to determine what to do and log on mismatch (which isn't expected to
happen for fs-verity).

> In terms of remote file systems,  the main issue is transporting and
> storing the Merkle tree.  As fs-verity is limited to immutable files,
> this could still be done on file open.

Right, I mentioned that in my options ... we need some "supply
integrity" hook ... or possibly multiple hooks for a variety of
possible methods.


dm-devel mailing list

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-10 Thread James Bottomley
On Sun, 2020-08-09 at 13:16 -0400, Mimi Zohar wrote:
> On Sat, 2020-08-08 at 13:47 -0400, Chuck Lever wrote:
> > > On Aug 5, 2020, at 2:15 PM, Mimi Zohar 
> > > wrote:
> > > If block layer integrity was enough, there wouldn't have been a
> > > need for fs-verity.   Even fs-verity is limited to read only
> > > filesystems, which makes validating file integrity so much
> > > easier.  From the beginning, we've said that fs-verity signatures
> > > should be included in the measurement list.  (I thought someone
> > > signed on to add that support to IMA, but have not yet seen
> > > anything.)
> > 
> > Mimi, when you and I discussed this during LSS NA 2019, I didn't
> > fully understand that you expected me to implement signed Merkle
> > trees for all filesystems. At the time, it sounded to me like you
> > wanted signed Merkle trees only for NFS files. Is that still the
> > case?
> I definitely do not expect you to support signed Merkle trees for all
> filesystems.  My interested is from an IMA perspective of measuring
> and verifying the fs-verity Merkle tree root (and header info)
> signature. This is independent of which filesystems support it.
> > 
> > The first priority (for me, anyway) therefore is getting the
> > ability to move IMA metadata between NFS clients and servers
> > shoveled into the NFS protocol, but that's been blocked for various
> > legal reasons.
> Up to now, verifying remote filesystem file integrity has been out of
> scope for IMA.   With fs-verity file signatures I can at least grasp
> how remote file integrity could possibly work.  I don't understand
> how remote file integrity with existing IMA formats could be
> supported. You might want to consider writing a whitepaper, which
> could later be used as the basis for a patch set cover letter.

I think, before this, we can help with the basics (and perhaps we
should sort them out before we start documenting what we'll do).  The
first basic is that a merkle tree allows unit at a time verification. 
First of all we should agree on the unit.  Since we always fault a page
at a time, I think our merkle tree unit should be a page not a block. 
Next, we should agree where the check gates for the per page accesses
should be ... definitely somewhere in readpage, I suspect and finally
we should agree how the merkle tree is presented at the gate.  I think
there are three ways:

   1. Ahead of time transfer:  The merkle tree is transferred and verified
  at some time before the accesses begin, so we already have a
  verified copy and can compare against the lower leaf.
   2. Async transfer:  We provide an async mechanism to transfer the
  necessary components, so when presented with a unit, we check the
  log n components required to get to the root
   3. The protocol actually provides the capability of 2 (like the SCSI
  DIF/DIX), so to IMA all the pieces get presented instead of IMA
  having to manage the tree

There are also a load of minor things like how we get the head hash,
which must be presented and verified ahead of time for each of the
above 3.


dm-devel mailing list

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-10 Thread Chuck Lever

> On Aug 5, 2020, at 2:15 PM, Mimi Zohar  wrote:
> On Wed, 2020-08-05 at 09:59 -0700, James Morris wrote:
>> On Wed, 5 Aug 2020, James Bottomley wrote:
>>> I'll leave Mimi to answer, but really this is exactly the question that
>>> should have been asked before writing IPE.  However, since we have the
>>> cart before the horse, let me break the above down into two specific
>>> questions.
>> The question is valid and it was asked. We decided to first prototype what 
>> we needed and then evaluate if it should be integrated with IMA. We 
>> discussed this plan in person with Mimi (at LSS-NA in 2019), and presented 
>> a more mature version of IPE to LSS-NA in 2020, with the expectation that 
>> such a discussion may come up (it did not).
> When we first spoke the concepts weren't fully formulated, at least to
> me.
>> These patches are still part of this process and 'RFC' status.
>>>   1. Could we implement IPE in IMA (as in would extensions to IMA cover
>>>  everything).  I think the answers above indicate this is a "yes".
>> It could be done, if needed.
>>>   2. Should we extend IMA to implement it?  This is really whether from a
>>>  usability standpoint two seperate LSMs would make sense to cover the
>>>  different use cases.
>> One issue here is that IMA is fundamentally a measurement & appraisal 
>> scheme which has been extended to include integrity enforcement. IPE was 
>> designed from scratch to only perform integrity enforcement. As such, it 
>> is a cleaner design -- "do one thing and do it well" is a good design 
>> pattern.
>> In our use-case, we utilize _both_ IMA and IPE, for attestation and code 
>> integrity respectively. It is useful to be able to separate these 
>> concepts. They really are different:
>> - Code integrity enforcement ensures that code running locally is of known 
>> provenance and has not been modified prior to execution.

My interest is in code integrity enforcement for executables stored
in NFS files.

My struggle with IPE is that due to its dependence on dm-verity, it
does not seem to able to protect content that is stored separately
from its execution environment and accessed via a file access
protocol (FUSE, SMB, NFS, etc).

>> - Attestation is about measuring the health of a system and having that 
>> measurement validated by a remote system. (Local attestation is useless).
>> I'm not sure there is value in continuing to shoe-horn both of these into 
>> IMA.
> True, IMA was originally limited to measurement and attestation, but
> most of the original EVM concepts were subsequently included in IMA. 
> (Remember, Reiner Sailer wrote the original IMA, which I inherited.  I
> was originially working on EVM code integrity.)  From a naming
> perspective including EVM code integrity in IMA was a mistake.  My
> thinking at the time was that as IMA was already calculating the file
> hash, instead of re-calculating the file hash for integrity, calculate
> the file hash once and re-use it for multiple things - measurement, 
> integrity, and audit.   At the same time define a single system wide
> policy.
> When we first started working on IMA, EVM, trusted, and encrypted keys,
> the general kernel community didn't see a need for any of it.  Thus, a
> lot of what was accomplished has been accomplished without the backing
> of the real core filesystem people.
> If block layer integrity was enough, there wouldn't have been a need
> for fs-verity.   Even fs-verity is limited to read only filesystems,
> which makes validating file integrity so much easier.  From the
> beginning, we've said that fs-verity signatures should be included in
> the measurement list.  (I thought someone signed on to add that support
> to IMA, but have not yet seen anything.)

Mimi, when you and I discussed this during LSS NA 2019, I didn't fully
understand that you expected me to implement signed Merkle trees for all
filesystems. At the time, it sounded to me like you wanted signed Merkle
trees only for NFS files. Is that still the case?

The first priority (for me, anyway) therefore is getting the ability to
move IMA metadata between NFS clients and servers shoveled into the NFS
protocol, but that's been blocked for various legal reasons.

IMO we need agreement from everyone (integrity developers, FS
implementers, and Linux distributors) that a signed Merkle tree IMA
metadata format, stored in either an xattr or appended to an executable
file, will be the way forward for IMA in all filesystems.

> Going forward I see a lot of what we've accomplished being incorporated
> into the filesystems.  When IMA will be limited to defining a system
> wide policy, I'll have completed my job.
> Mimi
>>> I've got to say the least attractive thing
>>>  about separation is the fact that you now both have a policy parser.
>>>   You've tried to differentiate yours by making it more Kconfig
>>>  based, but policy has a way of 

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-10 Thread Mimi Zohar
On Sat, 2020-08-08 at 13:47 -0400, Chuck Lever wrote:
> > On Aug 5, 2020, at 2:15 PM, Mimi Zohar  wrote:

> > If block layer integrity was enough, there wouldn't have been a need
> > for fs-verity.   Even fs-verity is limited to read only filesystems,
> > which makes validating file integrity so much easier.  From the
> > beginning, we've said that fs-verity signatures should be included in
> > the measurement list.  (I thought someone signed on to add that support
> > to IMA, but have not yet seen anything.)
> Mimi, when you and I discussed this during LSS NA 2019, I didn't fully
> understand that you expected me to implement signed Merkle trees for all
> filesystems. At the time, it sounded to me like you wanted signed Merkle
> trees only for NFS files. Is that still the case?

I definitely do not expect you to support signed Merkle trees for all
filesystems.  My interested is from an IMA perspective of measuring and
verifying the fs-verity Merkle tree root (and header info) signature. 
This is independent of which filesystems support it.

> The first priority (for me, anyway) therefore is getting the ability to
> move IMA metadata between NFS clients and servers shoveled into the NFS
> protocol, but that's been blocked for various legal reasons.

Up to now, verifying remote filesystem file integrity has been out of
scope for IMA.   With fs-verity file signatures I can at least grasp
how remote file integrity could possibly work.  I don't understand how
remote file integrity with existing IMA formats could be supported. You
might want to consider writing a whitepaper, which could later be used
as the basis for a patch set cover letter.


> IMO we need agreement from everyone (integrity developers, FS
> implementers, and Linux distributors) that a signed Merkle tree IMA
> metadata format, stored in either an xattr or appended to an executable
> file, will be the way forward for IMA in all filesystems.

dm-devel mailing list

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-10 Thread Mimi Zohar
On Sat, 2020-08-08 at 02:41 +1000, James Morris wrote:
> On Thu, 6 Aug 2020, Mimi Zohar wrote:
> > On Thu, 2020-08-06 at 09:51 +1000, James Morris wrote:
> > > On Wed, 5 Aug 2020, Mimi Zohar wrote:
> > > 
> > > > If block layer integrity was enough, there wouldn't have been a need
> > > > for fs-verity.   Even fs-verity is limited to read only filesystems,
> > > > which makes validating file integrity so much easier.  From the
> > > > beginning, we've said that fs-verity signatures should be included in
> > > > the measurement list.  (I thought someone signed on to add that support
> > > > to IMA, but have not yet seen anything.)
> > > > 
> > > > Going forward I see a lot of what we've accomplished being incorporated
> > > > into the filesystems.  When IMA will be limited to defining a system
> > > > wide policy, I'll have completed my job.
> > > 
> > > What are your thoughts on IPE being a standalone LSM? Would you prefer to 
> > > see its functionality integrated into IMA?
> > 
> > Improving the integrity subsystem would be preferred.
> > 
> Are you planning to attend Plumbers? Perhaps we could propose a BoF 
> session on this topic.

That sounds like a good idea.


dm-devel mailing list

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-10 Thread Mimi Zohar
On Fri, 2020-08-07 at 13:31 -0400, Mimi Zohar wrote:
> On Sat, 2020-08-08 at 02:41 +1000, James Morris wrote:
> > On Thu, 6 Aug 2020, Mimi Zohar wrote:
> > 
> > > On Thu, 2020-08-06 at 09:51 +1000, James Morris wrote:
> > > > On Wed, 5 Aug 2020, Mimi Zohar wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > > If block layer integrity was enough, there wouldn't have been a need
> > > > > for fs-verity.   Even fs-verity is limited to read only filesystems,
> > > > > which makes validating file integrity so much easier.  From the
> > > > > beginning, we've said that fs-verity signatures should be included in
> > > > > the measurement list.  (I thought someone signed on to add that 
> > > > > support
> > > > > to IMA, but have not yet seen anything.)
> > > > > 
> > > > > Going forward I see a lot of what we've accomplished being 
> > > > > incorporated
> > > > > into the filesystems.  When IMA will be limited to defining a system
> > > > > wide policy, I'll have completed my job.
> > > > 
> > > > What are your thoughts on IPE being a standalone LSM? Would you prefer 
> > > > to 
> > > > see its functionality integrated into IMA?
> > > 
> > > Improving the integrity subsystem would be preferred.
> > > 
> > 
> > Are you planning to attend Plumbers? Perhaps we could propose a BoF 
> > session on this topic.
> That sounds like a good idea.

Other than it is already sold out.


dm-devel mailing list

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-07 Thread James Morris
On Thu, 6 Aug 2020, Mimi Zohar wrote:

> On Thu, 2020-08-06 at 09:51 +1000, James Morris wrote:
> > On Wed, 5 Aug 2020, Mimi Zohar wrote:
> > 
> > > If block layer integrity was enough, there wouldn't have been a need
> > > for fs-verity.   Even fs-verity is limited to read only filesystems,
> > > which makes validating file integrity so much easier.  From the
> > > beginning, we've said that fs-verity signatures should be included in
> > > the measurement list.  (I thought someone signed on to add that support
> > > to IMA, but have not yet seen anything.)
> > > 
> > > Going forward I see a lot of what we've accomplished being incorporated
> > > into the filesystems.  When IMA will be limited to defining a system
> > > wide policy, I'll have completed my job.
> > 
> > What are your thoughts on IPE being a standalone LSM? Would you prefer to 
> > see its functionality integrated into IMA?
> Improving the integrity subsystem would be preferred.

Are you planning to attend Plumbers? Perhaps we could propose a BoF 
session on this topic.

James Morris

dm-devel mailing list

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-07 Thread Mimi Zohar
On Thu, 2020-08-06 at 09:51 +1000, James Morris wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Aug 2020, Mimi Zohar wrote:
> > If block layer integrity was enough, there wouldn't have been a need
> > for fs-verity.   Even fs-verity is limited to read only filesystems,
> > which makes validating file integrity so much easier.  From the
> > beginning, we've said that fs-verity signatures should be included in
> > the measurement list.  (I thought someone signed on to add that support
> > to IMA, but have not yet seen anything.)
> > 
> > Going forward I see a lot of what we've accomplished being incorporated
> > into the filesystems.  When IMA will be limited to defining a system
> > wide policy, I'll have completed my job.
> What are your thoughts on IPE being a standalone LSM? Would you prefer to 
> see its functionality integrated into IMA?

Improving the integrity subsystem would be preferred.


dm-devel mailing list

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-05 Thread Mimi Zohar
On Wed, 2020-08-05 at 09:59 -0700, James Morris wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Aug 2020, James Bottomley wrote:
> > I'll leave Mimi to answer, but really this is exactly the question that
> > should have been asked before writing IPE.  However, since we have the
> > cart before the horse, let me break the above down into two specific
> > questions.
> The question is valid and it was asked. We decided to first prototype what 
> we needed and then evaluate if it should be integrated with IMA. We 
> discussed this plan in person with Mimi (at LSS-NA in 2019), and presented 
> a more mature version of IPE to LSS-NA in 2020, with the expectation that 
> such a discussion may come up (it did not).

When we first spoke the concepts weren't fully formulated, at least to
> These patches are still part of this process and 'RFC' status.
> >1. Could we implement IPE in IMA (as in would extensions to IMA cover
> >   everything).  I think the answers above indicate this is a "yes".
> It could be done, if needed.
> >2. Should we extend IMA to implement it?  This is really whether from a
> >   usability standpoint two seperate LSMs would make sense to cover the
> >   different use cases.
> One issue here is that IMA is fundamentally a measurement & appraisal 
> scheme which has been extended to include integrity enforcement. IPE was 
> designed from scratch to only perform integrity enforcement. As such, it 
> is a cleaner design -- "do one thing and do it well" is a good design 
> pattern.
> In our use-case, we utilize _both_ IMA and IPE, for attestation and code 
> integrity respectively. It is useful to be able to separate these 
> concepts. They really are different:
> - Code integrity enforcement ensures that code running locally is of known 
> provenance and has not been modified prior to execution.
> - Attestation is about measuring the health of a system and having that 
> measurement validated by a remote system. (Local attestation is useless).
> I'm not sure there is value in continuing to shoe-horn both of these into 
> IMA.

True, IMA was originally limited to measurement and attestation, but
most of the original EVM concepts were subsequently included in IMA. 
(Remember, Reiner Sailer wrote the original IMA, which I inherited.  I
was originially working on EVM code integrity.)  From a naming
perspective including EVM code integrity in IMA was a mistake.  My
thinking at the time was that as IMA was already calculating the file
hash, instead of re-calculating the file hash for integrity, calculate
the file hash once and re-use it for multiple things - measurement, 
integrity, and audit.   At the same time define a single system wide

When we first started working on IMA, EVM, trusted, and encrypted keys,
the general kernel community didn't see a need for any of it.  Thus, a
lot of what was accomplished has been accomplished without the backing
of the real core filesystem people.

If block layer integrity was enough, there wouldn't have been a need
for fs-verity.   Even fs-verity is limited to read only filesystems,
which makes validating file integrity so much easier.  From the
beginning, we've said that fs-verity signatures should be included in
the measurement list.  (I thought someone signed on to add that support
to IMA, but have not yet seen anything.)

Going forward I see a lot of what we've accomplished being incorporated
into the filesystems.  When IMA will be limited to defining a system
wide policy, I'll have completed my job.


> >  I've got to say the least attractive thing
> >   about separation is the fact that you now both have a policy parser.
> >You've tried to differentiate yours by making it more Kconfig
> >   based, but policy has a way of becoming user space supplied because
> >   the distros hate config options, so I think you're going to end up
> >   with a policy parser very like IMAs.

dm-devel mailing list

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-05 Thread James Morris
On Wed, 5 Aug 2020, Mimi Zohar wrote:

> If block layer integrity was enough, there wouldn't have been a need
> for fs-verity.   Even fs-verity is limited to read only filesystems,
> which makes validating file integrity so much easier.  From the
> beginning, we've said that fs-verity signatures should be included in
> the measurement list.  (I thought someone signed on to add that support
> to IMA, but have not yet seen anything.)
> Going forward I see a lot of what we've accomplished being incorporated
> into the filesystems.  When IMA will be limited to defining a system
> wide policy, I'll have completed my job.

What are your thoughts on IPE being a standalone LSM? Would you prefer to 
see its functionality integrated into IMA?

dm-devel mailing list

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-05 Thread James Morris
On Wed, 5 Aug 2020, James Bottomley wrote:

> I'll leave Mimi to answer, but really this is exactly the question that
> should have been asked before writing IPE.  However, since we have the
> cart before the horse, let me break the above down into two specific
> questions.

The question is valid and it was asked. We decided to first prototype what 
we needed and then evaluate if it should be integrated with IMA. We 
discussed this plan in person with Mimi (at LSS-NA in 2019), and presented 
a more mature version of IPE to LSS-NA in 2020, with the expectation that 
such a discussion may come up (it did not).

These patches are still part of this process and 'RFC' status.

>1. Could we implement IPE in IMA (as in would extensions to IMA cover
>   everything).  I think the answers above indicate this is a "yes".

It could be done, if needed.

>2. Should we extend IMA to implement it?  This is really whether from a
>   usability standpoint two seperate LSMs would make sense to cover the
>   different use cases.

One issue here is that IMA is fundamentally a measurement & appraisal 
scheme which has been extended to include integrity enforcement. IPE was 
designed from scratch to only perform integrity enforcement. As such, it 
is a cleaner design -- "do one thing and do it well" is a good design 

In our use-case, we utilize _both_ IMA and IPE, for attestation and code 
integrity respectively. It is useful to be able to separate these 
concepts. They really are different:

- Code integrity enforcement ensures that code running locally is of known 
provenance and has not been modified prior to execution.

- Attestation is about measuring the health of a system and having that 
measurement validated by a remote system. (Local attestation is useless).

I'm not sure there is value in continuing to shoe-horn both of these into 

>  I've got to say the least attractive thing
>   about separation is the fact that you now both have a policy parser.
>You've tried to differentiate yours by making it more Kconfig
>   based, but policy has a way of becoming user space supplied because
>   the distros hate config options, so I think you're going to end up
>   with a policy parser very like IMAs.

James Morris

dm-devel mailing list

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-05 Thread James Bottomley
On Tue, 2020-08-04 at 09:07 -0700, Deven Bowers wrote:
> On 8/2/2020 9:43 AM, James Bottomley wrote:
> > On Sun, 2020-08-02 at 16:31 +0200, Pavel Machek wrote:
> > > On Sun 2020-08-02 10:03:00, Sasha Levin wrote:
> > > > On Sun, Aug 02, 2020 at 01:55:45PM +0200, Pavel Machek wrote:
> > > > > Hi!
> > > > > 
> > > > > > IPE is a Linux Security Module which allows for a
> > > > > > configurable policy to enforce integrity requirements on
> > > > > > the whole system. It attempts to solve the issue of Code
> > > > > > Integrity: that any code being executed (or files being
> > > > > > read), are identical to the version that was built by a
> > > > > > trusted source.
> > > > > 
> > > > > How is that different from security/integrity/ima?
> > > > 
> > > > Maybe if you would have read the cover letter all the way down
> > > > to the 5th paragraph which explains how IPE is different from
> > > > IMA we could avoided this mail exchange...
> > > 
> > > "
> > > IPE differs from other LSMs which provide integrity checking (for
> > > instance, IMA), as it has no dependency on the filesystem
> > > metadata itself.
> > > The attributes that IPE checks are deterministic properties that
> > > exist solely in the kernel. Additionally, IPE provides no
> > > additional mechanisms of verifying these files (e.g. IMA
> > > Signatures) - all of the attributes of verifying files are
> > > existing features within the kernel, such as dm-verity
> > > or fsverity.
> > > "
> > > 
> > > That is not really helpful.
> Perhaps I can explain (and re-word this paragraph) a bit better.
> As James indicates, IPE does try to close the gap of the IMA
> limitation with xattr. I honestly wasn’t familiar with the appended
> signatures, which seems fine.
> Regardless, this isn’t the larger benefit that IPE provides. The
> larger benefit of this is how IPE separates _mechanisms_ (properties)
> to enforce integrity requirements, from _policy_. The LSM provides
> policy, while things like dm-verity provide mechanism.

Colour me confused here, but I thought that's exactly what IMA does. 
The mechanism is the gates and the policy is simply a list of rules
which are applied when a gate is triggered.  The policy necessarily has
to be tailored to the information available at the gate (so the bprm
exec gate knows filesystem things like the inode for instance) but the
whole thing looks very extensible.

> So to speak, IPE acts as the glue for other mechanisms to leverage a
> customizable, system-wide policy to enforce. While this initial
> patchset only onboards dm-verity, there’s also potential for MAC
> labels, fs-verity, authenticated BTRFS, dm-integrity, etc. IPE
> leverages existing systems in the kernel, while IMA uses its own.

Is this about who does the measurement?  I think there's no reason at
all why IMA can't leverage existing measurements, it's just nothing to
leverage existed when it was created.

> Another difference is the general coverage. IMA has some difficulties
> in covering mprotect[1], IPE doesn’t (the MAP_ANONYMOUS indicated by
> Jann in that thread would be denied as the file struct would be null,
> with IPE’s current set of supported mechanisms. mprotect would
> continue to function as expected if you change to PROT_EXEC).

I don't really think a debate over who does what and why is productive
at this stage.  I just note that IMA policy could be updated to deny
MAP_ANONYMOUS, but no-one's asked for that (probably because of the
huge application breakage that would ensue).  The policy is a product
of the use case and the current use case for IMA is working with
existing filesystem semantics.

> > Perhaps the big question is: If we used the existing IMA appended
> > signature for detached signatures (effectively becoming the
> > "properties" referred to in the cover letter) and hooked IMA into
> > device mapper using additional policy terms, would that satisfy all
> > the requirements this new LSM has?
> Well, Mimi, what do you think? Should we integrate all the features
> of IPE into IMA, or do you think they are sufficiently different in
> architecture that it would be worth it to keep the code base in
> separate LSMs?

I'll leave Mimi to answer, but really this is exactly the question that
should have been asked before writing IPE.  However, since we have the
cart before the horse, let me break the above down into two specific

   1. Could we implement IPE in IMA (as in would extensions to IMA cover
  everything).  I think the answers above indicate this is a "yes".
   2. Should we extend IMA to implement it?  This is really whether from a
  usability standpoint two seperate LSMs would make sense to cover the
  different use cases.  I've got to say the least attractive thing
  about separation is the fact that you now both have a policy parser.
   You've tried to differentiate yours by making it more Kconfig
  based, but policy has a way of becoming user space supplied because

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-04 Thread Deven Bowers

On 8/2/2020 9:43 AM, James Bottomley wrote:

On Sun, 2020-08-02 at 16:31 +0200, Pavel Machek wrote:

On Sun 2020-08-02 10:03:00, Sasha Levin wrote:

On Sun, Aug 02, 2020 at 01:55:45PM +0200, Pavel Machek wrote:


IPE is a Linux Security Module which allows for a configurable
policy to enforce integrity requirements on the whole system.
It attempts to solve the issue of Code Integrity: that any code
being executed (or files being read), are identical to the
version that was built by a trusted source.

How is that different from security/integrity/ima?

Maybe if you would have read the cover letter all the way down to
the 5th paragraph which explains how IPE is different from IMA we
could avoided this mail exchange...

IPE differs from other LSMs which provide integrity checking (for
IMA), as it has no dependency on the filesystem metadata itself. The
attributes that IPE checks are deterministic properties that exist
in the kernel. Additionally, IPE provides no additional mechanisms of
verifying these files (e.g. IMA Signatures) - all of the attributes
verifying files are existing features within the kernel, such as
or fsverity.

That is not really helpful.

Perhaps I can explain (and re-word this paragraph) a bit better.

As James indicates, IPE does try to close the gap of the IMA limitation
with xattr. I honestly wasn’t familiar with the appended signatures,
which seems fine.

Regardless, this isn’t the larger benefit that IPE provides. The
larger benefit of this is how IPE separates _mechanisms_ (properties)
to enforce integrity requirements, from _policy_. The LSM provides
policy, while things like dm-verity provide mechanism.

So to speak, IPE acts as the glue for other mechanisms to leverage a
customizable, system-wide policy to enforce. While this initial
patchset only onboards dm-verity, there’s also potential for MAC labels,
fs-verity, authenticated BTRFS, dm-integrity, etc. IPE leverages
existing systems in the kernel, while IMA uses its own.

Another difference is the general coverage. IMA has some difficulties
in covering mprotect[1], IPE doesn’t (the MAP_ANONYMOUS indicated by
Jann in that thread would be denied as the file struct would be null,
with IPE’s current set of supported mechanisms. mprotect would continue
to function as expected if you change to PROT_EXEC).

Perhaps the big question is: If we used the existing IMA appended
signature for detached signatures (effectively becoming the
"properties" referred to in the cover letter) and hooked IMA into
device mapper using additional policy terms, would that satisfy all the
requirements this new LSM has?

Well, Mimi, what do you think? Should we integrate all the features of
IPE into IMA, or do you think they are sufficiently different in
architecture that it would be worth it to keep the code base in separate


dm-devel mailing list

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-02 Thread James Bottomley
On Sun, 2020-08-02 at 16:31 +0200, Pavel Machek wrote:
> On Sun 2020-08-02 10:03:00, Sasha Levin wrote:
> > On Sun, Aug 02, 2020 at 01:55:45PM +0200, Pavel Machek wrote:
> > > Hi!
> > > 
> > > > IPE is a Linux Security Module which allows for a configurable
> > > > policy to enforce integrity requirements on the whole system.
> > > > It attempts to solve the issue of Code Integrity: that any code
> > > > being executed (or files being read), are identical to the
> > > > version that was built by a trusted source.
> > > 
> > > How is that different from security/integrity/ima?
> > 
> > Maybe if you would have read the cover letter all the way down to
> > the 5th paragraph which explains how IPE is different from IMA we
> > could avoided this mail exchange...
> "
> IPE differs from other LSMs which provide integrity checking (for
> instance,
> IMA), as it has no dependency on the filesystem metadata itself. The
> attributes that IPE checks are deterministic properties that exist
> solely
> in the kernel. Additionally, IPE provides no additional mechanisms of
> verifying these files (e.g. IMA Signatures) - all of the attributes
> of
> verifying files are existing features within the kernel, such as
> dm-verity
> or fsverity.
> "
> That is not really helpful.

I think what the above is trying to to is to expose is an IMA
limitation that the new LSM fixes.  I think what it meant to say is
that IMA uses xattrs to store the signature data which is the "metadata
dependency".  However, it overlooks the fact that IMA can use appended
signatures as well, which have no metadata dependency, so I'm not sure
I've helped you understand why this is different from IMA.

Perhaps a more convincing argument is that IMA hooks into various
filesystem "gates" to perform integrity checks (file read and file
execute being the most obvious).  This LSM wants additional gates
within device mapper itself that IMA currently doesn't hook into.

Perhaps the big question is: If we used the existing IMA appended
signature for detached signatures (effectively becoming the
"properties" referred to in the cover letter) and hooked IMA into
device mapper using additional policy terms, would that satisfy all the
requirements this new LSM has?


Description: This is a digitally signed message part
dm-devel mailing list

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-02 Thread Pavel Machek
On Sun 2020-08-02 10:03:00, Sasha Levin wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 02, 2020 at 01:55:45PM +0200, Pavel Machek wrote:
> >Hi!
> >
> >>IPE is a Linux Security Module which allows for a configurable
> >>policy to enforce integrity requirements on the whole system. It
> >>attempts to solve the issue of Code Integrity: that any code being
> >>executed (or files being read), are identical to the version that
> >>was built by a trusted source.
> >
> >How is that different from security/integrity/ima?
> Maybe if you would have read the cover letter all the way down to the
> 5th paragraph which explains how IPE is different from IMA we could
> avoided this mail exchange...

IPE differs from other LSMs which provide integrity checking (for
IMA), as it has no dependency on the filesystem metadata itself. The
attributes that IPE checks are deterministic properties that exist
in the kernel. Additionally, IPE provides no additional mechanisms of
verifying these files (e.g. IMA Signatures) - all of the attributes of
verifying files are existing features within the kernel, such as
or fsverity.

That is not really helpful.

(cesky, pictures)

Description: Digital signature
dm-devel mailing list

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-02 Thread Sasha Levin

On Sun, Aug 02, 2020 at 01:55:45PM +0200, Pavel Machek wrote:


IPE is a Linux Security Module which allows for a configurable
policy to enforce integrity requirements on the whole system. It
attempts to solve the issue of Code Integrity: that any code being
executed (or files being read), are identical to the version that
was built by a trusted source.

How is that different from security/integrity/ima?

Maybe if you would have read the cover letter all the way down to the
5th paragraph which explains how IPE is different from IMA we could
avoided this mail exchange...


dm-devel mailing list

Re: [dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-08-02 Thread Pavel Machek

> IPE is a Linux Security Module which allows for a configurable
> policy to enforce integrity requirements on the whole system. It
> attempts to solve the issue of Code Integrity: that any code being
> executed (or files being read), are identical to the version that
> was built by a trusted source.

How is that different from security/integrity/ima?

(cesky, pictures)

dm-devel mailing list

[dm-devel] [RFC PATCH v5 00/11] Integrity Policy Enforcement LSM (IPE)

2020-07-28 Thread Deven Bowers

IPE is a Linux Security Module which allows for a configurable
policy to enforce integrity requirements on the whole system. It
attempts to solve the issue of Code Integrity: that any code being
executed (or files being read), are identical to the version that
was built by a trusted source.

The type of system for which IPE is designed for use is an embedded device
with a specific purpose (e.g. network firewall device in a data center),
where all software and configuration is built and provisioned by the owner.

Specifically, a system which leverages IPE is not intended for general
purpose computing and does not utilize any software or configuration
built by a third party. An ideal system to leverage IPE has both mutable
and immutable components, however, all binary executable code is immutable.

The scope of IPE is constrained to the OS. It is assumed that platform
firmware verifies the the kernel and optionally the root filesystem (e.g.
via U-Boot verified boot). IPE then utilizes LSM hooks to enforce a
flexible, kernel-resident integrity verification policy.

IPE differs from other LSMs which provide integrity checking (for instance,
IMA), as it has no dependency on the filesystem metadata itself. The
attributes that IPE checks are deterministic properties that exist solely
in the kernel. Additionally, IPE provides no additional mechanisms of
verifying these files (e.g. IMA Signatures) - all of the attributes of
verifying files are existing features within the kernel, such as dm-verity
or fsverity.

IPE provides a policy that allows owners of the system to easily specify
integrity requirements and uses dm-verity signatures to simplify the
authentication of allowed objects like authorized code and data.

IPE supports two modes, permissive (similar to SELinux's permissive mode)
and enforce. Permissive mode performs the same checks, and logs policy
violations as enforce mode, but will not enforce the policy. This allows
users to test policies before enforcing them.

The default mode is enforce, and can be changed via the kernel commandline
parameter `ipe.enforce=(0|1)`, or the securityfs node
`/sys/kernel/security/ipe/enforce`. The ability to switch modes can be
compiled out of the LSM via setting the config

IPE additionally supports success auditing. When enabled, all events
that pass IPE policy and are not blocked will emit an audit event. This
is disabled by default, and can be enabled via the kernel commandline
`ipe.success_audit=(0|1)` or the securityfs node

Policies can be staged at runtime through securityfs and activated through
sysfs. Please see the Deploying Policies section of this cover letter for
more information.

The IPE LSM is compiled under CONFIG_SECURITY_IPE.


IPE policy is designed to be both forward compatible and backwards
compatible. There is one required line, at the top of the policy,
indicating the policy name, and the policy version, for instance:

  policy_name="Ex Policy" policy_version=0.0.0

The policy version indicates the current version of the policy (NOT the
policy syntax version). This is used to prevent roll-back of policy to
potentially insecure previous versions of the policy.

The next portion of IPE policy, are rules. Rules are formed by key=value
pairs, known as properties. IPE rules require two properties: "action",
which determines what IPE does when it encounters a match against the
policy, and "op", which determines when that rule should be evaluated.
Thus, a minimal rule is:

  op=EXECUTE action=ALLOW

This example will allow any execution. Additional properties are used to
restrict attributes about the files being evaluated. These properties are
intended to be deterministic attributes that are resident in the kernel.
Available properties for IPE described in the properties section of this
cover-letter, the repository available in Appendix A, and the kernel
documentation page.

Order does not matter for the rule's properties - they can be listed in
any order, however it is encouraged to have the "op" property be first,
and the "action" property be last, for readability.

Additionally, rules are evaluated top-to-bottom. As a result, any
revocation rules, or denies should be placed early in the file to ensure
that these rules are evaluated before a rule with "action=ALLOW" is hit.

Any unknown syntax in IPE policy will result in a fatal error to parse
the policy. User mode can interrogate the kernel to understand what
properties and the associated versions through the securityfs node,
$securityfs/ipe/property_config, which will return a string of form:


User-mode should correlate these versions with the supported values
identified in the documentation to determine whether a policy should
be accepted by the system.