We set up a 1 hour early bird side meeting at IETF117 on Monday, 24th July
2023, 08:30-09:30 local time in SF.

This is to follow-up a good discussion during and after the DMM WG session
at IETF116 and some mailing list as well as offline discussion until now.


Timing: 24th July 2023, 08:30-09:30

Location: Golden Gate 4 room

Link to side meetings: https://wiki.ietf.org/en/meeting/117/sidemeetings


We booked the smaller room but will also provide a zoom link for remote
attendance (please check the side meeting table before the meeting).


We'll have a short intro and background part followed by 2-3 short and crisp
presentations on use cases, requirements, BCP, gaps and more.


Intention is to conclude the side meeting with some better understanding of
the need and value of additional standards effort, in particular in
the scope of the IETF, towards the support of advanced mobile scenarios.
Results of the side meeting will be summarized then in the DMM WG meeting
during the week.


Looking forward to your contributions.



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