Re: [Dng] Readiness notification

2015-06-12 Thread Didier Kryn

Le 13/06/2015 01:15, Laurent Bercot a écrit :

 Encouraging daemon writers to use another API and providing a wrapper
to make daemons using the simpler API work with the sd_notify mechanism
is clearly the better ideological solution, and also technologically
preferable because more compatible with other notification frameworks;
but it's harder, because it requires communication with daemon authors,
and the systemd proponents have more communication power than we do
(read: $$$). But I think authors can be convinced if we show that our API
is simpler to use and will work under any framework, systemd included.

Yes, daemon writers are good-willing developpers; they want their 
software to serve as many users as possible; and users install distros. 
This gives power to the distros. But if someone provides them with a 
KISS readyness-signaling method, along with a systemd wrapper, then they 
can satisfy RedHat's requests at no cost.

The question now is who will develop, maintain and package this 
wrapper? Will Devuan be the official developper of 
"Systemd-Readyness-Wrapper", or can anyone convince Openssh or who else 
to take the job? Or are the daemon's developper powerfull enough to tell 
RH "do it yourself."?


Dng mailing list

[Dng] task-xfce-desktop, task-mate-desktop task-lxde-desktop proposed changes.

2015-06-12 Thread Daniel Reurich


I'm currently looking at patching the desktop tasks in taskselect to use 
slim instead of lightdm (atleast until lightdm has been cleaned up to 
not depend on systemd).

Also I'm planning to replace gnome-network-manager in those tasks with wicd.

These changes bring us closer to our goal of not needing to install any 
systemd dependencies.  (There still are packages like cups and lxsession 
that need to have the tie-ins to systemd excised.

Also, these changes only effect from scratch installation of Devuan, 
where tasksel is used.  Installing the removed packages manually will 
work just fine.

Daniel Reurich
Centurion Computer Technology (2005) Ltd.
021 797 722
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Readiness notification

2015-06-12 Thread Didier Kryn

Le 13/06/2015 01:53, Laurent Bercot a écrit :

On 12/06/2015 22:21, wrote:

The trick is for the daemon process to only background when
it is ready to service requests (ie its parent process exits
when the child is ready).

 You already mentioned it in a reply to me, indeed. I intentionally
did not follow up, and here is why.

 This is bad design, for several reasons. It's actually worse design
than sd_notify(), and I'd rather have every daemon use sd_notify()
and write a sd_notify server myself than recommend your solution.

 The reasons why it's bad are mostly described here: 

 Your solution enforces forking, i.e. auto-backgrounding, and
prevents logging to stderr; in doing so, it prevents daemons from
ever being used with a supervision framework. systemd may be able
to supervise it, using cgroups, but that's about it, unless the
admin is using foreground hacks.
 Moreover, the method you are using to transmit one bit of information,
i.e. readiness of the service, is *the death of a process*. This
is pretty heavy on the system; a simple write() does the job just
as well, and hundreds of times faster.

 If auto-backgrounding was an absolute necessity, then sure, the
parent would need to die anyway, and you could time its death so
it transmits readiness. Why not. But auto-backgrounding is not good
design in the first place; it comes from ancient Unix times when we
did not know better, and the daemon() function should either
disappear into oblivion, or have a place in the museum of medieval
programming as an example of how not to write Unix software.

Thanks Laurent, I hope you explain it better than me. The point was 
already discussed on this list. It will take time before people are 
convinced because I think a lot of tutorials around still present 
auto-daemonization as the way to go.


Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Readiness notification

2015-06-12 Thread Steve Litt
On Fri, 12 Jun 2015 22:21:06 +0200 wrote:

> The trick is for the daemon process to only background when 
> it is ready to service requests (ie its parent process exits
> when the child is ready). 

For those of us who use daemontools-inspired process managers or inits,
the preceding does not work. We need our daemons to be able to run in
the foreground.

Just because today Devuan uses sysvinit doesn't mean that will always
be true. One day, for all we know, Devuan will use runit or S6. And if
that day comes, we will rue the day when the decision was made to have
daemons be like dhclient and signal readiness by backgrounding at that
particular time.


Steve Litt 
June 2015 featured book: The Key to Everyday Excellence
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Readiness notification

2015-06-12 Thread Laurent Bercot

On 12/06/2015 22:21, wrote:

The trick is for the daemon process to only background when
it is ready to service requests (ie its parent process exits
when the child is ready).

 You already mentioned it in a reply to me, indeed. I intentionally
did not follow up, and here is why.

 This is bad design, for several reasons. It's actually worse design
than sd_notify(), and I'd rather have every daemon use sd_notify()
and write a sd_notify server myself than recommend your solution.

 The reasons why it's bad are mostly described here:

 Your solution enforces forking, i.e. auto-backgrounding, and
prevents logging to stderr; in doing so, it prevents daemons from
ever being used with a supervision framework. systemd may be able
to supervise it, using cgroups, but that's about it, unless the
admin is using foreground hacks.
 Moreover, the method you are using to transmit one bit of information,
i.e. readiness of the service, is *the death of a process*. This
is pretty heavy on the system; a simple write() does the job just
as well, and hundreds of times faster.

 If auto-backgrounding was an absolute necessity, then sure, the
parent would need to die anyway, and you could time its death so
it transmits readiness. Why not. But auto-backgrounding is not good
design in the first place; it comes from ancient Unix times when we
did not know better, and the daemon() function should either
disappear into oblivion, or have a place in the museum of medieval
programming as an example of how not to write Unix software.


Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Readiness notification

2015-06-12 Thread Laurent Bercot

On 12/06/2015 20:09, Tomasz Torcz wrote:

   Hey, it's almost exactly what sd_notify() does.  Instead of one character,
it writes "READY=1" to a socket. Nothing more, no D-Bus, no additional
libraries needed.  In basic form it few lines of C code.
   Of course
looks much worse, but it packs more functionality than simply
readiness signalling.

 Which is exactly the problem: it packs more functionality.
 More functionality, that can be added to at a developer's whim, is
something that a stub has to support - if only to not crash on
functionality it doesn't understand.
 More functionality means that daemon authors will rely on it, and
use the readiness notification mechanism for things entirely unrelated.
 More functionality means feature creep that you will have to follow
to remain compatible.

 It's easy to write a notification server that listens to connections
from sd_notify() and does things when it reads READY=1. It's not so
easy to implement all the sd_notify protocol, even right now, and with
all the random stuff that will inevitably get added over the years,
when daemons start relying on it.

 Instead of those 68 lines of code, I suggest the following:

void notify_readiness (void)
  write(1, "\n", 1) ;
  close(1) ;

 You really don't need anything more.


Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Readiness notification

2015-06-12 Thread Laurent Bercot

On 12/06/2015 19:46, Steve Litt wrote:

I agree with every single thing you write above, but have one question
for you: What does Devuan do when daemons like cupsd and sshd make
sd_notify calls, and these don't condition the call on sd_notify being
available, and sd_notify cannot be conditionally recompiled out of the
program? Is Devuan going to rewrite every single daemon?

 Short answer: yes. That's exactly the point of a distribution, as
Katola says.

 A bit longer answer: it doesn't even have to be hard. You don't have
to rewrite anything - just patch; it shouldn't be too difficult to
edit out the parts calling sd_notify.
 Even better, suggest alternative software that you don't have to
patch. cupsd and sshd have been infected by systemd? Well, maybe you
should inform the users, and provide similar functionality in a
systemd-free way. Isn't that the goal of Devuan? sshd servers are
not lacking. As for printing servers, I don't know, but I'd be surprised
if cupsd was the only possibility.

 And if it actually is the only possibility, then we have a bigger
problem than just sd_notify: it means that monopolies exist in free
software - real, existing monopolies, albeit more inconspicuous than
systemd's obvious attempts at a monopoly - and it is taking away from
users' freedom. And that is what needs to be fought first and foremost.

 I firmly believe that in 20ish years, we have lost most of the awareness
of what free software is and what it means. If we cannot actually dive
into the code and take out what we don't want, then it's de facto not
free software anymore, no matter the reason. systemd is proprietary
software despite its licensing because it's too complex to be tinkered
with at an individual level, it's controlled by a company, and it uses
embrace and extend methods to establish market domination. But I don't
think sshd and cupsd are there yet - they can still be worked with. Same
with most daemons that have already succumbed to the sirens of sd_notify.
And I certainly hope that those are few and far between.

By the way, if there *were* a stub sd_notify, I'd have nothing against
it doing nothing but passing the info to S6-notifywhenup or something
like it.

 The issue is complex because it's both technical and ideological.

 Stubbing the sd_notify client, i.e. writing a library that daemons can
link against, is easier because it doesn't depend on anyone else than
the person writing it - but it is ideologically worse because it gives
ground to systemd, and does nothing to incentivize daemon writers to
stop usingthe sd_notify API.

 Encouraging daemon writers to use another API and providing a wrapper
to make daemons using the simpler API work with the sd_notify mechanism
is clearly the better ideological solution, and also technologically
preferable because more compatible with other notification frameworks;
but it's harder, because it requires communication with daemon authors,
and the systemd proponents have more communication power than we do
(read: $$$). But I think authors can be convinced if we show that our API
is simpler to use and will work under any framework, systemd included.

 If there were a stub sd_notify, I'd rather have it output the info in
the simplest possible format so that it can then be used by *any*
notification reader, and so that it's actually easier for a daemon author
to output the notification directly than to call sd_notify(). I'm a bit
uncomfortable treading these grounds, because it's technical talk that
ultimately has a political goal, and I don't like to mix the two, but
when stubbing is involved it's unfortunately unavoidable.


Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Systemd sneaks in was file download zone

2015-06-12 Thread Irrwahn
On Fri, 12 Jun 2015 17:15:25 -0400, Fsmithred wrote:
> On 06/12/2015 10:45 AM, Irrwahn wrote:
>> FWIW, I've got three Devuan installations running: jessie VM, ascii VM, 
>> ascii on real hardware. In all of them I was able to get everything 
>> (including shutdown et. al) working without systemd, except libsystemd0 
>> is ATM still needed for gvfs, pulse, cups, sane, syslog - until those 
>> packages are disinfected as well.
> HOW??? I've only been able to do that by pulling in packages from the
> angband repo (or by renaming the above named file). Are you running xfce
> and lightdm? Oh yeah, I did it a third way - give user sudo privs with
> nopasswd for shutdown and reboot.

Yes, all setups are running xfce4, one with slim, the other two with lightdm.  

I actually planned to do another install using the alpha2 installer, logging 
all the necessary steps and write up a walk-through. Alas, I couldn't find 
the time yet, hopefully I'll get it done this weekend. 

In the meantime, just in case you might be interested in using it for 
reference, at you can find the output of 
dpgk --list, produced on one up-to-date, frugal (has no cups, pulse, sane, 
but has gvfs) Devuan jessie install. 

HTH, Cheers
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Systemd sneaks in was file download zone

2015-06-12 Thread fsmithred
On 06/12/2015 10:45 AM, Irrwahn wrote:

> When there's a /lib/systemd/systemd-logind, then not all the systemd 
> packages were purged properly. :-) Anyway, IIRC dimkr is already working 
> on a fix for the logind/consolekit clash. 

Yeah, I know. That file was gone after I removed the systemd packages, and
it returned when I reinstalled them. I'm going to repeat the installation
and make before and after package lists, to see if I can figure out why
the login buttons don't work after reinstalling the systemd packages. I
can at least rule out the possibility that some important package didn't
get reinstalled.

> FWIW, I've got three Devuan installations running: jessie VM, ascii VM, 
> ascii on real hardware. In all of them I was able to get everything 
> (including shutdown et. al) working without systemd, except libsystemd0 
> is ATM still needed for gvfs, pulse, cups, sane, syslog - until those 
> packages are disinfected as well.

HOW??? I've only been able to do that by pulling in packages from the
angband repo (or by renaming the above named file). Are you running xfce
and lightdm? Oh yeah, I did it a third way - give user sudo privs with
nopasswd for shutdown and reboot.


Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] A nice candidate substitute to network-manager

2015-06-12 Thread Anto

On 12/06/15 22:15, Anto wrote:

On 12/06/15 18:34, Marlon Nunes wrote:

On 2015-06-12 10:03, Steve Litt wrote:

On Fri, 12 Jun 2015 07:50:25 -0300
Marlon Nunes  wrote:

Hi, i've been testing connman for a while and found it to handle very
well my network connections.

The following sentence from the preceding link made me sweat a little

ConnMan is optimized through open source for embedded and client
focused Intel® Quark technology, Intel® Atom™ processors and Intel®
Core™ processors.

I'm an AMD guy.

I found it ok just for the fact that its completely independent of 

Those Arch guys are the biggest bunch of systemd jingoists on the
planet but you've got to admit, they write far and away the best
documentation on the planet.

Their wiki help pages are almost complete.

In my view, we can forget about network-manager completely for
desktop usage.

Whether we stay with Wicd, which Devuan Alpha 2 does such a great job
with, or switch to ConnMan, either way, you're right: network-manager
is too entangled in dbus and systemd to be useful on Devuan, and it
also requires you be in X, and that's not always true.

I think that whether Wicd or ConnMan is our default network "make it
easier machine", it should be easy to switch between the two, and part
of that ease could be good documentation.

By the way, I was going to answer Bardot Jérôme's query about Devuan
Network-Manager similarly: Better to be rid of Network-Manager than to
wonder if it's going to drag in systemd on an update. Network-Manager's
wonderful for the one use case Debian envisions, but turns into a
stumbling block when you go offroad.

That's why a wrote about it. =)

I doubt that connman is free of systemd. I was just in the middle of 
preparing to compile connman 1.29, and I saw 2 files which are 
definitely meant for systemd. And they are in 

Description=Connection service

ExecStart=@sbindir@/connmand -n


Description=ConnMan VPN service

ExecStart=@sbindir@/connman-vpnd -n


I know that they are harmless. But that tells me the intention to 
allow it to be locked-in into systemd. So I always want to remove 
everything related to systemd including the unit, service and socket 
files. I got the impression that a lot of people find my attempt to do 
that ridiculous. But I really don't care :)

I just purged all connman files that I downloaded tonight. I think t is 
not worth trying to compile and install it. The title of the commit 
below clearly says that connman is definitely being locked-in to systemd.

machine: Integrate ConnMan with systemd-hostnamed

Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Readiness notification

2015-06-12 Thread marcxdv
> For months, literally, the supervision list
> has been wringing its hands over the very real problem that, for process
> dependency purposes, one must know that process X is not only running,
> but ready to handle its business. Knowing process X is running isn't
> sufficent, because some processes take a long time between running
> and being ready for business. 

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, this problem has been
known for decades, and has been solved for decades (eg, see the
sysklogd sources). 

The trick is for the daemon process to only background when 
it is ready to service requests (ie its parent process exits
when the child is ready). 

And I am pretty sure I did (apologies for the repeated spam)
mention my writeup at 
on this very list. It even contains a bit of sample code to 
reduce things to a single function call, and later a close() to stderr

Actually, looking at the devuan archives, I actually mentioned it in 
a reply to you - not sure if this is sad or funny.


Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] A nice candidate substitute to network-manager

2015-06-12 Thread Anto

On 12/06/15 18:34, Marlon Nunes wrote:

On 2015-06-12 10:03, Steve Litt wrote:

On Fri, 12 Jun 2015 07:50:25 -0300
Marlon Nunes  wrote:

Hi, i've been testing connman for a while and found it to handle very
well my network connections.

The following sentence from the preceding link made me sweat a little

ConnMan is optimized through open source for embedded and client
focused Intel® Quark technology, Intel® Atom™ processors and Intel®
Core™ processors.

I'm an AMD guy.

I found it ok just for the fact that its completely independent of 

Those Arch guys are the biggest bunch of systemd jingoists on the
planet but you've got to admit, they write far and away the best
documentation on the planet.

Their wiki help pages are almost complete.

In my view, we can forget about network-manager completely for
desktop usage.

Whether we stay with Wicd, which Devuan Alpha 2 does such a great job
with, or switch to ConnMan, either way, you're right: network-manager
is too entangled in dbus and systemd to be useful on Devuan, and it
also requires you be in X, and that's not always true.

I think that whether Wicd or ConnMan is our default network "make it
easier machine", it should be easy to switch between the two, and part
of that ease could be good documentation.

By the way, I was going to answer Bardot Jérôme's query about Devuan
Network-Manager similarly: Better to be rid of Network-Manager than to
wonder if it's going to drag in systemd on an update. Network-Manager's
wonderful for the one use case Debian envisions, but turns into a
stumbling block when you go offroad.

That's why a wrote about it. =)

I doubt that connman is free of systemd. I was just in the middle of 
preparing to compile connman 1.29, and I saw 2 files which are 
definitely meant for systemd. And they are in

Description=Connection service

ExecStart=@sbindir@/connmand -n


Description=ConnMan VPN service

ExecStart=@sbindir@/connman-vpnd -n


I know that they are harmless. But that tells me the intention to allow 
it to be locked-in into systemd. So I always want to remove everything 
related to systemd including the unit, service and socket files. I got 
the impression that a lot of people find my attempt to do that 
ridiculous. But I really don't care :)

Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Readiness notification (was: One issue with ongoing depoetterization)

2015-06-12 Thread Franco Lanza
On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 07:37:21PM +0200, Laurent Bercot wrote:
>  Please don't do this.
>  The more you bend to the systemd interfaces, the more it gets a foot
> in the door. By implementing a dummy sd_notify, you acknowledge the
> validity of the interface; you accept that the systemd people have
> created something worth using, and you validate the existence of
> (a part of) systemd.

If systemd has some good parts but systemd is bad cause it has a lot of
other bad parts, and even the good parts are bad implemented, i don't
see why we can't get only the good parts and reimplement them in a
better way.

For example, in this specific sd_notify, i can see a good thing to have
a little "do only one thing" little daemon+library that implement the
sd_notify call and the open compile an ascii text pseudofile somewhere
in /sys with a list of "ready to use" daemons, and maybe also a unix
socket where other daemons, a script, an init can connect to to have 
real time notifications of daemon getting ready.

This way we have a great feature, one of the few good features of
systemd, but implemented in a unix, kiss and indipendent (and good) way.

So, why not?


Franco (nextime) Lanza
Lonate Pozzolo (VA) - Italy

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Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Readiness notification (was: One issue with ongoing depoetterization)

2015-06-12 Thread Tomasz Torcz
On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 07:37:21PM +0200, Laurent Bercot wrote:
> On 12/06/2015 19:01, Steve Litt wrote:
> >The one thing I *do* know is that we need to provide a sd_notify
> >interface, even if it does nothing at all and drops passed information
> >on the floor.
>  There's a much simpler mechanism that can be used to provide
> readiness notification, and that I suggest in
> and that is: write a given character on a descriptor, then close that
> descriptor.

  Hey, it's almost exactly what sd_notify() does.  Instead of one character,
it writes "READY=1" to a socket. Nothing more, no D-Bus, no additional
libraries needed.  In basic form it few lines of C code.
  Of course
looks much worse, but it packs more functionality than simply 
readiness signalling.

Tomasz Torcz   RIP is irrevelant. Spoofing is futile.
xmpp: Your routes will be aggreggated. -- Alex Yuriev

Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Readiness notification (was: One issue with ongoing depoetterization)

2015-06-12 Thread KatolaZ
On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 01:46:41PM -0400, Steve Litt wrote:


> Hi Laurent,
> I agree with every single thing you write above, but have one question
> for you: What does Devuan do when daemons like cupsd and sshd make
> sd_notify calls, and these don't condition the call on sd_notify being
> available, and sd_notify cannot be conditionally recompiled out of the
> program? Is Devuan going to rewrite every single daemon?

You can always patch-out the calls to sd_notify, can't you?  Patching
vanilla software to adhere to a set of requirements is exactly what
distributions normally do, after all

[ Enzo Nicosia aka KatolaZ --- GLUG Catania -- Freaknet Medialab ]
[ me [at] -- -- ]
[ GNU/Linux User:#325780/ICQ UIN: #258332181/GPG key ID 0B5F062F ]
[ Fingerprint: 8E59 D6AA 445E FDB4 A153 3D5A 5F20 B3AE 0B5F 062F ]
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Readiness notification

2015-06-12 Thread Laurent Bercot

On 12/06/2015 19:46, Steve Litt wrote:

I agree with every single thing you write above, but have one question
for you: What does Devuan do when daemons like cupsd and sshd make
sd_notify calls, and these don't condition the call on sd_notify being
available, and sd_notify cannot be conditionally recompiled out of the
program? Is Devuan going to rewrite every single daemon?

 I have a detailed answer to this but I have to go out right now for
a few hours. Sorry about that and stay tuned. ;)


Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Readiness notification (was: One issue with ongoing depoetterization)

2015-06-12 Thread Steve Litt
On Fri, 12 Jun 2015 19:37:21 +0200
Laurent Bercot  wrote:

> On 12/06/2015 19:01, Steve Litt wrote:
> > The one thing I *do* know is that we need to provide a sd_notify
> > interface, even if it does nothing at all and drops passed
> > information on the floor.
>   Please don't do this.
>   The more you bend to the systemd interfaces, the more it gets a foot
> in the door. By implementing a dummy sd_notify, you acknowledge the
> validity of the interface; you accept that the systemd people have
> created something worth using, and you validate the existence of
> (a part of) systemd.
>   The thing is, the sd_notify interface is not *too* bad, but like
> the rest of systemd, it is overengineered, too complex, and mixes
> several different things in a monolithic way so that people who are
> trying to actually implement real support for sd_notify are bound
> to reinvent systemd one way or another.
>   It's absolutely like the old Microsoft "embrace and extend"
> strategy, you know. They get one foot in the door by providing
> something useful, but then pile their own crap onto it, and people
> are already relying on it, so you want to implement support for it,
> and then you're captive, and the only way to be 100%-compatible is to
> use the original product.
>   There's a much simpler mechanism that can be used to provide
> readiness notification, and that I suggest in
> and that is: write a given character on a descriptor, then close that
> descriptor.
>   It doesn't get any simpler than that, it doesn't require linking
> daemons against any library, and it can be made to be compatible
> with *everything*. If a daemon supports that mechanism, it is very
> easy to write a systemd-notify program that would wrap that daemon and
> communicate with systemd via sd_notify to inform it of the daemon's
> readiness, the way s6-notifywhenup does for s6.
>   Please KISS, and design good interfaces to be adopted, instead of
> letting yourselves get bullied by systemd forcing its interfaces down
> your throats and jumping through hoops to adapt to them. With a
> simpler interface and a trivial wrapper program, the influence of
> systemd only extends to the wrapper program, and not to the daemons
> themselves.

Hi Laurent,

I agree with every single thing you write above, but have one question
for you: What does Devuan do when daemons like cupsd and sshd make
sd_notify calls, and these don't condition the call on sd_notify being
available, and sd_notify cannot be conditionally recompiled out of the
program? Is Devuan going to rewrite every single daemon?

By the way, if there *were* a stub sd_notify, I'd have nothing against
it doing nothing but passing the info to S6-notifywhenup or something
like it.


Steve Litt 
June 2015 featured book: The Key to Everyday Excellence
Dng mailing list

[Dng] Readiness notification (was: One issue with ongoing depoetterization)

2015-06-12 Thread Laurent Bercot

On 12/06/2015 19:01, Steve Litt wrote:

The one thing I *do* know is that we need to provide a sd_notify
interface, even if it does nothing at all and drops passed information
on the floor.

 Please don't do this.
 The more you bend to the systemd interfaces, the more it gets a foot
in the door. By implementing a dummy sd_notify, you acknowledge the
validity of the interface; you accept that the systemd people have
created something worth using, and you validate the existence of
(a part of) systemd.

 The thing is, the sd_notify interface is not *too* bad, but like
the rest of systemd, it is overengineered, too complex, and mixes
several different things in a monolithic way so that people who are
trying to actually implement real support for sd_notify are bound
to reinvent systemd one way or another.

 It's absolutely like the old Microsoft "embrace and extend" strategy,
you know. They get one foot in the door by providing something useful,
but then pile their own crap onto it, and people are already relying
on it, so you want to implement support for it, and then you're captive,
and the only way to be 100%-compatible is to use the original product.

 There's a much simpler mechanism that can be used to provide
readiness notification, and that I suggest in
and that is: write a given character on a descriptor, then close that
 It doesn't get any simpler than that, it doesn't require linking
daemons against any library, and it can be made to be compatible
with *everything*. If a daemon supports that mechanism, it is very easy
to write a systemd-notify program that would wrap that daemon and
communicate with systemd via sd_notify to inform it of the daemon's
readiness, the way s6-notifywhenup does for s6.

 Please KISS, and design good interfaces to be adopted, instead of
letting yourselves get bullied by systemd forcing its interfaces down
your throats and jumping through hoops to adapt to them. With a
simpler interface and a trivial wrapper program, the influence of
systemd only extends to the wrapper program, and not to the daemons


Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] One issue with ongoing depoetterization

2015-06-12 Thread Jaromil

dear Steve,

On Fri, 12 Jun 2015, Steve Litt wrote:

> Hi all,
> When Irrwahn mentioned that cups needed depoetterization

I would really prefer if we avoid such a... "personalising neologism"

lets talk about systemd?

we all need to continue working to avoid personal attacks. If we don't
do that now, in a way or another we'll also be victims of that and it
will bring no good to anyone. I kindly ask you and other fine
contributors to this discussion space to somehow "disarm" the discussion
around the systemd avalanche.



Description: Digital signature
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] One issue with ongoing depoetterization

2015-06-12 Thread Steve Litt
On Fri, 12 Jun 2015 17:31:10 +0100
Matthew Melton  wrote:

>  Steve Litt wrote 
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > When Irrwahn mentioned that cups needed depoetterization, my first
> > thought was "what in the world does cups need with systemd? And
> > then I realized the problem.
> > 
> > Like a lot of us, I'm on the mailing
> > list, where they discuss all things init, mainly from the
> > perspective of daemontools-inspired inits. For months, literally,
> > the supervision list has been wringing its hands over the very real
> > problem that, for process dependency purposes, one must know that
> > process X is not only running, but ready to handle its business.
> > Knowing process X is running isn't sufficent, because some
> > processes take a long time between running and being ready for
> > business. Cough, cough, dhclient, cough cough. I mean, look at the
> > kludge I use to make sure the network's running before running
> > sshd, for instance:
> > 
> > ==
> > #!/bin/sh
> > if ! ifconfig | grep "\s*inet addr:"; then
> >   sleep 5
> >   exit 1
> > fi
> > exec /usr/sbin/sshd -d -q
> > ==
> > 
> > Systemd "offers" daemons the sd_notify(3) call, by which they can
> > inform systemd that they're ready. I said "offers", because as soon
> > as a critical mass of daemons have drunk the Kool Aid, it will be
> > about as much of an "offer" as "Windows certified" is an "offer".
> > In fact, I fully expect that, before long, daemons will need to
> > become "systemd certified" to be included in some distros.
> > 
> > The tough thing is, this ready-notification is actually a good idea
> > that solves a lot of problems and presents a lot of opportunities.
> > It's just too bad it was "standardized" by an atrocity like
> > systemd. Over and over again, you can expect every single daemon to
> > become poetterized as it adopts sd_notify(3).
> > 
> > In the beginning, depoetterization of these daemons might consist
> > solely of removing package dependencies, but sooner or later
> > non-optional sd_notify will become manditory for systemd
> > certification. Why? You know why.
> > 
> > So we play their silly game and code a stub sd_notify, that does
> > nothing. Or perhaps even better, lists the daemon as ready for
> > business in some kind of table that init can refer to.
> > 
> > I don't know much about sysvinit, but with daemontools-encore, and
> > probably runit, it wouldn't be super-hard to have a table of all
> > services with all of their dependencies, and when all a service's
> > dependencies become ready for business, the service is run
> > affirmatively. This is probably what systemd had in mind in the
> > first place: Too bad they had to tack on all the other crap.
> > 
> > So, if we code up a dummy sd_notify to interface replace the one
> > from systemd, we can make ongoing future depoetterization easier,
> > and very possibly give ourselves a better, easier to administer
> > init.
> > 
> > SteveT
> > 
> > Steve Litt 
> > June 2015 featured book: The Key to Everyday Excellence
> >
> > ___
> > Dng mailing list
> >
> >
> Could a convention be to use the logs to notify any listeners that
> the service has been successfully started? Since most services use
> the logs anyway would it be trivial to have a /var/log/running log?
> A scripted dependency can check the log using grep or whatever.
> Before starting. No need for another binary. 
> A bit like how fail2ban does its magic...
> I'll go back to lurking.
> Matt

Hi Matt,

I don't know. How's that for an authoritative answer?

The one thing I *do* know is that we need to provide a sd_notify
interface, even if it does nothing at all and drops passed information
on the floor.

Later, if we decide to actually *use* the info sent us via sd_notify, I
don't know whether the proper venue for that use would be logs or
something else. Personally, I'd really prefer we *don't* use dbus for
these notifications. I know that's theoretically what dbus is for, but
I don't trust dbus as far as I can throw the rocky mountains.

I'm at a disadvantage here because the only process management I really
understand is daemontools and daemontools-encore.


Steve Litt 
June 2015 featured book: The Key to Everyday Excellence
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] One issue with ongoing depoetterization

2015-06-12 Thread Jude Nelson
Hi Steve,

So, if we code up a dummy sd_notify to interface replace the one from
> systemd, we can make ongoing future depoetterization easier, and very
> possibly give ourselves a better, easier to administer init.

If you're referring to this API [1], it doesn't look too bad.  In most
cases, it looks like we should be able to create a library that simply
wrote the relevant information to a well-known location in the filesystem
(such as "/run/srv/$SERVICE/...").  Other processes interested in the state
of $SERVICE would just read it directly, and use inotify(2) to watch for
state changes.  Tooting my own horn here, but if we mounted runfs [2] on
/run/srv/, we could also be guaranteed that /run/srv/$SERVICE/...
automatically disappears if $SERVICE dies unexpectedly.


Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] A nice candidate substitute to network-manager

2015-06-12 Thread Marlon Nunes

On 2015-06-12 10:03, Steve Litt wrote:

On Fri, 12 Jun 2015 07:50:25 -0300
Marlon Nunes  wrote:

Hi, i've been testing connman for a while and found it to handle very
well my network connections.

The following sentence from the preceding link made me sweat a little

ConnMan is optimized through open source for embedded and client
focused Intel® Quark technology, Intel® Atom™ processors and Intel®
Core™ processors.

I'm an AMD guy.

I found it ok just for the fact that its completely independent of 

Those Arch guys are the biggest bunch of systemd jingoists on the
planet but you've got to admit, they write far and away the best
documentation on the planet.

Their wiki help pages are almost complete.

In my view, we can forget about network-manager completely for
desktop usage.

Whether we stay with Wicd, which Devuan Alpha 2 does such a great job
with, or switch to ConnMan, either way, you're right: network-manager
is too entangled in dbus and systemd to be useful on Devuan, and it
also requires you be in X, and that's not always true.

I think that whether Wicd or ConnMan is our default network "make it
easier machine", it should be easy to switch between the two, and part
of that ease could be good documentation.

By the way, I was going to answer Bardot Jérôme's query about Devuan
Network-Manager similarly: Better to be rid of Network-Manager than to
wonder if it's going to drag in systemd on an update. Network-Manager's
wonderful for the one use case Debian envisions, but turns into a
stumbling block when you go offroad.

That's why a wrote about it. =)

Stop slacking you lazy bum!
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] One issue with ongoing depoetterization

2015-06-12 Thread Matthew Melton

 Steve Litt wrote 

> Hi all,
> When Irrwahn mentioned that cups needed depoetterization, my first
> thought was "what in the world does cups need with systemd? And then I
> realized the problem.
> Like a lot of us, I'm on the mailing list,
> where they discuss all things init, mainly from the perspective of
> daemontools-inspired inits. For months, literally, the supervision list
> has been wringing its hands over the very real problem that, for process
> dependency purposes, one must know that process X is not only running,
> but ready to handle its business. Knowing process X is running isn't
> sufficent, because some processes take a long time between running
> and being ready for business. Cough, cough, dhclient, cough cough. I
> mean, look at the kludge I use to make sure the network's running before
> running sshd, for instance:
> ==
> #!/bin/sh
> if ! ifconfig | grep "\s*inet addr:"; then
>   sleep 5
>   exit 1
> fi
> exec /usr/sbin/sshd -d -q
> ==
> Systemd "offers" daemons the sd_notify(3) call, by which they can
> inform systemd that they're ready. I said "offers", because as soon as
> a critical mass of daemons have drunk the Kool Aid, it will be about as
> much of an "offer" as "Windows certified" is an "offer". In fact, I
> fully expect that, before long, daemons will need to become "systemd
> certified" to be included in some distros.
> The tough thing is, this ready-notification is actually a good idea
> that solves a lot of problems and presents a lot of opportunities. It's
> just too bad it was "standardized" by an atrocity like systemd. Over
> and over again, you can expect every single daemon to become
> poetterized as it adopts sd_notify(3).
> In the beginning, depoetterization of these daemons might consist
> solely of removing package dependencies, but sooner or later
> non-optional sd_notify will become manditory for systemd certification.
> Why? You know why.
> So we play their silly game and code a stub sd_notify, that does
> nothing. Or perhaps even better, lists the daemon as ready for business
> in some kind of table that init can refer to.
> I don't know much about sysvinit, but with daemontools-encore, and
> probably runit, it wouldn't be super-hard to have a table of all
> services with all of their dependencies, and when all a service's
> dependencies become ready for business, the service is run
> affirmatively. This is probably what systemd had in mind in the first
> place: Too bad they had to tack on all the other crap.
> So, if we code up a dummy sd_notify to interface replace the one from
> systemd, we can make ongoing future depoetterization easier, and very
> possibly give ourselves a better, easier to administer init.
> SteveT
> Steve Litt 
> June 2015 featured book: The Key to Everyday Excellence
> ___
> Dng mailing list

Could a convention be to use the logs to notify any listeners that the service 
has been successfully started? Since most services use the logs anyway would it 
be trivial to have a /var/log/running log?

A scripted dependency can check the log using grep or whatever. Before 
starting. No need for another binary. 

A bit like how fail2ban does its magic...

I'll go back to lurking.

Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] A nice candidate substitute to network-manager

2015-06-12 Thread Marlon Nunes

I'm using it on Funtoo.

On 2015-06-12 12:30, Anto wrote:

On 12/06/15 12:50, Marlon Nunes wrote:
Hi, i've been testing connman for a while and found it to handle very 
well my network connections.

In my view, we can forget about network-manager completely for desktop 

Hello Marlon,

Do you use it on Devuan or Debian jessie? If so, would it be possible
to let us know how you get that working?

I remember that I had problems trying to make econnman compiled and
installed on Debian wheezy.



Dng mailing list

Stop slacking you lazy bum!
Dng mailing list

[Dng] One issue with ongoing depoetterization

2015-06-12 Thread Steve Litt
Hi all,

When Irrwahn mentioned that cups needed depoetterization, my first
thought was "what in the world does cups need with systemd? And then I
realized the problem.

Like a lot of us, I'm on the mailing list,
where they discuss all things init, mainly from the perspective of
daemontools-inspired inits. For months, literally, the supervision list
has been wringing its hands over the very real problem that, for process
dependency purposes, one must know that process X is not only running,
but ready to handle its business. Knowing process X is running isn't
sufficent, because some processes take a long time between running
and being ready for business. Cough, cough, dhclient, cough cough. I
mean, look at the kludge I use to make sure the network's running before
running sshd, for instance:

if ! ifconfig | grep "\s*inet addr:"; then
  sleep 5
  exit 1
exec /usr/sbin/sshd -d -q

Systemd "offers" daemons the sd_notify(3) call, by which they can
inform systemd that they're ready. I said "offers", because as soon as
a critical mass of daemons have drunk the Kool Aid, it will be about as
much of an "offer" as "Windows certified" is an "offer". In fact, I
fully expect that, before long, daemons will need to become "systemd
certified" to be included in some distros.

The tough thing is, this ready-notification is actually a good idea
that solves a lot of problems and presents a lot of opportunities. It's
just too bad it was "standardized" by an atrocity like systemd. Over
and over again, you can expect every single daemon to become
poetterized as it adopts sd_notify(3).

In the beginning, depoetterization of these daemons might consist
solely of removing package dependencies, but sooner or later
non-optional sd_notify will become manditory for systemd certification.
Why? You know why.

So we play their silly game and code a stub sd_notify, that does
nothing. Or perhaps even better, lists the daemon as ready for business
in some kind of table that init can refer to.

I don't know much about sysvinit, but with daemontools-encore, and
probably runit, it wouldn't be super-hard to have a table of all
services with all of their dependencies, and when all a service's
dependencies become ready for business, the service is run
affirmatively. This is probably what systemd had in mind in the first
place: Too bad they had to tack on all the other crap.

So, if we code up a dummy sd_notify to interface replace the one from
systemd, we can make ongoing future depoetterization easier, and very
possibly give ourselves a better, easier to administer init.


Steve Litt 
June 2015 featured book: The Key to Everyday Excellence
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] A nice candidate substitute to network-manager

2015-06-12 Thread Anto

On 12/06/15 17:47, Anto wrote:

On 12/06/15 17:39, Irrwahn wrote:

On Fri, 12 Jun 2015 17:30:58 +0200, Anto wrote:

On 12/06/15 12:50, Marlon Nunes wrote:

Hi, i've been testing connman for a while and found it to handle very
well my network connections.

In my view, we can forget about network-manager completely for desktop
Do you use it on Devuan or Debian jessie? If so, would it be 
possible to

let us know how you get that working?

I remember that I had problems trying to make econnman compiled and
installed on Debian wheezy.
There are connman and related packages available in Debian since 

Just mentioning - not that I ever tried it, though.


Thanks Urban,

I have been using wicd since the infections started on Debian wheezy 
and after I failed to try other alternatives to network-manager. As 
far as I remember, I couldn't get connman to work on Debian wheezy and 
there was no GUI interface for XFCE. I tried econnman on 
Enlightenment, but I got the problems that I mentioned above.



I should have written my previous sentence properly like "there was no 
connman GUI interface for XFCE in Debian wheezy when I tried it". :)

I just double checked. There is actually connman gui on Devuan/Debian 
jessie as shown below. But I have not tried that yet. Does anybody try 
that on XFCE?



root@hp8530w:~# apt-cache policy connman-ui
  Installed: (none)
  Candidate: 0~20130115-1
  Version table:
 0~20130115-1 0
 90 jessie/main amd64 Packages
root@hp8530w:~# apt-cache show connman-ui
Package: connman-ui
Version: 0~20130115-1
Installed-Size: 365
Maintainer: Shawn Landden 
Architecture: amd64
Depends: connman, libatk1.0-0 (>= 1.12.4), libc6 (>= 2.4), 
libcairo-gobject2 (>= 1.10.0), libcairo2 (>= 1.2.4), libdbus-1-3 (>= 
1.1.1), libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 (>= 2.22.0), libglib2.0-0 (>= 2.28.0), 
libgtk-3-0 (>= 3.0.0), libpango-1.0-0 (>= 1.14.0), libpangocairo-1.0-0 
(>= 1.14.0)

Description: Full-featured GTK-based tray icon UI for ConnMan
Multi-Arch: foreign
Description-md5: b1a08eec2ed99c044b2ef6eadf250cf8
Tag: interface::x11, role::program, uitoolkit::gtk, x11::application
Section: net
Priority: optional
Filename: pool/DEBIAN/main/c/connman-ui/connman-ui_0~20130115-1_amd64.deb
Size: 74070
MD5sum: f634526109471bcebe4611467a6c21ce
SHA1: 7a82293addcaa3b41e68dc4484fc2c7a4e6cc657
SHA256: c5c74443c830cd67cd8175cb64680a423569faebe754006457cbafc8ee6a8a1e


Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] A nice candidate substitute to network-manager

2015-06-12 Thread Anto

On 12/06/15 17:39, Irrwahn wrote:

On Fri, 12 Jun 2015 17:30:58 +0200, Anto wrote:

On 12/06/15 12:50, Marlon Nunes wrote:

Hi, i've been testing connman for a while and found it to handle very
well my network connections.

In my view, we can forget about network-manager completely for desktop

Do you use it on Devuan or Debian jessie? If so, would it be possible to
let us know how you get that working?

I remember that I had problems trying to make econnman compiled and
installed on Debian wheezy.

There are connman and related packages available in Debian since squeeze.
Just mentioning - not that I ever tried it, though.


Thanks Urban,

I have been using wicd since the infections started on Debian wheezy and 
after I failed to try other alternatives to network-manager. As far as I 
remember, I couldn't get connman to work on Debian wheezy and there was 
no GUI interface for XFCE. I tried econnman on Enlightenment, but I got 
the problems that I mentioned above.



Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] A nice candidate substitute to network-manager

2015-06-12 Thread Irrwahn
On Fri, 12 Jun 2015 17:30:58 +0200, Anto wrote:
> On 12/06/15 12:50, Marlon Nunes wrote:
>> Hi, i've been testing connman for a while and found it to handle very 
>> well my network connections.
>> In my view, we can forget about network-manager completely for desktop 
>> usage.
> Do you use it on Devuan or Debian jessie? If so, would it be possible to 
> let us know how you get that working?
> I remember that I had problems trying to make econnman compiled and 
> installed on Debian wheezy.

There are connman and related packages available in Debian since squeeze. 
Just mentioning - not that I ever tried it, though.


Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] A nice candidate substitute to network-manager

2015-06-12 Thread Anto

On 12/06/15 12:50, Marlon Nunes wrote:
Hi, i've been testing connman for a while and found it to handle very 
well my network connections.

In my view, we can forget about network-manager completely for desktop 

Hello Marlon,

Do you use it on Devuan or Debian jessie? If so, would it be possible to 
let us know how you get that working?

I remember that I had problems trying to make econnman compiled and 
installed on Debian wheezy.



Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] LightDM and Xfce issues

2015-06-12 Thread Anto

On 12/06/15 10:33, Dima Krasner wrote:


I'm currently investigating various reports of session/power management related 

Please let me know if you see either:
   - Greyed-out shutdown/reboot buttons in LightDM or Xfce
   - Shutdown/reboot buttons which do nothing when clicked

Thank you,

Hello Dima,

I have never experienced the problem with shut down and restart buttons 
on LightDM and XFCE. But I had problems with suspend and hibernate 
buttons, either they greyed out or they completely disappeared. I think 
I solved them by re-compiling and installed upower 0.9.23. As far as I 
remember, upower versions after that have got "infected" so it forced me 
to use the packages that I really don't want to use and I wish that they 
do not exist on the face of the earth.



Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Systemd sneaks in was file download zone

2015-06-12 Thread Irrwahn
On Fri, 12 Jun 2015 09:54:06 -0400, Fsmithred wrote:
> On 06/12/2015 09:33 AM, Irrwahn wrote:
>> - Make sure you're using sysvinit-core as init system, and slim or lightdm 
>> as 
>>   your display manager.
>> - Purge everything *systemd*! However, you may want to keep libsystemd0, in 
>>   case you want to use gvfs, cups, pulse or anything else that (still) 
>> depends 
>>   on it.
>> - Install: policykit-1, consolekit, libpam-ck-connector, upower
>> - A reboot at this point should be in order, not sure if it's exactly 
>> necessary.
> policykit-1, consolekit, libpam-ck-connector, upower were all installed
> already. What I don't understand is why the shutdown/reboot didn't start
> working again when I reinstalled systemd, libpam-systemd and systemd-shim
> (and rebooted). PID1 is init, and /sbin/init is not a symlink. Also,
> libsystemd0 was not removed at any time.
> What does fix it is to do something dimkr had me do when I was testing
> alpha1 - rename/move /lib/systemd/systemd-logind. All the buttons work
> after that.

When there's a /lib/systemd/systemd-logind, then not all the systemd 
packages were purged properly. :-) Anyway, IIRC dimkr is already working 
on a fix for the logind/consolekit clash. 

FWIW, I've got three Devuan installations running: jessie VM, ascii VM, 
ascii on real hardware. In all of them I was able to get everything 
(including shutdown et. al) working without systemd, except libsystemd0 
is ATM still needed for gvfs, pulse, cups, sane, syslog - until those 
packages are disinfected as well.


Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Systemd sneaks in was file download zone

2015-06-12 Thread fsmithred
On 06/12/2015 09:33 AM, Irrwahn wrote:
> fsmithred wrote on 12.06.2015 14:40:
>> Not the OP here, and not exactly what you're asking, but here's what I did
>> yesterday:
>> Installed devuan-alpha2-amd64 netinstall iso in virtualbox. At tasksel, I
>> un-checked Print Server and Devuan Desktop Environment, and I checked
>> XFCE. All seemed to be working well after install.
>> dpkg -l | grep systemd
>> ii  libpam-systemd:amd64  215-17+deb8u1
>>  amd64system and service manager - PAM module
>> ii  libsystemd0:amd64 215-17+deb8u1
>>  amd64systemd utility library
>> ii  systemd   215-17+deb8u1
>>  amd64system and service manager
>> ii  systemd-shim  9-1
>>  amd64shim for systemd
>> 'aptitude why' pointed to task-xfce-desktop as the reason for systemd
>> packages, so I attempted to remove that.
>> 'apt-get -s remove task-xfce-desktop libpam-systemd systemd' gave me a
>> long list of packages that were no longer needed and were set to
>> autoremove. (See below for the full list.) So I apt-get installed that
>> list of packages and then I could remove systemd, systemd-shim and
>> libpam-systemd without losing my whole desktop environment.
>> After that, shutdown and reboot buttons stopped working in xfce and
>> lightdm. Only logout from the desktop worked, bringing me to the login 
>> screen.
>> Then I added back systemd, systemd-shim and libpam-systemd. Desktop
>> buttons are no longer gray, but shutdown and reboot only bring me to the
>> lightdm login screen. Power button choices in lightdm are all grayed out.
>> That's not what I expected, and I don't know what's different from the
>> original install. If I get a chance to do it again, I can make full
>> packages lists before and after to see if something else got removed but
>> not reinstalled.
> The following might help (no guarantees, it's from the top of my head - don't 
> have my notes at hand right now):
> - Make sure you're using sysvinit-core as init system, and slim or lightdm as 
>   your display manager.
> - Purge everything *systemd*! However, you may want to keep libsystemd0, in 
>   case you want to use gvfs, cups, pulse or anything else that (still) 
> depends 
>   on it.
> - Install: policykit-1, consolekit, libpam-ck-connector, upower
> - A reboot at this point should be in order, not sure if it's exactly 
> necessary.
> HTH, Regards,
> Urban

policykit-1, consolekit, libpam-ck-connector, upower were all installed
already. What I don't understand is why the shutdown/reboot didn't start
working again when I reinstalled systemd, libpam-systemd and systemd-shim
(and rebooted). PID1 is init, and /sbin/init is not a symlink. Also,
libsystemd0 was not removed at any time.

What does fix it is to do something dimkr had me do when I was testing
alpha1 - rename/move /lib/systemd/systemd-logind. All the buttons work
after that.


Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Systemd sneaks in was file download zone

2015-06-12 Thread Irrwahn
fsmithred wrote on 12.06.2015 14:40:
> Not the OP here, and not exactly what you're asking, but here's what I did
> yesterday:
> Installed devuan-alpha2-amd64 netinstall iso in virtualbox. At tasksel, I
> un-checked Print Server and Devuan Desktop Environment, and I checked
> XFCE. All seemed to be working well after install.
> dpkg -l | grep systemd
> ii  libpam-systemd:amd64  215-17+deb8u1
>  amd64system and service manager - PAM module
> ii  libsystemd0:amd64 215-17+deb8u1
>  amd64systemd utility library
> ii  systemd   215-17+deb8u1
>  amd64system and service manager
> ii  systemd-shim  9-1
>  amd64shim for systemd
> 'aptitude why' pointed to task-xfce-desktop as the reason for systemd
> packages, so I attempted to remove that.
> 'apt-get -s remove task-xfce-desktop libpam-systemd systemd' gave me a
> long list of packages that were no longer needed and were set to
> autoremove. (See below for the full list.) So I apt-get installed that
> list of packages and then I could remove systemd, systemd-shim and
> libpam-systemd without losing my whole desktop environment.
> After that, shutdown and reboot buttons stopped working in xfce and
> lightdm. Only logout from the desktop worked, bringing me to the login screen.
> Then I added back systemd, systemd-shim and libpam-systemd. Desktop
> buttons are no longer gray, but shutdown and reboot only bring me to the
> lightdm login screen. Power button choices in lightdm are all grayed out.
> That's not what I expected, and I don't know what's different from the
> original install. If I get a chance to do it again, I can make full
> packages lists before and after to see if something else got removed but
> not reinstalled.

The following might help (no guarantees, it's from the top of my head - don't 
have my notes at hand right now):

- Make sure you're using sysvinit-core as init system, and slim or lightdm as 
  your display manager.

- Purge everything *systemd*! However, you may want to keep libsystemd0, in 
  case you want to use gvfs, cups, pulse or anything else that (still) depends 
  on it.

- Install: policykit-1, consolekit, libpam-ck-connector, upower

- A reboot at this point should be in order, not sure if it's exactly necessary.

HTH, Regards,
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Systemd sneaks in was file download zone

2015-06-12 Thread Hendrik Boom
On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 04:11:12AM +0200, Franco Lanza wrote:
> Anyway, differently from debian, even in the alpha stage in devuan you
> can, right now and avoiding some packages like gnome things, have a
> completely systemd install. But it's NOT ready, it's NOT release, it's

Might you mean "completely systemd-free install"?

> an alpha!

-- hendrik
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Systemd sneaks in was file download zone

2015-06-12 Thread Steve Litt
On Fri, 12 Jun 2015 08:40:44 -0400
fsmithred  wrote:

> After that, shutdown and reboot buttons stopped working in xfce and
> lightdm. Only logout from the desktop worked, bringing me to the
> login screen.

This has been the bane of my existence since long before systemd.
Sometimes my logout and reboot buttons worked, sometimes they were
gray, and sometimes they just exited the wm/de. And like fsmithred,
once systemd came along and I jumpered across it with another pid1,
those buttons almost never worked.

I think Devuan should create four can't-miss shellscripts, for these
four use cases:

* poweroff
* reboot
* hybernate
* suspend

On our supported wm/de's that have buttons for these things, those
buttons should invoke those shellscripts directly.

Obviously, there would need to be a way for those shellscripts to
access policykit.


Steve Litt 
June 2015 featured book: The Key to Everyday Excellence
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] A nice candidate substitute to network-manager

2015-06-12 Thread Steve Litt
On Fri, 12 Jun 2015 07:50:25 -0300
Marlon Nunes  wrote:

> Hi, i've been testing connman for a while and found it to handle very 
> well my network connections.

The following sentence from the preceding link made me sweat a little

ConnMan is optimized through open source for embedded and client
focused Intel® Quark technology, Intel® Atom™ processors and Intel®
Core™ processors.

I'm an AMD guy.


Those Arch guys are the biggest bunch of systemd jingoists on the
planet but you've got to admit, they write far and away the best
documentation on the planet.

> In my view, we can forget about network-manager completely for
> desktop usage.

Whether we stay with Wicd, which Devuan Alpha 2 does such a great job
with, or switch to ConnMan, either way, you're right: network-manager
is too entangled in dbus and systemd to be useful on Devuan, and it
also requires you be in X, and that's not always true.

I think that whether Wicd or ConnMan is our default network "make it
easier machine", it should be easy to switch between the two, and part
of that ease could be good documentation.

By the way, I was going to answer Bardot Jérôme's query about Devuan
Network-Manager similarly: Better to be rid of Network-Manager than to
wonder if it's going to drag in systemd on an update. Network-Manager's
wonderful for the one use case Debian envisions, but turns into a
stumbling block when you go offroad.


Steve Litt 
June 2015 featured book: The Key to Everyday Excellence
Dng mailing list

[Dng] Devuan and sneaker-net

2015-06-12 Thread LM
I started with Debian Squeeze on my desktop computer (since it was one
of the few Linux distributions that would work with my hardware) and
when it came time to update to Wheezy I did so by sneaker-net.  I'd
heard that Debian Jessie was out but I just didn't get around to
trying to update my system again and from what I've been reading about
the switch to systemd, I'm glad I didn't.  I had been considering
switching to file-rc or runit or busybox's init program (something
less complex than sysvinit) not something more complex like systemd.
I would like to try my sneaker-net process with Devuan instead of
Debian and hope it will work in a similar fashion.

I download all my dependencies by sneaker-net and check them over
before installing.  I want to know exactly what's on my system.  I'd
probably be running a distribution like Slackware right now where the
user handles the dependencies rather than the package manager, except
that there were some hardware installation issues with getting it
working with my desktop.

I hope Devuan will be as friendly to people who use sneaker-net for
installation as Debian has been in the past.

My documentation on the techniques I use to sneaker-net and control
what is installed on my system is at:

Hope the Devuan project is successful in providing an alternative to
Debian that supplies applications that truly attempt to do one task

I'm a C/C++ developer and I've also done documentation for a number of
Open Source projects.  I have several ports/modified versions of
lightweight program alternatives.  One of my goals is to eventually
have a working desktop system that runs in framebuffer using mainly
sdl, fltk and pdcurses/ncurses based applications.  If I can help the
project out with programming and/or documentation, I would certainly
be interested in doing so.
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Systemd sneaks in was file download zone

2015-06-12 Thread fsmithred

On 06/11/2015 02:17 PM, Jude Nelson wrote:
> Hi Clarke,
> Can you:
> * give us a listing of which systemd packages are installed (something like
> "aptitude search systemd | egrep ^i")?
> * use "apt-cache rdepends" to show us which packages depend on them?
> Thanks,
> Jude

Not the OP here, and not exactly what you're asking, but here's what I did

Installed devuan-alpha2-amd64 netinstall iso in virtualbox. At tasksel, I
un-checked Print Server and Devuan Desktop Environment, and I checked
XFCE. All seemed to be working well after install.

dpkg -l | grep systemd
ii  libpam-systemd:amd64  215-17+deb8u1
 amd64system and service manager - PAM module
ii  libsystemd0:amd64 215-17+deb8u1
 amd64systemd utility library
ii  systemd   215-17+deb8u1
 amd64system and service manager
ii  systemd-shim  9-1
 amd64shim for systemd

'aptitude why' pointed to task-xfce-desktop as the reason for systemd
packages, so I attempted to remove that.

'apt-get -s remove task-xfce-desktop libpam-systemd systemd' gave me a
long list of packages that were no longer needed and were set to
autoremove. (See below for the full list.) So I apt-get installed that
list of packages and then I could remove systemd, systemd-shim and
libpam-systemd without losing my whole desktop environment.

After that, shutdown and reboot buttons stopped working in xfce and
lightdm. Only logout from the desktop worked, bringing me to the login screen.

Then I added back systemd, systemd-shim and libpam-systemd. Desktop
buttons are no longer gray, but shutdown and reboot only bring me to the
lightdm login screen. Power button choices in lightdm are all grayed out.
That's not what I expected, and I don't know what's different from the
original install. If I get a chance to do it again, I can make full
packages lists before and after to see if something else got removed but
not reinstalled.


crda dns-root-data dnsmasq-base espeak-data exfalso fonts-freefont-ttf gimp
   25gimp-data gir1.2-atspi-2.0 gir1.2-gst-plugins-base-1.0
   26gir1.2-gtksource-3.0 gir1.2-keybinder-3.0 gir1.2-wnck-3.0
   27gnome-accessibility-themes gnome-orca gnome-themes-standard
   28gnome-themes-standard-data gtk2-engines-pixbuf hyphen-en-us
   29iw javascript-common libamd2.3.1 libao-common libao4 libass5
   30libaudio2 libavformat56 libbabl-0.1-0 libbasicusageenvironment0
   31libbluetooth3 libbrlapi0.6 libcamd2.3.1 libccolamd2.8.0 libcddb2
   32libcholmod2.1.2 libchromaprint0 libdc1394-22 libdca0
   33libdiscid0 libdotconf0 libdvbpsi9 libebml4 libenca0 libespeak1
   34libflite1 libfreerdp-cache1.1 libfreerdp-client1.1
   35libfreerdp-common1.1.0 libfreerdp-core1.1 libfreerdp-crypto1.1
   36libfreerdp-gdi1.1 libfreerdp-locale1.1 libfreerdp-primitives1.1
   37libfreerdp-utils1.1 libgail-common libgail18 libgegl-0.2-0 libgimp2.0
   38libgme0 libgpod-common libgpod4 libgroupsock4 libgtksourceview-3.0-1
   39libgtksourceview-3.0-common libilmbase6 libiso9660-8 libjs-jquery
   40libjs-sphinxdoc libjs-underscore libkate1 libkeybinder-3.0-0
   41liblightdm-gobject-1-0 liblircclient0 liblivemedia42
liblouis-data liblouis2
   42liblua5.2-0 libmatroska6 libmbim-glib4 libmbim-proxy libmm-glib0
   43libmodplug1 libmpcdec6 libmtp-common libmtp-runtime libmtp9 libndp0
   44libnetfilter-conntrack3 libnl-3-200 libnl-genl-3-200
   45libnm-glib-vpn1 libnm-glib4 libnm-gtk-common libnm-gtk0 libnm-util2
   46libopenexr6 libopenraw1 libportaudio2 libpostproc53 libqmi-glib1
   47libqmi-proxy libqt4-dbus libqt4-xml libqtcore4 libqtdbus4 libqtgui4
   48libreoffice-gtk libresid-builder0c2a libsdl-image1.2 libsdl1.2debian
   49libsgutils2-2 libshine3 libsidplay2 libsonic0 libspeechd2 libswscale3
   50libteamdctl0 libtidy-0.99-0 libumfpack5.6.2 libupnp6
   51libva-drm1 libva-x11-1 libvcdinfo0 libvlc5 libvlccore8 libvncclient0
   52libwinpr-crt0.1 libwinpr-crypto0.1 libwinpr-dsparse0.1
   53libwinpr-environment0.1 libwinpr-file0.1 libwinpr-handle0.1
   54libwinpr-input0.1 libwinpr-interlocked0.1 libwinpr-library0.1
   55libwinpr-path0.1 libwinpr-pool0.1 libwinpr-registry0.1
   56libwinpr-sspi0.1 libwinpr-synch0.1 libwinpr-sysinfo0.1
   57libwinpr-utils0.1 libwmf0.2-7 libwnck-3-0 libwnck-3-common
   58libxcb-keysyms1 libxcb-randr0 libxcb-xv0 lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter
   59media-player-info mobile-broadband-provider-info modemmanager
   60python-feedparser python-musicbrainz2 python-mutagen python-pyinotify
   61python-utidylib python3-brlapi python3-cairo python3-gi python3-lou

[Dng] A nice candidate substitute to network-manager

2015-06-12 Thread Marlon Nunes
Hi, i've been testing connman for a while and found it to handle very 
well my network connections.

In my view, we can forget about network-manager completely for desktop 

Stop slacking you lazy bum!
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Systemd sneaks in was file download zone

2015-06-12 Thread KatolaZ
On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 02:38:30PM +0530, Gautam Nath wrote:
> We all are sure that you will take care of those things in case of fresh
> installation. This will take some more time only. Heartfull of thanks.
> I am a general user and sourcing devuan/merged repositary. This might be
> better that all bad stuff will be deleted on regular (upgrade)dist-upgrade.
> For final pruning on update there may be a wellcome massage to galaxy. And
> a todo/wiki is also desiarable.

Any sugar or milk in your coffee? :D

[ Enzo Nicosia aka KatolaZ --- GLUG Catania -- Freaknet Medialab ]
[ me [at] -- -- ]
[ GNU/Linux User:#325780/ICQ UIN: #258332181/GPG key ID 0B5F062F ]
[ Fingerprint: 8E59 D6AA 445E FDB4 A153 3D5A 5F20 B3AE 0B5F 062F ]
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Systemd sneaks in was file download zone

2015-06-12 Thread Gautam Nath
We all are sure that you will take care of those things in case of fresh
installation. This will take some more time only. Heartfull of thanks.

I am a general user and sourcing devuan/merged repositary. This might be
better that all bad stuff will be deleted on regular (upgrade)dist-upgrade.
For final pruning on update there may be a wellcome massage to galaxy. And
a todo/wiki is also desiarable.


On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 8:07 AM, Steve Litt 

> On Fri, 12 Jun 2015 04:11:12 +0200
> Franco Lanza  wrote:
> > Anyway, differently from debian, even in the alpha stage in devuan you
> > can, right now and avoiding some packages like gnome things, have a
> > completely systemd install.
> Even more to the point, unlike Debian, with Devuan Alpha 2 you can run
> an OS whose PID1 isn't systemd. I think tying everything else to PID1
> was most peoples' major complaint, although by now most of us want to
> completely purge the init that shall not be mentioned.
> > Let's the haters hate, and
> Man, and they do hate, don't they. On my local LUG I posted how I
> created LittKit to give Daemontools ordered startup capability, never
> mentioning any init system, and right away it turned into a cheering
> session for systemd, and dissing of anyone who wasn't with the program.
> Sheesh, all I did was write about Free Software to make daemontools
> more capable.
> > let's us all work for the good.
> Yeah, that's why I'm proud to be friends with you guys.
> SteveT
> Steve Litt
> June 2015 featured book: The Key to Everyday Excellence
> ___
> Dng mailing list
Dng mailing list

[Dng] Migration

2015-06-12 Thread Bardot Jérôme
Hash: SHA256

Hello everybody
My schedule was full, i want to know if we can migrate from stretch and
what how can i do this.

Do you know if there is a version of network-manager-gnome and co
without systemd ?

Version: GnuPG v2

Dng mailing list

[Dng] LightDM and Xfce issues

2015-06-12 Thread Dima Krasner

I'm currently investigating various reports of session/power management related 

Please let me know if you see either:
  - Greyed-out shutdown/reboot buttons in LightDM or Xfce
  - Shutdown/reboot buttons which do nothing when clicked

Thank you,

Dima Krasner 

Dng mailing list